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A bombing incident brought an influx of patients in the nearby

hospitals. The following patients had been admitted. Determine the following for each
burned patient and show tour complete solution: GIVEN WEIGHT: 60 kg

a. Percentage of body surface area burned (% TBSA)

b. Total fluid volume replacement
c. Fluid for the 1st 8 hours and the fluid volume for the next 16 hours

1. A 25-year old female patient, Akiko, has sustained burns to the back of the
right arm, posterior trunk, front of the left leg, anterior head and neck, and

a. % TBSA (4pts) = Back of right arm (4.5%), posterior trunk (18%), front of left leg
(9%), anterior head and neck (4.5%) and perineum (1%) = 37%. TBSA burned

b. Total fluid volume replacement (4pts) = Using the Parkland's formula to calculate
fluid replacement which is 4ml × %TBSA × patient's weight (kg).

4ml × 37 × 60 = 8,880mL

c. IVF volume for the 1st 8 hours =

1st 8 hours = 4,440mL

IVF volume for over the next 16 hours =

Next 16 hours = 4,440mL

2. A 68-year-old male patient, Yukuchi Fukazawa, has partial thickness burns to the front
and back of the right and left leg, front of right arm, and anterior trunk.

a. % TBSA (4pts) = Front and back of right and left leg (36%), front of right arm
(4.5%), anterior trunk (18%) = 58.5%. TBSA burned

b. Total fluid volume replacement (4pts)=Using the parkland's formula to calculate fluid
replacement which is 4mL × %TBSA × patient's weight (kg)

4mL × 58.5 × 60 = 14,040mL

c. IVF volume for the 1st 8 hours =

1st 8 hours = 7,020mL

IVF volume for over the next 16 hours =

Next 16 hours = 7,020mL

3. A 66-year-old female patient, Naomi, has deep partial-thickness burns to both of the legs
on the back, front and back of the trunk, both arms on the front and back, and front and
back of the head and neck.

a. % TBSA (4pts)= Both of the legs on the back (18%), front and back of the trunk
(36%), both arms on the front and back (18%), front and back of the head and neck
(9%) = 81% TBSA burned

b. Total fluid volume replacement (4pts)= Using the parkland's formula to calculate
fluid replacement which is 4mL × %TBSA × patient's weight (kg)

4mL × 81 × 60 = 19,440 mL

c. IVF volume for the 1st 8 hours =

1st 8 hours = 9,720mL

IVF volume for over the next 16 hours =

Next 16 hours = 9,720mL

4. A 35-year-old male patient, Dazai, has full thickness burns to the anterior and posterior
head and neck, front of left leg, and perineum. He was brought into the hospital at 12nn
where you are on ER duty for the 6am-2pm shift.

a. % TBSA = Anterior and posterior head and neck (9%), front of left leg (9%),
perineum (1%) = 19% TBSA burned

b. Total fluid volume replacement needed. IVF resuscitation started at 12nn.

Using the parkland's formula to calculate fluid replacement which is 4mL × %TBSA
× patient's weight (kg)

4mL × 19 × 60 = 4,560mL

c. IVF volume for the 1st 8 hours = 2,280mL

IVF volume for over the next 16hours = 2,280mL

d. How much of the IVF of Patient Dazai will you be endorsing at the end of your shift at
2pm? = 2,280mL
5. A 58 year old female patient, Elise, has superficial partial-thickness burns to the anterior
head and neck, front and back of the left arm, front of the right arm, posterior trunk, front
and back of the right leg, and back of the left leg. She was brought into the hospital at
12:15pm where you are on ER duty for the 2pm-10pm shift.

a. % TBSA= Anterior head and neck (4.5%), front and back of the left arm (9%), front
of the right arm (4.5%), posterior trunk (18%), front and back of the right leg
(18%), back of the left leg (9%) = 63% TBSA burned

b. Total fluid volume replacement needed. IVF resuscitation started at 12:15pm.

Using the parkland's formula to calculate fluid replacement which is 4mL × %TBSA
× patient's weight (kg)
4mL × 63 × 60 = 15,120mL

c. IVF volume for the 1st 8 hours = 7,560mL

IVF volume for over the next 16hours = 7,560mL

d. What time would you expect to replace Patient Elise’s IVF bottle?
8:15 pm

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