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As a trainer, prior to learning activity and as for frequently monitoring purposes I see to it that the
maintenance and upkeeping of the workshop and its surroundings were properly arranged by means of
ensuring that my facility, equipment and/or tools are satisfactory and operational in condition to caters
a healthy, safe and worry-free working environment to promote good performance, morale and well-
being of my learners’ and for the whole community.


I am a cognizant facilitator, I primarily prioritized the nature of diversity of every learner even as to
whatsoever means, I extract learning barriers and accommodate them as to what is highly expected for
positive outcome then I’ll evaluate the type of approach and materials to be utilize for the relevancies
and significances.


I’ll be more learner-centered which invites rapport during learning session through literally
overseeing/scrutinizing on the on-going task for me to be able to pick who is the highly admissible and
reward good feedback as per desirable scripted plan of supervision in work-based learning.


In formulating an effective learning instruction, I plan for what I want for my trainees to achieve and it
will be my goal(s) to deliver in a sequential manner or in a spiral mode and as for the validation of every
performed tasked or for cognitive test, the queries must be appropriately percentage distributed which
means the table of specification comes first before the queries.


Prior to the day of assessment, I’ll have my trainees be informed with the proper orientation. This is to
elaborate the basis of the institution and mechanism for them to be well instructed and let all be known
by the rules, and from then I will administer a mockup assessment for the query feedbacking

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