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Subject Area: English – Grade 9 Date: December 1 & 5-7, 2022

Unit Topic: English Contemporary Literature: Quarter: Second
Modern Cultural Life

Competencies: (for the week)

 Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme. (EN9LT-II-0-
 Get information from various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals,
and audio-video recordings. (EN9RC-IIb-19)
 Employ varied verbal and nonverbal strategies to create impact on the audience
while delivering lines in a Chamber Theater. (EN9OL-IIb-3.7)

Learning Targets: (for the week)

 I can explain how the aspect of historical approach helped value other people
and their circumstances in life.
 I can explain how the various elements contribute to the theme of the excerpt
“Great Expectations”.
 I can get and present information from various print media about Victorian life.
 I can use different listening strategy based on topic, purpose or level of difficulty
of the listening text.
Day 1 & 2
I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)
Opening Routines ( 4 minutes )
C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance
Review (4 minutes)
 The teacher reviews the students on the topic about adverbs.
 Chamber Theater
Learning Target
 I can explain how the aspect of historical approach helped value other people anf
their circumstances in life.
 I can explain how the various elements contribute to the theme of the excerpt
“Great Expectations”.

Motivation (4 minutes)
 The teacher asks the students to make a comment on the particular picture and
lead them to realize that they are actually doing an analysis.
 presents the lesson objective.

II. Interaction (Lesson Development/Firm-Up and Deepen)

A. Presentation of Concepts (5 minutes)
 The teacher presents (briefly) the concept of Historical Analysis and Charles
Dicken’s short background.

B. Learning Activity (20 minutes)

 Teacher Activity
The teacher…
o asks the students to read the Great Expectations (An excerpt) by Charles
o groups the students into four and asks them to do the activities found on
p. 86-87 about the excerpt.
o guides the students in presenting and discussing their output, particularly
in explaining the aspect of historical approach and the various element
that contribute to the theme of the excerpt.

 Student Activity
The students…
o read the Great Expectations (An excerpt) by Charles Dickens.
o are grouped into four and do the activities found on p. 86-87 about the
o Present and discuss their output, particularly about the aspect of historical
approach and the various element that contribute to the theme of the

III. Integration (Broadening of Concept/Transfer)

 Discussion (4 minutes)
o The teacher emphasizes that in Historical analysis, a critique must
consider the cultural, social and author’s milieu of the literature to explain
further the meaning of the text and its value in life.

 Integration (5 minutes)
o The students are led to the realization that in life, we have histories which
could build the theme of our life.

 Evaluation (10 minutes)

o Formative - short quiz about literary elements used for historical analysis.

 Summary/Synthesis (4 minutes)

o The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they
have learned during the day’s lesson.
 Purposive Assignment

o Study about Victorian life.

Closing Prayer

Day 2 & 3
I. Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)
Opening Routines (4 minutes )
C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance
Review (4 minutes)
 The teacher reviews the students on the topic about Great Expectations.
 Victorian Life
Learning Targets
 I can get and present information from various print media about Victorian life.

Motivation (4 minutes)
 The teacher shows to the students a picture of Victorian Era and solicits some
idea about the life during that time.

II. Interaction (Lesson Development/Firm-Up and Deepen)

A. Presentation of Concepts (5 minutes)
 The teacher presents (briefly) the various print media that will be used in the
search for Victorian life.

B. Learning Activity (60 minutes)

 Teacher Activity
The teacher…
o asks the students to proceed to the library and get information using
various print media like brochures, pamphlets, periodicals and etc. about
Victorian life.
o gives the students the guide question:
o What is life during Victorian Era?
o What did you discover about Ireland in the Victorian Era?
o asks the students to share individually their discoveries about Victorian life
like a feature reporter.
 Student Activity
The students…
o proceed to the library and get information using various print media like
brochures, pamphlets, periodicals and etc. about Victorian life.
o answer the guide question:
o What is life during Victorian Era?
o What did you discover about Ireland in the Victorian Era?
o share individually their discoveries about Victorian life like a feature
o Criteria:
 Victorian Information – 10 pts
 Delivery/Clarity of Voice – 5 pts
 Creativity of the Presentation – 5pts

III. Integration (Broadening of Concept/Transfer)

 Discussion (4 minutes)
o The teacher emphasizes that knowing the history or culture of an era,
particularly Victorian Era, will help us understand better the literary piece
that are produced during that period and also the people who lived in that

 Integration (5 minutes)
o The students are led to the realization that in life, knowing one’s
background and personality, especially friends and family, will help us
understand them and love them despite their experiences in life.

 Evaluation (10 minutes)

o Formative - short quiz about various print medias.

 Summary/Synthesis (4 minutes)

o The teacher asks students (volunteers) to give the summary of what they
have learned during the day’s lesson.

 Purposive Assignment

o Study the different listening strategies

Closing Prayer

Day 4
IV.Introduction (Preliminary/Explore)
Opening Routines (4 minutes )
C - Cleanliness
O - Orderliness
P - Prayer
A - Attendance
Review (4 minutes)
 The teacher reviews the students on the topic about Great Expectations.
 Listening Strategies
Learning Targets
 I can use different listening strategy based on topic, purpose or level of difficulty
of the listening text.

Asynchronous/Online Activity:
The students will be given a link of an audio clip where they are going to listen to
listening text and identify for themselves the listening strategies they have used (p. 90).
The processing of this activity will be done during the Day 1 of the following week.

References/Instructional Materials
 Illuminate: English for the Mind and Heart 9, pages 79-87, 90 and 102
 Power Point Presentation
 Smart TV
 Chat box
 Online class: Zoom Meeting

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher JHS Academic Coordinator –

Status of Implementation
_______________ Implemented
_______________ Partially Implemented
_______________ Not Implemented




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