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Siapa yang bisa menjadi Stakeholders?

Pada bab ini lebih fokus ke development of the stakeholder circle metodologi as a set of
processes and practices to guide organizations in the development of the essential relationships
necessary for the achievement of their business strategies. Terutama terkait dengan the
emergence of the concept of stakeholders.

The Emergence of the Concept of Stakeholders


Dari Freeman sendiri menjelaskan tentang the development of the foundation definition of
stakeholders as any group individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the
organization’s objectives’.

Siapa itu Stakeholders?

Stakeholders may be groups or individuals who supply critical resources, or place something of
value at risk through their investment of funds, career or time in pursuit of the organization’s
business strategies or goals.

What is at stake?

By definition, a stakeholder has a stake in the activity. This stake may be:

 An interest;
 Rights (legal or moral);
 Ownership;
 Contribution in the form of knowledge or support

An interest is a circumstance in which a person or group will be affected by a decision, action or


Rights ini dibagi menjadi dua yaitu legal or moral rights.

- Legal rights cover the legal claim of a group or individual to be treated in a certain way
or to have a particular right protected.
- Moral rights cover moral issues that may affect large groups of people or natural
phenomena, such as environmental, heritage or social issues.


Many individuals will also have a stake of ownership, such as:

 A worker’s right to earn thei living from thei knowledge

 Shareholders’ ownership of a portion of an organization;s assets
 Etc


A tema member or employee who applies experience or knowledge to the production of an asset
for an organization will be making a contribution the organization’s activity.


The contribution that a stakeholder may make to the activity falls into the following categories,
salah satunya yaitu allocation of resources – this can be people or materials.


Ada five dimensions to descrive the various stakeholder management approaches are:

1. Political perspectives;
2. Purpose and objectives of considering stakeholders;
3. Value of considering stakeholders;
4. Considering stakeholder intervention levels;
5. Degree of stakeholder enforcement

The Stakeholder Circle

The Stakeholder Circle is a flexible model that can be adjusted to cater for changes in
stakeholder community membership and stakeholder influence throughout the life of the activity.

Mapping Stakeholders

Ada beberapa step dari mapping stakeholders antara lain, identify, prioritise, visualize, engage,
monitor. Dalam identify ini identify all stakeholders. Step Prioritse ini build profile and
prioritise. Step selanjutnya, visualize yang lebih ke reveal right stakeholders for time now. Step
empat engage, define attitude develop engagement profile. Step terakhir yaitu monitor, measur
and monitor effectiveness

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