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Đề 1


Part A : LISTENING ( 15pts )
Listen to the tape twice and do the tasks below.
I. Listen to the first newspaper article about Amnat, the winner in the 22nd
Southeast Asian Games Pole Vaulting competition, and answer the questions.
1. Amnat won 3 gold medals - T/F
2. He is the Thai – T/F
3. He cleared 4.48 metres – - T/F
4 . He broke the SEA Games record - T/F
5. The record of SEA Games was 5,05 meters
II. Listen to the second newspaper article about Halloween and write ONE WORD or
A NUMBER for each answer to complete the sentences below.
6. Every year Halloween seems to get _________.
7. The festival of Halloween has its roots in Celtic and Roman _________.
8. The Celts celebrated Samhain to mark the beginning of winter over _____years ago.
III. Continue listening to the second newspaper article about Halloween and choose
the best answer A or B, C, D.
9. When was All Saints Day, or "All Hallows"?
A. October 31 B. November 1 C. November 30 D. October 1
10. What did poor people go around houses asking for in the soul in the past?
A. sweets B. pumpkins C. milk D. food
11. Halloween game has been for children in ___________.
A. Asia B. America C. Europe D. Australia
12. How many witches does Shakespeare's play "Macbeth" open with?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
13. When did the "witchcraft trials" take place in the state of Massachusetts?
A. in 1692 B. In 1962 C. In 1269 D. In 1629
IV. Keep listening to the second newspaper article about Halloween and write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
14. What animals are associated with Halloween? Black cats, ___, ___and______
15. What do vampire bats like doing?______ _______________
I: Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose underlined part is
pronounced differently from the rest of the group . ( 3 points )
16.A.several B. suppose C. decisive D. sister
17.A. muddle B. struggle C. bush D. interrupt
18.A. ready B. measure C. steak D. stealth
II: Choose and write in your answer sheet the word whose stress pattern is different
from the rest of the group. ( 2 points )
19. A. compulsory B. technology C. academic D. eliminate
20. A. inheritance B. mathematician C. communication D. tuberculosis


I. Choose the option A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase which best completes
each sentence.(10pts)
21._ “What do you think of the film we’ve watched?” _ “____________”
A. It’s a breeze! B. No kidding!
C. I’ve seen better. D. None of your business!
22. Sorry, but that book is _______. We’ll get some copies from the publisher next
A. out of print B. out of order C. off shelf D. out of stock
23. To the best of my ___________ , he married an Irish girl
A. remembrance   B. recall   C. memory D. recollection
24. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.
A. so good B. such a good C. so good an D. such good
25. Thomas has a garden which is _______ mine.
A. double as large B. semi-larger than
C. twice as large as D. as two-time as large
26. I ________ my friend, Janet at Buckingham hotel.
A. came across B. took up C. got through D. put off
27. __ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency
A. Should B. Were C. Did D. Had
28. ______ where to find the key, the boy could not open the safe.
A. Knowing not B. Knew not C. Not knowing D. Didn’t know
29. Come with me. I’m seeing “ The killer” tomorrow. ________
A. Will you?   B. Do you?   C. Are you?   D. Shall
30. One of the men who ______ being interviewed ______ from Hong Duc University.
A. are _ are B. are _ is C. is _ is D. is _ are
II. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (5pts )
31. I have never known such a________ person
32. It may be________to force them into making a decision, and if you upset them, they
are quite likely to overact.
33. Don’t tell any one about the________ document.
34. Be careful. You may be _______ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE)
35. Young children should be well aware of their ________ manner. (BEHAVE)
III. The following passage contains 5 errors. Find and correct them (5pts)

The population of the world has increased more in 36

modern times
than in all other ages of history combined. The world population 37
totaled about 500 million in 1650. It doubled in the period from
1650-1850. Today the population is more than six billion. 38
Estimates basing on research by the United Nations indicate that
it will increase more than double in the twenty-five years between
1975 and the year 2000.
China, which covers more than one-five of Asia, is the
third largest country in area in the world. Only Russia and Canada -40
are larger. Therefore, China is the world’s biggest country in
population, which one in every five people in the world lives.
That adds up to about 1.3 billion people in all. The port city of
Shanghai is China’s largest city. The second biggest is its capital
Beijing, which has more than 13 million.

IV. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. ( 10pts )

41. By the end of this month, we (spend) $500 in hospital.
42. It is necessary that he ______(finish) his work on time.
43. Two thousand miles  ________(be) a long distance
44. The woman .............................(accuse) of the killing said that she was at the cinema
at the time.
45. So fast the thief_______(run) that the police couldn’t catch him.
46. I looked for my glasses everywhere in my car. They (not leave) in it.
47. In a few minutes' time, when the clock strikes six, I (wait) for you here.
48. (Take) to the hospital, the injured victim felt much better yesterday.
49. Tony’s family (be) teachers for 3 generations.
50. You usually walk slowly. Why you (walk) fast today?

Part C : READING ( 30 pts )

I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for
each space. (10 pts )
An American professor who studied the Mayas has come up with a new theory about
the sudden end of their empire. (0) ______ to Professor Richard Hansen, an
archaeologist at the University of California, the (51) ______ of the Mayan civilization
in Central America was (52) ______ about by the Mayas themselves.
Their object was to display their wealth and power by making their buildings and
decoration as beautiful as possible. This (53) ______ using large quantities of lime,
which they put on the walls to make them smooth. Unfortunately, the creation of lime is
a process which requires intense heat, and they therefore (54) ______ to cut down huge
numbers of trees. This affected the quality of the soil, and it became almost impossible
to farm.
Professor Hansen, who has (55) ______ returned from an excavation in the El
Mirador region of northern Guatemala, told a meeting of archaeologists in Philadelphia
that the Mayas, having (56) ______ this mistake in the 3 rd century, repeated it 600 years
later, at which time it proved fatal. Increasing food (57) ______ among the Mayas
created a Central American equivalent of the Peloponnesian War which ravaged ancient
Greece. However, (58) ______ the Greek civil war, which only (59) ______ for 27
years, the Mayas wars went on for many centuries and left many of their great cities and
temples in (60) ______ .

0. A. Referring B. Relating C. According D. Respecting

51 A. collapse B. drop C. crash D. stop
52 A. made B. came C. turned D. brought
53 A. depended B. needed C. involved D. requested
54. A. obliged B. forced C. must D. had
55. A. still B. just C. already D. yet
56. A. done B. had C. taken D. made
57. A. lack B. shortages C. droughts D. failures
58. A. unlike B. apart C. without D. unless
59. A. stayed B. spent C. lasted D. longed
60. A. injuries B. damages C. spoils D. ruins

II. Supply the most suitable word for each blank. (10 pts)
In 1877, George Eastman, who worked in a bank in Rochester, wanted to take
photographs on holiday. However, he was very disappointed to discover that the only
cameras available (61).................. very large and heavy, and required the use of
complicated equipment.
Eastman realized that many other people were keen to take photographs but were
prevented from (62) ................... so. What was needed was a simple, hand-held camera,
and so, in (63) ................. spare time, he began to experiment.
After a (64) .................. deal of work he was ready to open a factory and
succeeded in producing his first camera in 1888. It was a small rectangular box and
inside was a roll of special paper. This paper was sensitive (65) .................. light and
replaced the heavy pieces of glass that had been used before. When the roll was
finished, the camera had to (66) ..C..... sent back to the factory in New York
(67) ............ the photographs to be developed and printed. The following year a
transparent film was invented and was better than the paper roll. This could be removed
by the photographer and taken to a local center for (68) .....C.........
The new camera was an instant success and within a (69) ...................... years
Eastman was very rich. But he was a generous man and during his lifetime, he gave
away millions of dollars to support a number (70) ................. educational institutions.

III. Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer from A, B, C or D.

One of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, the great pyramid of Giza was a
monument of wisdom and prophecy built as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheop in 1720 BC.
Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of this construction makes it truly one of the truly
great wonders of the world. The thirteen – acre structure near the Nile river is a solid
mass of stone blocks covered with limestone. Inside are a number of hidden
passageways and the burial chamber for the pharaoh. It is the largest single structure in
the world. The 4 sides of the pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true north, south,
east and west – an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun
worshipers and great astronomers, so computations for the great pyramid were based on
astronomical observations.
Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many
intersecting lines. Further scientific study indicates that these represent type of timeline
of events – past, present and future. Many of the events have been interpreted and found
to coincide with known facts of the past. Others are prophesied for future generations
and currently under investigation. Many believe that pyramids have supernatural
powers, and this one is no exception. Some researchers even associate with its
extraterrestrial being of the ancient past.
Was it superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far superior
to any known today.
7 1. What has research of the base reveal?
A. There are racks in the foundation.
B. Tomb robbers have stolen pharaoh’s body.
C. The lines represent important events.
D. A superior race of people built it.
7 2. Extraterrestrial beings are ____
A. very strong workers. B. astronomers in the ancient times.
C. researchers in Egyptology. D. living beings from other planets.
73. What was the most probable reason for providing so many hidden passages?
A. To allow the weight of the pyramid to settle evenly.
B. To permit the high priests to pray at night.
C. To enable the pharaoh’s family to bring food for his journey to the afterlife.
D. To keep grave robbers from finding the tomb and the treasure buried with the
74. The word “intersecting” in line 9 is nearest in meaning to ____
A. crossing B. coming C. observing D. cutting
75. What do the intersecting lines in the base symbolize?
A. Architect’s plans for the hidden passage.
B. Pathways of the great solar body.
C. Astrological computation.
D. Dates of important events taking place throughout time.
76. The word “prophesied” in line 12 is closest in meaning to ____
A. said B. armed C. terminated D. foretold
77. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Symbolism of the Great pyramid.
B. Problems with the construction of great pyramid.
C. Wonders of the Great pyramid of Giza.
D. Exploration of the burial chamber of Cheop.
78. On what did the ancient Egyptians based their calculation?
A. Observation of the celestial bodies. B. Advanced technology.
C. Advanced tools of measurements. D. Knowledge of the earth’s surface.
79. Why was the Great pyramid constructed?
A. As a solar observatory. B. As a religious temple.
C. As a tomb for the pharaoh. D. As an engineering feat.
80. Why is the Great pyramid of Giza considered one of the seven wonders of the
A. It is perfectly aligned with the 4 cardinal points of the compass and contains many
B. It was selected as the tomb of the pharaoh Cheop.
C. It was built a super race.
D. It is very old.
Part D : WRITING ( 20 pts )
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible
in meaning to the sentence printed before it.(5pts)
81. The accident took place just after the workers started their work. (SOONER)
82. It is believed that his father died in a car accident. (HAVE)
à ........................................................................................................................
83. In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (REGRETS)
à ........................................................................................................................
84. His rude behaviour is too much for me. (PUT)
à .........................................................................................................................
85. He's not sure whether to go or not. (MINDS)
à ...........................................................................................................................
II. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence printed before it. ( 5pts )
86. The problem hasn’t been solved satisfactorily.
à There has........................................................................
87. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.
à Sad as …………………………………………………………………
88. As she grows older, she becomes increasingly cheerful.
à The older.................................................................................................
89. When the Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
à On..........................................................................................................
90. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave early.
à He criticized ................................................................................................
III. Writing an ESSAY: (10 points)
Some people say that we can get benefits from playing sports. Use relevant evidence
and examples to support this idea. You should write about 150 - 180 words.

_________________ The End __________________________

Đề 2
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian thi: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 05 trang)

LISTENING ( 15 points)
I. Listen and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A
Full name Kirsty Allen
Address for each answer. Question 1-5: (5 pts)
(1) ___________________ Windham Road, Richmond
Postcode (2)___________________ Home Tel: 020 8927 7651
Mobile. Tel (3)___________________
Flight number (4)___________________
Seat number (5)___________________
II. Listen to some information about whales and decide whether the following
statements are true (T) or false (F) (5 pts)

6. The whale is the third largest animal that has ever lived on Earth. T/F
7. Whales are said to be the most intelligent animals in the oceans. T/F
8. Some whales are known to move into warm waters to give birth. T/F
9. Whales are in danger because of the increase in population of other sea animals. T/F
10. Some people are still killing whales for food. T/F

III. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer according to what you hear. (5
11. There are ________ national parks in the US.
A. 30 B. 32 C. 50 D. 52
12. National parks account for ________ of the total land area of the country.
A. 3% B. 13% C. 30% D. 33%
13. National parks attract ________ visitors each year.
A. billions of B. millions of C. a billion D. a million
14. People cut down trees for ________ .
A. barks B. wood C. goods D. other parts
15. Devastating fires in large areas of national parks are caused by ________ .
A. visitors’ vehicles B. lack of money C. careless people D. the parks’ staff
Part II: Pronunciation ( 5pts)
I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
16. A. earphone B. hear C. bear D. dear
17. A. pleasant B. reason C. creature D. feature
II: Pick out the word that has the stress syllable differently from that of the other words.
18. A. biologist B. endangerment C. priority D. vulnerable
19. A. survive B. product C. reserve D. enact
20. A. knowledge B. bracket C. although D. neighbor


Question I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
21. Millie’s father accused her of _________.
A. trying not hard enough B. trying not hard enough
C. not trying hard enough D. trying not enough hard
22. I quickly packed my new belongings and spent_________ money I had on a one-
way ticket home.
A. little B. a little C. the little D. a little of
23. She believes that all countries should_________ the death penalty as it is inhumane.
A. put down to B. catch up on C. get down to D. do away with
24. Keep your ticket_________ you have to show it to an inspector.
A. if B. in case C. unless D. supposing
25. He always_________ aside some time every day to read to his children.
A. sets B. leaves C. spares D. lets
26. For the past few months she’s been as a street_________ selling fruit and vegetable.
A. dealer B. trader C. pusher D. vendor
27. “I’m sure the Whitleys were involved.” - “They _________ have since they know
nothing about the business.”
A. can’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
28. In ________ most social situations, ________ informality is appreciated.
A. Ø / the B. the / an C. Ø / Ø D. the / a
29. We have just bought ________ table.
A. an oval antique oak dining B. an antique oval oak dining
C. an antique oak oval dining D. a dining oval oak antique
30. “I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you!” –“__________”
A. What a lovely toy! Thanks. B. Have a nice day!
C. The same to you! D. What a pity!

Question II. The passage below contains 7 mistakes ( from 31 to 37). Recognise the
mistakes and write their correct forms in your answer sheet. (7 pts)

1 Everyday life today is much more complicated than that in the past. Even in
2 our leisure time we have to make so many choices about what to do or even
3 what to watch on TV. We are often spoilt for choice and this can leave us
4 feel confused and dissatisfied. We all know that it is important to achieve a
5 balance between work and play but many of us do not succeed. Instead, we
6 put extra pressure in ourselves by trying to be as successful in our work life
7 than in our personal life.
8 Life in the past was much simpler as many people worked to meet their
9 basic needs. Today, for many of us, our job is not just a way of make a
10 living. For many, work plays an important role in our everyday life and
11 gives us strong sense of personal fulfillment. What is more, we have
12 become much more materialistic. Many people set them some certain goals
13 such as buying a new house or car and so we measure our success by the
material things we own. Desiring these luxuries is that motivates us to work
much harder than in the past, so in many ways we choose this way of life.

Question III. Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form. (7 pts)
38. The water from the stream should be ______ before you drink it. PURE
39. John told everyone that he worked for a large company, but the
company is ________. EXIST
40. Jim is very disorganized and not very_______.
41. The principal said some_______ words to the pupils before the exam.
42. Although we were in danger, Ann seemed quite________ .
43. Some parents feel dismayed because of their children’s_________ BEHAVE
44. My sister has good _________ skills. She can relate to teenagers very well.

Question IV. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. ( 6pts )
45. I shared a flat with him when we were students. He always ____ (complain) about
my untidiness
46. By the time we get there, I’m afraid the meeting ____(end)
47. We (help)__________ but you didn’t tell us that you were in trouble.
48. Only yesterday I (realise)__________ what was going on.
49. _________I (come) here before 5 a.m, I would have met the doctor.
50. It is advisable that Mary _________ (go) to the gym everyday to get over her


Question I. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or
phrase for each space. (10 pts)
Many people remember being taken to the zoo as a child. They remember
especially the excitement of (51) __________ seeing animals for the first (52)
__________, when before they had only read about them in books or seen them on
television. However, there is (53) __________ discussion today about the future of zoos
and what their role should be.
Supporter of zoos claim that they have an educational (54) ______ and represent
a good way for people of (55) __________ ages to learn more about the natural world.
Also, zoos provide (56) __________ for important research and frequently allow
scientists to help save those animals which are becoming (57) __________ rare in the
Opponents, however, criticize zoos for a number of reasons. Firstly, they say that
it is cruel to keep animals in cages. Even in the best zoos, animals may (58)
__________ because the places in which they have to live are both restricted and
artificial. This can cause them to experience stress and affect their health. Secondly,
they believe that money would be better spent on protecting animals in their (59)
__________ environment. Finally, opponents (60) __________ out that most people
nowadays can see well-made nature documentaries on television and that this is much
more valuable experience than going to a zoo.
51. A. actually B. genuinely C. positively D. truly
52. A. moment B. event C. occasion D. time
53. A. deep B. considerable C. large D. important
54. A. activity B. function C. situation D. occupation
55. A. several B. both C. all D. every
56. A. ways B. reasons C. methods D. opportunities
57. A. completely B. increasingly C. totally D. greatly
58. A. suffer B. injure C. fail D. hurt
59. A. standard B. daily C. typical D. natural
60. A. pick B. point C. show D. speak

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only
ONE word in each space. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Venice has been an inspiration for writers, artists and musicians throughout
history. In the 15th century it was the world’s (61)_______ port. Since then it has built
up an astonishing collection of art and architecture (62)_________ to its trade with the
The city (63)_________ its visitors incredible sights. Do not believe those who
say Venice is a museum. This is still a living city full of joys. Venice looks good in any
light. The sun makes the domes sparkle, but even on a grey, (64)______ day the city can
be extremely romantic.
And (65)______ it gets overcrowded, (66)______ is an easy escape to the other
islands in the Venice Gulf, (67)_____ brightly-colored houses are a photographer’s
In a curious way, Venice is a model city for the future; it is free from cars and the
(68)_____ way to get around is by public transport or on foot. This one fact alone
(69)_________ it a unique city, one (70)______ traffic noise, the creation of genius

III. Read the passage then choose the best answer to each question that follows. Identify
your answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
In the world today, particularly in the two most industrialized areas, North America
and Europe, recycling is big news. People are talking about it, practicing it, and
discovering new ways to be sensitive to the environment. Recycling means finding ways
to use products a second time. The motto of the recycling movement is "Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle".
The first step is to reduce garbage. In stores, a shopper has to buy products in blister
packs, boxes and expensive plastic wrappings. A hamburger from a fast food restaurant
comes in lots of packaging: usually paper, a box, and a bag. All that packaging is wasted
resources. People should try to buy things that are wrapped simply, and to reuse cups
and utensils. Another way to reduce waste is to buy high-quality products. When low
quality appliances break, many customers throw them away and buy new ones - a loss
of more resources and more energy. For example, if a customer buys a high-quality
appliance that can be easily repaired, the manufacturer receives an important message.
In the same way, if a customer chooses a product with less packaging, that customer
sends an important message to the manufacturers. To reduce garbage, the throwaway
must stop.
The second step is to reuse. It is better to buy juices and soft drinks in returnable
bottles. After customers, empty the bottles, they return them to the store. The
manufacturers of the drinks collect the bottles, wash them, and then fill them again. The
energy that is necessary to make new bottles is saved. In some parts of the world,
returning bottles for money is a common practice. In those places, the garbage dumps
have relatively little glass and plastic from throwaway bottles.
The third step is being environmentally sensitive is to recycle. Spent motor oil can be
cleaned and used again. Aluminum cans are expensive to make. It takes the same
amount of energy to make one aluminum can as it does to run a color TV set for three
hours. When people collect and recycle aluminum (for new cans), they help save one of
the world's precious resources.
71: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. what is involved in the recycling movement
B. how to live sensitively to the environment.
C. what people often understand about the term 'recycle'
D. how to reduce garbage disposal
72: What does the word 'sensitive' in the phrase 'sensitive to the environment' mean?
A. cautious B. responding C. logical D. friendly
73: People can do the following to reduce waste EXCEPT ________.
A. reuse cups B. buy fewer hamburgers
C. buy high-quality product D. buy simply-wrapped things
74: Why is it a waste when customers buy low-quality products?
A. Because they produce less energy.
B. Because they have to be repaired many times.
C. Because people will soon throw them away.
D. Because customers change their ideas all the time.
75: The word 'motto' is closest in meaning to _______.
A. reference B. meaning C. value D. belief
76: What best describes the process of reuse?
A. The bottles are collected, returned filled again and washed.
B. The bottles are collected, washed, returned and filled again.
C. The bottles are filled again after being returned, collected and washed.
D. The bottles are washed, retuned, filled again and collected.
77: The garbage dumps in some areas have relatively little glass and plastic
A. returned bottles are few.
B. people are ordered to return bottles.
C. not many bottles are made of glass or plastic.
D. each returned bottle is paid.
78: The word 'practice' is closest in meaning to _______.
A. deed B. belief C. exercise D. drill
79: What are the two things mentioned as examples of recycling?
A. Hamburger wrappings and spent motor oil.
B. Aluminum cans and plastic wrappings.
C. TV sets and aluminum cans.
D. Aluminum cans and spent motor oil.
80: The energy used to make a can is _______ the energy used to run a color TV set
for 3 hours.
A. more than B. less than
C. not worth being compared to D. as much as
PART V: WRITING (20 pts)

Question I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar
as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
81. Return the product to the shop if you have any complaints about it.
→ Should …………………………………………………..
82. It’s almost nine months since I stopped subscribing to that magazine.
→ I cancelled …………………………………………………..
83. Mac Paulo wrote five best-sellers before he was nineteen.
à By the age …………………………………………………………
84. We can’t possibly study in this noise.
à It’s …………………………………………………….
85. His fondness for the game increased with his proficiency.
→ The more………………………………………………….
Question II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as
similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. Do not change the
form of the given word. (5pts)
86. We continued waving until the train could not be seen any more. (SIGHT)
87. It took her quite a long time to recover from her illness. (OVER)
88. They say Linda won a special prize. (SAID)
89. I left my last job because I didn’t really agree with my manager’s approach.
90. All the witnesses said that the accident was my fault. (BLAME)
Question III. Write an essay (about 200- 250 words) about the following topic:
“Sometimes tourists may damage tourist sites.”
Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use your specific reasons and examples
to support your opinion.
-----------------THE END-----------------

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