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Bea Mariz V.


M1: Learning Activity



• Socrates Was Socrates suggests that Socrates’ philosophy

Born (469 the self is is examining one’s
BCE) synonymous with the thoughts and
1. Socrates • Socrates Was a soul. He believes that emotions to gain self-
Member of the every human knowledge. This
Boule (406
possesses an immortal pertains to the fact
soul that survives the that we must live an
• Socrates Died
(399 BCE) physical body. examined life with
purpose and value and
we can achieve this if
we become virtuous
and aware of the value
of ourself.

• Plato Founded For Plato, the three Plato elaborates

Academy (385 elements of the Socrates’ concept.
BCE) soul/self are reason, These elements are in
• Plato Takes an 7192 physical a dynamic
Interest in appetite, and spirit or relationship with one
passion. Reason is the another, sometimes in
(403 BCE)
• Plato Met
divine essence that conflict. If we live by
2. Plato Socrates (407 enables people to our nature, then we
BCE) think deeply, make are giving justice to
wise choices, and our existence. That
achieve a true genuine happiness
understanding of can only be achieved
eternal truths. The when Reason is in
physical appetite control of our Spirits
includes the basic and Appetites.
biological needs
while the spirit or
passion includes the
basic emotions.
• Aristotle Aristotle suggests that Anything with life has
3. Aristotle Founded the the rational nature of a soul. Aristotle posits
Lyceum (335 the self is to lead a that part of the
BCE) good, flourishing, and rational soul is
• Aristotle begins fulfilling life. characterized by
studies in
moral virtues such as
Athens at
Plato's justice and courage.
Academy. (367 Aristotle thinks that
BCE). the soul is the source
• King Philip II of our thoughts and
of Macedon desires, as well as our
summons memories and
Aristotle to emotions. So, he
tutor his young doesn't think there
son Alexander could be anything like
(later 'The an unconscious
Great'). (343
person. In particular,
he does not think
there could be a
person whose desires
or other mental life
was not directed by

• Went to Rome Augustine believes The ultimate end of

4. St. Augustine to teach that the body is united human life, according
rhetoric. with the soul, so that to St. Augustine, is
Became man may be entire union with God. This
involved with
and complete. is a religious and
(376 BCE) mystical stage. This is
• Became a not possible while
bishop of living, but only in a
Hippo. (395 future life after death.
• Wrote City of
God., dealing
with role of
religion in
public life.
Wrote many
letters and
books detailing
doctrine and
(413 BCE)

• He was Descartes suggests Descartes view of the

mentored by that the act of thinking self truly pushes us to
Isaac about the self or being look deep into what
Beeckman but self-conscious is we always think is
he denied his
5. Rene proof that there is a right. That is if really
Descartes self. There are two the physical world
• He developed
rules for dimensions of the around us is truly
deductive human self: the self as there or not. It even
reasoning, or a thinking entity and pushes us to look deep
rational, the self as a physical into our physical body
scientific body. and ask the question
thinking; whether it truly exists
developed a or not.
system for
using letters as
variables; and
discovered how
to plot points on
a plane called
the Cartesian
• In 1610
Descartes took
part in an
ceremony in
which the heart
of Henry IV,
that year had
destroyed the
hope of
tolerance in
France and
Germany, was
placed in the
cathedral at La

• Graduates as a Locke believes that Consciousness is

master of arts; conscious awareness what makes identity
death of Lord and memory of of a person similar in
Protector previous experiences different situations. I
Oliver are the keys to also believe that
6. John Locke Cromwell understanding the conscious awareness
(1658) self. He believes that and memory of
• The English the essence of the self previous experiences
philosopher and is its conscious are the keys to
awareness of itself as understanding the
theorist John
Locke (1632- a thinking, reasoning, self. In my opinion,
1704) laid and reflecting what we experienced
much of the identity. from our past is the
groundwork for one who mold us into
the what we are in the
Enlightenment present.
and made
contributions to
development of
• Trained in
medicine, he
was a key
advocate of the
approaches of
the Scientific

• Hume finished To Hume, the idea of The idea of personal

his research for personal identity is a identity is a result of
the History in result of imagination imagination.
1757, and and that if the person According to David
7. David Hume carefully examines Hume, what people
resigned to
make the his sense experience experience is just a
position through the process of bundle or collection
available for introspection, he will of different
Adam discover that there is perceptions. As we
Ferguson. no self. grow and age, we
• In 1763, Hume experience many
accepted an different things that
invitation from shapes and alters our
Lord Hertford, lives, but that does not
the take away our
Ambassador to identity. Rather, it is
France, to serve
the combination of all
as his Private
Secretary. these beliefs, which
• After a year differs for different
(1767-68) in individuals, that
London as an makes each of us
Under- unique and truly us.
Secretary of
State, Hume
returned to
Edinburgh to
stay in August,

• In 1740 Kant According to Kant, There are people who

8. Immanuel entered the the self-constructs its can understand
Kant University of own reality, actively certain abstract ideas
Königsberg. creating a world that that have no
Under the
is familiar and corresponding
influence of a
young predictable. physical object or
instructor, sensory experience.
Martin The self regulates by
Knutzen, Kant making unified
became experiences. Kant
interested in believes that we are
philosophy, actively organizing
mathematics, and synthesizing
and the natural since it is ourself that
sciences. experience an
• The death of intelligible and all our
Kant's father in
thoughts and
1746 left him
without perceptions.
income. He
became a
private tutor for
7 years in order
to acquire the
means and
leisure to begin
an academic
• Kant spent the
next 15 years
(1755-1770) as
a non-salaried
lecturer whose
fees were
derived entirely
from the
students who
attended his
• 1873 – Freud holds that the According to Freud,
9. Sigmund Graduated self consists of three the self consists of
Freud summa cum layers: conscious, three layers and each
laude from unconscious, and of these levels
preconscious. corresponds and
school and
began studying overlaps with his
medicine at the ideas of the id, ego,
University of and superego. This
Vienna. takes account the
• 1885 – Worked realistic demands,
with Jean- consequences to our
Martin Charcot actions, and the
at the overriding need; it is
Salpetriere characterized by the
Hospital on level of human
hysteria and motivation and
• 1886 – Began
his own private
practice and
married Martha

• He was Ryle believes that the “I act therefore I am.”

president of the self is best understood the self is the same as
Aristotelian as a pattern of bodily behavior. The
10. Gilbert Ryle Society from behavior, the mind is the totality of
1945 to 1946
tendency or human dispositions
• editor of the
disposition for a that is known through
journal "Mind" person to behave in a the way we behave.
for nearly certain way in certain His philosophy
twenty-five circumstances. expresses the entire
years from system of thoughts,
1947 to 1971. emotions, and actions
• He published that make up the
his principal human self.
work, "The
Concept of
Mind", in 1949.

• Churchland Churchland advocates All a person has is the

earned his the idea of eliminating brain, and so if the
11. Paul Doctor of materialism or the brain is gone, there is
Churchland Philosophy idea that the self is no self. Churchland’s
from the
inseparable from the philosophy is realistic
University of
brain and the because the brain is
Pittsburgh in physiology of the what keeps us alive. It
1969, his body. gives us, the people,
dissertation to our senses.
"Persons and P-
written with
Wilfrid Sellars
as his advisor.
• In 1966 he was
instructor at
University of
• His most
famous essay is
his 1981
and the
which has been
translated into
five languages
and reprinted
over twenty

12. Maurice • During his According to Maurice articulates

Merleau- student years, Merleau-Ponty, all that when people
Ponty Merleau-Ponty knowledge about the examine the self at the
attended self is based on the fundamental level of
Husserl’s 1929
"phenomena" of direct human
lectures and experience. experience, people
Georges will discover that the
Gurvitch’s mind and body are
1928–1930 unified, not separate.
courses on In line with this, the
German body adapts to the
philosophy. intended meaning,
• He received the thus giving itself a
agrégation in form of embodied
philosophy in consciousness.
1930, ranking
in second
• He was Chair
of Child
Psychology and
Pedagogy at
the Sorbonne
from 1949-52,
and was
Chair of
Philosophy at
the Collége de
France in 1952.

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