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Digital Marketing

Jahid Hasan| ID-46 | MBA-63D| Date: 22/08/2022

Digital Divide:

The disparity between groups who have access to technology and the internet and those who do not is
known as the "digital divide" or "technology gap." It discusses the disparity between those who have
access to reasonably priced, dependable internet service (as well as the knowledge and tools required to
make the most of that access) and those who don't.

Rural communities are significantly more likely to be shut off from digital technologies than city
dwellers, which is a problem in many nations. Additionally, continents and nations are divided. Between
men and women, it also exists worldwide. There are various forms of digital divides besides those
between developed and developing nations, rural and urban people, and men and women:

• The Use Divide: This refers to the variation in skill levels that people possess. When it comes to
the abilities required to utilize the internet, there is a generational divide. It is also influenced by
the caliber of education a person obtains. Folks who are younger and more educated typically
have more skills than older, less educated people.
• The Access Divide: The access divide: This is the most visible digital divide. It refers to the
socioeconomic differences among people and the impact on their ability to afford the devices
necessary to get online. In developing countries, many people have limited access to technology
or the internet and do not have the skills necessary to use it effectively.
• The Quality of Use gap: The quality-of-use gap is a slightly more challenging metric. It alludes to
the various ways that people utilize the internet and the reality that some people are far better
than others at finding the information they require there.

These disparities in skill sets and connectedness are a reflection of gender discrimination, wealth
disparities, and access to education. These same gaps are made worse by the digital divide since it
prevents many people from accessing the knowledge, they need to improve their current living

The global digital divide was often viewed as an inevitable by product of economic growth. It was widely
believed that as nations and individuals became wealthier, they would buy digital infrastructure and
gadgets, and the digital divide would organically lessen.

Despite the fact that incomes have increased globally over the past 20 years, many developing nations
still have limited access to digital services. This frequently results from a lack of funding for internet
infrastructure. Although citizens may have internet-capable gadgets, they do not yet have a connection
to the internet.

Some observers worry that the digital divide is increasing greater rather than shrinking. Additionally, it
appears that some dubious business activities are growing the disparity even inside developed
countries: The current arguments over versioning and net neutrality might be regarded as concerns over
fair access to the internet.

Reference: 1.

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