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Mark Christian V.

Baril Module 5
1BSA1- Non Abm Emotional Intelligence

Written Reflective Learning

Biohacking, it’s just all about hacking myself to be happy. For me as a student, I’ve been constantly
experiencing stress and anxiety. Especially in regards to my grades and personal life problems but, I can
tell I’m still pretty stable as of now. Why? it's only because I find ways of how to deal with my negative
feelings. I do stress-busting techniques and keep on looking forward in life with a positive perspective. I
pursue goals, keep consistent, and improve myself more because letting myself drown in negative
feelings just put me nowhere. I’ve also learned this what they called 21/90 rule, when I came up to think
of it, I got feel motivated and more consistent in life. 21 days of building a habit to build myself and 90
days to make this a lifestyle is surely encouraging.

In life, it’s only about managing. No matter how smart and good looking you are, your life still depends
on how you are managing it. That’s why biohacking is there that teaches us to be resilient. I’m
discovering more in life and prepared for pain but I’m surely assured that this will not get me down.
Grateful, I’m grateful and should always be, because I believe everything happens for a reason and God
plans it for us. The way I choose to live my life corresponds to what path I will be, that’s why I have to be
conscientious and live my to the fullest. And that’s all, I’m glad of knowing more about life and take
every step towards a happy life. But always remember, learning is not enough, application fulfills.

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