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1, use top command while using chrome.

2, use ps command

3, List all running process: ps aux

4, run “find ./” and stop Ctrl + C

This command will list all files under root.

5, run xclock in foreground, then Ctrl+Z to stop it, using “bg % pid “ to run it in background.

Using” kill –9 pid” to kill process

6. When run xcalc in the background, the pid og process will appear.

8. use write command to send mess between two user.

9, Command dmesg show all mess buffer from kernel. We can use it with “more” to show each page

10. Use “time ls direction” to show how long to run ls on a directory


12. Use “ps –eo pid,etime,args” to get runtime of all process.

Runtime of PID 1 is runtime of OS.

13. Use “tty” commnad to get current terminal. /dev/pts/0 mean that this is graphic mode.

14, Use “top” command ro show all running process. While top is running, Press Shift +M to sort by mem
use. Press Shift+P to sort by processor use.

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