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2주차_Muscle Physiology1_과제

1) A skeletal muscle is composed of a bundle of ________, each composed of many muscle

fibers wrapped by connective tissue.
A) fascicles
B) myofibrils
C) muscle cells
D) myofilaments
E) sarcomeres

2) What structure, composed of connective tissue, transmits force from contracting skeletal
muscle to bone?
A) myofibril
B) fascicle
C) tendon
D) ligament
E) aponeurosis

3) The fundamental repeating unit of the myofibril, called a ________, gives skeletal muscle
its striated appearance and is bordered by ________.
A) crossbridge : Z lines
B) sarcomere : M lines
C) sarcomere : I bands
D) sarcomere : Z lines
E) crossbridge : A bands

4) What is the region of the striated muscle's banding patterns that contains only the
connections between the tails of myosin molecules and is the mid-point of the sarcomere?
A) A band
B) I band
C) H zone
D) Z line
E) M line

5) The contractile portion of the thin filament is composed of what protein?

A) myosin
B) tropomyosin
C) troponin
D) actin
E) titin

6) What is the regulatory protein component of the thin filament that binds to calcium,
thereby initiating skeletal muscle contraction?
A) myosin
B) tropomyosin
C) troponin
D) actin
E) titin
7) Which of the following is a structural protein that extends along each thick filament from
M line to Z line?
A) titin
B) actin
C) myosin
D) tropomyosin
E) troponin

8) The shortening of a skeletal muscle fiber during contraction involves which of the
A) the thick filaments shortening
B) the thin filaments shortening
C) the sarcomeres shortening
D) the A bands shortening
E) the Z lines not changing their position

9) Which of the following stores calcium to be released for muscle contraction?

A) sarcomeres
B) tendons
C) sarcoplasmic reticulum
D) actin and myosin
E) motor end plate

10) Which of the following transmits action potentials to the interior of the muscle cell to
trigger calcium release?
A) actin and myosin
B) sarcomeres
C) tendons
D) sarcoplasmic reticulum
E) motor end plate

11) Which of the following generates the mechanical force of a muscle through crossbridge
A) actin and myosin
B) motor end plate
C) sarcomeres
D) tendons
E) sarcoplasmic reticulum
12) Which of the following attaches muscle to bone?
A) sarcomeres
B) sarcoplasmic reticulum
C) tendons
D) actin and myosin
E) motor end plate

13) What is the functional unit of skeletal muscle?

A) motor end plate
B) sarcomeres
C) actin and myosin
D) tendons
E) sarcoplasmic reticulum

14) Which of the following contains ryanodine receptors?

A) tendons
B) sarcoplasmic reticulum
C) motor end plate
D) sarcomeres
E) actin and myosin

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