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Production Booklet.

As the intro is playing we see text on Now here you go again, you say you want
your freedom
the screen to tell us a brief back story Well, who am I to keep you down?
of the boy. It's only right that you should play the way you
We have a medium shot of the boy feel it
But listen carefully to the sound of your
praying and gathering his thoughts. loneliness
Then b-role is shown of the church Like a heartbeat, drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
and it surroundings. He then walks And what you lost
out the church looking hopeless. A And what you had
medium shot his shown of him And what you lost
Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining
standing outside the church. He then Players only love you when they're playing
starts to walk into the town and Say, women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
flashbacks start to appear. You'll know
The flashback takes us to a park Now here I go again, I see the crystal vision
I keep my visions to myself
where they are just chilling and But it's only me who wants to wrap around
hanging out. As he continues to walk your dreams, and
down the street he sees his refection Have you any dreams you'd like to sell,
dreams of loneliness?
in a window. We then transition to Like a heartbeat, drives you mad
another flashback where he is back In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost
reunited with his friends. After his we And what you had
see him sat alone on a bench Ooh, what you lost
somewhere in the town. We have b-
roll of a friend giving him a balloon
and they are happy. But then as we
get to the next lyric he lets the
balloon go and he is sad. Get a shot
Thunder only happens when it's raining
of balloon in the sky. Players only love you when they're playing
We then get a thunder sound affect Women, they will come and they will go
and starts to cry. Then after that line When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining
has ended we see the boy and his Players only love you when they're playing
girlfriend have an argument and see Say, women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
her leave him. You'll know
This repeats for the twice around You will know
but we see a shot of her walking Oh-oh-oh, you'll know
away then cut to his expression
on his face.

We see the boy having time by

himself taking in the fact that he has
to except that that’s the way things
will be and has to find away round it.

Production Schedule.

Monday 27th November

I will be doing auditions on that day to see who I want to be in my production. I have a few
people in mind however. I also need to upload my test shoots and the auditions. I’m going
to hire a shoulder mount to help with the steadiness of my shots (this will be used for the
church scene mostly.)

Tuesday and Wednesday 28th and 29th.

We have these two days off so I’m going to prepare any props I need to be ready for my first
day on filming on Thursday. I will also catch up on anything that needs to be finished and
double check my scripts and storyboards to see if anything needs changing.

Thursday 30th November.

I want to film on this day as I feel it would be the right time to do so. The weather is also
prefect as it says it would be cloudy. I will film the church scenes first as I would have
already hired out the equipment to take out that day. B-role of the Church and the
architecture as well .

Friday 1st December.

As we have start early on a Friday I can get the park scene done as that may take a while
because I have four-five other people with me who are going to be in that scene. After I
have finished shooting that scene I will shoot in the town where I need to film a few shots. I
only need my main actor.

Monday 3rd December

This will be the last day where I need a lot of my actors. I would shoot it on the previous
Friday but I want to show time has pasted by the background characters wearing different
clothes. My main character will still be and look the same. This is for the scene where he is
reunited with his friends.

Tuesday 4th December

I will most likely go into collage that day to see where I’m up to and what footage I have and
see what footage I need. For the footage I have I can edit it and do colour correcting and do
whatever needs finishing that I haven’t done. It also has the potential to re shoot any B-role
that I think could be better or needs changing.

Wednesday 5th December

This could potentially be the last day of filming if all is well. I will only need one other person
and my main actor. This will be the balloon scene and will be the last time where the boy
sees his friends in the whole production. After this I need only my main actor to film the
scene near the lock and on the bridge (the last scene and location of my music video.) For
this last shot of me on the bridge I want to bring my bigger lens as the affect I’m looking for
could work with the lens I have.

Thursday 6th December

I can gain all my footage and edit what’s left of my production. I feel if I started editing now
it would give me enough time to take my time and really edit it on how I want it to be. This
will also give me time to look up any tutorial of anything I’m unsure on during the editing

Friday 7th December- Friday 16th December.

Anything form this point will be my evaluation and finishing anything that needs refining or

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