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Telegram @neet uestionpaper Anatomy®r Flowering Plants Tissues feleoa oe ele scam, en Sip anes cones ane Spa Towe cones eT Pe ‘matous flores: Parenchyma. Phloem Glandular _Laticiferous Tissue baal ie Latex Cals vessels External Giands intemal Glands Glandular Digestive Glands Seoreting Glands [———T — ——] Hairs” (eruyma secreting (metas) asin Water Secrting ‘dends) Gland Gland (ryathodes or water stomata) 1. Meristematic Tissues A meristem or meristematic tissue (Gk. meristos — divided) is a simple tissue composed of ‘a group of cells that are in continuous state of division resulting in new cells or retain their power of division’. The term ‘meristem’ was coined by C Nageli (1858) to designate dividing cells. The chief characteristics of these tissues are () Rounded, oval, polygonal or rectangular immature cells of small size. (ii) Intercellular spaces are absent between meristematic cells. (iii) They do not store reserve food material and are in active state of metabolism. (iv) They have abundant and dense cytoplasm with small endoplasmic reticulum and simple mitochondria. (v) Plastids are present in proplastid stage. (vi) Nucleus is large and conspicuous.

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