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Name Juan Pablo Millan D.

Teacher Angelica Ramírez
University ETITC

Introduce Yourself

My name is Juan Pablo Millan Delgadillo, I am

Seventeen years old, I am a very happy person
and proud of what I do, I always see the positive
side of everything, I am a student at the Central
Technical Institute Technnological, Where I am
currently studying, third semester of
Mechatronics Engineering. I am from Bogota,
Colombia, Where I currently live with my
parents and my brother, I have quite
particular tastes.

I like to exercise or ride a bicycle in my free

time, or even more, pass time with family; I
don’t like lies and vegetables. My Hobby for
about three years is cycling. I practice it from
time to time, currently I am not working for
study issues. On my vacations, I had the
opportunity to work with a family helping in
their business. My plans and goals for this
semester is to pass everything and have a
semester average greater tan or equal to 4.5.

 A homemade tortilla
 Some grated cheese
 Some honey
 Some chocolate
 Some condensed milk
 Some slices of banana
 Some strawberries

 First put a crepe on the plate
 Then spread some honey and some chocolate
 Then peel the banana and cut it in to slices, then cut the strawberries intopieces
 Now put the bananas and the strawberry pieces
 Add some grated cheese
 And finally fold the crepes

And this is how you make some delicious crepes, enjoy it!
Introduction of my Family Member
Her name is Yuri Katerin, my sister, she is Twenty five
years old, it is from Bogota, but currently lives in the
USA, she is a public Accountant.
She is a little short, she has very pretty hair that
characterizes her from other people, with light eyes, but
in addition to everything, she is kind, respectful, honest
and cooperative.

His favorite food is rice with chicken.

My sister has different abilities like she’s good and fast
with everything she does, she is also very responsable.
His future plans are to travel around the world, meetand
stay t olive in USA.
Cinema Questions

1. Have you ever spoken to a film actor/actress?

RTA: Yes, Jesus has.

1.1. Who was it?

RTA: It was Diomedez Diaz.

1.2. What did you say?

RTA: Jesus was dying of emotion, anked for an autograph.

2. Have you ever seen a film more than three times?

RTA: Yes, Danilo has.

2.1. What film?

RTA: It was Aironman.

2.2. When was the last time you saw it?

RTA: Danilo was last seen last year.

3. Have you ever cried in a film?

RTA: Yes, Felipe has.

3.1. What film was it?

RTA: It was Titanic.

3.2. Why did you cry?

RTA: Felipe cried because he had a sad ending.

4. Have you ever bought a soundtrack from a film?

RTA: Yes, Angie has.

4.1. What film was it?

RTA: It was Frozen.

4.2. Did you like the film?

RTA: Angie did like the movie.

5. Have you ever left the cinema in the middle of a film?

RTA: Yes, Jacome has.

5.1. What film was it?

RTA: It was the spell.

5.2. Why did you leave?

RTA: Because, I was so scared.

6. Have you ever slept in the cinema?

RTA: Yes, Ibañez has.

6.1. What film was it?

RTA: It was Crepusculo.

6.2. Why did you sleep?

RTA: Because it was midnight and I was sleepy.

7. Have you ever kissed somebody in the back row?

RTA: Yes, Carlos has.

7.1. Who was it?

RTA: It was her boyfriend.

7.2. Did you see the film?

RTA: Yes, but the movie is boring.

Book-Movie Questions

1. Charlie and the chocolate factory.

2. Charlie Bucket is a boy from a poor

family who spends mosto of his time
dreaming about the chocolate he can
rarely afford to eat. Things take a turn
when Willy Wonka, the owner of the
famous Wonka Chocolates Empire,
announces a contest in which five Golden
tickets have been hidden in five chocolates

3. I have seen the movie three times.

4. The last time i saw the movies was five months ago.

5. Yes, I liked the movie, I think it’s a suitable movie to spend with
the family.

6. I haven’t read the book, but I know the author’s name is Roald

7. If I would like t oread it because, they show more things than

they did not show in the movie.

8. Although the movie talks about the five kids who find the Golden
ticket, the odds are ridiculous. One of the flows of human nature
is the belief that somehow the universe sees us and singles us out
for special treatment but in won’t.

9. The book is better, because they show more

things that they didn’t show in the movie.

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