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Année : 2021/2022

Classe : TP1C
Semestre : 05
Nom du professeur : Paul Louis MEUNIER
Durée : 2H00
Documents autorisés : OUI ou NON
Dictionnaire autorisé : OUI
Calculatrice : OUI ou NON

Date : 07/01/2022


Problem 1: Sliding pearl- Motion equation(s)

A pearl (mass=m) is frictionless sliding on a thread which shape is determined by the

following cycloid: x=a(-sin, y=a(1+cos) into the vertical XoY plan, with
1) Draw the cycloid graphic curve (in the vertical plan XoY)
2) Determine the Lagrangian of the system
3) Calculate the motion equation(s) (not to be solved)

Thread: fil; frictionless: sans frottement; to slide: glisser; pearl: perle

Problem 2 : String movement

One considers an homogeneous unidimensional string, x being the horizontal axis, 
the vertical one.
1) Write (without demonstration) the differential equation linking , x, T the tension,
the linear density, t the time .
2) Which hypothesis brings the solution of the differential equation? Then write the
general solution(s)
3) The string is clamped at each end (x=0, x=L), what is the general solution ?
4) Which are the key parameters for a Civil engineer using such strings?

String: cable, filin; linking:liant; to clamp: fixer rigidement; key parameter: parameter clé;

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Problem 3: Transversal vibration analysis of a beam part of the
“LOUIS VUITTON Foundation” Structure at Paris

1) By analysing the included picture create a theoretical model for one of the
beams. Make a simple drawing of the chosen beam and determine the boundary

2) Which are the vibrations modes of the system bearing transversal strength
generated by a blowing wind perpendicular to the beam (mainly W-E in this part of
Paris city) ?

Beam: poutre; drawing: schema; boundary conditions: conditions aux limites; system bearing
transveral strength: système subissant une force transversale; to blow: souffler;

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