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12/2/22, 3:44 PM Angelina Jolie’s Visit to Pakistan - BORGEN

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Angelina Jolie’s Visit to Pakistan 0


TALLAHASSEE, Florida — Angelina Jolie is one of the most well-known actresses in Hollywood. Over the
last few decades of her life, she has dedicated her time to supporting charities and championing for
humanitarian causes internationally. In 2012, Angelina Jolie was appointed as a Special Envoy for the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which designates her as a representative of
international refugees on a diplomatic level. Recently, Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan in late September to
call attention to Pakistan’s most recent historic flooding and elicit humanitarian support for the millions of
people that the recent floods have affected.

Flooding in Pakistan
Relentless monsoon rains and subsequent flooding have been burdening Pakistan for months, leaving the
country in dire need of humanitarian aid. Floods have impacted more than 33 million people in Pakistan.
Angelina Jolie’s visit to Pakistan provided her with the opportunity to speak with victims of the flooding
firsthand, and to amplify their stories on her social media platforms. Angelina Jolie documented her visit 1/5
12/2/22, 3:44 PM Angelina Jolie’s Visit to Pakistan - BORGEN

on Instagram in an effort to increase the visibility of the widespread devastation for her 13 million
followers to see.

Jolie’s Visit
Angelina Jolie visited Pakistan’s Sindh Province, where over 40,000 square miles of land were submerged
underwater. Angelina met with women in Sindh who experienced the largest impact of the floods and
listened to their stories. After her conversations with victims, Jolie recounted that “Families are sleeping
under open skies and have lost everything in these floods”.

In Sindh, she specifically spoke with women whose villages were ravaged by floodwater and discussed the
new challenges that they must face. Victims who have lost their homes are now struggling to secure
access to food, drinking water, and medical attention. Angelina Jolie encouraged her followers to become
informed about these aspects of the crisis and shared resources for donations.

Refugees in Pakistan
Angelina Jolie also called attention to the displaced refugees who have taken shelter in Pakistan,
considering that Pakistan is home to over 1 million refugees, many of which are Afghan.

Jolie explained on her Instagram that people who seek refuge in Pakistan are unable to safely return to
their home countries and are now in more dangerous positions due to the floods. Over the course of
Angelina Jolie’s visit to Pakistan, she specifically spoke with people who had fled the Taliban and were now
struggling with additional trauma due to the flooding. Jolie wrote in her post that overwhelming numbers
of Pakistani citizens and refugees are in need of emergency assistance.

A Major Threat
Pakistan’s unprecedented floods are a major threat to the stability of the country. In addition to
residential devastation, the flooding has destroyed 3.6 million acres of crops and wiped out thousands of
rural Pakastani’s only forms of income.

Pakistan’s stability is largely dependent upon its environment, which has become increasingly susceptible
to climate catastrophes including heatwaves, drought and floods. On social media, Angelina Jolie
emphasized that Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate disasters is an environmental issue. She encouraged
her large following to become informed about Pakistan’s recent floods and spread awareness of the
crisis. She provided links and resources for Pakistan’s victims in her Instagram biography and used
hashtags such as #PakistanFloods and #WithRefugees to amplify her message. 2/5
12/2/22, 3:44 PM Angelina Jolie’s Visit to Pakistan - BORGEN

– Dylan Priday
Photo: Flickr


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