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Chapter 11

I will describe how Lois Lowry describes the snow and brings memories real

Lois Lowery uses a lot of literary devices to create an image in your brain of how a
snowflake feels to Jonas.
For example ‘Tiny cold featherlike feelings peppered his body and face’
Describes how the snowflake feels. The writer uses tiny to describe a snowflake and you can
evolkes a small thing if she uses small cause everybody knows that the snowflakes are tiny
pieces of snow. Ii says that it is cold which everybody knows what cold feeling is. She uses
cold and not warm because Jonas is up in the mountain and there is a lot of snow beside
him and a sled which everybody know is sledding on a snow.The writer uses feather like
feeling because the snow fales are small and tiny which means they are fertler like with are
very light this is a adjective. The author of the quote uses feeling because this is what you
feel cold featherlike these are things that describe as snow flakes. The author uses peperd
not to do a repertino and peppered is an adjective which means that the snowflakes touch
his body and face.

Lois Lowry uses some adjectives to describe the feelings for the snow flakes. The feeling
that Jonas feels is a peppard and cold. He may feel that the feelings are gold. The word
means that peppered his face and body. The feeling that the author describes is that the
things that fell on his body are some colds and tiny staff that peperd his face and body.

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