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Digital Marketing

Jahid Hasan| ID-46 | MBA-63D | Date: 26/08/2022

• Critical Analysis of Dave Chaffey’s Six categories of Digital Media Channels:

1. Search Marketing

2. Social Media Marketing

3. Digital Advertising

4. Digital PR

5. Digital Partnerships

6. Digital Messaging

• Earned Media
•Paid Media • Owned Media
1. Pay Per Click 1.Backlinks
1.Organic Search
2. Paid Social 2. Earned Mentions
2. Organic Social
3. Programmatic Display 3. Sponsorship
3. Native Advertising
4. Online Advertorial 4. Influencer Outreach
4. Guest Blogging
5. Affiliate Marketing 5. Co-Marketing
5. Co- Branding
6. Publisher email 6. Partner Emails
6. In house email

1. Though, paid media ensures Instant results, Easy to track, Control over message a copy, Easy to
target high intent customers, it also Initially expensive, getting more expensive as competition
increases, Easy to get dependent on paid channels that do not scale with spend.
2. Earned media gives us huge opportunity about Complete controlling, Costs less marketing,
Publishing directly on any site. But we can face trouble as Limited audience and there has been
needed internal maintenance.
3. Public Blogs or public forums aren’t paid media. In this media channel anyone can write by their
opinion and can edit or remove that as their will. These channels neither paid nor earned media

4. Besides, word of mouth is another source of earned marketing that hasn’t been given proper
importance by chaffey.

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