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Título: My daily routine on Saturday

Autor: Karley Andrea Quiroz Sossa
Fecha: 28/10/2022

Código de estudiante: 96955

Carrera: Administración de empresas

Asignatura: Idioma I
Grupo: N
Docente: Anavely Moron Encinas
Periodo Académico: II- Semestre
Subsede: Santa Cruz
Título: My daily routine on Saturday
Autor: Karley Andrea Quiroz Sossa

my daily routine on Saturday

Hello teacher, welcome to a day with me. Let 's go! First, I usually wake up at
7:00 a.m. Then I always pray after I get up. After I get up and go to the bathroom. I
always brush my teeth and wash my face. I use Asepsia brand charcoal soap. This
product is very good for oily skin and leaves the skin baby-soft. After that I always
put on a little makeup. I use basic products like face cream, eyebrow shadow,
mascara and lipstick. Then, I brush my hair. Afterwards, I Always pass English online
classes from 8:40 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. After that I usually go to eat breakfast. For
breakfast, I like to eat a banana milkshake with milk and whole wheat bread. After, I
usually help my mom cook. This day I had to make the rice to go with the lentils and
I like to add some vegetables like onions and bell peppers to add flavor to the rice.
Then I check that everything is cooked and serve the food at 12:30 p.m. Then my
mother and I always give thanks for the food before we eat. After that, I usually watch
animated movies with my younger sister on HBO. After that, I usually work with my
mother at 4:00 p.m. I help for example cutting fabric, packaging products and others.
Later, I always eat or drink something light. Also, I always surf the net while eating
or drinking something light until 7:00 p.m. Moreover, I Always do some university
tasks at 7:00 p.m. This day I had to do accounting homework. After that, I put on my
pajamas and I usually study the Bible at 9:00 p.m. That day I had to study Psalm 51
which tells us about the true repentance of a sinner to approach God. Then, I always
brush my teeth and wash my face for sleep. This is important to me as it helps me
to have healthy teeth and a clean skin. Finally, I usually go to sleep at 11:00 p.m.
and that's all for today good evening thanks for your attention.

Asignatura: Idioma I 2
Carrera: Administración de empresas

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