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Teacher Professional Growth Plan Fall 2022

PSII/III Student Name: Deshann Valentine School: Erle Rivers High School

Inquiry: Will having increased classroom management strategies implemented into the classroom, improve the focus of the

Professional Goal #1:

To implement more classroom management strategies into the classroom to ensure that the students are learning as much as

As part of creating a positive classroom culture, it is important that the students stay on task in order to create a positive
learning environment for everyone to learn as much as possible. This then allows the students to have the best possible ability
to meet learning expectations.

Teacher Quality Standard:

4. (a) fostering equality and respect with regard to rights as provided for in the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Canadian
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
4. (b) using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning challenges and
areas for growth
4. (f) employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging learning environments

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Research/learn Sept. 19 TM, ERHS staff, Discussed and know strategies that are helpful in different situations
classroom management online/print

strategies resources

Create Lesson Plans that Sept. 26 Lesson plans approved by TM

implement the classroom
management strategies
Lesson plans and strategies put into action and the class is focused
Teach Lesson Plans Oct. 3 more on their work and meeting learning expectations

Reflection Mid Round: Some of the strategies that I found to be working are proximity, moving students who are being
distracting, sending distracting students on a walk, but I think many of them are working better as I have a stronger
relationship with the students.
Reflection End of Practicum:

Inquiry: Will the students’ engagement in class improve with the building of more effective relationships?
Professional Goal #2:
Continue working on getting to know my students as a way to foster effective relationships with them.


As an intern teacher just coming into the school, I do not know the students incredibly well. By continuing to build effective
relationships with the students I can foster my teaching more effectively to each individual student and provide more examples and
situations that relate more to their real life situations and help engage them in class.

Teacher Quality Standard:

1. A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parents/guardians, peers and others in the school and
local community to support student learning.
3. (b) using instructional strategies to engage students in meaningful learning activities

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Find ways to create more effective Sept. 16 TM, PSII books, etc. Found strategies to implement into daily
relationships routines.

Implement these strategies into my Sept. 20 Continuing to get to know the students more
daily activities and can tailor lessons towards the students' interests.
● Talking with students
between classes, asking how
their weekend went, etc.
Implementing students’ interests into their
Implement the students interests Oct. 3 learning and adapting lessons to their individual
into my lesson plans needs.

Reflection Mid Round: The students have been a bit more engaged in the classes that they are taking part in and I have been trying
to find ways to include their interests in their work. For art I have allowed them to have lots of choice in their work which allows
them to be creative. In both of my core classes I do like to give options so the students can pick topics that they are more interested
in. I have found that the students have been working well for me and I have less issues in management with them.
Reflection End of Practicum:

Inquiry: By asking more open ended questions will the students be more engaged in discussions related to course material?
Professional Goal #3:
Ask students questions that promote deeper understanding and higher level thinking.

Part of teaching is facilitating learning, by asking better questions the students have the opportunity to increase their understanding
and are pushed to think critically and creatively about their answers. By asking more in depth questions, higher orders of thinking are
reached and help improve the students’ understanding of the material.

Teacher Quality Standard:
3. (a) planning and designing learning activities that: communicate high expectations for all students
3. (c) applying student assessment and evaluation practices that:
● provide a variety of methods through which the students can demonstrate their achievement of the learning outcomes
● generate evidence of student learning to inform teaching practice through a balance of formative and summative assessment

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Find strategies to ask questions that Oct. 3 TM, books, etc. Found strategies that allow me to create better
promote higher level thinking questions

Implement the questions into my Oct. 11 Implement the questions into my lesson plans
lesson plans

Can see how students are understanding the content

better and have deeper understanding

Reflection Mid Round: I have still been working on asking better questions. I have learned that when asking a question, wait time is
very important when asking questions as it allows for the students to process what the question was and can take the time to
formulate their words/ideas. I have learned that if you wait 13 seconds almost all of the students could come up with an answer to
respond with but 7 seconds would be a great place to work up to after starting with 3 seconds.
Reflection End of Practicum:


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