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Organizational Behaviour

Answer 1:
Introduction: The leadership role is similar to flying a Plane. It requires immense Determination
monitoring planning to Final Destination asserting the weather determining the direction of the
plane comfort of passengers, etc. Even sometimes with a lot of planning and Risk management
plane may crash under the unfortunate condition
Leadership in organizations need similar actions A good leader should always be aware of all the
pitfall that can appear in an organization and urge to be prepared to avoid them
Amar’s Manager Ajay might be only behind in completing the targets without taking care of
employees' mental health. According to me, Ajay is unaware of the pitfalls of leadership
Pitfalls of leadership can be organizational Pitfalls and environmental pitfalls. It is the duty of the
organization to set the proper culture for their employees as well as leaders should understand all
the pitfalls of their role
Sometimes organizations fail to set up proper rules and culture for employment and sometimes
the employee at the leadership level can be toxic
Let us look at some of the pitfalls of the leadership of Amar and then can find out what can be

Concept And Application:

There are 6 types of pit phones a good leader should take care of they are as below

1. Personal Pitfalls: Whenever a leader plans for completing a target it may happen that
some of the employees or authorities will not agree with his point of view and his vision
for the company, no matter how good his plan and vision for the growth of the company
he will have to face some obstacles in his path. Such types of obstacles are known as
personal pitfalls some of the personal pitfalls are discussed below
● Criticism: This is a universal truth that every leader has to face criticism. For
example, a leader plan some activities for his vision for the company but few
activities from the previous quarter are still remaining in such situations people in
the organization criticize him for bad leadership and perceive him as someone
who is bad at execution. So a good leader should be used to facing criticism and
should prepare himself mentally for such criticism.
● Dictatorship: A good leader should always respect his team member's views of
the project. He should not impose his thinking and way of working on the team.
Also, a good leader does not let his personal grudges affect professional
relationships with their employees
● Role Confusion: When the human brain has not given the clarity to work he up
with work so it is the duty of a good leader to understand this human psychology
and if their region quarterly and yearly to his employees depend on his working
capacity and capability

2. Organizational Pitfalls: The duty of the organization is to set a proper culture and make
every leader understand the goals and objectives of the organization as well as they
should remind the individual about the Vision and Mission of the organization and
eventually form rules which rules will be the driving force for an organization and
breaking the rules may cause individual into trouble. Below are the major organizational
● Not building a strong top team: The leaders are the major pillar of any
organization they should be trained to be good leaders. If a leader in top
management is not behaving properly with any employee he or she should be
removed from the organization immediately strict rules should be made to take
care of employees' mental health
● Failing to highlight success: Every success of the company should be shared and
celebrated with the Employees with appreciation and good incentives, otherwise,
employees don't feel belonged to the organization. Ajay should recognize Amar's
hard work and highlight his good points and contributions to the team which will
keep him motivated
● Lack of vision clarity and communication: Vision and Mission should be
conveyed properly through top-level management to all the individuals and from
time to time mission of the company should be revised for smoothed functioning

3. Environmental pitfall: Internal and external environments in an organization change

constantly these changes can be financial and political for the legislative and
Organisation should have proper planning to face the changes by adopting new policies
and plans forecasting can be done to avoid these pitfalls and overcome competition
budgeting should be done in a proper manner a leader should take care heir of the
changes and comfort of their employees in changes implementation. A leader always has
to set strategies depending on the external environment he needs to bring constant
changes in work procedures and try to bring equilibrium to work sometimes it can be
challenging for a leader to keep an employee motivated during times of crisis and change
but a leader should set an example by leading the team And giving is best in the situation
of crisis
Amar should complain about a situation to his HR or any other reliable person. The organization
should take strict action against Ajay and make him aware of the organization’s culture vision
mission and rules. To become a good leader Ajay should self-analyze himself and go through all
the leadership pitfalls and correct his behavior. One can see a lot of dictatorship in Ajay’s
leadership as he doesn't take care of employees' mental health and make them overwork. Indeed
Ajay is a bad leader but leadership is a skill and can be e learned over a period of time. Also, it is
a duty of a good leader to up appraise the employee in front of the team and point out his mistake
in person so that he will not shatter the self-confidence of the employee Ajay really needs to
learn this small skill. By understanding all the leadership Pitfall if Ajay becomes a good leader
then the company should praise him otherwise company should fire people like Ajay
Answer 2:
Sameer seems to be a very good Team leader as He makes sure that the team is motivated
enough to do good work on the job or in the project. As he encourages good behavior of the team
and makes sure that bad behavior is recognized and corrected He very well knows the concept of
reinforcement and the elements involved in the same.
To strengthen a particular type of behavior and a process involved in this is known as
reinforcement. This theory was developed by B.F Skinner and he motivated leaders to apply it to
their employees. This theory can fetch more output from employees by taking care of their needs
and thoughts and opinions. Organizations should have a proper reward system to reward good
behavior and achievement of their employees this motivates their employees to do better in work
Also it should have a proper punishment system that should not impact the employees in any
way. There can be positive as well as negative impacts of reinforcement, always appraising the
employee is not good for his career as well as always pointing out his mistakes to will ruin their
career. A good manager should know to maintain the balance between these two

Concept and Applications:

Reinforcements have 4 elements
1. Positive reinforcement
2. Negative reinforcement
3. Punishment
4. Extinction
Let us understand these four elements in detail
1. Positive reinforcement: This involves encouraging the employee to reward them for
their desired Behaviour or for delivering desired results. For example, a manager applies
Micromanagement so 30% of Ideal time reduces which increased their salary over a
period of time
2. Negative reinforcement: It simply means removing some situation or stimulus that
causes the issue to employees, for example after the pandemic Employee preferred to
work from home managers allowed them to work from home whenever they wanted and
they remove the foundation to working from the office and eventually made the situation
easy for them
3. Punishment: It means creating such a situation for an employee that does not allow the
scope of occurrence of any undesirable situation or behavior from the employee, for
example, moonlighting can remove the employee from the organization
4. Extinction: It simply means to reduce the frequency of some behavior by extending the
consequences that reinforce it
Let us see the consequences and implementation of reinforcement. Learning through
implementation is also known as behavior modification as it is dependent on the environment
and individual response to the same this involves 3 e stages
A. Antecedent: These are the events that occur before the completion of any task for
example manager gives an urgent task to the employee which is to be completed before
the end of the day so the employee knows very well that if the task is not done on time he
will have to face consequences like escalation
B. Behavior: This stage involves the response of the individual towards the task example
the employee can have a discussion if he won't be able to complete the task
C. Consequences: This stage involves the action taken by the employee for example
employee push himself and completes the task can get an appraisal or he can ask the
manager to increase the deadline according to mutual understanding the consequences of
the project will be decided

Reward System: Every organization must implement a good reward system so that employees
will filled motivated and recognised for their efforts. A reward system can have mixed of
monetary and nonmonetary elements for benefit of the employee reward can be connected with a
performance which yields positive results both for the organization as well as employee also
reward provides the opportunity to figure out the appraisal and promotion for an employee

Administrating reinforcement: To implement a quality reward system enforcement should

be developed so there are two types of reinforcement that can be implemented as discussed
1. Continuous reinforcement: In this system whenever an employee does good work he is
rewarded example chocolate is given for a good presentation
2. Intermittent reinforcement: In this type of reinforcement and employer is not rewarded
immediately but is rewarded in a given interval of time
● Fixed intervals schedule: there are monthly quarterly half yearly and yearly
assessments in organizations to track the performance of employees and give him
a Hike accordingly
● variable interval schedules: these are distributed in time so that reinforcements
are unpredictable, for example chocolates to be given to all the employees for any
good performance
● fix to ratio schedule: here rewards are initiated after a constant number of
appreciations example an employee will receive 500 rupees extra if he receives 10
appreciation mail in a month
● variable ratio scale dual the reward to an employee is wearing instead of getting a
fixed reward for example bonus provided to sale people at the call center
according to their performance

Conclusion: Sameer analyzed that his employees are going out of their way to serve the client so
he is making use of continuous reinforcement to reward them whenever they perform well
employees are getting instant gratification that is when they do good work they do they get
instant reward employees are motivated to do better next time This is a very nice strategy used
by Sameer to positively encourage them and does provide positive reinforcement. Sameer can
also implement intermittent reinforcement depending on the performance of employees we can
implement yearly quarterly E and half-yearly raises to his employees as well as he can give
compensation like comp off and compensation for working on weekends to encourage the
Answer 3a.
Introduction: In any kind of job an employer needs to understand what motivates people
employer should take into account the needs and goals of employees. Renita Wall earned but
after some time he got bored with the job because every individual needs to change with time.
Other than financial needs and individuals have other types of needs like social needs 50 lead
psychological needs, self-actualization needs, so it is the duty of an employer for satisfying their
employee's needs to know their current state of Desire and To retain them for a long time

Concept and Application:

Let us understands Renita’s needs and Why she was unhappy in spite of having a good salary?
There are below levels of human needs(Maslow’s Need THEORY)
1. Psychological needs- This includes hunger shelter and other needs
2. Safety needs- Include the need for safety and protection from outside
3. Social needs- Contain an urge for friendship, affection, and acceptance
4. Esteem needs-Have needs for internal self-confidence self-respect achievement and
external status
5. Self-actualization needs - Include the need for the kick to realize self-growth
self-achievement and someone's potential

The manager should have a two-factor investigation to understand employee satisfaction

1. Intrinsic factor/Motivator: represent employees' perception about their job and whether
they are satisfied with their growing responsibilities and salaries
2. Extrinsic Factor/ Hygiene factor: Represent it their satisfaction or dissatisfaction
among employees related to the company

Few other factors employers should consider are as below

1. Relatedness: Simply mean belongingness to the company which can include interaction
with other people and security among people
2. Growth: The need to grow is there constantly in employees which involves a person's
self-esteem through personal achievement
3. Achievement: There are some people who are driven by Complex problems and there is
a constant need to find their solution in their job
4. Power: Some people are very influential and they want to have control over others their
driving factor is power
5. Affiliation: Some people are very emotional and they have a strong desire for belonging
they are very concerned about their relationship with others these people are team players
and they don't like to work alone they are very collaborative in nature and they are
motivated by the accomplishment of the team.
Conclusion: The needs discussed above go from top to bottom, after the fulfillment of one
Desire the next becomes dominant, and the individual continuously what to reach the top. This
theory was discussed by Maslow and he considered psychological and safety needs as
lower-order needs and social needs, Esteem needs and, self-actualization needs as higher order
as they are satisfied by internal factors and self-esteem. The problem with Retina’s employer is
that he thought the safety and psychological needs of Retina are satisfied and it is not important
to satisfy the other higher-order needs. Also, Retina is a team player so as a speaker she should
be given chance to have power over others along with affiliation

Answer 3b.
Introduction: True about the scenario we try to understand Retina’s needs, for retina money is
not the primary motivating factor but belonging affiliation and power are what he needs she is
more on the higher-order needs as far as her lower-order needs are satisfied. Teaching is such a
profession that gives a lot of satisfaction in itself. Along with satisfying lower-order needs as
discussed in the above question, it satisfies higher-order needs and needs for growth as well.
Training and teaching people can also help you to understand the subject well and to Deep dive
into the subject

Concept and Application:

Let us discuss Why the teaching and training profession is for Retina?

1. Retina can make a difference: In which profession we have the potential to make a
long-lasting impression on students almost all the students remember something positive
of their teacher for their life.
2. Variety of days: No two days are similar for a teacher. This profession is very different
from the typical 9-5 corporate job which is monotonous. A teacher gets a variety of
students in her lifetime
3. Job Security: Something jobs can be replaced by technology but a teaching job can
never be replaced by technology as it involves hard work ok by an instructor's experience
in that subject and sometimes social work. International Schools globally look for trained
and certified teachers
4. Intangible rewards: for many teachers small intangible rewards from their students are
more than money these rewards can include the success of a student's small gifts from
Student appreciation, moment like this makes a teacher's life
5. Great Schedule: Teachers get a lot of paid as well as unpaid holidays along with
students. So as a female it is a great job to do
6. This is not a job but a responsibility: Some people love to take Responsibility and love
to solve others' problems as well teaching is a type of job where it trainer or teacher has
the responsibility for some group of students the responsibility may vary from just
teaching the subject to get them employment. this is a great responsibility indeed
7. Other Benefits: From the retina's point of view social needs and higher needs are more
important than financial needs or lower needs. it's ok if she is earning less and less until
she is satisfied and the satisfaction of Mind matter more to Retina

From Retina's nature it can be understood that she can work for less pay but she is the kind of
person who loves to take responsibility and loves to help others with her skills. She understands
others' pain points properly and helps others and Company to make people better and eventually
grow the company. All her needs are getting satisfied in the teaching and training job so though
she is getting paid less teaching is the best job for her and she can do better in this job as all her
needs are mapping with this job

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