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Hao Hoang

Prof. Oscar E. Martinez II

English 1302-203


The Current Education System is Inefficiency in the Preparation for the Practical career

Children progress as they develop their minds within the wall of their classrooms;

therefore, school education should prepare them for the problems they will encounter when they

become an adult. The conflict that arises from this is that the education system within the current

society doesn’t provide an ideal environment for the student's preparation for their future career.

An idea that arises from TheJournals, an organization of education journalism, is that education

that is implemented in the typical within the current society doesn’t provide the necessary

amount of preparation for the career due to their lack of necessity for their career while having

an abundance of inapplicable knowledge (TheJournal 6). In addition, Fink Jennifer the author of

“ VIRTUAL WORLDS, REAL REWARDS” proposed that the current education system doesn’t

provide an opportunity for the student to take an interest in the topic that is being taught since

there isn’t enough attraction and implementation in their daily life for the student to give the

topic the required attention for learning (Fink et al 29). According to the research of Fink and

TheJournals, the education system focuses on teaching to prepare for a test rather than the

practice of the future career of the student which is the reason the system lacks the necessary

practice for the career-specific skill that allows for the student to understand the application of

their knowledge to their career, The necessity development at an early age, the implement of the

outside into the classroom, and the education system engagement within the classroom to allow

for the student to commit to comprehend the content.

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Education inefficiency in preparation for the practical career

The education system as a whole doesn’t completely cover the area which provides the

student the necessary skill to enter the career due to their systematic way of teaching to follow

the criteria that a district set for the standard classroom. Priya Peter the author of “We prepare

students to Move into the Career” said “The classroom wall isn’t always just meant to be a wall

that isolates children's experiences from the career but rather to allow the children to safely

observe the encounter that they will face in their career without any consequence, and it should

allow for the student to experience the conflict that they will have to solve independently as an

adult” ( Priya 26). Priya within the article has metaphorically compared the wall of the classroom

as a form of protection for children learning as a way for them to prepare ahead and taste what

they will meet as they take a step into their career while establishing the disagreement on the fact

the education system has overly isolated the student to the interaction with the specific career

which could exceptionally be beneficial to the student growth and development. Another article

that brought the inefficient of the education system to the attention is “WE'RE TEACHING

PROBLEM-SOLVING ALL WRONG: Engineers must be able to solve problems, What does

that mean, and how do we best prepare students?” by Burkholder Eric stated that “ The

education teach problem-solving skill completely wrong since they don’t apply the career

problem to the learning knowledge since the current education follow systematic teaching that

doesn't specialize in preparing the student for the career”. Burkholder acknowledges that the

system problem-solving skill doesn’t fully develop in children when they only encounter school

assignment problems which don’t fully develop their sense of solving a problem from scratch;

therefore, the student acquires the necessary skill to problem solve. The idea presented in these
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two authors' work is that students should develop their independence on the problem encountered

for the preparation of their future career since the authors wrote on the application of the

student's knowledge, and the isolation that the student doesn’t need. The relation of these two

articles brought forth the understanding of the student lacking element in this area that need them

to work on further to understand the application of their knowledge on the problem to solve it.

Understanding the content and solving a problem are entirely two different skills that are

required to be addressed in student education.

Gifted children develop at an early stage for the solidifying necessity of knowledge.

The current education system develops children in a systematic way for the children's

learning pace to match the knowledge that might be needed when stepping into the career (Bruce

716). Although the system way of teaching might not seem so horrible since they match the pace

of children's comprehension, it also restricts children's learning experience which could

potentially develop the student's gifted behavior for their future job and allow for a much better

rate of comprehension of the required skill as stated in “Connecting students to the career:

Developing gifted behaviors through service learning.” by Bruce David which said, “Students

who interact with the career at such an early stage of development will allow for the student

creativity to navigate through the maze of knowledge.” Allowing the student to comprehend the

knowledge at a much earlier stage will for their creativity to think outside the box and improve

the student's understanding of their career with their fast comprehension ability at a younger age

when their knowledge hasn’t fully solidified ( 717). Learning from a career problem allows the

student to connect the knowledge that they have to learn into dealing with their career problem

daily as practice will develop consistency in progress with the field of specialty early

development ( Ackay 414). Providing an opportunity for the development of career problems
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daily in a student's life with simulation such as dealing with their relationship with their parents

or siblings and friends, time management, and desire items for entertainment will allow for the

student's steady progress in the field of solution creation (415). The two authors emphasize the

development of early development to support the lacking aspect of the current education system

on the practice of problem-solving skills the daily assignment rather than the obligation of

completing an assignment just for a “good grade”. The two author presents the idea that the

current education system has been relying on systemic teaching from the higher without any

interesting approach to the teaching method which doesn’t fully optimize for the student success

in their practical endeavors since the student would just focus on studying for the upcoming test

either through memorizing or one methodical way that the teacher has taught to them within the

classroom. Both of the authors agree to one common ground is that the education system is

building its curriculum around the idea of preparing for the upcoming test which is too outdated

for the current society where the student would need to present a new solution to the conflict on a

daily basis to be able to find an opportunity to apply for a job.

The outside world implements into the classroom

A career is one troublesome setting that requires an individual to have a set of standard

skills to enter the career. The current education system provides a set of skills to the student with

knowledge about the basics of understanding a specific field is a great approach to educate the

student; however, it doesn't provide enough skill on the common sense aspect of the career such

as insight on the more in-depth task on a job. “BRING THE OUTSIDE WORLD INTO YOUR

CLASSROOM: An immersive approach to learning can do more than prepare your students for

college and career; it places them front and center in the career.” The Journal, an organization of

education journalism, stated “ Many graduate students who are supposed to be equipped with
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common sense skills that allow for the student to develop, don't exist within the current

education system. Therefore, the student needs to be allowed to experience the career task inside

the classroom.” This a statement that acknowledges the graduate student's basic skill on the

specific skill; however, it also highlights the lack of common sense that a student needs to have a

deeper insight into the topic and then mention the need for reformation within the education

system to implement the career task into the education of the student to improve their insight on

the task and don’t take it on the surface value rather try to find another related task that might

connect to it (6). A skill is not the only requirement that a student will need when entering a

career (Silver 39). The student will need to have a strong mind to step into the career since they

will need to encounter many conflicts that might be terrifying at the start of their career, but it

can be improved with a strong mindset to understand the necessity for exaggeration when

encountering a conflict and approach it with a different approach. Inquiry, design, evaluation,

argument, and system analysis are five processes that allow the student to develop real-world

thinking within the development stage (Silver 40). Providing an opportunity for the student to

apply their knowledge to develop a solution to the career conflict allows them to gain the

necessary calmness when facing a problem to resolve the problem effectively is also another

approach to the career conflict since the early application with their thinking will provide an

opportunity for improvement on emotion management through experience (Thiers 10). Since the

application of knowledge on the learning topic will allow the student to accelerate their

comprehension of content without the problem of lacking experience the common knowledge

when entering the workforce (10). The three articles emphasize the different approaches to

practice for the student to have more experience on the practical aspect of the real-world conflict

to develop a strong mindset and opportunity for creativity to bloom different ideas to resolve the
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problem without the redundancy of the standard method present. The practice that is mentioned

within these three articles connects and relates to each other with the idea that the student lacks

the experience for a real-world practical job which usually quite usually both overestimated and

underestimate in some aspect. The overestimate is where the fact that the education system said

that the student needs to understand every single little knowledge for the job, and it might be a

good foundation to understand the content needed for the job, the underestimate of practice on

the content to the daily experience is detrimental to the student due to the limited time within the

classroom. The authors brought up the need for the student to practice these content applications

to further apply them to a practical job.

Engagement for the educational purpose of increasing the efficiency of the content

A student's comprehension has affected by a variety of causes such as content difficulty

or rate of information absorption. One of the major causes of the student's high rate of learning

will trace back to the engagement of the student in the content that is being taught (Fink 30).

Creating a visual simulation of the content it will allow for the content to be much more

interesting, allow for an engaging learning session and increase the productivity of the student by

providing an understanding of the content application to their future which makes the student

feel much more obligating to comprehend the content; therefore, a simulation of the career

conflict should be implemented into the education system to improve the student productivity

(Fink 31). The rate of a student's learning will be greatly improved through the motivation

received since the student is much more excited about the content that is being taught will allow

them to develop an urge to keep absorbing the content due to their judgment of them being

applicable for their future ( 31). Vision and implementation are a duo of idealism that shouldn’t

be separate since by being able to visualize the content and its applicability the student will be
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able to implement what they learn in their education for the career field that they are targeting

(Brundiers 108). The provision of vision on the implementation of the skill that is being taught

will also present a much higher engagement on the topic being presented. In addition, A career

relating experience should be implemented into the student education to allow them to

experience the career firsthand while applying what they have learned to resolve the conflict

presented in front of them to further resolve their lack of experience when entering a real career

and develop early insight on the problem present to the student (Terell 60). This will allow for

the student insight into the content to develop at an earlier stage of education which supports the

career problem-solving required for many of the jobs that are available within the current society

(61). The three articles target the engaging aspect of the content being present to further motivate

the children's learning capacity, to understand the “why” aspect application of knowledge on the

conflict to feel more willing to learn the topic due to children within the current society doesn’t

have a very good impression of the education that they are receiving. The authors explain the

reason for the application of the content to engage the student to the curriculum to further

motivate, with the article set up to emphasize the lack of engagement in the teaching curriculum

to strongly encourage the presence of engaging content for the student to adapt to the job

environment while motivating their learning ability to evoke.


The conclusion from this essay can be drawn from the fact that education is quite lacking

in the aspect of providing the experience, application, or insight on the topic of the real-world

career that the student will encounter throughout their whole life, with multiple perspectives on

the topic present ranging from the engagement of the content to the application on real-world the

authors of the mentioned article present the lacking aspect of the essay which can be greatly
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improved through more experience on the problem encounter. The significance of these

perspectives is the acknowledgment that the education system needs a reformation to increase

the productivity of student performance progression. A reformation will be required for

implementation just not from one school or a single district, but the reformation needs to happen

throughout the world without further delay for the sake of the student's future career and

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Works Cited

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Bruce, Davis. “Connecting students to the career: Developing gifted behaviors through service

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Fink, Jennifer. VIRTUAL WORLDS, REAL REWARDS., vol. 53, no. 6, 3, pp. 28-31. EBSCO,




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