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By: Amanda Diable Data Analytics Set


Seton Hill University : Amanda Diable

The Giant Panda is a national treasure in China (Giant Panda).

At one point, the Giant Panda lived throughout Southern and Eastern China along with
Myanmar and Northern Vietnam. However, the Giant Panda is limited to approximately
20 isolated patches of mountain forest in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces (Giant

According to, “Referred to as a “living fossil,” the Giant Panda

is believed to have existed since the Pleistocene age, approximately 3 million years ago”
(Panda Facts).
The Giant Panda is a member of the bear family, however they were once believed to be
part of the raccoon family (Panda Facts).

Strategy and Problem

The business problem I am looking to help solve is the fact that the Giant Panda species
is on the vulnerable list instead of the endangered species list. I would like to help the
Giant Panda get off of the vulnerable list by knowing they have enough population to be
able to survive. If it was possible for organizations to get the Giant Panda off the
endangered list, I believe it is possible to get them off the vulnerable list.
I would like to formulate a startegy to help increase the number of species both in
captivity and in the wild to help keep the Giant Panda species off both the vulnerable and
endangered species lists.
Summary of Data
According to WWF, "In 2016 the International Union for Conservation of
nature changed the pandas status from 'Endangered' to 'Vulnerable' on the
IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species" (Giant Panda).

"Scientists currently estimate the population of wild Giant Pandas at only

1,864…there are approximately 600 in captivity in pannda centers, zoos, and
wild life parks" (Panda Facts).

I have obtained the facts and data regarding Giant Pandas from the interent
(bibliography containing the website's information is at the end of the
Giant Panda Population
Year Wild Population
1980 1,100
2014 1,800

Statista ---- 1,800 - 1,100 = 700 2014 - 1980 = 3

According to Statista, the wild population of the

Giant Panda has increase from 1980 to 2014 by 700 WWF ----- 1,864 - 1,114 =750 2014 - 1980 = 34 ye
pandas. According to WWF, from 1980 to 2014 the
population of pandas increased by 750. The charts I
have created help to show the increase of panda
population. In addition, both webistes use the exact
same time frame of 34 years from 1980 to 2014, The
two websites have different data figures that have a
decent amount of difference, so I would say that
they are not that similar although the time frame is
Giant Panda Population
Year Wild Population
1980 1,114
2014 1,864

= 700 2014 - 1980 = 34 years

14 =750 2014 - 1980 = 34 years

Giant Panda Population
Year Captivity Population
2003 164
2014 376

Statista ---- 376 - 164 = 212 2014 - 2003 = 11 y

According to Statista, from 2003 to 2014 the

captivity population increased by 212 pandas. Wikipedia ----- 375 - 164 = 211 2013 -2003 = 10 y
According to wikipedia, the captivity population
increased by 211 from 2003 to 2013. When
comparing these two figures, 212 and 211, it looks
like only 1 panda was added to the captivity
population. In addition, both websites use a similar
time frame being only 1 year apart. Being that the
difference of the two website's data is only 1 panda,
I would say that they used similar data.
Giant Panda Population
Year Captivity Population
2003 164
2013 375

= 212 2014 - 2003 = 11 years

64 = 211 2013 -2003 = 10 years

Panda Population
Wild Population Captivity Population
Late 1980's 2014 2003 2014 Pand
1,100 1,800 164 376
Both charts here show the same information regarding the increase in the population 1,400
of the Giant Panda. Clearly, both charts show that the population of the Giant Panda 1,200
in the late 1980's was around 1,100 in the wild and increased to around 1,800 in
2014. Pandas in captivity started at around 164 in 2003 and increased to around 376
in 2014. 800
The Giant Panda was once on the endangered species list; however, due to the 200
population increasing the species is now on the vulnerable list. Even though, the 0
Late 2014
increase of the population is not that impressive it is enough of an increase to help 1980's
the Giant Pandas become less endangered. Wild Population
Panda Populati on
Late 2014 2003 2014
Wild Population Captivity Population
The two charts I have created here show the different data figures used by the different websites to show an increase in t
captivity Giant Pandas. The charts are color coded according to the colors used in the Correlations and Similarities 1 and 2 wo
show the data gathered from Statista. The orange ont he Captivity chart shows data from Wikipedia and the orange on the W
shows the data from the WWF website. It is clear that the population is increasing and that is what helped the Giant Panda sp
species list and onto the vulnerable species list.
bsites to show an increase in the population of both wild and
ons and Similarities 1 and 2 worksheets. The blue on both charts
pedia and the orange on the Wild Giant Panda Population chart
hat helped the Giant Panda species to get off of the endangered
cies list.
A busines strategy I would possibly use to help the Giant Panda species removed from the vulnerable list would be to breed
pandas in captivity. There are a lot of pandas in the wild compared to the captivity amount of population. First, I think it wou
good idea to capture wild pandas and put them into captivity for breeding purposes only then release them back into the wil
this would help to increase the population more. I also feel if we would breed more in captivity it would also help. Doing rese
the topic, I found out that the Giant Panda species was taken off the endangered species list and put on the vulner speacie
because of several successful breeding efforts by different organizations. I do think my strategy would hold up based on the h
the breeding statistics of the Giant Panda. If we can help more pandas to breed, it would help to increase the amount of pop
which in return would help the pandas be removed from the vulnerable list.

All Pandas

Wild Captivity

(Statista) 1980 =1,100 (WWF) 1980 =1,114 (Statista) 2003 - 164

(Statista) 2014 = 1,864 (WWF) 2014 = 1,864 (Statista) 2014 = 376

erable list would be to breed more
pulation. First, I think it would be a
ease them back into the wild. I feel
would also help. Doing research on
nd put on the vulner speacies list
ould hold up based on the history of
increase the amount of population
ble list.


(Wikipedia) 2003 = 164

(Wikipedia) 2013 = 375

The Giant Panda is a national treasure and an important part of China. The species was once on the endangered species list
however was recently taken off the list and put onto the vulnerable species list. This change happened due to the several
organizations helping to successfully breed more pandas. I have created a few charts to show the increase in the population
over the last several years. There are much more pandas living in the wild than are captive. I believe if the organizations can
continue to successfully breed pandas that the species will be taken off the vulnerable list.
on the endangered species list,
happened due to the several
the increase in the population
believe if the organizations can
ulnerable list.
Buchholz, Katharina. "Panda Populations in the Wild Rebound". Statista. 19
July 2019. 1 October 2021.

"Giant Panda". Wikipedia. 14 October 2021. 15 October 2021.

"Giant Panda". WWF. 1 October 2021.

"Panda Facts". Pandas International. 1 October 2021.

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