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Bridge Research Paper

What are they? How do they function? How many types are there?

These are some of the questions I'll be answering in this research segment.

What are Bridges?

A bridge is a structure built to span a physical obstacle (such as a body of water,
valley, road, or rail) without blocking the way underneath.
They also provide passage for transportation Trucks, trains and some bridges
accommodate even sea freight. Foot traffic is also favored by bridges, the
pavement in some instances can also be considered a bridge.

How do they Function?

As mentioned in the last heading, bridges are built to cover a span of physical
objects, but some bridges have alternate functions. Some examples are
Drawbridges or Mobile Bridges

Drawbridges function the

same as any other bridge
but they accommodate for
sea transport as seen in
the picture.
Mobile Bridges are
mainly used in military
applications but some
mobile bridges can be
used temporarily if one
is being constructed.
These bridges are not
common but they are
useful in many cases.

How many types are there?

There are 5 main types of bridges.
* - This bridge was made for the group project

1. Arch Bridges - These are the most common types of bridges for short spans

2. Truss Bridges - These bridges use tension from the trusses to keep the
bridge sturdy. They are also cost efficient and the oldest types of modern bridge

3. Suspension bridges - Suspension bridges are suspended by cables on posts

from the ends of the bridge which are then connected by smaller pieces of rope

4. *Tied arch Bridge - Tied arch Bridges are similar to truss bridges, in the fact
that they require support from a truss or arch, in this case, of the structure.

5. Cable-Stayed Bridges - Cable-stayed Bridges are held by cables on each

side of the bridge, held up by supports where the cables are connected.

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