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Hao Hoang

English 1301-122

Dr. Sharity Nelson


Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

Rhetorical Analysis has always been one of the harder genres to write for beginners or

even professionals since it requires extensive knowledge of the rhetorical device with a deep

understanding of the author’s article that is being analyzed. I started out the essay with an

introduction to the author's purpose to provide the audience with a clarification of the topic that I

analyzed within my essay to provide the information of the article and the author's usage of it in

correlation to the purpose of the articles. I tried to invoke the reader's attention to the essay

without losing my engagement. Albeit I started the essay with the mindset of completing the

essay because it was an assignment, I learned so much through writing the essay, and it

provided me with a greater understanding of my writing capability.

Within my first and second essays, I learned that providing a detailed explanation of the

topic doesn’t mean that the writing will be analyzed, but rather only by stating the purpose with

an in-depth explanation of why the author writing the essay can truly consider it an analysis of

the genre. Through this lesson, I applied the concept to my rhetorical analysis essay by stating

the purpose of the author providing certain information rather than just stating what the author

was providing. For example, I provided the information that the author had shown a statistical

data collection within the article then I started to provide the reason for the author's statistical

collection. I stated that the author uses statistical data to give the idea that the PDs stay in the

program for a reason because I want to thoroughly show my analytical opinion on the author's

usage of logos to support his purpose that analyzing the reason for PDs staying the program

help the audiences understand why they leave the program.

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I learned to analyze the visual genre in my 2nd essay and the text genre in my 1st essay,

and I would say that they do not apply to my 3rd rhetorical analysis essay since I have to

analyze the rhetorical device that the author used like the pathos, ethos, or logos, etc, and not

an actual analytical of the two genres. For example, I analyze the author of usage of PDs that

have 12 or more years of experience in the field to provide the ethos characteristic of integrity

and credibility to support his claim, and this requires me to analyze the author's intention of

using this to establish a sense of reassurance to the audience, not the text that the author use

or the visual aspect of the article. Therefore, I did not use the two analytical skills that I learned

for the specific text and visual analysis genre from essays 1 and 2.

I learned to read between the line of an article message that the author uses to

persuade the audience or attract them to the author’s claim, and I can use this history 1301

course since I had to constantly read multiple documents about history within the courses, it

was a requirement for me to read between the line of what the author meant for this document

to truly comprehend the author purpose for writing the document. For example, I can read the

article of confederation written by John Dickenson and completely ignore everything he meant

to convey within the article; however, I can apply the skill that I learned for my rhetorical analysis

essay to fully understand the author's purpose for writing the article and fully understand his

reason for it.

I learned to analyze the rhetorical device that the author used for my 3rd essay, and it

will not apply to any other of course due to my lack of necessity to analyze what rhetorical

device or technique the author used to persuade the audience of his purpose for writing the

article. For example, I might have to read an experimental report in my BIOL 2301 course to

understand the research that was carried out for the purpose of understanding a certain

scientific report, but I don’t need to fully analyze what rhetorical device or technique that the

author uses to persuade the audience of their report to understand the experiment research;

therefore, I don’t need to use the rhetorical analysis skill that I learned in my essay 3.
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I learned that through the analysis of peer-reviewed I was able to learn many skills that

would be applicable to my writing such as the application of ethos, logos, pathos, and other

rhetorical devices. I was able to analyze another author's usage of rhetorical in their writing;

therefore, I learned many ways to apply rhetorical devices to my writing to improve my writing

while effectively supporting my claim for certain writing. For example, When I started writing a

persuasive essay to persuade my audience to buy a product; I would have to use either the

statistical data of why the product is good, the credibility of the claim through the usage of

expert research, and the sympathy of the audience through attacking the psychological need of

the audience.

I received many amazing critiques and comments for my 3rd essay from my peer, and I

learned that I lack clarification for my argument. Albeit I have a detailed explanation of the

argument, I wasn’t very clear with the argument. However, I make it up with a detailed

explanation that provides just enough context clues for the audience to infer the argument. For

example, during the 1st body paragraph of my rhetorical essay, I was able to clarify my

argument within the first few sentences; however, I was able to make it up a detailed

explanation in the later stage of the body paragraph which provided just enough information for

the audience to infer my writing meaning.

I can infer from your comment on my essays 1 and 2 that my 3rd will be quite similar;

however, a little slightly different since my sentence structure doesn’t clarify my argument which

causes confusion when reading the essay. For example, within my body paragraphs after

reading it we can see my argument seems like it was written without fully understanding my

argument or claim; therefore, it leads to a confusing claim that lack the luster of actual rhetorical


The most challenging of writing my essay for rhetorical analysis would be to find the

argument that I can make through reading the article since I wasn’t able to find a complete

argument to support my claim and the author's claim within the article. For example, my 1st
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body paragraph argument was not up to standard, in fact, it lack the necessary logical claim for

the analysis due to my lack of support for argument and clarification. The least challenging

would be to analyze the device that the author used since it was pretty straightforward and only

require a little understanding of the author's intention then I was able to infer the author's

intention and explained that in my writing.

My identity changed after this essay because of the deep understanding that I had of the

author's intention with the writing, this provided an opportunity to further equip these skills for my

writing and further enhance the quality of writing that I will output for my audience. Albeit at first

glance, this might be difficult; however, with a little bit of effort, this would be nothing more than

a normal occurrence. For example, the growth can be seen in my first and second essays

where I only analyze the author's information provided; however, I was able to go in-depth about

the author intention for writing this paper and further enhance my paper writing.
Hoang 5

Cite Work

Hoang, Hao. “The Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch Advertisement” October 13, 2022.

ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University, the student paper.

“The Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch Advertisement” October 11, 2022. ENGL 1301,

Texas A&M International University, the student paper.

“The Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch Advertisement” October 4, 2022. ENGL 1301,

Texas A&M International University, the student paper.

Hoang, Hao. “The FLO recruit poster” September 20, 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, the student paper.

“The FLO recruit poster” September 15, 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International

University, the student paper.

“The FLO recruit poster” September 8, 2022. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International University,

the student paper.

Hoang, Hao “We’ve really built something” rhetorical analysis”, November 10, ENGL 1301,

Texas A&M International University, the student paper.

“We’ve really built something” rhetorical analysis”, November 8, ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, the student paper.

“We’ve really built something” rhetorical analysis”, November 3, ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, the student paper.

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