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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Senior High School Unit

Department of Social Sciences & Physical Education

How you can use the knowledge gained from the event/s experience in the future?

I am the type of person who is constantly stressed out because of school requirements and
personal goals in life. Through the constant stress and the lack of time to rest, mental breakdowns
and burnouts are not new to me. The thought of engaging in recreational activities to relieve stress
isn’t new to me either, unfortunately, I did not take it seriously. I did engage in some recreational
activities, but I did not make it a priority.
The lesson about recreational activities taught me how it can help me healthily relieve
stress. It taught me to make it a priority as well, not just to relieve stress, but to improve certain
skills as well. As there is numerous kind of recreational activities, my options are endless. With
this in mind, I can surely use this knowledge to help me in the future, especially since college life
is approaching and it is assured that I will be at a higher level of constant stress. I am certain that
I can now deal with the stress more healthily.

How are you going to apply the different types of recreational activities in your family?

A few years back, my family had always participated in random recreational activities as a
form of bonding. However, now that our family has grown, has different setups, and is not
together always, engaging in recreational activities is something we can rarely do. If were to apply
different types of recreational activities in my family today, it would mostly focus on weekends,
as this is the time when we are all together. We can start the day with physical activities such as
a stroll outside, or working out together in our respective homes. Following with Social activities
with a mixture of Arts and Crafts in mid-day as we now have children who would enjoy arts and
crafts. During the night, before bedtime, we can engage in intellectual activities. Our family,
especially me and my dad, is fond of activities that make our minds work. We can play board
games, and even just discuss intellectual, even conspiracies topics. And finally, we can end our
day with a social activity of watching a movie that can either be scary, heartfelt or comedy,
whichever we prefer that day. With this plan being carried on, I can strengthen the bond of our
family and further bring us close together as we engage in different types of recreational activities.


The Essay provides The Essay provides

Content the answer to the the answer to the The Essay somehow The Essay did not
___ /5
(x 1.25) question and briefly question but is not answers the question. answer the question.
explains. briefly explained.

The structure of the Attempts can be seen

Coherence The ideas in the Essay
Essay is relevant and to make the structure There are attempts to ____/5
are not organized and
(x 1.25) presented in a logical of the Essay make the Essay logical.
order. somehow logical.

Total ___/10

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