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The Impact of the Intermittent Fasting:

How to Lose Your Weight Fast?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a voluntary and conscious refusal to eat for a certain period of time.
Although the method of fasting for spiritual improvement or the development of volitional powers,
or actually as a method of treatment was used by ancient monks, in the West the science of fasting
was developed only in the early twentieth century.
What process underlies intermittent fasting?
The therapeutic effect of fasting or conscious calorie restriction is based on the excretion of
harmful substances from body. This process usually consumes a lot of energy. If nutrients are not
supplied from the outside, our body switches to the so-called "endogenous diet", ie it actually
"eats" fat deposits first, and "old and sick" cells later.
Nobel Prize for "self-eating"
In 2016, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discovery and
description of the molecular and physiological mechanisms of autophagy.
Autophagy (literally "self-eating") is a process that occurs in cells. Proteins, old organelles, viruses
and bacteria are delivered to the lysosomes and destroyed there. The lysosome resembles a bubble
inside a cell with enzymes that digest the unnecessary material, ie in this way "cleaning" is carried
out. This process occurs in the body constantly.
Basic rules of IF
The first rule is to abstain from food. During the diet you can drink only water, tea and coffee
without sugar or milk. If the body gets more than 30 food calories, it activates digestive hormones
and starts the digestive process.
The second is to divide the day into two time intervals. One of them is a period of habitual diet,
and the other is a period of fasting. The main rule is that fasting should not last more than 36
hours. Then the fasting has the negative impact on tissues and organs.
Types of IF
There are different types and modifications of intermittent fasting. The most popular types are:
• 14/10, in this option, you have set fasting and eating periods. For example, you fast for 16 hours
of the day and are able to eat for only eight hours of the day. The option is perfect for beginners,
easily tolerated;
• 16/8, in this case you don`t breakfast. You have only two meals a day. 16 hours is the gap
between the last meal of the previous day and the first meal of the next.
• 5/2 diet, or Michael Mosley's fast diet. You can choose two days a week, not necessarily in a
row, and eat no more than 500-600 calories. During the other five days of the week, you maintain
a regular diet.
Beginners are recommended to start by skipping one meal. You choose a meal that you are ready
to skip (breakfast, lunch or dinner). You maintain such diet for a week.
Factors when intermittent fasting is prohibited
There can be several factors when intermittent fasting is prohibited. These are eating disorders,
including bulimia, anorexia; psychological disorders: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder.
Contraindicated for intermittent fasting is low body weight. Fasting is not recommended for
people with thyroid disease, obesity, those undergoing rehabilitation, children, teenagers and
pregnant women.
Intermittent fasting is one of the strategies of nutrition and lifestyle to strengthen your health, lose
weight, develop good habits, and get rid of food addiction. But at the same time, you should do
sports, eat natural products, sleep at least 8 hours and quit bad habits.
Remember, intermittent fasting is not a compulsion or a necessary measure, this diet should be
voluntary. The person chooses a method, taking into account the state of health and well-being. So
be sure to consult a doctor. The most important thing is it should be comfortable and without harm
to health.

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