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GEOMOR-02336; No of Pages 10

Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx – xxx

Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and

discharge in two small research basins in a mountainous
Mediterranean area (Vallcebre, Eastern Pyrenees)
Montserrat Soler a,⁎, Jérôme Latron b , Francesc Gallart a
Institute of Earth Sciences “Jaume Almera”, CSIC. Lluis Solé i Sabarís s/n, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology, CSIC, Montañana 1005, Zaragoza E50059, Spain
Received 8 February 2006; received in revised form 19 July 2006; accepted 23 February 2007


The relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge were studied at the Can Vila (0.56 km2) and Ca
l'Isard (1.32 km2) sub-basins of the Vallcebre research area (Eastern Pyrenees) during a period of 5 years that included 67 events of
diverse magnitude. Abandoned agricultural fields and forests are the main land use in the Can Vila basin, whereas the Ca l'Isard basin
is mainly forested, though there are also some heavily eroded landscapes (badlands). The most frequent events were of a single
discharge peak, although double and multiple peaked events were also recorded. Clockwise (positive) hysteretic loops occurred in
both catchments, mainly during the wet seasons when precipitation was of moderate intensity (average of 18 mm h− 1) and baseflow
before the event was rather high (average for Ca l'Isard 8.1 l s− 1 km− 2, and for Can Vila 11.76 l s− 1 km− 2); the bulk of stream
discharge came from saturated areas, whereas sediments came mainly from the stream channels. Counter-clockwise (negative)
hysteretic loops were much more frequent in the Ca l'Isard basin, mainly in summer when rainfall intensity was high (average of
32.5 mm h− 1) and baseflow was low (average for Ca l'Isard 0.94 l s− 1 km− 2 and for Can Vila 0.73 l s− 1 km− 2); most of the water and
sediment came from the badlands. Eight-shaped loops occurred in transition periods, mainly in the Ca l'Isard basin.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Eastern Pyrenees; Suspended sediment; Hysteretic loops; Badlands; Sediment sources; Runoff generation

1. Introduction logical functioning of the catchments depending on both

precipitation characteristics and antecedent conditions,
Studies of sediment dynamics and transport in which may correspond to changes in the spatial
Mediterranean mountain basins are of relevance due to distribution of water and sediment source areas (Gallart
the seasonality of the Mediterranean climate (rainy et al., 2002; Seeger et al., 2004; Gallart et al., 2005a).
equinoxes and dry summers) and to the different kinds The continuous monitoring of discharge (Q) and
of land cover and land uses in these areas. These char- suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in streams allows
acteristics induce marked annual variations in the hydro- not only an improved estimation of sediment yield (Walling
and Webb, 1988), but may also provide some help for
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +34 934110012. understanding the runoff and sediment production process-
E-mail addresses: (M. Soler), es active in the catchment (e.g. Williams, 1989; Sammori (J. Latron), (F. Gallart). et al., 2004).
0169-555X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
2 M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx

Clockwise SSC–Q hysteretic loops appear when The purpose of this paper is to explore discharge and
sediment concentration transported in suspension is higher SSC characteristics at the event scale in two adjacent
during the rising limb. This is usually caused by the small catchments with distinct land use, in order to
flushing of sediments previously deposited in the channel establish the relationships between the different kinds of
and brought into suspension because of the increase of SSC–Q loops, the characteristics of the events and the
flow energy, often associated with the breakdown of the hydrological and geomorphic processes operating within
armouring of bed sediments. Counter-clockwise SSC–Q the catchment. This study was undertaken using data from
hysteretic loops occur when a higher sediment concentra- October 1999 to September 2004.
tion occurs after the discharge peak, showing that the
sediment comes from a more remote source (e.g. Klein, 2. The study area
1984; García Ruiz et al., 2000; Regüés et al., 2000a,
Steegen et al., 2000). The Vallcebre experimental catchments (Fig. 1) are
In a small catchment in the Central Pyrenees, Seeger located in the headwaters of the Llobregat River, in the
et al. (2004) showed that usual runoff conditions led to south-eastern Pyrenees, at altitudes between 1100 and
clockwise loops, whereas less frequent counter-clockwise 1650 m a.s.l. The bedrock in this area consists mainly of
loops were related to events with very wet antecedent a continental formation, attributed to the Cretaceous–
conditions, when most of the catchment area was Palaeocene transition (Feist and Colombo, 1983) and
hydrologically connected and contributing to runoff and dominated by smectite-rich clays that facilitate mass
sediment production. In this catchment eight-shaped movements and badland erosion. Mean annual precip-
loops were shown to be related to more complex events itation is 890 mm, with a mean annual temperature of
occurring after dry antecedent conditions. In a small 9 °C. Autumn and spring are the more rainy seasons,
mountainous basin in the Dolomites, however, Lenzi whereas winter is the season with the least precipitation
and Marchi (2000) did not detect any relationship be- (Gallart et al., 2002).
tween seasonal characteristics and the type of hysteresis The Ca l'Isard sub-catchment (1.32 km2) is mostly
loops. forested (70%), while scattered vegetation and meadows

Fig. 1. Location of the Vallcebre basins.

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx 3

on old agricultural areas cover 10% of the area, and 3. Materials and methods
badlands 4.5%. The bedrock of half the catchment area
(54%) consists of moderately karstified limestones, whose For this study, two gauging stations equipped for
bare outcrops account for 7.1% of basin area (Latron, monitoring water and sediment discharge were used. The
2003). Stream length is 1.7 km, with a mean hillslope gauging station of the Ca l'Isard sub-catchment is a
gradient of 33%. concrete rectangular weir, equipped with water level and
Can Vila (0.56 km2) is a sub-catchment mainly temperature sensors, an automatic ISCO 2700 water sam-
covered by meadows on old agricultural fields (52%). pler, and an OBS-3 D&A infra-red backscattering tur-
Forest is the second most common land cover (33%). The bidity sensor. In addition, a Mobrey MSM 40 ultrasonic
limestone bedrock outcrops in scarce bare rocky areas beam attenuation suspended sediment sensor allowed the
(3%), and the extent of badland-like eroded landscapes continuous recording of sediment concentrations up to
(0.9%) is smaller than in the Ca l'Isard catchment. Stream 240 g l− 1. A DT Data Electronics data-logger was used to
length is 1.1 km, with a mean hillslope gradient of 25%. record the readings, at 20 min time step during dormant
The most common plant communities in the Vallcebre spells and at 2 min time step during events; it was also
catchments are Pinus sylvestris forests and pastures, used to trigger the water sampler during events. At Can
ranging from xerophilous to mesophilous types in relation Vila the gauging station is a V-notch control weir, with the
to slope aspect and topographic position. In the past, most same equipment as at Ca l'Isard. The use of an ultrasonic
of the south-facing areas were deforested and terraced sensor was, however, not necessary here as the highest
for agricultural purposes, while at present they support sediment concentrations were correctly measured by the
pastures mainly composed of short shrubs and xerophi- infra-red turbidity sensor.
lous grass. In contrast, denser pine stands and more The turbidity and ultrasonic sensors were calibrated in
mesophilous pastures develop on north-facing slopes. the laboratory using samples taken from the streams and
The hydrological functioning of the Vallcebre catch- considering the expected range of sediment grain sizes
ments is largely controlled by antecedent wetness condi- (Regüés et al., 2002). These calibrations were periodically
tions (Gallart et al., 2002; Latron, 2003). During summer, revised using stream water samples taken during the study
impervious areas and badlands are the only runoff sources events. Sediment transport was calculated using the con-
for small ephemeral floods when intense rainstorms fall on tinuous readings from the sensors, or integrating the
dry soils. At the end of the dry season, large rainfall events concentrations of water samples when the sensors mal-
produce significant runoff, because of the formation of functioned. All events that transported more than 10 kg of
patches of soil saturation by local perched aquifers. Finally, suspended sediment were considered in the analysis.
during most of the year, saturated areas occur in downslope This study was undertaken using data from October
locations and are the main source of runoff (Latron and 1999 to September 2004, which included one dry year
Gallart, 2007). Baseflow may account for about 50% of the (1999–2000) and one wet year (2003–2004). The
total annual flow. characteristics of the events were described using common
Sediment yield from these catchments is very low hydrological variables, as well as some time features of the
(4 Mg km− 2 year− 1) when eroded areas are small and hydrographs and sedigraphs:
disconnected from the drainage net, and when both the
good condition of vegetation cover and the old terraced Flood time (Tf): is the time duration (minutes)
structure reduce erosion processes (Llorens et al., 1997). between the rise of the hydrograph and the return
Nevertheless, when there are heavily eroded clayey point to the level before the event.
outcrops (badlands) of sufficient size, sediment yield is Response time (Tr): is the time (minutes) between the
about three orders of magnitude higher. The activity of gravity centre of the hyetograph and the peak of the
these badlands is closely related to physical weathering hydrograph.
in winter and erosion by intense rainstorms in summer, Sediment precedence time (Ts): is the time (minutes)
when large amounts of silty sediments are delivered to between the peak of the sedigraph and the peak of the
the stream network (Regüés et al., 1995; 2000b; Soler hydrograph. It may be negative when the peak of
et al., 2003). However, there is a delay in the sediment concentration arrives after the peak of discharge.
conveyance, as the main sediment transporting events at
the catchment scale occur during the wet season, The rainfall kinetic energy was calculated with the
especially in autumn when high discharge events are Wischmeier and Smith formula (Regüés et al., 2000b).
produced by saturation mechanisms (Gallart et al., 2002; Statistical analyses, such as analysis of variance, was
2005b). carried out using SPSS software. The analysis of the

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
4 M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx

relationships between discharge (Q) and suspended 4. Results

sediment concentration (SSC) was performed using the
hysteretic patterns described by Williams (1989). Com- The main runoff and sediment transport events
plex multi-peaked floods were not included in the measured in both catchments may be observed in Fig. 2.
analysis. During summer, runoff was limited but sediment transport
In the text, wet periods refer to autumn and spring was relevant because of the high intensity of the
and dry periods to summer and winter. rainstorms. Sediment concentrations were irregular, as

Fig. 2. Runoff and suspended sediment transport events during the five years 1999 to 2004.

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx 5

Table 1
Annual values of the hydrological response at the gauging stations
Hydrological year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Isard Vila Isard Vila Isard Vila Isard Vila Isard Vila
Days with runoff 218 265 279 282 272 278 293 275 361 354
Runoff (mm) 156.7 206.3 91.9 347.5 78.4 208.9 81.1 221.3 134.4 330.2
Runoff (%) 21.0 29.5 10.7 40.6 9.6 25.6 10.6 29.0 13.6 33.4
Daily discharge (l s− 1) 6.5 3.8 3.8 6.2 3.3 3.0 3.1 4.9 5.7 5.9
Chemical denudation (Mg ha− 1 year− 1) 0.4 1.2 1.4 4.3 1.2 3.0 1.2 2.9 1.9 4.4
Sediment yield (Mg ha− 1 year− 1) 0.4 0.1 3.0 0.1 5.6 0.2 4.1 0.3 6.6 0.4
Maximum concentration (g l− 1) 25.7 3.2 95.7 1.9 173.3 7.2 155.9 6.3 174.2 8.6
Days with precipitation 94 94 133 133 117 117 122 122 131 131
Precipitation (mm) 698.9 698.9 856.6 856.6 815.6 815.6 764.5 764.5 990.0 990.0

shown by the varying transport–runoff ratios. Looking at At Ca l'Isard, the maximum suspended sediment
longer term records, most sediment transport takes place concentration, observed in June 2004, was 174 g l− 1
during autumn (Gallart et al., 2002; 2005b) although and eight events have transported more than 100 Mg
during the period analysed, there were no severe autumn km− 2 representing 62% of total sediment load during the
events (according to a log-normal distribution the five year period. The extreme event of 26th February 2003
maximum suspended sediment transport recorded would transported 35% of the sediment load for the whole period
have had a recurrence of 0.6 years, Soler et al., in press). at Can Vila and 19% at Ca l'Isard.

Table 2
Correlation coefficients between the analysed variables
Ca l'Isard
P Ke Ix Qb Qx R Rc S Cx Ft Rt St
P precipitation 1 0.96 − 0.12 0.04 0.39 0.60 0.15 0.55 0.16 0.48 0.17 0.55
Ke kinetic energy 0.96 1 0.08 0.04 0.44 0.56 0.14 0.56 0.23 0.40 0.09 0.50
Ix maximum intensity − 0.12 0.08 1 − 0.21 0.00 − 0.24 −0.25 − 0.01 0.40 −0.33 − 0.28 − 0.19
Qb baseflow 0.04 0.04 − 0.21 1 0.47 0.39 0.51 0.17 − 0.07 −0.02 − 0.11 − 0.02
Qx peak discharge 0.39 0.44 0.00 0.47 1 0.77 0.75 0.57 0.11 0.05 − 0.09 0.23
R runoff 0.60 0.56 − 0.24 0.39 0.77 1 0.77 0.47 0.01 0.45 0.07 0.53
Rc runoff coefficient 0.15 0.14 − 0.25 0.51 0.75 0.77 1 0.22 − 0.13 0.15 − 0.05 0.18
S sediment load 0.55 0.56 − 0.01 0.17 0.57 0.47 0.22 1 0.51 0.12 − 0.05 0.16
Cx maximum concentration 0.16 0.23 0.40 − 0.07 0.11 0.01 −0.13 0.51 1 −0.24 − 0.22 − 0.05
Ft flood time 0.48 0.40 − 0.33 − 0.02 0.05 0.45 0.15 0.12 − 0.24 1 0.32 0.34
Rt response time 0.17 0.09 − 0.28 − 0.11 − 0.09 0.07 −0.05 − 0.05 − 0.22 0.32 1 0.23
Ts sediment precedence time 0.55 0.50 − 0.19 − 0.02 0.23 0.53 0.18 0.16 − 0.05 0.34 0.23 1

Can Vila
P Ke Ix Qb a Qx R Rc S Cx Ft Rt St
P precipitation 1 0.98 0.08 0.15 0.56 0.66 0.44 0.39 0.15 0.39 − 0.10 0.30
Ke kinetic energy 0.98 1 0.25 0.06 0.54 0.57 0.35 0.36 0.28 0.34 − 0.16 0.23
Ix maximum intensity 0.08 0.25 1 − 0.41 0.08 − 0.15 −0.21 0.02 0.59 −0.04 − 0.36 − 0.19
Qb baseflowa 0.15 0.06 − 0.41 1 0.65 0.54 0.71 0.61 0.19 −0.30 0.09 0.04
Qx peak discharge 0.56 0.54 0.08 0.65 1 0.82 0.78 0.89 0.50 0.02 − 0.26 0.17
R runoff 0.66 0.57 − 0.15 0.54 0.82 1 0.91 0.72 0.15 0.32 − 0.11 0.43
Rc runoff coefficient 0.44 0.35 − 0.21 0.71 0.78 0.91 1 0.66 0.12 0.34 − 0.18 0.25
S sediment load 0.39 0.36 0.02 0.61 0.89 0.72 0.66 1 0.54 0.00 − 0.10 0.30
Cx maximum concentration 0.15 0.28 0.59 0.19 0.50 0.15 0.12 0.54 1 −0.09 − 0.27 − 0.02
Ft flood time 0.39 0.34 − 0.04 − 0.30 0.02 0.32 0.34 0.00 − 0.09 1 0.13 0.18
Rt response time − 0.10 −0.16 − 0.36 0.09 − 0.26 − 0.11 −0.18 − 0.10 − 0.27 0.13 1 0.52
Ts sediment precedence time 0.30 0.23 − 0.19 0.04 0.17 0.43 0.25 0.30 − 0.02 0.18 0.52 1
Coefficients in bold are significant at the 0.01 level and coefficients in italics at the 0.05 level.
One event with small precipitation and very high antecedent baseflow was discarded.

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
6 M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx

Table 3 the variables considered. Runoff coefficient was well

Cross-correspondence between the number and types of hysteresis correlated with antecedent baseflow but not with rainfall
loops of the events recorded at both stations
characteristics, confirming the role of antecedent hydro-
Can Vila logical conditions.
Positive Negative Eight No event Total The larger the event precipitation, the longer the
Ca l'Isard Positive 12 2 1 7 22 resultant floods, with higher peak discharge, larger runoff
Negative 4 2 0 15 21 volume and sediment load, positive sediment precedence
Eight 11 1 3 9 24 time and longer response time. By contrast, with a higher
Total 27 5 4 31 67
rainstorm intensity, the response was shorter duration
floods of small magnitude, though the sediment concen-
The months of November and April saw the greatest tration was larger with uncertain sediment precedence
number of flood event. In contrast, none occurred in time. Antecedent baseflow was correlated with both peak
January and February except the exceptional flood noted discharge and runoff coefficient. Maximum sediment
above. concentration was correlated with rainfall intensity and
kinetic energy but not with peak discharge, whereas
4.1. Ca l'Isard sediment load was significantly correlated with rainfall
depth, peak discharge and runoff.
Table 1 shows the annual values of the hydrological
response of the basin for each year. During the study 4.1.1. Discharge–sediment concentration relationships
period, mean annual runoff from the Ca l'Isard sub-basin At Ca l'Isard, 22 floods showed positive loops, 21
was 108.5 mm, mean daily discharge was 4.5 l s− 1 and negative loops and 24 eight-shaped loops, while the
mean runoff coefficient was 13.1%. The low runoff remaining 2 floods were multi-peaked events (Table 3).
coefficient was attributable to the loss through deep Positive hysteretic loops (Fig. 3a) occurred in 19 events
percolation in the limestone area. Over the period of in the wet period, whereas in the dry period these loops
5 years, total sediment transport was 4.3 Mg, from that, only happened on three occasions. These patterns occurred
44% was produced in wet periods and 56% in dry periods, when baseflow was significant and peak discharges were
although these figures were strongly affected by the the more important of the whole year. Sometimes sediment
unusual event of February 2003. concentrations exceeded the mean annual value (21 g l− 1)
During the study period, 69 floods were registered at and also the grain size of the suspended sediment was
Ca l'Isard, 46 in the wet season and 23 in the dry season. rather coarse (Soler et al., 2003). Mean event duration was
Mean flood duration was 22 h, being on average 27 h only about 1 h longer than the annual average (22 h).
during the wet season and 13 during the dry season. Eight-shaped hysteretic loops (Fig. 3b) were ob-
Table 2 shows the linear correlation coefficients between served throughout the year but more frequently during

Fig. 3. Examples of the clockwise, eight-shaped and counter-clockwise loops.

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx 7

the transition from dry to wet periods. During the wet negative loops was about 15 h, 5 h less than the annual
period these loops occurred during 16 events as opposed average. Within the group of negative hysteresis loops,
to 8 occasions during the dry period. These patterns the only significant correlation was, negative, between
usually occurred when baseflow was below the mean. sediment precedence time and antecedent baseflow (r =
Sediment concentration usually did not exceed the mean − 0.54, p b 0.05).
annual value. Mean event duration was about 2 h longer Response times showed a log-normal distribution,
than the annual average. therefore we used medians instead of mean values for
Most of the negative (counter-clockwise) hysteretic the analysis. The median value for all the events was
loops (Fig. 3c) occurred during dry periods (18) while 80 min; eight-shaped loops showed the slowest
during the wet period only three were observed. These responses (121 min), positive loops had intermediate
patterns always happened when baseflow was below the responses (61 min) and the fastest corresponded to
mean and smaller than 4 l s− 1. Sediment concentrations negative loops (40 min). Sediment precedence time was
usually did not exceed the mean annual value, although 38 min on average; negative loops had a mean sediment
two exceptional events reached the highest maximum precedence time (Ts) of 15 min, whereas positive loops
sediment concentration (173 g l− 1) of the whole study had a mean of 48 min and a median of 26 min.
period; these floods occurred in summer of 2004, The analysis of variance (Table 4) showed that floods
following a rainy spring season. Mean flood time for with positive loops had higher precipitation, kinetic

Table 4
Results of the analysis of variance between the different types of hysteresis loops
Variable Groups Ca l'Isard Can Vila
Average difference Average error Average difference Average error
Precipitation Negative Positive − 18.38 5.47 − 16.14 8.81
Negative Eight − 11.93 4.00 − 7.47 9.33
Positive Eight 6.44 6.06 8.67 6.03
Kinetic energy Negative Positive − 312.13 97.87 − 185.66 177.98
Negative Eight − 202.08 84.07 − 56.84 183.26
Positive Eight 110.05 113.20 128.82 109.40
Maximum intensity Negative Positive 16.93 5.33 31.58 8.55
Negative Eight 13.97 5.73 24.48 12.66
Positive Eight − 2.96 4.41 − 7.09 9.94
Baseflow Negative Positive − 9.59 2.89 − 7.85 2.34
Negative Eight − 5.70 2.19 − 2.10 1.32
Positive Eight 3.89 3.61 5.74 2.64
Peak discharge Negative Positive −404.48 124.63 − 176.35 33.39
Negative Eight − 138.97 65.46 − 29.28 12.17
Positive Eight 265.51 139.41 147.07 35.18
Runoff Negative Positive − 29.08 40.81 − 7.82 1.86
Negative Eight − 18.77 32.40 − 3.53 2.33
Positive Eight 10.31 41.34 4.29 2.83
Runoff coefficient Negative Positive − 17.39 6.06 − 15.61 2.85
Negative Eight − 10.20 4.40 − 10.16 5.11
Positive Eight 7.19 7.43 5.45 5.69
Sediment load Negative Positive − 39.00 23.83 − 3.84 1.43
Negative Eight − 2.87 17.35 − 0.15 0.25
Positive Eight 36.13 24.19 3.69 1.44
Maximum concentration Negative Positive 2.15 13.12 − 1.19 0.46
Negative Eight 9.04 12.15 0.19 0.31
Positive Eight 6.90 8.99 1.38 0.41
Flood time Negative Positive − 7.63 4.60 − 13.85 9.51
Negative Eight − 9.77 4.91 − 4.79 10.99
Positive Eight − 2.14 5.58 9.06 7.18
Response time Negative Positive 79.35 68.80 − 171.21 61.40
Negative Eight 71.96 67.64 − 13.14 60.34
Positive Eight − 7.39 32.89 158.07 63.59
Differences in bold are significant at the 0.01 level and differences in italics at the 0.05 level.

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
8 M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx

energy, peak discharge, antecedent baseflow and runoff correlated with peak discharge (r = 0.62, p b 0.01) and
coefficients, but lower rainfall intensity than negative rainfall kinetic energy (r = 0.57, p b 0.01). Sediment pre-
loops. Floods with negative loops had lower precipita- cedence time was well correlated with runoff (r = 0.52.
tion and antecedent baseflow than eight-shaped loops. p b 0.01).
No significant differences were found between floods Eight-shaped hysteretic loops happened on 3 occa-
with positive and eight-shaped loops. sions: two events corresponded to the wet period and one
to the dry period. These patterns usually occurred when
4.2. Can Vila baseflow was below the mean. Sediment concentration
never exceeded the mean annual value and mean event
Table 1 shows the annual values of the hydrological duration was about 3 h longer than the annual average.
characteristics of the basin for each year of study. Negative (counter-clockwise) hysteretic loops hap-
During the whole study period, mean annual runoff from pened on seven occasions. Most of them (5) occurred
the Can Vila sub-basin was 263 mm, and mean daily during the dry period. These patterns always occurred
discharge was 4.8 l s− 1. Over the 5 year period, total when baseflow was zero or below the mean. Sediment
sediment export was 128 Mg, about 61% was produced concentrations were rather irregular, usually not ex-
during the wet period and 39% during the dry period. ceeding the mean annual value. Mean event duration
This value was again strongly affected by the event on was about 18 h, 11 h less than the annual average.
February 2003 that mobilized 30% of the total amount Within the group of floods with negative hysteresis
of sediment exported during the study period (Fig. 2). loops, significant correlations appeared between peak
The maximum suspended sediment concentration, concentration and runoff coefficient (r =0.69, p b 0.01)
observed in August 2004, was 7.8 g l− 1. and peak discharge (r= 0.84, p b 0.05). Sediment prece-
During the study period, 42 floods were registered, 29 dence time was well correlated with the runoff coefficient
during the wet season and 13 during the dry season. Overall (r= 0.70, p b 0.05).
mean flood duration was 29 h where mean duration was Response time showed a median value of 222 min.
33 h and 12 for the wet and dry periods respectively. Faster responses (median 137 min) were associated with
Table 2 shows the linear correlation coefficients between negative loops and slower ones (median 259 min) with
the different variables considered. The larger the event positive loops, during the wet period. Mean sediment
precipitation, the longer the flood duration and higher the precedence time was 33 min.
peak discharge, runoff volume, runoff coefficient and The analysis of variance (Table 4) showed that floods
sediment load. By contrast, when rainstorm intensity was with positive loops had higher peak discharge, runoff,
higher, the result was shorter flood response with larger runoff coefficient, antecedent baseflow, sediment con-
sediment concentrations. Antecedent baseflow influenced centration, sediment load and longer response time but
peak discharge, runoff, runoff coefficient and sediment lower rainfall intensity than negative loops. Floods with
transport. Maximum sediment concentration was correlated negative loops had lower runoff than eight-shaped
significantly with rainfall intensity and peak discharge. loops. Floods with positive loops had higher peak
Events with large runoff or long response time had delayed discharge, sediment concentration and sediment load
sediment peaks. than eight-shaped loops.

4.2.1. Discharge–sediment concentration relationships 5. Discussion and conclusions

In the Can Vila catchment, 27 floods showed positive
hysteretic loops, 5 negative loops and 4 eight-shaped The comparison between the responses of the two
loops, while the remaining 6 floods were multi-peaked catchments allows the identification of the role of
events (Table 3). Positive loops occurred in 24 events catchment characteristics and the analysis of the processes
during the wet period, whereas during the dry period these involved. Firstly, the hydrological response of the two
loops only happened on six occasions. As for the Ca basins showed clear differences. In spite of the lower
l'Isard catchment, these patterns occurred when baseflow runoff produced by Ca l'Isard, there were many more
before the event was significant and peak discharges were observed events (67 compared to 36). The main difference
the most important of the whole year. Sediment corresponded to the counter-clockwise (from 21 events of
concentrations usually did not exceed the mean annual this type at Ca l'Isard only 6 were simultaneously regis-
value (1.7 g l− 1) and mean event duration was only about tered at Can Vila, as shown on Table 3) and eight-shaped
3 h longer than the annual average (29 h). For floods with events. The events that were observed only at Ca l'Isard,
positive hysteresis loops, peak concentration was well compared with those observed at both stations, were

Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
M. Soler et al. / Geomorphology xx (2007) xxx–xxx 9

produced by smaller but more intense precipitations, and The above analysis, therefore, confirmed and nuanced
were shorter and with smaller runoff and sediment load. the former findings on the varying water and sediment
At Ca l'Isard, the median response time for floods with sources in these catchments (Latron, 2003; Gallart et al.,
negative hysteresis loops was 40 min; for a small 2005a,b). At Can Vila, the limited extent of badlands did
1.32 km2 basin this means that half of these events may not notably modify the hydrological response of the
be attributed to Hortonian runoff generation processes, catchment, driven by saturation and subsurface mechan-
according to the relationships between catchment size and isms, although it provided the stream with a greater
response time proposed by several authors (for example sediment load, when compared with basins devoid of
Anderson and Burt, 1990), where these events were badlands in the same area (Llorens et al., 1997).
triggered by high intensity storms (mean 42 mm h− 1). Nevertheless, there were some events with features
When floods with positive hysteresis loops were analysed, characteristic of Hortonian runoff generation, but with
only one third had response times below 40 min. long response times; the delayed response of floods in this
Nevertheless, the main response of the catchment is still basin has been tentatively attributed to the role of
driven by saturation mechanisms, as shown by the agricultural terraces (Gallart et al., 2005a).
significant correlation between antecedent baseflow and Conversely, at Ca l'Isard, the role of badlands was
runoff coefficient and the fair but negative correlation able to modify its hydrological response, in spite of their
between rainfall intensity and runoff coefficient. The fact small relative extent (4.5%). The main aspect of the
that negative hysteresis loops were related to events driven modification was the addition of a relevant number of
by Hortonian runoff generation may be attributed, in this events of small size in response to intense rainstorms.
case, to the relatively remote location of the sediment The overall result was a complex hydrological behaviour
sources in the catchment, as the right branch is as runoff generation mechanisms and contributing areas
infrequently active as it drains the limestone area (Fig. 1). varied depending on antecedent moisture and rainfall
In contrast, response times at Can Vila were much characteristics, whereas the sediment concentration–
longer in spite of the smaller size of the basin. There discharge relationships took diverse forms, showing
were only two events at Can Vila that had response positive hysteretic loops typically for large hydrological
times shorter than 30 min, but the characteristics of events (large precipitation, runoff and peak discharge)
these events that occurred in spring (mild rainfall and negative loops for small events.
intensity, high antecedent baseflow and high runoff
coefficients) showed that they should be attributed to Acknowledgements
saturation rather than Hortonian mechanisms. Seven
events with response times between 43 and 122 min, This research was carried with the support of the
which should be attributed to saturation mechanisms projects PIRIHEROS (REN 2003-08678/HID), CANOA
according to the relationships between catchment size (CGL2004-04919-C02-01),TEMPQSIM (EVK1-CT-
and response time cited above, were triggered by storms 2002-00112) and the agreement CSIC-DGCONA
with high rainfall intensity (42–77 mm h− 1) during low (RESEL). The authors are indebted particularly to X.
antecedent baseflow conditions; yet, four of them had Huguet and D. Regüés for their assistance. J. Latron have
counter-clockwise loops and two of them showed the benefited from a CSIC research contract (I3P programme).
highest sediment concentrations of the record. In this Comments by Varyl Thorndycraft have improved the final
catchment, the sediment source areas are also located version of the paper.
near the headwaters (Fig. 1).
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Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032
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Please cite this article as: Soler, M. et al. Relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharge in two small research basins
in a mountainous Mediterranean .... Geomorphology (2007), doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.032

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