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- International emission trading permits countries to transfer parts of their allowed

emissions(assigned amount units)
- Joint implementation (JI) allows countries to claim credit for emission reductions that
arise from investment in other industrialized countries, which result in a transfer of
equivalent emission reduction units between the countries.
- The clean development mechanism (CDM) allows emission reduction projects that assist
in creating sustainable developing countries to generate certified emission reductions for
use by investor.
- Attract capital for projects that assist in the shift to a more prosperous but less carbon
intensive economy.
- Encourage and permit the active participation of both private and public sectors.
- Provide a tool of technology transfer, if investment is channeled into projects that replace
old and inefficient fossil fuel technology, or create new industries in environmentally
sustainable technologies.
- Help define investment priorities in projects that meet sustainable development goals.
- Transfer of technology and financial resources.
- Sustainable ways of energy production.
- Increasing energy efficiency and conservation.
- Poverty alleviation through income and employment generation.
- Local environmental side benefits.


- Provides essential human needs.
The explosion of population means people will have to scramble for the limited life
essentials like food, shelter, and water.
- Agricultural requirement.
Sustainable development focuses on sustainable agricultural methods such as effective
seeding techniques and crop rotation to promote high yields while maintain the integrity
of the soil, which produces food for a large population.
- Manage climate change.
Sustainable development practices seek to reduce the use of fossil-based sources of fuel
like oil, natural gas, and coal.
- Financial stability.
Sustainable development practices have the ability to create more financially sustainable
economies across the globe.
- Sustain biodiversity.
Sustainable development practices encourage the use of renewable energy resources and
organic farming practices that do not emit any greenhouse gas to the atmosphere.

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