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“I Have a Dream”

Tiffany Franks

Speech 107

November 28, 2022

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a remarkable speaker, and his speech changed the lives of

both African Americans and Caucasians. He focused on equality and the freedom of African

Americans, especially children. His speech took place on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln

memorial in Washington DC (NPR, 2022).

More than 250,000 people attended Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, most were

African Americans but there were several Caucasians that attended to show their support. His

speech was geared towards African Americans receiving the same opportunities as white people

and ending segregation. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. referenced Abraham Lincoln signing the

emancipation proclamation that was meant to release African from slavery (NPR, 2022).

Although it was a first step, it was not enough because segregation and racism were still rampant.

African Americans were unable to attend the same schools or even use the same bathrooms or

water fountains as whites and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was determined to change it.

Although Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech had a political agenda, it was also

persuasive. He was trying to persuade people to get along and treat everyone equally. African

Americans were denied basic human rights, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used his talent as a

public figure and strong speech skills to persuade the audience. He experienced a lot of

backlashes from people who were unable or unwilling to accept that African Americans should
have the same rights and privileges as everyone else. They were treated as the lowest of the low

and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had enough and spoke up against this injustice in order to provide

a better future for his children and all other children. He stated, “one day right down in Alabama

little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls

as sisters and brothers (NPR, 2022).” To me this is the most profound statement of the whole

speech, it shows that he realized change takes time, but that his hope is for a better future for all

children. He wishes to persuade people to abandon racism in order to ensure the best possible


I think that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was very effective in delivering his speech. He is

well known as an activist for the rights of African Americans. Although he did not live long

enough to witness the change, I believe he had a major role in shaping the rights of African

Americans today. I believe that we have achieved his goal and are working towards equality for

all. I believe that we can still make progress, and though he was advocating for African

Americans, his message can be applied to all races, ethnicities and sexual orientations. I think

that his speech may be one of the most influential speeches ever given and people should study it

and apply it to everyday life. Love and acceptance go a long way, and everyone deserves it, and

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized this.

NPR. (2022, January 14). Read Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in its



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