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Hao Hoang
Professor Sharity Nelson
English 1301
The FLO recruit poster

Being a freshman at Texas A&M International University is one arduous journey

wondering many questions about the start of one college career. Through the poster board

that any freshman can find around the campus, a freshman would find out about the

Freshman Leadership Organization, a huge group of students that assists the new student. The

student can find this on Texas A&M International University SOLE (Tamiu SOLE)

Facebook. The poster is used to promote the recruitment for the organization; therefore, the

freshman would be able to use this as an opportunity to sign up for the chance of representing

the freshman leadership, and the organization would get more human resources for the

community, also the freshman would be able to use this poster to acquire information that is a

necessity for the success within the first college year.

A freshman would not qualify as a representative to guide the freshman because of the

lack of experience. A prejudice that a freshman faces when they sign up for the position. At

first glance, these discriminations may seem justified; however, a freshman's true values can’t

be judged through their title. The title freshman helps them relate to others and understand the

problems they face; therefore, the Freshman Leadership Organization welcomes freshmen to

apply for a leadership position; the poster displays this by using the bold words “Apply

Now!” to immediately catch the attention of the audience with the display of a welcoming

tone ( Tamiu SOLE). The poster also has multiple contact information whether it is the social

media list, phone contact, or location of the office. They let the freshman know that they

encourage communication about applying for the organization. With just a glance, the

audience would be able to infer the designer meant to convey the message about providing

the opportunity for the freshman to speak their mind with their leadership, represent the
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freshman and guide them toward success. Through multiple welcoming tones and indications,

they show the opportunity for a freshman to speak their mind and express the freshman to

demand their benefit. Once the freshman obtains the position within the organization, they

can start their implementation of multiple projects by acquiring the vote of the student body

and the professor to start the program of guiding the freshman, by the poster recruiting the

freshman leader, the freshman student body will then have much more of an influence and

gaining the assistance that they need.

Freshman Leadership Organization (FLO) desire to guide the whole freshman student

body toward success can prove to be quite ambitious; therefore, they require a large number

of human resources to distribute the work throughout the organization and assist the first year

necessity. Though it can be seen that an organization as famous as FLO would have enough

labor to handle the task without additional recruits, the organization needs to replace the

seniors that will leave after graduation. “The price of greatness is responsibility”, which

means to be able to achieve greatness one needs to take responsibility and input some effort

contributing to that goal (Tamiu SOLE). This shows the audience the need for more human

labor to contribute to the organization since the student body largely operates the

organization. The necessity of human labor will greatly contribute to the organization by

enabling the distribution of tasks between members and allowing them to keep the

organization in order. In addition, it will help the organization's opinion pool to be more

varied then the organization will then be more relatable to the student body.

The Freshman Leadership Organization's goal is to ensure the success of the freshman

as stated in the poster “It’s the ultimate goal of the FLO staff to help ensure that freshman

members have a successful first year of college” (Tamiu SOLE). Therefore, the audience can

infer that the organization has set up a system that would help the student, and the freshman

would always be welcome to come to the organization and ask any question. The
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organization set up this system to help a student either speak their mind about the benefit that

deserves or question the authority about a particular topic. A freshman can just come to a

member and inquire about information about their doubt, or they can even ask for help with

conveying their opinion about authority and how to resolve the conflict. The organization has

a student-operated system, so the freshman is reassured that the staff member will more than

likely relate to questions that the first year has.

The poster of the organization has all the previews for the organization's

communication including its intentions: the promotion of the organization, the opportunity to

voice out opinions, and the benefit of being able to acquire assistance. The organization is

always going to be prepared for the additional assistance that the student need, so the

freshman should utilize this opportunity to gain knowledge and prepare for future success.

The preparation to help others after joining the organization, and the availability of help is

always there for the student to march onward to success.

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Work Cited

Texas A&M International University SOLE. Freshman Leadership Organization

Advertisement. Facebook, 1 September 2022,

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