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Types of Communication

Tiffany Franks
October 19, 2022
Speech 107
There are several types of communication. There are strengths and weaknesses for every type,
and every person responds to each type differently. The types of communication I will be discussing are
interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, and public speaking.

Interpersonal communication is communication between at least two people. A simple

conversation with friends, a job interview, or even an argument, these are all examples of interpersonal
communication. This form of communication is important in building relationships with the people
around us. The goal of interpersonal communication is an understanding between the people in the
conversation. It is hard to have relationships without communication. Friends make plans, gossip, and
joke, all part of communication. Job interviews are started with the intent of landing the job. The
employer wants to know about the perspective employee’s skills and work ethic, and the perspective
employee wants to let the employer know about these things. An argument, as harsh as they can be, is
still a form of interpersonal communication. In an argument it is important that both parties get their
point across in hopes of persuading the other side, thus it is communication. Interpersonal
communication is important in everyday life and is very common in everyday use.

Intrapersonal communication is different from interpersonal communication because it is with

yourself. It is a conversation one can have with themselves. Thinking, singing, and talking to yourself, are
all forms of intrapersonal communication. This form of communication is important for emotional
intelligence. Thinking is one of the most important things a person can do, could you imagine if people
couldn’t think? Singing in your head is a great way to pass time, and it is only to yourself, so it is still
intrapersonal. Talking to yourself does not make you crazy, it is important in making decisions and
motivating yourself to do things. Afterall, if you need expert advice, who better to ask? Intrapersonal
communication is very important and used daily.

Public speaking is the final form of communication I am discussing. It is any kind of speech or
discussion that occurs with a group of people. It is very important in many situations; anything from a
celebrity accepting an award to a training session at work. There are a lot of fears and anxieties that
come to some people about public speaking. Stage fright is very common but can be eased with practice
and techniques. I personally have lots of experience with this form of communication, I use it a lot to
train new personnel at my job. I think it is a great form of communication and can be very influential if
used in a beneficial way.

These are just three types of communication, there are many more, and all of them are
important. Without communication, very little would get done in life. Communication is essential in
relationships, jobs, and about everything else we do. Whether with ourselves or others communication
is used daily.

Franz, Maggie. “Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees &
Careers.” | Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees &
Careers, 19 July 2021,

Lindberg, Carl. “What Is Intrapersonal Communication? Types, Examples, Advantages.” What

Is Intrapersonal Communication? Types, Examples, Advantages – Leadership Ahoy!,
Types of Communication
Tiffany Franks
October 19, 2022
Speech 107

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