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Contagion owes its realism to extensive input from experts in epidemiology, veterinary, pathology and

other related fields, who scrutinized the movie for scientific accuracy at every stage of its production.
They made sure the scientist characters had the right lab equipment and used the right jargon. It is
strange, scary and upsetting to see this movie, especially now in regards to what is happening around
the world. But I feel it is a must to see this movie. Because this movie was very educational and
informative. It taught you various things, to keep thing hygienic. It made you reflect over certain things.
Things that is happening now in real life and real time. Things we didn’t even think about before this
Coronavirus started. Things we took for granted and today we are being careful. It is so strange though,
that this movie came out in 2011 and today 2020 we are experiencing similar situations similar to this
movie. It is scary. Anyhow the movie was really great. It felt like watching a documentary. This movie is
for all ages. We really recommend watching this movie, especially what is happening with Corona right

This is not a zombie movie or either a Korean novella. But it is not an overdramatized race to catch the
attention of the viewer or audience. Instead, it is a rather realistic depiction of a fast-spreading
contagion with a high mortality rate. As I am watching the spread of Covid-19, I see numerous parallels
with the film. OK, the virus in the movie was way too deadly and with a short incubation period, but that
made it easier to contain. The vaccine was developed incredibly fast, too. I mean, it had to all fit inside
less than two hours. In other words, it is describing exactly what is happening now, but at a much faster
rate. It is therefore important to note the predictions of this film: irresponsible individuals, idiots
spreading rumors online, violence from desperate people, supply shortages on every level.

As per the study of Modern Biology in the chapter of microbiology, we are highly recommending this
movie to be part of the discussion as it is one of the best representations of how a pandemic or
infectious diseases roam around the civilization. We can affirm to that as the movie provides an
education on how epidemiologists identify those who have had possible contact with disease-infected
individuals, a process known as contact tracing. This movie has an excellent writing, good direction, an
invisible antagonist, and most importantly a sense of realism. A core theme of Contagion is its
characters’ willingness to bend and break rules and laws, some for completely selfless reasons, others to
spare themselves the loss of loved ones and still others for personal gain. Well, it is undeniable that this
should be a must-see movie for the younger generation since it captures the frightening reality of a
pandemic and humankind’s reaction to it like no movie has ever captured before.

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