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QUESTIONS [questions]
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1. Endocrine glands are-
1) Ductless glands whose secretions pour directly into blood
2) Have ducts and pour their secretion into blood directly
3) Have duct s which straightaway pour secretion into blood directly
4) All of the above
2. Which of the following statements about hormones is/are correct
I. Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals
II. Hormones acts as intercellular messengers
III. Hormones are produced in trace amounts
IV. Hormones may be proteins, steroids, glycoproteins and biogenic amines
1) All
3) IV
4) I,III
3. Which of the following statement is false
1) Hormones provide chemical coordination, integration, and regulation in the
human body
2) Hormones regulate metabolism, growth, and development of our organs
3) Besides hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, parathyroid, thymus etc… GIT,
heart, kidney, also produces hormones
4) Hormone can be used again and again like biocatalyst
4. Which of the following options is false
1) Invertebrates possess very simple endocrine system with few hormones
2) The hypothalamus is the upper part of diencephalon (part of forebrain)
3) The hypothalamus contains several groups of neurosecretory cells (nuclei) which
produce hormones
4) The hypothalamus produces releasing hormone, inhibiting hormone, oxytocin,
and vasopressin
5. Pituitary gland is regulated by
1) Adrenals
2) Pineal
3) Thyroid gland
4) Hypothalamus
6. Which of the following options is false
1) The posterior pituitary is under the direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus
2) Somatostatin from hypothalamus inhibits the release of growth hormone (GH)
from the anterior pituitary
3) GnRH from the hypothalamus stimulates anterior pituitary to release
4) None of the above
7. Which of the following option is correct
1) Posterior pituitary is connected to hypothalamus by nerve fibres
2) Anterior pituitary is connected to hypothalamus by portal vessel
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3) An terior pituitary is connected to hypothalamus by portal vessel
4) Both a and b
8. The pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity called _______ and is attached to ______
by a stalk
1) Sella tursica, hypothalamus
2) Sella tursica, cerebrum
3) Sella tursica, thyroid
4) Sella tursica, pineal
9. Anterior lobe of pituitary gland secretes
I. FSH, GH, and LH
II. GH, TSH, and prolactin
III. TSH, ADH, and prolactin
IV. ACTH, TSH and oxytocin
1) I and II are correct
2) II and IV are correct
3) I and III are correct
4) I, II, III are correct
10. Which of the following is mismatched with the stated functions
1) ACTH- stimulates the adrenal cortex
2) Oxytocin- stimulates water reabsorption by the kidneys
3) Prolactin-(PRL) regulates the growth of mammary glands and milk production in
4) TSH- promotes the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone from thyroid
11. Which of the following statement is correct about oxytocin
1) It stimulates smooth muscles contraction
2) In female, it stimulates a vigorous contraction of uterus at the time of child birth
3) In females it stimulates milk ejection from mammary glands
4) All
12. Which of the following are gonadotrophins
2) LH+ FSH
3) LH+ GH
4) GH
13. Which of the following option is not true
1) In males, LH stimulates synthesis and secretion of androgens
2) In males, FSH and androgens regulate spermatogenesis
3) In females, LH induces ovulation of fully mature follicles and maintains corpus
4) FSH is produced in only males
14. The corpus luteum
1) Is found in forebrain of human
2) Is formed from remnants of graffian follicle after ovulation
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3) Sec retes LH
4) Is found in testis
15. Match the column I and II
a) FSH I. Transported axonally to
b) MSH neurophysis from
c) ADH hypothalamus
d) Pars intermedia II. Acts on melanocytes and
regulate pigmentation of
III. Stimulates the growth and
development of ovarian
follicles in females
IV. In human, it is almost
merged in pars distalis

1) A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV

2) A-I, B-II, C-III, D- IV
3) A- IV, B- III, C- II, D-I
4) A-III, B-II, C-IV, D-I
16. Pineal gland is located on-
1) Dorsal midbrain
2) Ventral midbrain
3) Dorsal side of forebrain
4) Ventral side of hindbrain
17. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by
1) Pineal
2) Pituitary
3) Thymus
4) Adrenal cortex
18. Which of the following function is related with melatonin
1) Influence on metabolism, menstrual cycle or defence capacity
2) Regulation of 24 hour diurnal rhythms of our body
3) Both a and b
4) Does not oppose FSH and LH
19. Which of the following option is wrong
1) Thyroid gland is largest endocrine gland
2) Each thyroid gland is composed of follicles and stromal tissues
3) Thyroid gland consists of 4 lobes
4) Thyroid gland secretes t3 and t4 and TCT
20. Identify A,B,C and D-
1) A-Neurohypophysis B- Adenohypophysis C- Pars distalis D-Pars intermedia
2) A-adenohypophysis B- neurohypophysis C- Pars intermedia D- Pars distalis
3) A- adenohypophysis B-neurohypophysis C- pars distalis D- Pars intermedia
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4) A- Neurohypophysis B- Adenohypophysis C- Pars intermedia D- Pars distalis

21. Observe the following figures. Identify A to D—

1) Parathyroid gland, B - Isthmus, C - Trachea, D – Thyroid
2) A- thyroid, B - Isthmus, C - Trachea, D - Parathyroid gland
3) A- Thyroid, B - Isthmus, C - Larynx, D - Parathyroid gland
4) A-Thyroid, B - Corpus luteum, C -Trachea, D - Parathyroid gland

22. Thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine(t3), produced by the thyroid gland, are synthesised
from and—
1) Phenylalanine
2) Cholesterol
3) Tyrosine
4) Glycoprotein
23. Iodine deficiency in our diet results in _____ and enlargement of gland, commonly
1) Hyperthyroidism, thyroid, goitre
2) Hypothyroidism, thyroid, goitre
3) Hypoparathyroidism, parathyroid, goitre
4) Hyperthyroidism, thyroid, acromegaly
24. Match the column I with column II
Column I Column II
A. Hypothalamic hormone
B. Thyrotropin
Adrenal cortex
C. Corticotrophin
D. Gonadtrophins
E. Melanotrophin

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25. Cretinism in children is caused by-
1) Hypothyroidism
2) Hyperthyroidism
3) Hypoparathyroidism
4) Hyperparathyroidism

26. The features of cretinism includes

1) mental retardation, low I.Q.
2) Abnormal skin, stunted growth
3) Deaf-mutism
4) All
27. Which of the following statements is correct?
1) In an adult woman, hypothyroidism may cause irregular menstrual cycle
2) Hyperthyroidism may be resulted due to thyroid cancer or nodules development in the
thyroid glands
3) Deficiency of iodine in our diet results in hypothyroidism
4) All
28. l. Maximum iodine is stored in thyroid gland
ll. Calcitonin is non-iodinised hormone secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland
Ill. Calcitonin (TCT) regulates the blood Ca level.
IV. TCT is hypocalcemic factor
1) All are correct
2) All are wrong
3) Only l, Il and Ill are correct
4) Only IV is correct
29. Which one of the following pairs of organs includes only the endocrine glands?
1) Thymus and testes
2) Adrenal and ovary
3) Parathyroid and adrenal
4) Pancreas and parathyroid

30. In humans, ___________ parathyroid glands are present on _______side of

1) 2, back, thyroid
2) 4,back,thyroid
3) 4, front, thyroid glands
4) 2, lateral, thyroid glands

31. Which of the following is/are influenced by parathyroid hormone

1) Only kidney
2) Kidney and bones only
3) Muscles and bones only

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4) Kidney, bone, muscles and small intestine

32. All are the functions of PTH except-

1) PTH stimulates bone reabsorption/dilution/dimeneralisation
2) PTH retards osteoclastic action
3) PTH increases Ca+2 absorption from the digestive tube
4) PTH stimulates reabsorption of Ca+2 by renal tubes

33. PTH is a
1) Hypocalcemic hormone
2) Hypercalcemic hormone
3) Antiosteoclastic hormone
4) A hormone which stimulates excertion of Ca+2 in urine

34. The thymus gland is a lobular structure located on ______ side of the ___ and _____
1) Ventral, heart, aorta
2) Lateral, heart, aorta
3) Dorsal, heart, aorta
4) Dorsal, thyroid, trachea

35. Which of the following endocrine glands degenrates/atrophies in old age

1) Thyroid
2) Thymus
3) Parathyroid
4) Adrenal

36. Thymus is mainly concerned with

1) Regulation of body temperature
2) Regulation of body growth
3) Immunological functions
4) Secretion of thyrotropin

37. Damage of thymus in a child may lead to

1) A reduction in haemoglobin content of blood
2) Loss of cell mediated immunity
3) Promotion of antibody mediated immunity/humoral immunity
4) A reduction in stem cell production

38. The thymus gland secretes ____ hormone called ____ which play a major role in the
differentiation of ____ lymphocytes
1) Glycoproteinaceous, thymosin, T
2) Steriod, thymosi, T
3) Peptide,thymosin, T
4) Peptide, thymosin, B

39. Which of the following is not related with thymosins

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1) In addition to cell mediated immunity, thymosins also promote prodyction of antibodies to
provide humoral immunity
2) In oldage, thymosins production is more so immunity is strong
3) Thymosins are produced by thyroid gland
4) Both b and c

40. Adrenal medulla secretes-

1) Adrenaline/epinephrine only
2) Nor-adernaline/nor- epinephrine
3) a and b
4) Corticoids

41. Adrenaline and nor- aderaline are commonly called

1) Corticoids
2) Glucocorticoids
3) Catecholamines
4) Sex corticoids

42. Which of the following glands is called emergency gland of the body
1) Testis
2) Adrenal medulla
3) Thyroid
4) Pituitary

43. Which of the following hormone is are called emergency hormone of "fight or flight"
1) ADH
2) Oxytocin
3) Adrenaline and non-adrenaline
4) Thymosis and PTH

44. Which of the following hormone increases alertness, pupillary dilation, piloerection,
sweating, heart-beat,strength of heart contraction, rate of respiration, glycogenolysis,
lipolysis, and glucose concentration in blood
1) Thymosin and calcitonin
2) Norepinephrine and epinephrine
3) Vasopressin and oxytocin
4) Insulin and glucagon

45. The fight or flight response is developed by the hormone of

1) Hypothalamus
2) Adrenal medulla
3) Adrenal cortex
4) Adrenal pancreatic complex

46. B.P is controlled by

1) Adrenal gland
2) Thymus
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3) Corpus luteum
4) None

47. Adrenal cortex is composed of 3 layers. The sequence of layers from outside to the inside
1) Zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis
2) Zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata
3) Zona fasciculata, zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa
4) Zona fasciculata, zona glomerulosa, zona reticularis

48. The adrenal cortex secretes many hormones, commonly called as-
1) Epinephrine
2) Corticoids
3) Non-epinephrine
4) Secondarly messengers

49. Match the columns:

A. Gulucocorticoids
B. Mineralocorticoids
C. Gonadocorticoids

I. Balance of water and electrolytes in our body

II. Carbohydrate metabolism
III. Secretion of estrogens and adrogens


2) A-I B-II C-I
3) A-III B- II C- II
4) A-III B- I, C-II

50. Which of the following is the main glucocofticoid

1) Aldosterone
2) Gonadocorticoid
3) Cortisol
4) Mineralocorticoid

51. Which of the following hormone is the main mineralocorticoid

1) Aldosterone
2) Cortisol
3) ADH
4) Adrenaline

52. Match the source gland with its respective hormone and function and select the correct
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53. Which one of the following does not act as neurotransmitters

1) Cortisone
2) Epinephrine
3) Norepinephrine
4) Acdtylcholine

54. Gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, proteolysis and inhibition of cellular uptake and ultilization of
amino acid are performed by-
1) Aldosterone
2) Glucocorticoids
3) Insulin
4) Mineralocorticoids

55. Which of the following hormones produces anti-inflammatory reactions, suppresses

immune response, stimulates RBC production and is also involved in maintaining
cardiovascular system and kidney function
1) Aldosterone
2) Epinephrine
3) Cortisol
4) Norepinephrine

56. Which of the following adrenal cortical hormones play a role in the growth of axial hair,
pubic hair and facial hair during puberty
1) Cortisol
2) Androgens
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3) Norepinephrine
4) Epinephrine

57. Which of the following is false about pancreas

1) Pancreas acts as both exocrine and endocrine glands
2) Endocrine pancreas consists of islets of langerhans
3) There are about 1-2 million islets of langerhans representing only 1-2% of pancreatic
4) Pancreas secretes insulin

58. Islet of langerhans has two mai types of cells

A- Cells secretes insulin and causes D
B cells secrets C and causes E

1) A-alpha B- beta C- glucagon D- hyperglycemia E- hypoglycaemia

2) A-beta B - alpha C- cortisol D- hypoglycemia E- hyperglycemia
3) A- beta B-alpha C-cortisol D- hyperglycemia E- hypoglycemia
4) A-beta B- alpha C - glucagon D- hypoglycemia E-hyperglycemia

59. Which of the following statements is correct about glucagon

1) Glucagon acts mainly on the liver cells (hypatocytes)
2) Glucagon stimulates glycogenesis, glucogenesis
3) Glucagon reduces the cellular glucose uptake and utilisation
4) All

60. Insulin, a peptide hormone like glucagon, has all the following effects except-
1) insulin acts mainly on hepatocytes and adipocytes and enhances cellular glucose uptake
and utilisation
2) Insulin causes rapid movement of glucsose from blood to hepatocytes and adipocytes
3) Insulin is hypoglycemic factor
4) Insulin reduces glycogenesis

61. The glucose homeostasis in blood is maintained jointly by

1) Insulin and epinephrine
2) Insulin and norepinephrine
3) Insulin and glucagon
4) Glucagon and cortisol

62. Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to a complex disorder called

1) Diabetes mellitus
2) Diabetes insipidus
3) Cretinism
4) Myxodema

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