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1. All organisms, even the largest start their life as -
1) Double cell
2) Single cell
3) Multiple cell
4) Life does not start from cell
2. ________ and reproduction are characteristic of cell
1) Growth
2) Metabolism
3) Cell organelles
4) Nucleus
3. All cells reproduce by dividing into ______
1) One
2) Three
3) Two
4) four
4. cycles of __________allow a single cell to form a
structure consisting of million cells
1) growth
2) division

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3) both growth and division
4) life

5. ___________ is the sequence of formation of events

by which a cell duplicates its genome, synthesizes the
other constituents of cell and eventually divides into 2
daughter cells is termed as cell cycle.
1) Growth
2) Division
3) Cell cycle
4) DNA replication
6. All the events takes place in a
1) Random manner
2) Coordinated manner
3) Varies from cell to cell
4) none
7. Cell growth is a ____process.
1) Continuous
2) Discontinuous
3) Dependent
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4) random
8. DNA replication takes place only in specific phase that
is _____
1) G1-phase
2) S-Phase
3) M-phase
4) G2-phase

9. Replicated chromosomes are distributed to

1) Cell organelles
2) Cytoplasm
3) Daughter nuclei.
4) none
10. All the events are under ____control.
1) No control
2) Genetic
3) Mitochondrial
4) none
11. Cell cycle typically described by Human cell, divide in
approximately __________
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1) 24 hours
2) 12hours
3) 90minutes
4) 1 hour
12. Cell cycle of yeast takes place approx._____
1) 24 hours
2) 12hours
3) 90minutes
4) 1 hour

13. The cell cycle is divided into two basic phases

________represents the phase between two successive
M phases.
1) S-phase
2) G1-phase
3) G2-phase
4) Division phase
14. Interphase lasts more than _____of the duration of
cell cycle.
1) 10%
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2) 95%
3) 50%
4) 1%
15. Interphase is also called the ____
1) Resting phase
2) G0 phase
3) Prophase
4) Quiescent phase
16. Cell prepares for division by undergoing both cell
growth and _________in an orderly manner
1) Formation of cell plate
2) Formation of mitotic plate
3) DNA replication
4) Cell division
17. The interphase is divided into __ further phases
1) Three
2) Two
3) One
4) four

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18. ________interval between mitosis and initiation of
DNA replication.
1) G0 phase
2) G1 phase
3) S-phase
4) none
19. In _____ phase Cell is metabolically active and
continuously grows.
1) G1phase
2) G0 phase
3) S-phase
4) none

20. ______ phase is also known as synthesis-phase

1) G1phase
2) G0 phase
3) S-phase
4) none

21. Amount of DNA per cell _______ after s-phase

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1) Doubles
2) Remains constant
3) Triples
4) Depends cell to cell
22. After DNA replication in S-phase, there is no increase
in the _________
1) DNA amount per cell
2) Chromosome number
3) both
4) none
23. Ploidy of cell after s-phase
1) n
2) 2n
3) 4n
4) 3n
24. Duplication of which organelle takes place in s-phase
1) Mitochondria
2) ER
3) Golgi body
4) centriole
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25. the centriole duplicates in the _________
1) Nucleus
2) Cytoplasm
3) Chloroplast
4) Microfilament

26. In_______ phase proteins are synthesised in

preparation for mitosis while cell growth continues.
1) G2
2) G1
3) S-phase
4) M-phase

27. inactive stage is called ___ of the cell cycle

1) quiescent stage
2) G0
3) Resting stage
4) Both 1 and 2
28. Cells in the stage G0
1) Are metabolically active but no longer proliferate
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2) Are not metabolically active but proliferate
3) Are metabolically active and proliferate
4) Neither metabolically active nor proliferate
29. ______ represents the phase when the actual cell
division or mitosis occurs.
1) M-phase
2) Inter phase
3) Resting phase
4) Mitosis
30. M-phase lasts for only about ___
1) 24 hours
2) 90 mins
3) 1-hour
4) 23 hours

31. M Phase starts with the ___________usually ends

with _______
1) Karyokinesis, cytokinesis
2) Cytokinesis, karyokinesis
3) Interphase, m-phase

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4) M phase, interphase

32. Which of the following is/are type of Cellular division

1) Mitosis
2) Meiosis
3) Both
4) none
33. Mitosis in ____only seen in the diploid somatic cell
1) Plants
2) Animals
3) Both
4) none
34. ____ cells divide by mitosis is male honey bees.
1) Haploid
2) Diploid
3) None
4) both
35. In plants mitosis is seen in
1) haploid
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2) diploid
3) both
4) none
36. Number of chromosomes in the parent and progeny
cells is the
1) Same
2) Different
3) Depends
4) doubles
37. _______called as equational division.
1) Mitosis
2) Meiosis
3) Cytokinesis
4) none
38. Prophase is the ___stage of karyokinesis.
1) First
2) Second
3) Last
4) 4th

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39. ____________Marked by the initiation of
condensation of chromosomal material.
1) m-phase
2) prophase
3) interphase
4) telophase
40. The chromosomal material becomes________ during
the process of chromatin condensation.
1) Tangled
2) Untangled
3) Invisible
4) Slightly invisible

41. Chromosomes are seen to be composed of two

chromatids attached together at the
1) Centromere
2) Kinetochore
3) Asters

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4) Mitotic apparatus

42. Each centrosome radiates out microtubules called

1) Asters
2) Centromere
3) Kinetochore
4) Mitotic apparatus
43. The two asters together with spindle fibres forms
1) Mitotic apparatus
2) Asters
3) Centromere
4) kinetochore
44. Golgi complexes, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleolus
and the nuclear envelope ____ during prophase.
1) Disappears
2) Remains intact
3) Depends
4) Only nuclear envelope disappears

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45. At which morphology of chromosomes is most easily
1) Anaphase
2) m-phase
3) metaphase
4) none
46. Small disc-shaped structures at the surface of the
centromeres are called
1) Kinetochores
2) Asters
3) Spindle fibres
4) Mitotic apparatus
47. ______ serve as the sites of attachment of spindle
fibres to the chromosomes that are moved into position
at the centre of the cell.
1) Kinetochores
2) Asters
3) Spindle fibres
4) Mitotic apparatus

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48. Chromosomes are moved to spindle equator and get
aligned along
1) Kinetochores
2) Asters
3) Mitotic plate
4) Mitotic apparatus

49. In _____ centromeres split and chromatids separate.

1) Metaphase
2) Anaphase
3) m-phase
4) telophase
50. In anaphase Chromatids move to ___poles
1) Opposite
2) Same
3) Random
4) Varies from cell to cell
51. Final stage of karyokinesis is ________
1) Metaphase
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2) Anaphase
3) m-phase
4) telophase

52. In telophase
1) Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles
2) Chromosome identity is lost as discrete
3) Both
4) Chromosomes cluster at same poles
53. Nucleolus, golgi complex and ER reform in which stage
1) Metaphase
2) Anaphase
3) m-phase
4) telophase

54. Which of the following is true about mitosis

A. Usually results in the production of diploid daughter
cells with identical genetic complement
B. Growth of multicellular organisms
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C. Restore the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio.
D. Cell repair
E. Mitotic divisions in the meristematic tissues – the apical
and the lateral cambium, result in a continuous growth of
1) All
2) A,b, c
3) D,e
4) B,c,d
55. ________involves two sequential cycles of nuclear
and cell division but only a single cycle of DNA
1) Meiosis
2) Mitosis
3) Both
4) interphase
56. _________ haploid cells are formed at the end of
meiosis II.
1) 9
2) 5

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3) 4
4) 2
57. Prophase I is Subdivided into the -
1) 9
2) 5
3) 4
4) 2

58. during _______ stage chromosomes start pairing

1) leptotene
2) zygotene
3) pachytene
4) diplotene

59. process of association is called _________

1) division
2) synapsis
3) chiasmata

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4) crossing over
60. Paired chromosomes are called
1) Homologous
2) Sister
3) Heterologous
4) Brother
61. Synapsis is accompanied by the formation of complex
structure called _____
1) Chiasmata
2) Synaptonemal complex
3) Homologous chromosome
4) none
62. Complex formed by a pair of synapsed homologous
chromosomes is called ________
1) Bivalent
2) Tetrad
3) Both
4) dyad

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63._____is the exchange of genetic material between two
homologous chromosome
1) division
2) synapsis
3) chiasmata
4) crossing over

64.Crossing over is also an enzyme-mediated process and

the enzyme involved is called _____
1. Recombinase
2. Carbonic anhydrase
3. Lipase
4. Amylase the sites of crossovers X-shaped structures, are

1) Chiasmata
2) Synaptonemal complex
3) Homologous chromosome
4) none

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66.________represents transition to metaphase I
1) Leptotene
2) Pachytene
3) Zygotene
4) None of the above
67.In metaphase I _______ align on the equatorial plate
1) Bivalent chromosome
2) Tetrad
3) Sister chromatids
4) all
68.The homologous chromosomes separate, while sister
chromatids remain associated at their centromeres in
which stage
1) Prophase I
2) Metaphase I
3) Telophase II
4) None of these
69.The nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear,
cytokinesis follows and this is called
1) Homologous chromosomes
2) Tetrad
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3) Dyad of cells
4) None of these

70.The stage between the two meiotic divisions is called

1) Telophase
2) Metaphase
3) Interkinesis
4) None of these
71.There is _________of DNA during interkinesis.
1) Replication
2) no replication
3) Can’t say
4) Clear division

72.Which of the following is feature of meiosis

1) conservation of specific chromosome number of each
2) increases the genetic variability in the population of
organisms from one generation to the next.
3) Both
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4) Helps in cell repair
73.Cell itself is divided into two daughter cells by the
separation of cytoplasm called _________at the end of
which cell division gets completed.
1) Karyokinesis
2) Cytokinesis
3) Interkinesis
4) Noneof these
74.The formation of the new cell wall begins with the
formation of a simple precursor, called the cell-plate
that represents the ______
1) Cell wall
2) Middle lamellae
3) Secondary cell wall
4) Cel membrane
75.In some organisms karyokinesis is not followed by
cytokinesis, multinucleate condition arises leading to
the formation of _________
1) Syncytium
2) Coenocytic
3) Both

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4) none

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