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Shapiro-Wilk test is a statistical test used to check if a continuous

variable follows a normal distribution. The null hypothesis (H 0) states that
the variable is normally distributed, and the alternative hypothesis (H 1)
states that the variable is NOT normally distributed. So after running this
 If p ≤ 0.05: then the null hypothesis can be rejected (i.e. the
variable is NOT normally distributed).
 If p > 0.05: then the null hypothesis cannot be rejected (i.e.
the variable MAY BE normally distributed).

So in this examples no.1, Im going to demonstrate how to

perform Shapiro wilk test. Before we ran the set we must make
sure our data is continuous or they are under interval or ratio
level of measurement. so as you can see this the formula on
Shapiro wilk test. In column 3 which is equivalent for the
denominator in the given formula. And this 2 column which is
the column 4 and 5 this is equivalent for the numerator. In my
example here’s the internet usage of the respondents in terms of
the number of hours they spent on internet. So you can see here
data. The first thing you would do is to arrange the number in
ascending order or from smallest to largest. After arranging
compute now for the mean of the data set just add and divide,
and we now have the mean which is 9.8.

We are going to use this mean to get the value of column 3. So

to do that we need to get the difference of (number of hrs-mean)
so (6−9.8) so we now have 14.44. and so on. So, for the a sub i

column we will be needing this table which I found on the net.

So you can see here the Coefficients a sub i for the Shapiro-Wilk
test for normality. So in the columns the number of samples are
indicated and on the row the number of pairing that we have.
So in our example I have 40 respondents so I need to locate the
column that contains 40 then divide by 2 that’s 20. Our
reference is 20 and 40 so all this values under 40 will be used,
as you can see I just copy pasted all the values under 40 in the
column 4 to fill out the remaining copy first the values then
arrange this values in ascending order in another sheet of
paper. Then transform them in negative numbers. -1x0.0049=-
0.0049 and so on. Then just copy paste everything e sunod lang

For the last column which is the column 5. To get the values is
we have to multiply the values in column 4 x column 2. So
0.3964x6=2.3784 and so on and do forth.

To get the value of numerator we just need to the total in

column 5 so its equal to (-10.3806)^2= 107.7569 and for the
denominator just get the total in column 3 which is equal to
112.4 to get the W just divide numerator/denominator=
0.958691 or 0.96 then identify the pvalue and remember that
it’s a test that null should not be rejected. So we can say
sample belongs to a normal distribution. And for that, the p
value for Shapiro wilk test should be greater than the
significance level in this case if 5% it should be greater than
5% to say that this sample is normally distributed. And to
compare the p-value to the test statistics that we got we are
going to need the Quantiles of the Shapiro-Wilk test for
normality which is I found on internet. So n should be 40 since
it has 40 respondents and the reference value is 0.940 which
under 5% column. So we have now to compare the test
statistics value and the reference value. The test statistics is
greater than the reference value so we can now say that p>0.05
so the decision is We fail to reject ho, therefore we accept null
hypothesis. (Basa ang conclusion)

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