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Stroke of Luck HG studio Production acT 1. EX? ~ DOORSTEP- DAY. It's a normal day in the neighbourhood and everything was Line, witha Little traffic on the main road. We aet an ESTABLISHING SHOT Of, the house. ee ce y ac the Ge we see a parcel and letter on the Goorstep of ANDYS house, He opens the door with a slight grin to his face and takes then inside. . cut to: nvr = DINING ROOM- DAY, ‘Andy, a seventeen-year-old boy with curly hair and introvert puts’ them on the table and jus: to peck fand see if it was from the art school. Mevomiles t himself taking it in and trying to Jexcitenent until be cant take St anymore and opens it fully, Andy’ face guddemly-changes when he looks over to his right gna sees the pile of bills that have yet to been paid. He then put the Letter in his side pocket and wakes the letter and Upstairs, We see che Lotel cast \S blog cao. cut tot “NT- BEDROOM ~ DAY. Ais mood is flat and reality has hit Andy right in the face. He andy Alexa play opera music While Listening to the music he is doodling on a pisce of peper practicing shapes and basic forms he needs to compete his art The ppieco-of\paperiis then turned around and startslwriting = Uist of pros and cons of how to address his situation After a few notes are written he vask friends. VINCENT a clever but basic person who doesn’t take too mich risk and is very sensible and ROSSERT, a rich money Loving boy but loyal to his friends close friends call him BANKSY for short. andy (Whispered Lightly almost regretting the decision.) oh Jesus We then have 2 \Z00MIN on the page and have a fldsh forward of what could happen if he told then separately. = cut tor (allege bench. asa Andy and Robert are drinking outside before Andy addresses his sitietion. Exe Andy takes one last slurp of hie drink which he finds hard to swallow. anne BanksT have an issue, you see T have been accepted inte that art school, you nies = 2 ROBERT yen any (continued) 2x And I don’t know what to do’ Like where do I get the money from its not Like my mam can wave a wand and hundred thousand 4 pound suddenly drope inte my hands, is it Robert takes some time to think about the situation. = onert— tthy-don!t you just ask for a loan ny apna oF COREY OLS peg ter moro 7G @®) Lay bebo te SEE PESTOOETI or you can start a fund raiser for a good cause but take the wnoney for the Art School. Andy looke in shock after hearing what his friend just said andy. I’m not doing any of those plus the last idea was utterly stupid, not only is it wrong T’m not scamming normal people of hard earned money. 3 Robert. Torun Wve Fenton franioer Yoo Same sores wont make 4 dgerence 4 a ROO 37 0 { Cask Robert ‘rake it of leave it (a slight pause.) The choice 18 yours. FAQE 10 WHITE. andy puta bis phone on loudspeaker ringing Vincent, again addressing his situation. He is ‘and in the with arteeupplies and,canvassspreads0Ut. on the table. ANDY Hello, Vincent it’s me don’t speak let me explain, 1 ve green accepted into the Art school Vincent ‘The New York one? “Andy (continued) ‘Yep but it’s a absolute shit tone of money and T really don’t know what to do. vincent Well I suppose you can get a job somewhere I’m not really sure its not really my problem but T can help you look around for work if needed. wr A Little part time job isn’t going to pay off One hundzed thousand pound is it? And don’t start getting ali bitchy saying och its not my problem and — all that rubbish — veneer eee act 2. An alarm clock starts to ring. en openings, injshock as he feels ready for the day, ‘A CLOSE UP ott THE BYES AS HE OPENS THEM. Wr~ KITCHEN- Day. andy is getting ready for the day he gets his sandwich out of the fridge and fills up water bottle ready to go te college- te walks to the porch packs his half empty bag want walks out the: caur- CANTEEN- DAY — vincent and Robert are already sitting down and Andy walks towards their table Looking worn out. vincent — SQ0vt Alright mate, are you ok? Looks Like you bave seen a ghost. anor (He shaps.) 5 Shut up Vincent you mug, you know what I’m going * through s0 cut the sarcaan. \ Atright? | § ‘VINCENT le von alright mate sorry. You came up with an idea yet. anor No A moment. of awkward silence is surrounding the groups table. Robert clicks his finders as an idea comes to mind. ROBERT ok right Listen to me, after collage we ere going to ect at a nice café and talk about this problem Like ‘The group nod their head in agreenent anny Alright that’s a plan. Andy is getting ready for the day he gets his sandwich out of the fridge and (£i11s-up-awater bottle ready to go to collage. He walks to the porch packs his half empty bag want valks out the: er~ CANTEEN- DAY — Vincent and Robert are already sitting down and Andy walks towards their table looking worn out. vinerwe — Gay Alright mate, are you ok? Looks Like you have seen a ghost. anor (io snaps.) Shut up Vincent you mug, you know what I’m going Chrough so cut the sarcasm, Alright? vincent Yeh alright mate sorry. You came up with an idea yet anor No A moment of awkward silence is surrounding the groups table. Robert clicks his finders ag an idea comes to mind. Ronee? Ok right Listen to me, after collage we are going to meet at a nice café and talk about this problem Like ‘The group nod their head in agreement aor Alright that’s a plan. ‘Ve fe \ ¢ job and-sel1 them as originals. You have the skills 0 why don’t you take advantage of aor ima, T Like t' ddea, Its risky yes but T love it. that do ve have to loose, onset Absolutely nothing. the pair of then laugh quietly while Vincent’s head se tying on the table knowing he is going to be drayged into this. aso ving are you in? For once Banksy's right we have nothing to loose and we have a valid reason to do this. - Me wat be fine nonext veh and ££ worse does cone to the worst T can just pay the Soames’ off. Works every tine. vives on my God. Can we just got on with this because 1 just want to get this done? T could Loose everything, the chance of getting into un: but no don’t have a chotce mor Wott then Jet's get to work Robert laughs in exeitenent. Rapepreanectien Dar. Thesase room is a lguplaeey quite open plan and a lo: of windows. Andy OUlehiseARtASUOBIAEW and prepares to start painting. Andy SkdihGenappingeOdichitepeinbingake wants to drav. He uses his phone as reference to the piece he wants to forge. + BODE TPATTE: — | \jiwcerh poner | ANN Fair enough Relat, seveme—a Charlie Have you gues thought about who we are selling the cally) Painting foo. We have to think ahead if we are going ahead with this crazy idea. anor ‘That's a good point both of you should start looking Andy's eyes are fixed on the page rather that looking at the pair. They both start looking for contacts while Andy contiques to paint. Robert and Vincent are looking through contacts of rich people Vincent points to the phone. —— Ye Oral — — @ SM. Lot's try him. Alright noth of when wait patiently while the phone rings. Bcth of then have their fingers crossed cH wn ntelio \iodlA- moment uid there ae a high end dealer 1ike you be =nterested by an original and authentic art piece PY wm, Tih rc wt \ How do I know its genuine and I’m not convinced 1 really want it? Andy stops painting and walks closer to Robert and Vincent. (ROBERN Listen you are getting an original piece, it’s been passed down the family and now it in my hands and believe it should go to a better home. He fakes that he is about to cry. | ROBERT (CONTINUED) it''s what my mother would have wanted. Vincent shakes his head in disbelief in the fact Roberts faking his own mothers’ death. RICH MAN rem. ok right I can meet you in Like half an hour but 1/21 give you my numhar and message ms where to meet. The group are happy and bottle there excitement. Rebert puts his middle finger up at the phone.

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