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Sequence Impedances of Overhead Transmission Lines Carson's Method

Versus Rudenberg's Method

Conference Paper · October 2006

DOI: 10.1109/UPEC.2006.367763 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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2 authors:

Hassan El-Tamaly Hamdy Ziedan

Assiut University

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H. H. El-Tamaly and H. A. Ziedan
El-Minia University, Egypt
This paper is aimed at determining the sequence impedances of transmission lines, including the negative-, positive-,
and zero-sequence impedance for single- and double-circuit lines. There are several methods used to determine the
sequence impedances such as Carson, later modified by others, and Rudenberg. A comparative study is made between
Carson and Rudenberg methods in their prediction of sequence impedances of overhead lines.
INTRODUCTION Sequence impedances of single-circuit untransposed
For unbalanced phase currents in an overhead For an untransposed transmission line with unequal self-
transmission line, there may be return current through impedance and unequal mutual impedances, the
the ground, through overhead ground wires, or through voltage-current equations of the line are written as [3]:
both. The phase currents are decomposed into positive-, [Vabc] [Zabc][Iabc] (3)
negative- and zero-sequence components. The zero- where
sequence current in each phase is identical. The total Z Z Z
current in the return path is the sum of the zero- aa ab ac
sequence current in the three phases, or three times the LZabc] Zba Zbb bc
zero-sequence current in one phase. Because zero- LZca Zcb Zcci
sequence current is identical in magnitude and phase in in which the self-impedances are
each phase conductor rather than equal only in Zaa . Zbb . Zcc
magnitude and displaced in phase by 1200 from other and the mutual impedances are
phase currents, the magnetic field due to zero-sequence Zab . Zba . Zca
current is very different from the magnetic field caused Multiplying both sides of Eqn. 3 by [A]-'
by either positive- or negative-sequence current. The [A]-'[Vabc] = [A]-'[Zabc] [A][1012] (5)
difference in magnetic field results in the zero-sequence where the similarity transformation is defined as.
reactance of a transmission line being 2 to 3.5 times as [Zo12] = [A]-'[Zabj[A] (6)
large as the positive-sequence reactance. The ratio is
toward the higher portion of the specified range for and
double circuit lines and lines without ground wires. [A ]= a2 a
The calculation of sequence impedances will help in a2a
assessing the fault current and how it is influenced by Therefore, the sequence impedance matrix of an
the mutual effect between parallel-circuits of multi- untransposed line can be calculated using Eqn. (6) and
circuit lines [1]. expressed as
METHODOLOGY [ 00z 4z 02
Original Carson's Method [2,3] LZ20 z21 z 22
The work of Carson provides a convenient method for
considering the effect of the return path through the Sequence impedances of single-circuit transposed
ground. The method assumes the return current to be lines
confined to a fictitious conductor which has a self GMD If the overhead lines are totally transposed, both the
of 1 ft and which is directly below the overhead resulting mutual impedances, and the self-impedances
conductors at a distance De dependent on the resistivity are equal to each other. If each phase conductor has the
p of the earth and frequency f of current in Hz. The same resistance, ra = rb - rc - rp, and same GMR = Ds.
value of De in ft can be calculated by the following zZm
equation: cI= Z. Z, zm(8)
De =2160 p/f (1) Zm Zs
In a simplified form, Carson gives the resistance of the The bar over the symbol is to indicate the value for
earth rdin ohms per mile as: transposed lines. The sequence impedance matrix of
rd 1.588f X i03 (2) total transposed line can be calculated using Eqn. (6)
Reactance is expressed in terms of the distances from and expressed as
the overhead conductors to the fictitious conductor. [z±2zm o O][ Zo ° °2] (9)

where the self-impedance of each conductor is: series-voltage drop for each phase. Following the same
Zii = [(rp + rd) +j 0. 1213 ln (De/Ds)] (10) procedure as in section 2.1.1.
The mutual impedance between any two conductors is: (I1±2) EP -
Zij = [rd+jO.1011 ln (De/Dij)] (1 1) ip,
where the subscripts i and j stand for the phases a, b Ip2
and c. Figure 1 Single-line diagram of a double-circuit line
The averaged values of self- and mutual impedances rEP _[Z_ ]F¾1
are: E2 bc
Zs= ( 1/3 )[Zaa + Zbb + Zcc] ( 12) _J _ _p2_
Zm= (I/3)[Zab +Zbc + Zca] (13) Zaa Zab Zac Zad Za, Zaf
whereZ=Z2 =Z ZandZ=Z + 2Z Zba Zbb ZCZcbd Zbe Zbf (22)
1Zca Zcb zcc Zcd Zce ZCf
Sequence impedances of untransposed lines with one [Zabcdef IZ
Zda Zdb Zd Zdd Zded Z¾df
Zdc Zdd
overhead ground wire z z z z z z
If one overhead ground wire g is added, then
[Vabcg] = [Zabcg] [labcg] Zfa Zfr Z1c Zfd Zfe Zff
but for the ground wire Vg 0. where Ep is the vector of phase-conductor voltage drops,
Za Zab Zac Va zag 1 -and lp1, and Ip2 are the vectors of phase currents for
Vb Vb Zbb Zbc:Zb Zbgbg 'b
Zba zbz
Zb (15) circuits 1 and2. [Zabcdef]is 6 x 6 impedance matrix.
Vc =Z ea
hb Z
cc 0
Z e
|1 (23)

_ ga gb gc g_9 -
The matrix [Zabcg] can be dletermined using Eqn. (10) where [YA], [YB], [Yc] and [YD] are obtained by
and Eqn. (11), as before, and also using the following partitioning [Zabcdef]I into four 3 x 3 matrices by using
Equ ns:
equations: Kron reduction technique. Adding Ip1 and Ip2.
Zig = ZgV= [rd +j 0.1011 In (De/Dig)] (16) (Ipl+ Ip2) = [[YA] + [YB] + [YC] + [YD]] Ep (24)
Zgg= [(rg + rd) +j 0.1011 In (De/Dgg)] (17) Solving for Ep,
Where rg and Dgg are the resistance and the GMR of the Ep [Zpeq] (PI+1p2) (25)
overhead ground wire, respectively. Where, [Zpeq] = [[YA] + [YB] + [YC ] + [YD]]- (26)
The matrix [Zabcg] given in Eqn. (15) can be reduced to [Zpeq] is the equivalent 3 x 3 series impedance matrix of
[Zabc] by using the Kron reduction technique. Therefore, the double-circuit line. Noting that in Eqn. (26) [YB] and
Eqn. byn(I
(15)using x reeduction
can betheexpressedl as technique.Therefo[Yc] account for the inductive coupling between the two
Vab Z B I abc circuits.
Vbc ZA Z-
(18) The sequence impedance matrix [Z012] can be found
Z °
from Eqn. (6), where [Zabc] is replaced by [Zpeq]
c. D For transposed line, the matrix Zac is formulated as
where the submatrices [ZA], [ZB], [Zc] and [ZD] are
specified in the partitioned matrix [Zabcg] in Eqn. (15). before
o in section
_ 7 a 2.1.2 and the procedure is repeated to
Therefore after the reduction, obtain Z Zii and Z2
[Vabe] =[Zabe] ['abc]
where, [Zab= ] [ZA][a [Z][Z' [ZC]
Therefore, the sequence impedance matrix [Z012] can be
Sequence impedances of double-circuit untran-
sposed lines with overhead ground wires
found from Eqn. (6). If overhead ground wires (one or more) are added to the
For transposed line, the matrix [z] is formulated as double circuit, the procedure in section 2.1.3 is followed
12ndth procdure isrepeatedt
to build the series impedance matrix of (6+N) x (6+N),
before in section 2.1.2 and the procedure is repeated to
where N is the number of ground wires. This impedance
obtain Z0, Z and Z2* matrix is partitioned and reduced using Kron reduction
technique to obtain the 6 x 6 matrix [Zabcdef]. Eqn. (26)
Sequence impedances of double-circuit untransposed is used to find [Zpeq].
lines The corresponding sequence impedance matrices of the
If two parallel three-phase are close together, either on double-circuit lines are computed in the same manner as
the same tower or on the same right-of-way, there are for the single-circuit using Eqn. (6), where [Zabc] is
mutual inductive and capacitive couplings between the replaced by [Zpeq].
two circuits. When calculating the equivalent series For transposed line, the matrix [Zabc] iS formulated as
an shn aditac marcs
couplings should not be neglected unless the spacing .hs
before in section 2.1.2 and the procedure iS repeated to
obtainz0 7 andy
between the circuits is large. i 2
Consider the double-circuit line as shown in Figure 1.
Since both are connected in parallel, they have the same

Modified Carson's Method [4] respectively. For transposed line, the matrix [Zb ] is
The modified method assumes that the ground return formulated as before in section 2.1.2 and the procedure
can be replaced by a set of "return" conductors located is repeated to obtainZ, Z1 and Z2.
as images directly under the overhead conductors °
(overhead ground wires and phase conductors) at Sequence impedances of double-circuit untransposed
distance De expressed by Eqn. (1). Each of these return lines without ground wires
conductors has GMR equal to that of the corresponding Here, there are 6 phase conductors and 6 (image) return
overhead conductor, and a resistance rd expressed by conductors, so the total number of conductors equals 12.
Eqn. (2). This formulates a 12 x 12 matrix with 6 x 6 partition
Sequence impedances of single-circuit untransposed matrices [ZA], [ZB], [Zc] and [ZD]
lines with ground wires The 6 x 6 impedance matrix [Zabcdef] is obtained as:
For simplicity, the conductors are numbered from 1 to [Zabcdef] =[ZA] - [ZB] [ZDI-' [ZC] (31)
(6+2N), beginning with the overhead phase conductors, The equivalent 3 x 3 series impedance matrix [Zpeq] of
then overhead ground conductors, then image of phase the double-circuit line is obtained using Eqn. (30) after
conductors, then image of ground conductors, where N partitioning of [Zabcdefd' into [YA] [YB], [Yc] and [YD]
is the number of ground wires, and 6 stands for the matrices.
number of overhead phase conductors (3-phases) and The corresponding sequence matrix of the double-
their images. circuit line is computed in the same manner as for the
Operating as a transmission line, the sum of the currents single-circuit line using Eqn. (6), where [Zabc] is
in all the conductors is zero. That is, replaced by [Zpeq] -
(6+2N) (27) For transposed line, the matrix [Z] iS fornulated as
k= 0 before in section 2.1.2 and the procedure is repeated to
The resistance matrix of the line (R-matrix) is a (6+2N) obtain ZZ- and Z2 .
x (6+2N) diagonal matrix of conductor resistances.
The resistance rp of each overhead conductor is obtained Sequence impedances of double-circuit untransposed
from manufacturer tables, for a specified frequency, lines with ground wires
temperature, and current. The resistance rd of all the If the number of ground wires is N, the matrix to be
image conductors is the same, as given by Eqn. (2). formulated is (12+2N) x (12+2N) with partitions [ZA],
The inductance matrix of the line (L-matrix) is a (6+2N) [ZB], [Zc] and [ZD] as 6 x 6, 6 x (6+2N), (6+2N) x 6 and
x (6+2N) matrix whose elements are: (6+2N) x (6+2N) matrices, respectively. The matrices
Lkm = 2 x 10-7 ln (1/Dkm) (28) [Zabcdef] and [Zpeq] are determined as described in section
Where Dkm is the distance between conductors k and m. 2.2.3. Subsequently, the sequence impedance matrix is
When k = m, Dkm in Eqn. (28) is the GMR of (bundled) determined using Eqn. (6).
conductor k. For transposed line, the matrix [Zb ] is formulated as
The impedance matrix is a (6±2N) x (6±2N) as before in section 2.1.2 and the procedure is repeated to
[Z> [R]± jwt[L>
[Z]= [R]+ j69[L]= 0 1 (29) obtains,oIz andy.
LZC * ZD_ jRudenberg Method [5-7]
The impedance matrix [Z] of Eqn. (29) is partitioned to The method assumes that the earth underneath a phase
obtain the following matrices conductor can be replaced by fictitious return conductor
[ZA]: with dimension 3 x 3 directly below the phase conductor at a distance D'e
[ZB]: with dimension 3 x (3+2N) which depends on the frequencyfof the phase current in
[Zc]: with dimension (3+2N) x 3 Hz and type of soil as expressed by:
[ZD]: with dimension (3+2N) x (3+2N)
[Zabc] [ZA] [ZB] [ZD] [ZC] (30) De 2 1 1 cm (32)
Where [Zabc] is the 3 x 3 series impedance matrix and y K zyX f
the sequence impedance matrix [Z012] is formed as Where1 - 1 S,yisEulerconstant(=1.7811)ands
before using Eqn. (6). K 2 \I f
If the transmission line is transposed, the procedure is the specific resistance (cm2/sec) as determined by the
discussed in section 2.1.2 is followed by formulating type of soil.
[Zabc] and then the matrix [Z12]. The resistance of the ground return conductor r'd for a
length y (in cm) is expressed as
Sequence impedances of single-circuit untransposed,
lines without ground wires r'd=7cy 10-7 fy10~Q (33)
If there is no ground wires (N =0), the matrices [ZA],
[ZB], [ZC] and [ZD] of Eqn. (30) are 3 x 3 matrices. The Where Cl is the angular frequency of the phase current.
impedance matrix [Zabc] and the sequence impedance The inductance of the phase conductor Lph and its
matrix [Z012] are obtained using Eqn. (30) and Eqn. (6), ground return Le is

KL11r(2 +1.l09 H (34) According to Carson's method:
L =Le+±Lph=j2Y f +-.09H (4
Zo =0.4840±+j 1.7692 Q./mile.
LYykr')2i = Z 0.2595 +j 0.8113
Where h is the conductor height above ground plane in
ZI =

According to modified Carson's method:

cm, r' = r.e' /4 and r is the radius of the phase conductor. Zo = 0.5863 +j 1.9013 Q/mile.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ZI = Z2 = 0.2592 +j 0.6767 Q/mile.
The following is an example to compare between Example 3. For the example Figure 2, a second
of add
original Carson, modified Carson and Rudenberg ground wire at the same level of the first ground wire
methods. but spaced 18 ft from it. The conductors and ground
A single conductor of radius r = 0.4 cm at height h = 10 wire have individual GMR = 0.0278 ft and ra= rg
m above the ground plane. Calculate the inductance of 0.259 Q/mile at 50 Hz. Calculate the zero- and positive-
the conductor and its ground return. Consider ground sequence impedances.
resistivity p = I100 Q.m andf
= 5 0 Hz 100 Q.m andf~ 50 Hz According to Carson's method:
Z Z0=0.4406 ± j 1.44 17Q/ie
.46+j141 /ie
According to Carson's method: The inductance per ZI = Z2 = 0.2608 +j 0.8076 Q/mile.
phase is According to modified Carson's method:
L 0.7411 log D = 6.582 mH/mile = 4.091 mH/km Zo = 0.4976 + j 1.3749 Q/mile.
r' ZI = Z2 = 0.2606 + j 0.6735 Q/mile.
According to modified Carson's method: The induct-
ance per phase is Example 4. Consider double-circuits of three-phase
L 0.7411 log D)2= 8.0573 mH/mile = 5.0076mH/km lines on a single tower as shown in Figure 3. The
r,2 conductors GMR = 0.0278 ft, with a resistance of 0.259
According to Rudenberg method: The inductance per Q/mile at 50 Hz. Calculate the zero- and positive-
phase is sequence impedances. Compare the obtained results
L = Le+ Lph= 0.858 + 1.7148 = 2.5728 mH/km. with those for the case of considering the line as
As the discrepancy between Carson and Rudenberg equivalent to two parallel circuits.
methods is significant, the following examples are a, 9 91 0a2
aimed to compare between original Carson method and i
its modified version.
Example 1. Find the positive-, and zero-sequence bi b2
impedances per mile at 50 Hz for untransposed and 04- 12' 4- 12' -0
transposed lines of a single-circuit three-phase line
consisting of 397000 CCM ACSR (30 x 7) with a GMR 8'
= 0.0278 ft with flat, horizontal spacing of 18 ft between I
centers. Assume p = 100 Q-m. + C1C 92 9
According to Carson's method:
Zo = 0.4972+ j 2.5974 Q/mile. Figure 3 Two circuits of a 3-phase line on the same
ZI = Z2 = 0.2590 +j 0.8132 Q/mile. tower.
According to modified Carson's method: According to Carson's method:
Zo = 0.3386 +j 4.3279 Q/mile. Zo = 0.3677 +j 2.2904 Q/mile.
ZI = Z2 = 0.2590 +j 0.6778 Q/mile. ZI Z2 = 0.1295
= +j 0.3691 Q/mile.
The transposed lines have the same values of the According to modified Carson's method:
untransposed lines in conformity with the previous Zo = 0.1692 + j 3.8174 Q/mile.
findings [2]. ZI = Z2 = 0.1295 +j 0.3076 Q/mile.
For the case of considering the line as equivalent to two
Example 2. The circuit is shown in Figure 2 for single- parallel circuits, the results are:
circuit three-phase line with one ground wire. The According to Carson's method:
conductors and ground wire are 397000 CCM ACSR Zo = 0.2486 + j 1.39175 Q/mile.
(30x7) with a GMR = 0.0278 ft. ra= rg 0.259 Q/mile Z1 = Z2 = 0.1295 +j 0.3601 Q/mile.
at 50 Hz. Calculate the zero- and positive-sequence According to modified Carson's method:
impedances. Z0=0.1693 ±j 2.3 191 Q ./mile.
Z1 = Z2 = ~~~~~~~~~0. 1295 ±j 0.300 1 Q ./mile.
28.8' 28 8' 1 ~~~~~~~~It
is quit clear that Z1 (= Z2) iS almost the same for the
line whatever it is treated as a double-circuit line or two
/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~single-circuits in parallel. However, Zo for the double-
O 18'
- O0 9' -*0
Figure 2 Single-circuit line with one ground wire.
circuit line is different from Z0 of the line when treated
as two single-circuits in parallel.

Example 5. A typical configuration for double-circuit without ground wires. However, there is significant
three-phase line with two ground wires is illustrated in difference in the zero-sequence value.
Figure 4. The GMRa of the conductors and GMRg of the The ratio (Z0 modified / ZO original) is always greater than 1
ground wires are 0.0278 ft, with ra =rg 0.259 Q/mile and ranges between 1.14 and 1.96 for the studied
at 50 Hz. Calculate the zero- and positive-sequence transmission lines. The ratio approaches 1 with the
impedances. Compare the obtained results with those increase of the number of ground wires for single- and
for the case of considering the line as equivalent to two double-circuit lines.
parallel circuits. The calculated inductance of overhead conductor and its
g1 92
ground retune using is smaller than that obtained
-i-- o04- 12' 12' Qo according to Cason methods. Moreover, Carson's
51 methods are more systematic in application and do not
04 9a
~ 9, *0
a, a2 need special tables as Rudenberg's method.
8' The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. M. Abdel-
bi b2 Salam of Assiut University for his interest in this
Q0- 12' > 12' _-0 research work.
; C2 1. El-Tamaly, H. H. and Ziedan, H. A., "Fault Current
04 9' > 9 0Q Calculations as Influenced by the Mutual Effect
Figure 4 Double-circuit three-phase lines with two between Parallel lines", submitted for publication in
ground wires. Electric Power Components and Systems Journal, USA,
According to Carson's method: 2006.
Zo =0.3140±+j 1.1178 Q./mile.
Zo = Z=0.1300 + j 0.3668 Q/mile. 2. Carson, J. R. "Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires
According to modif1ed Carson's method: with Ground Return", Bell System Tech. J. Vol 5, pp.
Zo= 0.3679 +j 1.0906 Q/mile. 539554, 1926.
ZI Z2=0. 1296 ±.j 0.3065
Q/mile. 3. Gonen T., "Electric Power Transmission System
For the case of considering the line as equivalent to two Engineering, Analysis and Design", John Wiley and
parallel circuits, the results are: Sons, New York, USA, pp. 172-184, 1988.
According to Carson's method:
Zo = 0.2494 +j 0.91345 Q/mile. 4.. Glover, J. D and Sarma, M., "Power System
ZI = Z2= 0.1300 +j 0.3580 Q/mile. Analysis and Design, with Personal Computer
According to modified Carson's method: Applications", PWS-KENT Publishing Company,
Zo = 0.30735 +j 0.95855 Q/mile. Boston, USA, pp. 135-188, 1998.
Z = Z2 = 0.12965 + j 0.2990 Q/mile.
The comment stated in example 4 regarding the line 5. Wagner, C. F., and Evans, R. D., "Symmetrical
representation as double-circuit or two single-circuits in Components", McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 1933.
parallel is also valid here.
6.. Anderson, P. M, "Analysis of Fault Power Systems",
Iowa state Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 1973.
7. Rudenberg, R., "Transient Performance of Electric
For untransposed lines, the values of series-phase Power Systems", First Edition, McGraw-Hill Book
impedances are not equal and the mutual impedances Company, New York, USA, pp. 393-408, 1950.
between lines are not equal to each other to form
unsymmetrical impedance matrix. However, the values AUTHOR'S ADDRESS
of series-phase impedances for transposed lines are
equal and the mutual impedances between lines are H. H. El-Tamaly
equal to each other to form symmetrical impedance H. A. Ziedan
matrix. On the other hand, the values of the positive-, Department of Electrical Engineering,
negative-, and zero-sequence impedances are the same Faculty of Engineering, El-Minia University,
for the transposed and untransposed lines. The value of El-Minia, Egypt.
positive-sequence impedance is the same on using either email:
original Carson's method or its modified method, email:
whatever the line is single- or double-circuit and with or


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