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Hao Hoang
Professor Sharity Nelson
English 1301
The FLO recruit poster

Freshmen at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) often encounter an

arduous journey, wondering many questions about the start of their college careers. On poster

boards around campus or the Freshman Leadership Organization (FLO) Facebook page,

freshmen can find out about the FLO, an organization consisting of experienced

upperclassmen who can assist new students. Both on the poster board and Facebook FLO

advertised recruitment for the organization in September using a poster. The poster was used

to promote opportunities for leadership for freshmen through FLO by providing a

breakthrough to the stereotype that freshman is incapable of being a leader to attract the

interest of the zealous freshmen. Furthermore, the poster enhances the ideas by providing the

poster implication of a system that was set up to allure the freshman with great curiosity with

the usage of a purpose statement phrase, and a unique display of contact information of the

organization to entice the freshman who loves an organized work environment.

The FLO emphasizes the word “Apply Now!” within the poster to further highlight

the organization's unique way of welcoming incoming students to overshadow the preceding

prejudice. A prejudice that a freshman faces when they sign up for the position is the lack of

experience status that was engraved to the mind of the new incoming student. At first glance,

these discriminations may seem justified; however, a freshman's true values can’t be judged

through their title. Being a freshman helps them relate to their peers and understand the

relevant problems; therefore, the Freshman Leadership Organization breakthrough this

prejudice by welcoming freshmen to apply for leadership positions. The poster displays their

appreciation of the newcomer through the usage of the bold words “Apply Now!” to

immediately catch the attention of the zealous audience with the display of a welcoming tone
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( Tamiu SOLE). The word “Apply Now!” invokes a sense of urging with a light touch of

encouragement to give the audience that sense of belonging, or for the lack of a better word,

it means welcoming as a hidden message of the author. A neat strategy applies the need for

security of the zealous audience to assure them that they belong to the organization like a

family in a sense, in hope of breaking through the prejudice and allowing the newcomer to

feel more at home.

The poster used a purpose statement to successfully state their goal of assisting in the

incoming student college's success. Since success isn’t only obtainable through becoming a

staff of the organization, the Freshman Leadership Organization's goal is to ensure the

success of the freshman by allowing a place for them to ask questions as stated in the poster

“It’s the ultimate goal of the FLO staff to help ensure that freshman members have a

successful first year of college” (Tamiu SOLE). The audience can infer through this phrase

that the organization has set up a system to help quench the curiosity of the freshman. A

freshman can just come to a member and inquire about information about their doubt, or they

can even ask for help with conveying their opinion about the authority and how to resolve the

relevant conflict. The organization set up this system to help a student either acquire the

benefit that they deserve or question the authority about a particular topic which in return

help the freshman take the initiative to control their college career and promote leadership

within the campus. Furthermore, The organization is a student-operated system, so the

freshman is reassured that the staff member will more than pleased to assist the first year of

any questions that they have since the staff had once been in the same position.

The author of the poster applies a unique provocation by providing multiple contact

information whether it is the social media list, phone contact, or location of the office. The

poster let the freshman know that they encourage communication for the sake of convenience

in applying for the organization. The author includes these contact in the order of importance
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to entice the freshman that loves to be organized with whatever they are doing. the way that

contact was ordered ranged from their location and phone contact to social media show

organization in a way that was extremely convenient to the user since they were in the order

of their importance and more likely to be answered immediately. These actions of organizing

the contract apply a psychological effect of satisfaction for the organized lover to be

interested in the organization indicating a higher level of convenience within the organization

for the incoming student.

The poster displays the organization's intention to provide opportunities for the

student to exert their leadership while on the campus as a whole whether it is to introduce a

new perspective on the prejudice that everyone thinks that a freshman wouldn’t be able to be

a leader by using the word “Apply now”, or to provide a phrase that would imply the system

that was set up to assist the newcomer student in their question or voice their opinion, or

enhancing their organization with a high level of organizing their contact order. The poster

was set up in a way that would provide many tools for the freshman to find success in their

career just by a phone call or a simple meeting, making the whole process easy and

convenient; therefore, the student should be able to achieve success in their college without

any inconveniences.
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Work Cited

Texas A&M International University SOLE. Freshman Leadership Organization

Advertisement. Facebook, 1 September 2022,

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