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GEN 002 SAS#1

BSN-A1 Pilapil, Josell Louise C.

ACTIVITY 1: What I know chart, part 1

Please answer the given questions in the second column of the table below. Write you answers in the first
column and leave the third column blank at this time.
What I know (What you already Questions What I learned (What you LEARN
KNOW about the subject.) as you read and research.)
- Philosophy is a study of What do you understand about - I learned that philosophy is
the basic ideas about philosophy? an activity of attempting to
meaning of life. understand the world, in all
its aspects.
- Socrates Who are the philosophers that you - Aristotle defined the soul
- Plato are familiar with? as the core essence of a
- Aristotle living being, but argued
against its having a
separate existence.
- Plato believed the soul
exists before birth and
after death.
- Socrates is as often in the
role of questioner, as an
attendant emotional.
- St. Augustine in his
Confessions takes this idea
and expands it into an
entire genre that critically
inquires what it means to
be a person.
- Descartes thought that the
self is a thinking thing
distinct from the body.
thought that the self is a
thinking thing distinct from
the body.

- The meaning of a good life What is the meaning of a good - I learned that good life
is feeling real happiness. life? includes acceptance,
inclusion, and having
friends and places where
we can feel comfortable
and relaxed.
ACTIVITY 2: Compare and Contrast

Different Alike Different

Aristotle’s idea towards

Plato’s idea towards self: Both Plato and
Aristotle self:
recognized the
- The soul exists - Aristotle did not
importance of
before birth and ethics and posit the existence
after death morals in of preexisting
- The true self is the human life and immortal soul.
rational self believed that
- Focus on
- Plato’s philosophy living a
development of
leaned towards a virtuous life
was required virtues and ethics
dualistic view.
for happiness. - Emphasized the
importance of
practical wisdom.
ACTIVITY 3: St. Augustine way!
Directions: According to St. Augustine, our identity is achieved through a twofold process: self- presentation
that leads to self-realization. Inside the box, draw an object that best represents you and reflect on why it
represents you.


Explain why it represents you?

- This rubics cube represents me since I am still figuring out myself. I am always changing and I am
sometimes annoying but when I am understood I am likeable. Someday I will be complete and I know it
is all worth it.

ACTIVITY 4: Caselet

Skill to develop: Problem solving ang communication

When you went home during the holidays, your two uncles have a heated conversation on who has the
true philosophical perspective. Uncle John believes in Plato that even after death, the soul exists and is able to
think, while uncle Peter strongly agrees that the soul is the core essence of a living being, but not a separate
existence. Considering you are a 4th year philosophy student, and with your knowledge, how will you
contribute to calm the situation?

- As a 4th-year philosophy student, I would contribute to calming the situation by reminding my uncles
that they have valid points. Plato's theory of the soul is based on the idea that the soul is immortal and
exists independently of the body. While my Uncle Peter's view of the soul is that it is the essence of a
living being, but it is not separate from the body. I would also remind my uncles that the nature of the
soul is a complex philosophical question that has been debated for centuries. There is no one definitive
answer, and it is important to respect different viewpoints.
ACTIVITY 5: What I know chart, part 2
Now, it’s time for you to go back in the What I Know Chart from the 1st activity for you to monitor how your
knowledge has changed by reviewing the questions in the second column and write your answers to the
questions based on what you know now in the third column of the chart.

- Philosophy is not just about the meaning of life but involves attempting to understand the world in all its

- Philosophers you are familiar with include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, with additional insights into
their philosophical views and contributions. Descartes' perspective on the self as distinct from the body
is also mentioned.

- The meaning of a good life extends beyond feeling real happiness to include elements such as
acceptance, inclusion, having friends, and places where one can feel comfortable and relaxed.

ACTIVITY 6: Check for Understanding

You are doing well! Next, you need to answer the activity below. This will assess your learning about the
Cogito, ergo sum 1. Famous principles of Descartes.
_as the essence of living being__2. Plato defines soul as ___________.
___know thy self_______3. Goal of philosophy by Socrates was__________.
______Socrates________4. The philosopher who claimed that Self and Body is inseparable.
Plato 5. The philosopher who believed the soul exists before birth and after death.

ACTIVITY 6: Thinking about Learning

A.) Learning Tracker
As part of the learning tracker, we prepared some questions to reflect on, please carefully read the
question below and give your honest answer.

What felt confusing about what you learned today?

- There is none that is confusing about what I learned today.

Did you have any challenges in today’s learning?

- None so far.

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