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Student Teacher Téa Saleh Co-operating Teacher Heidi Tessler

Date Thursday, October 20, Start/End time 9:20 am -10:20 am Room 204

*Note - We will not be practicing "Y" as a vowel sound. Students have already been made aware that it sometimes makes
the Long E sound, even if the word does not include an "E". They will therefore be practicing it throughout this lesson.*

Title of lesson Long E Vowel Sound Grade level 2

Subject English Language Arts Topic Vowel Sounds
Relevance Students are learning about vowel sounds in English Language Arts. They have completed
the Short A, Long A, and Short E vowel sounds, so we are moving forward with the Long E
vowel sound. Students have already been introduced to this sound, so they will be completing
a series of activities to practice recognizing and sounding out many words with the Long E
Materials/Resources ● Riddles:
Required ○ Long E riddles written down for the teacher to read to the class
● Board game centre:
○ Handmade Long E board game
○ Dice
○ Handmade playing pieces
● Twister centre:
○ Handmade Twister spinner
○ Handmade Twister dots with Long E words
● Heads up centre:
○ Heads up cards with Long E words
● Roll n read centre:
○ Handmade Long E Roll and read sheet
○ Plastic sleeve
○ Dice
● E sheet centre:
○ E sheet
○ Long E word search
● Exit ticket:
○ Handmade Long E Mix and Match
( Long E riddles ) ( Long E Centres ) ( Long E Printouts )
QEP Subject Area English Language Arts:
Competencies ● Competency 3: To represent his/her literacy in different media
● Competency 4: To use language to communicate and learn
Learning Objectives English Language Arts:

Conventions of Written and Media Language:

A. Understanding the Conventions of Written Language
2. Usage Conventions (agreement and word choice)
c. Selects words that convey the intended meaning and create a picture in the
reader’s mind
3. Mechanics
c. Spelling

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
Language Learning Process:
B. Writing Process
4. Editing
a. Checks for spelling, punctuation and capitalization
Essential ● What sound does the Long E make?
Question(s) ● What are some words that have the Long E sound?
● How can we identify the Long E sound in words?
● What combinations can make a Long E sound?

Lesson Timing Plan Students will know:

15 minutes Introduction (Hook) ● What sound the Long E makes

● (15 minutes) Long E riddles game to Students will understand:

remind students of Long E words.
○ The teacher will read a series of ● Different letter combinations of the
riddles, and the students will try to Long E sound
guess the word that the teacher is
describing. The words will be Students will do:
revealed one by one.
○ If time permits, students can ● A number of different activities
generate a Long E word list that the including Long E riddles, a Long E
teacher will write down. board game, Long E twister, Long
Eheads up, Long E roll and read,
and a Long E colouring sheet.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:

35 minutes Development (Learning activities – step-by-step ● 2 - solves problems

sequential procedure): ● 4 - uses creativity
● 8 - cooperates with others
● 9 - communicates appropriately

● (5 minutes) Explain each centre to the Broad Areas of Learning:

students and take questions after explaining
each one. ● Media Literacy: using the story to
● (30 minutes) Set a timer to go off every 6 help them familiarize themselves
minutes. Each time the timer goes off, with the Long E vowel sound.
students will rotate to the next centre. ● Citizenship and community life:
Long e centres Students will practice working
○ Long E Twister: Student 1 will flick together and helping each other out
the spinner, and do as it says (ex: if it while sounding out new words and
lands on a red dot in the left foot trying new games.
quadrant, they must place their left
foot on a red dot). Student 1 will then
try to read the word before placing
their foot/hand on the dot. If they
read the word successfully, they can
keep their foot/hand on the dot. If
they fail to read the word
successfully, they do not put their
foot/hand on the dot, and they will try
again for their next turn (Students 2
and 3 may help Student 1 sound out

the word if Student 1 asks for help). Universal Design for Learning/
Repeat with each student. Differentiation/
○ Long E Board Game: Student 1 will
roll the dice. Whatever number it ● Different multiple intelligences and
lands on, they must move their learning styles to benefit the needs
playing piece up for that amount of of each student
boxes. Student 1 will then try to read ● Group work so students can learn
the word from the box they landed with and from each other
on. If they do so successfully, they
can keep their playing piece on that
box. If they fail to read the word
successfully, they will move their
playing piece back to the spot it
came from, and they will try again for
their next turn (Students 2 and 3 may
help Student 1 sound out the word if
Student 1 asks for help). Repeat with
each student.
○ Long E Heads Up: Student 1 will
pick a card and place it on their
forehead without looking at what it
says. Then, Students 2 and 3 will try
to make Student 1 guess the word,
without using said word to do so.
Repeat with each student.
○ Long E Roll n Read: Student 1 will
roll the dice. Whatever number it
lands on, they must pick a word from
that category and sound it out. If they
do so successfully, they may use a
whiteboard marker to cross out the
word. If they fail to do so
successfully, they may not cross out
the word, and they will wait for their
next turn. (Students 2 and 3 may
help Student 1 sound out if Student 1
asks for help). Repeat with each
○ Long E colouring sheet (and word
search): Each student will get a
Long E colouring sheet. They will
write 3 Long E words in the E, and
then draw pictures of these words. If
they finish this quickly, they may
begin a word search on the next

10 minutes Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR learning:
● Participation in the Long E centres

● (10 minutes) Exit ticket: FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:

mix and match exit ticket
○ Students will have 10 minutes at the ● Helping each other sound out words
end of class to complete the correctly at each centre
mix-and-match exit ticket. They must
draw a line from the word on the left SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:
to the corresponding photo on the
right, and hand it in at the end of ● Completion of the Long E exit ticket
class. ● Playing the Long E games at each
○ If they finish this early, they may centre
complete the word search or finish
working on their "E" colouring sheet.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) considerations:

● Visuals include images of children with diverse ethnicities and genders.

● Words learned pertain to the familiar vocabulary used in school by EACH child.
● Games that focus on various learning styles and multiple intelligences for students at each level.

● All centre activity groups are specifically chosen by the teacher to ensure that there is an equal balance of
various strengths in each group.

Learning Styles:
● Visual: Images and colours used for the games, images for the exit ticket.
● Verbal: Discussion of Long E words, reading Long E words aloud by sounding them out.
● Bodily/Kinesthetic: Actively moving during the many of the Long E centres.

Multiple Intelligences:
● Bodily/Kinesthetic: Being active and using movement during the Long E centres.
● Linguistic: Using language to help each other and to communicate appropriately.
● Interpersonal: Working together to generate Long E word ideas and complete the activities at each centre.


Professional Competencies:

Competency 6 - Manage how the class operates:

To ease student anxiety, I explain each activity thoroughly and allow them to ask questions after the explanation of each
game. Once the centres start, I have a loud timer to remind students when it is time to switch. I make sure to travel
around the classroom to help each group complete the activities successfully. I make sure to reinforce our set of
classroom rules for the students to follow during each activity.

Competency 8 - Support students' love of learning:

I created this lesson using a variety of different approaches to engage each student. Each centre targets different
multiple intelligences and learning styles, and they each contain words that vary in difficulty, so both lower-level and
higher-level students can feel encouraged to continue.

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