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Respect- Lesson 1 – Text 1 What is respect?


1) a
2) a

3-True or false







You earn things by giving respect to it and If you give respect you’ll earn respect.


For me respect is one of the most important things in a relationship. Because If some who is my
friend doesn’t respect me, my choices and thoughts, then that friendship won’t last for so long.
Without respect there wouldn’t be anything that lasts for long. That’s why respect is such an
important thing to me.
Text 2- Ten Reasons why you should respect others.


1) Boost Your Own SeIf-Image=

If we treat others well and respect them by being kind, we will get consequences in a good
way for sure.

2) You seem more educated=

You’d seem educated and more likeable If you respect people. Doesn’t matter whether they
are well educated or never taught any manners.

3) Keep you real=

To appreciate somebody’s effort will put us in their level. NOT below NOR above them.
And in our word we need equalty more than some many things.

4) Set a good example=

If you be a role model by being respectful and kind to everybody It is good to people to copy
you. So you could be the starting of good things.

5) Show you are not selfish and you care what others think=
To care about what others think could help us to communicate better.
Lesson 3

Part 1 – Reading
1) C. The theme of respect is treated equally in all three articles.
D. The other articles are putting more importance on “respect” as an act.

2) A. Showing respect towards people you don’t know, simply because they are living

3) A. Because admiration is strongly linked with showing respect.

D. Because respect is the result of admiration.

4) B. You respect people without showing any dignity.

5) Dignity is something we’re all born with . It’s our birthright .Everybody knows and accepts
this. Because everybody wants to be treated fairly. But respect isn’t our birhtright , it cannot
be demanded and if we want respect we need to earn it by respecting the one that we want
respect from.

6) I don’t think respect is overrated nor dignity is underrated. But respecting is somebody is
subjective . So nobody can force somebody to do it .There hopefully will be a time where
everybody treated fairly , everybody respect everyone. But until then there always will be

Part 2 – Listening
1) c
2) b
3) b

4) He talks about how he heard of Jay’s death.( He said that he was the first ones who got to
hear it. ) He believes that he was just the beginning of his life and that he commit suicide was
an accident.

5) He thought that he was sick of it and he wanted to end it.

6) I’ve been bullied before but at that time I didn’t really understood and care about it, it didn’t
really bother me. But I’m sure you can understand how I felt because I understand how you

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