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Tiffany Franks

Speech 107
Value Speech Template Outline
I. Introduction My name is Tiffany Franks and I am going to present
three values that mean a lot to me.
A. “Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your
kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a
force for good who had much respect for life, in general.”
― Germany Kent

B. Speaker Credibility- They are my thoughts.

C. Thesis- I believe that values are very important to have, if

we didn’t have them the world would be worse than it is.
D. Preview of Main Points-My three values are respect,
kindness, and empathy.

Transition to first main point- Respect is one of the most important

values in my opinion

II. Body – Respect is something that needs to be given and received. It

is important to treat others the way you want to be treated and to
respect their thoughts and beliefs. You are not going to agree with
everything that everyone says and does, but you must respect that they
chose it, and it is right for them. I think respect is not as common as it
should be in our society.

A. Respect is defined as due regard for the feelings, wishes,

rights, or traditions of others

1. I like this value because I believe it is essential in creating a

positive environment.

2. I try to respect everyone and their beliefs, even if they are

not my own. I believe that in order to respect you must give respect and
I strive to do that every day.

Transition to second main point- My next value is kindness.

B. I think everyone should be kind. There is really no point to being

intentionally mean to anyone. You never know what a person is going
through, so a kind word might be just what they need. Even a simple
smile could make someone’s day better.

1. I like this value because I think it is something everyone

should have. If everyone was kind, the world would be a great

2. I believe in being kind, I try to be kind to everyone I

encounter, even if they are not.

Transition to third main point- My final value is empathy.

C. Empathy is very important. It is realizing other people’s feelings.

There are some situations that we cannot relate to, but it is important to
let the person know you are there and that you are willing to listen.
Sometimes, that makes a big difference. You don’t have to have been
through the same thing in order to help a person though it.
1. I like empathy because I think that everyone needs
someone to just listen to their feelings.

2. All my friends know that they can come to me with

anything. I don’t try to solve their problems, but I listen and help
them to sort out their thoughts.

Transition and signal closing- In conclusion, these values are very important
to me.
III. Conclusion
A. Review Thesis- Respect, kindness, and empathy are very valuable
values to have.

B. Review Main Points- I strive to incorporate these values into my

everyday life and I believe that everyone should.

C. Memorable Closer- Just imagine what kind of world we would live in

if everyone followed these values. It would be great!

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