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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

I may not get the location I planned on getting. I have some back up options like the art
studio if I am unable to use a garage. I plan to solve this by asking early if the garage is
available or not.

Actors might not be available on the day I would like to shoot. I plan to solve this by
letting them know way in advance so they have time and if any reshoots are needed I can
be more flexible with my time as I should have more time to re shoot if I stick to the
planning schedule.

A movie on streaming platforms doesn’t allow people to take screen shots to use for
references. I can search up a trailer or clips of the movie on YouTube and get screen shots
form there.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems

I need to hire some equipment like a camera with a mic. I need to hire them out ASAP before other
people get hold of them. I need to make sure I get to grips with the camera and make sure I get the
same one every time I hire it out.
Weather could be an issue for filming as I struggle to see the camera if it is in bright weather. Plan
the days I shoot will be a sensible idea so I don’t have this issue.

Mid project check-up (After research)

I didn’t get a location for the Café as it was shut due to maintenance so I couldn’t go and ask to
film or film in the location.
I was ill due to Covid so I couldn’t do too many test shoots. I didn’t have much time to experiment
more because I was writing the script and planning. I did manage to get my main shoots I wanted to
I should have made enough time to do some research and not film on the week of the deadline. I
was editing as I go along but didn’t make time for test shoots. This did make me feel like I will get
to the deadline easier and felt like I was on track.
I had to reschedule my filming in the art studio due to exams so I asked the teacher if I could film
after school.
The weather for one of the scenes was really bright and struggled to get the camera in focus for a
few shots. I didn’t have time to re shoot but they looked ok and not completely out of focus and
people could tell what was happening.
My actor was away on one day I wanted to film a short scene. I did manage to get this done on
another day after filming a longer scene as what I needed to film wasn’t long at all.
End project review

I had to remove some of the frequency using and FFT filter to make it sound like my actor was on
the phone. This took a while but the end result was good.
I had to go some colour grading as I had to film the same scenes on different days.
This was hard to get exactly the right colours but looked similar and achieved this by turning down
the exposure on the sunnier shots and lowering the colours slightly.
I had to put a stabilizer on a few shots and for some the background went wobbly and didn’t look
good. I done this by cutting the clip at the point where it started to wobble and make it a new clip. I
had to resize the image to make it look like I hadn’t done anything, this took a while with some
close looking but managed to get it right and looked good in the end result.

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