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W2 CONVERSATION WB_AK_ABERTURA.indd 1 11/02/2015 18:15:58

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W2 CONVERSATION WB_AK_ABERTURA.indd 2 11/02/2015 18:15:58

1. I drink coffee and milk.

2. I eat fish.

3. I drink water .

4. I eat meat .

5. I drink coffee and milk .

6. I eat bread and cheese.

7. I eat meat, thank you.

8. I eat ham, thanks.

9. I eat fish .

10. You drink soda .

Substitution practice

1. I drink milk and coffee. / I eat cheese. I drink water and soda. I eat bread.

2. I eat fish and meat. I eat cheese and ham.

3. I drink milk and I eat bread and ham. I drink water and I eat cheese and fish.

4. I eat meat. / I drink milk. I eat bread. I drink juice.

5. I drink juice. I drink coffee.

6. I drink soda and I eat bread and ham. I drink milk and I eat fish and meat.

7. I eat fish and I drink soda. I eat meat and I drink juice.

8. I drink coffee and milk. I drink water and soda.

Hint Box

Tente usar todas as palavras que você aprendeu nesta lição.

Name Date / / 1

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Written practice
1. Eu bebo / Eu como / Comer / Beber I drink. I eat. To eat. To drink.

2. Eu bebo suco. / Eu como carne. / Obrigado. I drink juice. I eat meat. Thank you.

3. Eu como peixe e bebo água. I eat fish and I drink water.

4. Oi / Eu bebo café. / Por favor. Hi. I drink coffee. Please.

5. Olá / Eu como pão e queijo. Hello. I eat bread and cheese.

6. Você come presunto e bebe água. You eat ham and you drink water.

7. Você bebe café e leite e eu como pão e queijo. You drink coffee and milk and I eat

bread and cheese.

8. Eu como pão, presunto e queijo. / Obrigado. I eat bread, ham and cheese. Thanks.

1. I drink coffee and milk.

2. You eat bread and cheese.

3. You eat fish and you drink soda.

4. I drink juice and I eat bread and ham.

5. I eat bread and meat.

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1. father, I, with, speak, my, English I speak English with my father.

2. don’t, cheese, eat, I I don’t eat cheese.

3. with, speak, mother, I, my I speak with my mother.

4. bread, you, and, eat, ham You eat bread and ham.

5. don’t, with, my, speak, daughter, I, Spanish I don’t speak Spanish with my daughter.

6. eat, I, bread, don’t I don’t eat bread.

7. study, I, don’t, French, sister, my, with I don’t study French with my sister.
Substitution practice

1. I speak French with my children. I speak Portuguese with my friend.

2. I don’t study with my friend. I don’t eat with my son.

3. I drink a glass of soda. I drink a cup of coffee.

4. I don’t eat fish or ham, I eat meat. I don’t eat cheese or bread, I eat fish.

5. I don’t speak English with your sister. I don’t speak Spanish with my father.

6. I eat fish. I eat meat.

7. I study Spanish with my sister. I study French with my brother.

8. I drink a cup of coffee. / Thank you. I drink a glass of soda. Thank you.
Hint Box

A palavra I (eu) e todos os idiomas (English, French, etc) são sempre

escritos com a inicial maiúscula.
Name Date / / 3

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Written practice
1. Eu como pão e queijo. / Eu não como presunto. I eat bread and cheese. I don’t eat


2. Eu não bebo suco. / Eu bebo refrigerante. I don’t drink juice. I drink soda.

3. Eu falo português com meu pai e com meu irmão. I speak Portuguese with my father

and with my brother.

4. Eu não estudo com seu filho. I don’t study with your son.

5. Eu falo inglês com meu pai e minha mãe. I speak English with my father and my


6. Eu não como peixe. / Eu como carne. I don’t eat fish. I eat meat.

7. Eu estudo com meus filhos agora. I study with my children now.

8. Eu bebo um copo de leite. I drink a glass of milk.


1. I don’t speak Portuguese with my mother.

2. I study French with my friends.

3. I don’t speak Spanish with my father.

4. I don’t drink coffee and milk in the morning.

5. I don’t eat cheese and I don’t drink milk.

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Change into negative
1. I study at school in the morning. I don’t study at school in the morning.

2. I work at the store with my father. I don’t work at the store with my father.

3. I drink a cup of tea in the afternoon. I don’t drink a cup of tea in the afternoon.

4. I speak French with my teacher. I don’t speak French with my teacher.

5. I eat bread and cheese. I don’t eat bread and cheese.

6. I play soccer with my friends in the afternoon. I don’t play soccer with my friends in
the afternoon.

7. I speak Portuguese and English at school. I don’t speak Portuguese and English at
Substitution practice

1. I don’t work with my brother. / I work at a bank. I don’t study with your sister. I
study at home.

2. Sorry, I don’t eat cheese. Sorry, I don’t eat ham.

3. I study English with my friend here. I study Portuguese with my friend there.

4. I drink juice in the afternoon. I drink soda in the afternoon.

5. I speak English and French with my teacher. I speak Spanish and Portuguese with
my children.

6. I play chess with your brother at night. I play chess with my mother at night.

7. I don’t work at the store in the evening. I don’t play at the store in the afternoon.

8. I don’t play volleyball in the morning. / I play basketball. I don’t work at the store in
the morning. I work at the bank.
Hint Box

Ler em voz alta ajuda a melhorar sua pronúncia, fluência e leitura.

Faça isso sempre que terminar sua tarefa.
Name Date / / 5

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Written practice
1. Eu bebo uma xícara de chá. I drink a cup of tea.

2. Eu não como carne de manhã. / Eu como pão e presunto. I don’t eat meat in the morning.

I eat bread and ham.

3. Eu estudo inglês na Wizard. I study English at Wizard.

4. Você trabalha com minha mãe na escola. You work with my mother at school.

5. Eu não toco piano. Eu toco somente violão. I don’t play the piano. I play only the


6. Eu não falo português com minha professora, somente inglês. I don’t speak Portuguese

with my teacher, only English.

7. Eu bebo um copo de água. I drink a glass of water.

8. Eu não trabalho aqui. / Eu trabalho lá. I don’t work here. I work there.

1. I play volleyball with my friends.

2. I don’t work at the bank. I work here.

3. I play the guitar but I don’t play the violin.

4. I study but I don’t work.

5. I study French with my children.

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1. children, I, with, speak, in, the, my, evening, I speak with my children in the evening.

2. don’t, morning, study, I, in, the I don’t study in the morning.

3. afternoon, work, in, the, I, school, at I work at school in the afternoon.

4. juice, bread, I, I, eat, drink, and I drink juice and I eat bread. / I eat bread and I drink

5. tea, only, I, milk, drink, and I only drink milk and tea. / I only drink tea and milk.

6. eat, bread, I, cheese, ham, with I eat bread, cheese and ham. / I eat bread, ham and

7. home, at, don’t, my, chess, I, with, father, play I don’t play chess with my father at
Substitution practice

1. I study Spanish with my brother at school. I study French with my sister at home.

2. I don’t play volleyball with my friends at school. I don’t play the guitar with my
friends at the store.

3. I don’t speak Portuguese with my teacher. I don’t speak Spanish with my brother.

4. I don’t work here. / I work with my friend at the store. I don’t work at home. I work
with my father at the bank.

5. I eat bread and ham in the morning. I eat fish and meat in the evening.

6. I don’t study Portuguese with my sister in the evening. I don’t study English with my
friend in the evening.

7. I don’t drink a glass of juice. I don’t drink a cup of milk.

8. Sorry, I don’t speak Portuguese. Sorry, I don’t speak Spanish.

Hint Box

Faça também os exercícios online no portal do aluno.

Name Date / / 7

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Written practice
1. Eu trabalho em um mercado à tarde. I work at a store in the afternoon.

2. Eu brinco com meus filhos à noite. I play with my children in the evening.

3. Eu não bebo chá, mas eu bebo suco. / Obrigado. I don’t drink tea, but I drink juice.

Thank you.

4. Eu estudo com meu filho e minha filha de manhã. I study with my son and my daughter

in the morning.

5. Eu não trabalho com meu pai à noite. I don’t work with my father at night.

6. Eu como queijo e presunto de manhã. I eat cheese and ham in the morning.

7. Eu jogo xadrez com meus irmãos. I play chess with my brothers and sisters. /

I play chess with my brothers.

8. Eu não falo com a minha professora de manhã, só à tarde. I don’t speak with my teacher

in the morning, only in the afternoon.


1. I don’t speak Portuguese.

2. I drink a glass of juice in the morning.

3. Thank you, but I don’t drink tea.

4. I eat only bread and cheese in the evening.

5. I work at a school in the afternoon.

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Make questions
1. Do you like to drink milk for breakfast?

Yes, I like to drink milk for breakfast.

2. Do you like to sleep at home?

Yes, I like to sleep at home.

3. Do you study English at home?

No, I study English at school.

4. Do you drink soda in the morning?

No, I don’t drink soda in the morning. I drink milk.

5. Do you speak Portuguese with your teacher?

No, I speak only English with my teacher.

6. Do you like to work at school?

Yes, I like to work at school.

7. Do you like to eat fish for lunch?

No, I don’t like to eat fish for lunch.

Substitution practice

1. I like to study with my friends at school. I like to play with my friends at home.

2. I study with my sister in the morning. I work with my husband in the afternoon.

3. I don’t speak Portuguese with my teacher. I don’t speak French with my wife.

4. I sleep at home every day. I work at the bank every day.

5. Do you play chess with your daughter every day? Do you play the piano with your
sister in the evening?

6. I don’t speak French with my teacher. I don’t speak Spanish with my friend.

7. Do you speak English? Do you speak Portuguese?

8. I don’t like your old car. / I like your big car. I don’t like your new house. I like your
small house.
Hint Box

Lembre-se que em inglês, “gostar de” é apenas “like”. “I LIKE ORANGES.”

(Eu gosto de laranjas.)
Name Date / / 9

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Written practice
1. Eu não estudo com meu filho. / Eu estudo sozinho. I don’t study with my son. I study


2. Eu bebo café todos os dias. I drink coffee every day.

3. Você estuda inglês com seu marido em casa? Do you study English with your husband at


4. Você gosta de comer queijo no café da manhã? Do you like to eat cheese for breakfast?

5. Eu estudo de manhã e durmo à tarde. I study in the morning and I sleep in the


6. Você brinca com seus filhos todos os dias? Do you play with your children every day?

7. Você gosta de jogar futebol? / Eu não gosto deste jogo. Do you like to play soccer? I

don’t like this game.

8. Você gosta de sua professora de inglês? Do you like your English teacher?

1. I don’t like to study in the morning.

2. Do you like this new car?

3. I study with an English teacher.

4. I eat an apple for breakfast every day.

5. Do you like big or small cars?


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Complete with
eat / drink / like / study / sleep / work / speak / play

1. I drink milk for breakfast.

2. I study / speak English at school.

3. I eat bread and cheese for dinner.

4. I sleep / play / work at night.

5. I don’t speak / study / work / play with my father.

6. I don’t like to eat fish in the afternoon.

7. I don’t play / study / work in the afternoon.

8. Do you study / play / work in the morning?

9. Do you work at the bank?

10. Do you like / eat ham?

Substitution practice

1. I study English with my daughter at home. I study Portuguese with my wife at home.

2. I don’t speak Portuguese. / I like to speak English. I don’t sleep here. I like to sleep at


3. I work with my brother in the morning. I play with my sister in the evening.

4. Do you like to drink a glass of milk for breakfast? Do you like to drink a cup of tea for


5. I don’t like to sleep here. / I like to sleep at home. I don’t like to work here. I like to

work at home.

6. Do you like my new car? Do you like my big house?

7. I work at the store with my wife in the morning. I play the guitar with my friends in

the morning.

8. I like to play tennis with my friends every day. I like to play soccer with my children

every day.
Hint Box

Em inglês, a qualidade (adjetivo) sempre aparece antes do objeto ou

pessoa (substantivo): “big car”, “old house”.
Name Date / / 11

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Written practice
1. Você fala inglês com seu professor? Do you speak English with your teacher?

2. Você gosta de comer pão com presunto no café da manhã? Do you like to eat bread with

ham for breakfast?

3. Não tomo chá à noite, mas tomo chá de manhã. I don’t drink tea in the evening, but I

drink tea in the morning.

4. Você estuda com seu amigo na escola? Do you study with your friend at school?

5. Você trabalha com seu filho? / Eu trabalho em casa. Do you work with your son? I work

at home.

6. Você gosta de jogar com seus irmãos todos os dias? Do you like to play with your

brothers and sisters every day? / Do you like to play with your brothers every day?

7. Eu não gosto de presunto, mas eu gosto de comer queijo no jantar. I don’t like ham, but

I like to eat cheese for dinner.

8. Eu não bebo café e leite no café da manhã. I don’t drink coffee and milk for breakfast.

1. Do you like to study with me?

2. I don’t like big houses.

3. Do you drink tea every day?

4. I drink a cup of coffee for breakfast.

5. Do you like my old car?


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Review 1
Choose the right answer

1. I drink juice and water.

a. to drink
b. drink
c. drinks
2. I eat meat and I drink soda.
a. coffee / to drink
b. tea / drink
c. meat / drink
3. I don’t speak English with my daughter.
a. don’t / my
b. to / now
c. you / your
4. I don’t drink a glass of water.
a. of / of
b. an / of
c. a / of
5. You like to speak Spanish with my father.
a. drink
b. speak
c. to speak
6. I work at the store.
a. at the
b. at
c. on
7. I don’t play the violin .
a. violin
b. the chess
c. the violin
8. I only study English at home.
a. at the
b. at
c. on
9. I play basketball with my brother in the afternoon.
a. the basketball / at the
b. basketball / in the
c. basketball / in
10. I like my new car .
a. new car
b. a new car
c. car new
Hint Box

Para saber quando usar os artigos indefinidos “a” ou “an”, preste atenção ao som inicial
das palavras. “A” antecede as palavras com sons consonantais, como “car” e “house”. Use
“AN” quando o som inicial for vocálico, como “orange” e “hour”. Date / / 13

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Choose the right answer 11. I like to study with my English teacher.
a. study / English
b. study / an English
c. to study / English

12. I eat an apple for breakfast.

a. a
b. the
c. an

13. I don’t study with an English teacher.

a. to study / a
b. study / a
c. study / an

14. Do you like my big car ?

a. --- / big car
b. Do / big car
c. Do / car big

15. Do you drink a cup of coffee for breakfast?

a. an / for
b. an / of
c. a / of

16. Do you like to play this game?

a. to drink
b. to play
c. to like

17. Do you study Spanish at home or at school?

a. at / at
b. in / at
c. at / at the

18. Do you play the guitar only at school?

a. --- / at
b. the / at
c. the / on

19. Do you eat bread and cheese for lunch?

a. to eat / in
b. eat / in
c. eat / for

20. Do you work at a store or at a school?

a. at a / at an
b. in / at
c. at a / at a

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
14 “Excelência no Ensino”.

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Complete with
my / this / to the / at / in the / to

1. I want to go to the park with my son.

2. I want this / my book.

3. I sleep in the evening.

4. I want to go to school.

5. I like this / my new house.

6. I study at school.

7. I want to go to church.

8. I want to go to the movies with my daughter.

9. I don’t work at night.

10. I sleep at home.

Substitution practice

1. I want to go to the movies with you. I want to go to the office with you.

2. I don’t want to eat now. / I want to sleep. I don’t want to go there now. I want to


3. I want to play chess with my parents tomorrow. I want to play the violin with my

neighbor tomorrow.

4. Do you want to speak with your boss now? Do you want to work with your manager


5. I don’t study with my neighbor in the morning. I don’t play with my neighbor at night.

6. Do you want to go to church with me this week? Do you want to go to the park with

me tomorrow?

7. What do you like to eat for dinner? What do you like to drink for breakfast?

8. I don’t want to go now. / I want to study. I don’t want to sleep now. I want to work.
Hint Box

Sempre que falar o nome próprio do local aonde você vai, use a preposição
“to”: “I go to Wizard.”; “I go to Central Park.”
Name Date / / 15

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Written practice
1. Eu bebo uma xícara de café de manhã. I drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

2. Eu não trabalho com meu marido. I don’t work with my husband.

3. Você quer trabalhar no escritório de manhã? Do you want to work in the office in the


4. Você gosta de beber uma xícara de chá no café da manhã? Do you like to drink a cup of

tea for breakfast?

5. Eu não durmo à tarde, mas eu durmo à noite. I don’t sleep in the afternoon, but I sleep

at night.

6. Você quer estudar inglês comigo em casa? Do yo want to study English with me at


7. Quero ir ao escritório com meu gerente. I want to go to the offi ce with my manager.

8. Você quer ir ao cinema comigo hoje? Do you want to go to the movies with me today?

1. I play in the park with my children.

2. How do you spell your name?

3. Do you want to go to the movies with me?

4. I want to go downtown now.

5. Do you want to go to church?


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Make questions
1. Do you want to go to the park with your husband tomorrow?

Yes, I want to go to the park with my husband tomorrow.

2. Do you want to study Spanish this week?

No, I only want to study English this week.

3. Do you like to drink coffee and milk for breakfast?

Yes, I like to drink coffee and milk for breakfast.

4. Do you want to go to church with me this week?

Yes, I want to go to church with you this week.

5. Do you like to play with your friends downtown?

No, I like to play with my friends at school.

6. Do you like to go to the movies in the evening?

Yes, I like to go to the movies in the evening.

7. Do you want to go downtown this week?

No, I don’t want to go downtown this week.

Substitution practice

1. How do you spell your name? How do you spell tomorrow?

2. What do you drink in the morning? What do you play in the evening?

3. Do you want to go to the park in the afternoon? Do you want to go to church in the

4. I work with my wife and I study with my brother. I play with my brother and I eat
with my mother.

5. I want to play with my new neighbor this week. I want to speak with my old friend

6. I like my new car. / Do you like your old house? I like my new manager. Do you like
your new boss?

7. I don’t like to drink soda in the evening. I don’t like to study Portuguese at night.

8. I want to go downtown now. I want to sleep at home now.

Hint Box

Para dizer que vai aos Estados Unidos (The USA) ou ao Reino Unido
(The UK), use “GO TO THE USA”, “GO TO THE UK”. Date
Name / / 17

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Written practice
1. Eu quero um copo de água, por favor. / Obrigada. I want a glass of water, please. Thank


2. Eu não trabalho sozinho, trabalho com meu irmão. I don’t work alone, I work with my


3. Eu durmo à tarde. / Eu não durmo de manhã. I sleep in the afternoon. I don’t sleep in

the morning.

4. Eu não vou ao parque à noite. / Eu vou lá somente à tarde. I don’t go to park in the

evening. I go there only in the afternoon.

5. O que você quer? / Eu quero ir à igreja de manhã. What do you want? I want to go to

church in the morning.

6. O que você gosta de comer no almoço? What do you like to eat for lunch?

7. Como você vai à escola todos os dias? How do you go to school every day?

8. Desculpe. / Eu não bebo café e leite, mas eu bebo chá. Sorry. I don’t drink coffee and

milk, but I drink tea.


1. I don’t want to go to the bank.

2. I don’t work in an office.

3. Do you like to go to the park every week?

4. I work at a store in the morning.

5. What do you want to eat for lunch?


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1. dinner, drink, what, you, have, for, to, do What do you have to drink for dinner?

2. Chinese, sister, study, you, do, with, your Do you study Chinese with your sister?

3. lunch, water, drink, I, juice, don’t, and, for I don’t drink water and juice for lunch. /
I don’t drink juice and water for lunch.

4. today, to, want, I, go, to, school I want to go to school today.

5. home, speak, you, at, do, English Do you speak English at home?

6. I, English, study, at, speak, and, school I study and speak English at school. / I speak
and study English at school.

7. eat, like, for, to, breakfast, I, cheese I like to eat cheese for breakfast.

1. I want to understand English, too. I have to understand German, too.

Substitution practice

2. I don’t want a big glass of water. I don’t want a small cup of tea.

3. Do you have an email? Do you have a Chinese manager?

4. I have to work at the bank this weekend. I have to go to church this weekend.

5. Do you have time to study with me now? Do you have time to play with your children

6. Do you work in an office in the morning? Do you study at home in the morning?

7. I also have some English books at home. I also have some friends at school.

8. Where do you want to go now? Where do you want to play tomorrow?

Hint Box

Crie frases coerentes, e lembre-se de usar o máximo das palavras que

já aprendeu.
Name Date / / 19

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Written practice
1. Eu entendo espanhol. / Eu não entendo alemão. I understand Spanish. I don’t

understand German.

2. Eu não tenho tempo para ir ao centro com você agora. I don’t have time to go downtown

with you now.

3. Eu jogo futebol com meus vizinhos nos fins de semana. I play soccer with my neighbors

on weekends.

4. Eu trabalho com meus pais em casa. I work with my parents at home.

5. Aonde você quer ir agora? / Você quer ir ao cinema? Where do you want to go now? Do

you want to go to the movies?

6. Você quer beber um copo de suco de laranja agora? Do you want to drink a glass of

orange juice now?

7. Não tenho tempo para falar com você agora. Até amanhã. I don’t have time to speak with

you now. See you tomorrow.

8. Eu falo chinês e agora eu também quero falar alemão. I speak Chinese and now I also

want to speak German.


1. Where do you go on weekends?

2. I don’t have time to study Spanish.

3. I have an old bicycle at home.

4. Do you understand German or Chinese?

5. Do you want some bread?


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Change into interrogative
1. I have to study English on weekends. Do you have to study English on weekends?

2. I have to drink milk for breakfast every day. Do you have to drink milk for breakfast
every day?

3. I like to study German with you. Do you like to study German with me?

4. I like to eat meat for dinner. Do you like to eat meat for dinner?

5. I play the piano at school. Do you play the piano at school?

6. I like to study Spanish with my brother. Do you like to study Spanish with your

7. I work at a bank. Do you work at a bank?

Substitution practice

1. I have a big cat. / Do you have a dog or a cat? I have a new car. Do you have a car or
a bicycle?

2. Do you want to go to the soccer game? Do you want to go to church?

3. Do you have a new bicycle? Do you have a big dog?

4. I understand Spanish, but I don’t understand German. I understand Chinese, but I

don’t understand Portuguese.

5. I like to study English with my teacher in the evening. I like to speak English with my
friends in the evening.

6. Do you want to go to the movies with me now? Do you want to go downtown with
me now?

7. I don’t like to go to school on weekends. I don’t like to go to church in the morning.

8. I understand English and I want to understand French, too. I speak Portuguese and I
want to speak German, too.
Hint Box

Use o “have” para falar das coisas que você possui e “have to” para
falar de suas obrigações: “I have a car.”, “I have to work.”.
Name Date / / 21

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Written practice
1. Eu tenho um gato e um cachorro em minha casa. I have a cat and a dog in my house.

2. Aonde você quer ir amanhã? / Eu quero ir para casa. Where do you want to go

tomorrow? I want to go home.

3. Eu não tenho tempo hoje. / Eu tenho que trabalhar à noite. I don’t have time today. I

have to work at night.

4. O que você quer beber agora? / Eu quero água, por favor. What do you want to drink

now? I want water, please.

5. Aonde você gosta de ir nos fins de semana? Where do you like to go on weekends?

6. Eu não tenho uma bicicleta nova. / Eu tenho um carro novo. I don’t have a new bicycle. I

have a new car.

7. Desculpe, mas eu somente tenho tempo para falar com você amanhã. Sorry, but I only

have time to speak with you tomorrow.

8. Tenho alguns livros de inglês em casa. I have some English books at home.

1. I have to go now. See you tomorrow.

2. Do you understand German?

3. Where do you have to go today?

4. Do you have an email?

5. Where do you like to go on weekends?


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Make questions
1. Do you need to go downtown today?

No, I don’t need to go downtown today.

2. Do you have to work on weekends?

Yes, I sometimes have to work on weekends.

3. What do you want to study now?

I want to study English now.

4. Do you want to drink a glass of water?

I prefer to drink a glass of juice, please.

5. What do you like to eat for dinner?

I like to eat chicken and vegetables for dinner.

6. Do you like to eat rice, beans, French fries and steak for lunch?

Yes, I like to eat rice, beans, French fries, and steak for lunch.

7. Do you want your steak rare?

No, I prefer my steak well done.

Substitution practice

1. I have to go to school in the afternoon. I have to work at the office in the afternoon.

2. How do you prefer your steak, medium or rare? How do you prefer your steak, well
done or medium?

3. I sometimes eat rice, beans, and potatoes. I sometimes eat chicken, French fries
and vegetables.

4. When do you prefer to go to the city? When do you prefer to play the piano?

5. I don’t have to speak French with my boss. I don’t have to study German with my

6. When do you have time to go to the store with me? When do you have time to speak
with me?

7. Do you prefer to go home or downtown? Do you prefer to go to the movies or to the


8. I don’t need to go to the bank this week. I don’t want to play basketball at school
this week.
Hint Box

Usar a pontuação certa nas frases é muito importante. Lembre-se

sempre dos pontos finais, das vírgulas e pontos de interrogação.
Name Date / / 23

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Written practice
1. Eu tenho que ir à cidade toda semana. I have to go to the city every week.

2. Você prefere comer peru ou frango no almoço? Do you prefer to eat turkey or chicken

for lunch?

3. Eu tenho um irmão e uma irmã, mas eu não tenho filhos. I have a brother and a sister,

but I don’t have children.

4. Como você prefere seu bife: ao ponto ou bem passado? How do you prefer your steak:

medium or well done?

5. Eu não gosto de comer macarrão, eu prefiro batatas fritas. I don’t like to eat pasta, I

prefer French fries.

6. Você precisa trabalhar na loja este fim de semana? Do you need to work at the store

this weekend?

7. Eu gosto muito de jogar vôlei nos fins de semana. I like to play volleyball on weekends

very much.

8. Tenho alguns amigos na cidade. I have some friends in the city.


1. Do you prefer pork or chicken?

2. When do you need to go downtown?

3. Sometimes I like to go to the mall.

4. I prefer to eat a rare steak.

5. I like French fries very much.


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Complete with
need / have / like / study / go / understand / prefer

1. Where do you study English?

2. I like to go to the movies on weekends.

3. What do you like / prefer / have/ need to eat for dinner?

4. I understand / study / like / prefer Chinese.

5. I prefer / need / have to study today.

6. I like / prefer / need / have to eat cheese in the morning.

7. What do you prefer / need / have to study with me now?

8. I have a dog at home.

9. Do you want to go to church on the weekend?

10. I need / have / prefer to go home now.

Substitution practice

1. I need to study English. / Do you like your teacher? I need to understand my parents.

Do you like your family?

2. I don’t want to eat bread now. / I like to drink milk. I don’t want to eat salad at night. I

like to eat steak.

3. I like to eat pasta and to drink soda for lunch. I like to eat chicken and to drink juice

for dinner.

4. I want to go to the mall with my family tomorrow. I want to go downtown with my

boss tomorrow.

5. I don’t like to eat salad but I like to eat pasta. I don’t like to drink milk but I like to

drink coffee.

6. Sorry, I don’t have time to go with you now. Sorry, I don’t have time to study with your

sister now.

7. I don’t have a big family. / I only have one brother. I don’t have a new car. I only have

one bicycle.

8. I prefer my steak well done. I prefer my steak rare.

Hint Box

Sempre entregue a tarefa completa. Tarefa incompleta é igual tarefa

não feita.
Name Date / / 25

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Written practice
1. Eu tenho uma casa nova na cidade. I have a new house in the city.

2. Eu não preciso estudar alemão nos fins de semana. I don’t need to study German on


3. Eu não quero ir ao parque este fim de semana. I don’t want to go to the park this


4. Você tem algum tempo para ir ao mercado comigo? Do you have some time to go to the

store with me?

5. O que você prefere comer no café da manhã? What do you prefer to eat for breakfast?

6. Eu não gosto de beber refrigerante. / Prefiro beber suco. I don’t like to drink soda. I

prefer to drink juice.

7. Você quer ir ao shopping comigo à tarde? Do you want to go to the mall with me this


8. Gosto de brincar com meus filhos no parque. I like to play with my children at the


1. I have to go to the bank today.

2. I don’t need to go to the office tomorrow.

3. When do you have to go to school?

4. When do you prefer to study?

5. I don’t understand Chinese.


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Review 2
Choose the right answer

1. I want to go to the movies tomorrow.

a. in the
b. to
c. to the
2. Do you want to go ------ downtown today?
a. ------
b. to
c. to the
3. I like to play volleyball at the park with my friends.
a. in
b. at the
c. to the
4. I go to school with my brother every day.
a. to the
b. in the
c. to
5. I study English with my friends at school.
a. in
b. at
c. to
6. Do you work at the office with your parents?
a. at the
b. to the
c. at
7. Do you want to go to the office now?
a. to
b. to the
c. in the
8. I have to study German on weekends.
a. to / at
b. --- / on
c. to / on
9. I also have to work downtown tomorrow.
a. go
b. also
c. to
10. Where do you need to go now?
a. What
b. Where
c. How
Hint Box

Além de marcar a alternativa correta, escreva a resposta no espaço

Name Date / / 27

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Choose the right answer 11. When do you need to go to the mall?
a. What / the
b. Where / to the
c. When / to the

12. Do you prefer to eat salad or pasta ?

a. to eat / tea
b. to eat / pasta
c. eat / pasta

13. I like to eat at the mall very much.

a. in
b. to the
c. at the

14. Sorry, but I don’t have an email address.

a. an
b. a
c. my

15. I have an old house.

a. a old
b. an old
c. some

16. How do you spell your last name ?

a. last name
b. English
c. school

17. What do you like to eat for dinner?

a. When
b. How
c. What

18. I don’t like to eat chicken, rice and beans for lunch.
a. don’t like
b. don’t to like
c. don’t

19. When do you need to study Chinese ?

a. Chinese
b. China
c. school

20. When do you have to go to the mall?

a. to
b. to the
c. in the

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
28 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 28 06/11/2015 10:37:47

Answer the questions
1. What do you need to buy today? I need to buy candy and ice cream.

2. Where do you like to go on weekends? I like to go to the mall on weekends.

3. Do you have dogs at home? Yes, I have two dogs at home.

4. Do you eat French fries? No, I don’t eat French fries, but I like to eat salad.

5. Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow? Thanks, but I have to study German at
school tomorrow.

6. When do you need to go downtown? I need to go downtown now.

7. What do you prefer to eat for lunch? I prefer to eat rice, beans, salad and a well done
Substitution practice

1. I need to buy a skirt. / Do you want to go to the mall? I need to speak French. Do
you want to study at school with me?

2. I don’t want to sell my old car. I don’t want to buy this new coat.

3. Do you want to eat a rare or a well done steak? Do you want to eat a medium or a
rare steak?

4. I eat chocolate every day, but I don’t like bubble gum. I eat candy every day, but I
don’t like ice cream.

5. I don’t want to study now. / I want to go home. I don’t want to buy ice cream today.
I want to eat only chocolate.

6. What do you want to buy at the store? What do you want to sell at the mall?

7. I want to go downtown to buy some new shoes. I want to go to school to buy more
English books.

8. Do you have money to buy a new blouse? Do you have money to buy two
Hint Box

Lembre-se que “comprar para” é TO BUY FOR e “vender para” é TO

Name Date / / 29

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Written practice
1. Eu tenho que comprar um livro de inglês hoje. I have to buy an English book today.

2. Eu preciso vender meu carro para comprar uma casa. I need to sell my car to buy a


3. Onde você compra doce e chocolate? Where do you buy candy and chocolate?

4. Eu tenho 17 CDs em casa. I have seventeen CDs at home.

5. O que você precisa comprar no mercado hoje? What do you need to buy at the store


6. Eu tenho 13 primos. Eu tenho somente 2 irmãs. I have thirteen cousins. I only have

two sisters.

7. Muito prazer. / O prazer é meu. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

8. Quero comprar uma blusa nova para minha esposa. I want to buy a new blouse for my


1. I have to sell my house. I need money.

2. I want to buy two T-shirts.

3. What do you want to buy for your wife?

4. I like chocolate ice cream very much.

5. Do you have a house or an apartment?


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1. When do you want to buy a new apartment?

2. I need to buy chocolate for my wife.

3. I want to sell my old car to my friend.

4. I don’t have enough money to buy this dress.

5. I want to buy new pants for my daughter.

6. I want to have three children.

7. I need to sell my old car to buy a new house.

8. Where do you want to go to buy new skirts?

9. I want to eat rice, beans and chicken for lunch.

10. What do you want to buy today?

Substitution practice

1. I need to buy a new dress and a new shirt. I need to buy one coat and three shirts.

2. I need to work at the office today. I need to work at home today.

3. Do you want to go to the movies or to the mall? Do you want to go to the park or to


4. I want to buy a new skirt to go to the party. I want to buy a new blouse to go to


5. What do you want to buy downtown today? What do you want to eat at home today?

6. Do you like bubble gum? / I prefer chocolate. Do you like ice cream? I prefer candy.

7. Do you need to buy a coat or a shirt? Do you need to buy a skirt or a t-shirt?

8. What do you want to sell? / I want to sell my boots. What do you want to buy? I want

to buy some ice cream.

Hint Box

A palavra “pants” não tem singular. Você pode dizer “some pants”, “a pair of
pants” ou “my pants”, mas, “a pants” ou “one pants” simplesmente
Date não/ existe.
Name / 31

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Written practice
1. Eu preciso comprar duas camisas novas. I need to buy two new shirts.

2. Eu quero comprar um apartamento novo. I want to buy a new apartment.

3. O que você quer comprar agora? What do you want to buy now?

4. Quero comer batatas fritas e bife hoje. I want to eat French fries and steak today.

5. Eu não tenho dinheiro para comprar doce agora. I don’t have money to buy candy now.

6. Eu estudo sozinho todos os dias de manhã. I study alone every morning.

7. Eu às vezes brinco com meus filhos no parque. I sometimes play with my children in

the park.

8. Quando você quer ir ao parque? When do you want to go to the park?


1. I want to sell my old car to you.

2. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

3. I need money to buy books.

4. Do you want to buy new shoes?

5. When do you want to go there?


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Answer the questions
1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have only one sister. I don’t have

2. Do you help your parents at home? Yes, I sometimes help my parents at home.

3. Do you like to help your grandparents? Yes, I like to help my grandparents.

4. When do you want to go to the beach? I want to go to the beach this weekend.

5. Do you want to eat some cookies or some ice cream now? I only want to eat some
cookies now.

6. Do you prefer some popcorn or bubble gum? I prefer some popcorn.

7. Do you know how to speak German? No, I don’t. I don’t know how to speak German. I
only speak English.
Substitution practice

1. I know English, but I don’t know Spanish. I understand French, but I don’t
understand Chinese.

2. I don’t know how many brothers and sisters you have. I don’t know how many cousins
you have.

3. How many cousins do you have? / I have about 10 cousins. How many bicycles do you
have? I have about 4 bicycles.

4. Do you want a piece of cake? Do you want some chocolate ice cream?

5. I like to help my grandparents when I have time. I like to speak with my parents when
I have time.

6. I want to go to the beach with you this weekend. I want to go to the park with you this

7. I only want a slice of chocolate cake, please. I only want a piece of apple pie, please.

8. I need to speak with you about my daughter. I need to speak with my teacher about
my English book.
Hint Box

Use “how many” para perguntar a quantidade de coisas contáveis como

cars, books, apples, sisters, teachers. “How many oranges
Datedo you
/ want?”
Name / 33

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Written practice
1. Quantos netos você tem? How many grandchildren do you have?

2. Eu prefiro estudar inglês na escola. I prefer to study English at school.

3. Aonde você precisa ir hoje? / Eu preciso ir ao banco. Where do you need to go today? I

need to go to the bank.

4. Eu bebo aproximadamente 4 copos de água todos os dias. I drink about four glasses of

water every day.

5. Eu quero comprar um vestido e uma blusa para minha irmã. I want to buy a dress and a

blouse for my sister.

6. Você come pipoca quando vai ao cinema? Do you eat popcorn when you go to the


7. Eu tenho aproximadamente quinze netos. I have about fifteen grandchildren.

8. Você tem dinheiro para comprar um carro novo? Do you have enough money to buy a

new car?

1. I don’t know how to speak Chinese.

2. How many cousins do you have?

3. Do you prefer to eat chocolate or cookies?

4. Do you know how to go to the beach?

5. I have about 50 CDs at home.


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1. computer, work, I, the, know, to, on, how I know how to work on the computer.

2. sister, with you, I, need, today, my, and, to, speak I need to speak with my sister and
you today. / I need to speak with you and my sister today.

3. and, grandmother, know, I, your, grandfather I know your grandfather and

grandmother. / I know your grandmother and grandfather.

4. German, like, I, to, speak, don’t I don’t like to speak German.

5. want, cheese, to, eat, ham, I, and, a cup, to, drink, of, tea, and I want to eat cheese and
ham and to drink a cup of tea.

6. I, don’t, here, in, the, sorry, work, afternoon Sorry, I don’t work here in the afternoon.

7. have, and, how, you, brothers, do, many, sisters How many brothers and sisters do you
Substitution practice

1. I like to eat popcorn and drink soda. I like to help my grandson and my

2. I don’t study Spanish. / I prefer to study English. I don’t study Franch. I prefer to study

3. I need to speak with my boss tomorrow. I need to play with my cousin tomorrow.

4. I have money, but I don’t want to go to the movies. I have time, but I don’t want to
study at home now.

5. I don’t like to go to the beach alone. I don’t like to go downtown alone.

6. How many grandchildren do you have? How many cousins do you have?

7. I want some French fries and a big glass of juice. I want some popcorn and a cup of

8. Where do you want to go now? Where do you want to play today?

Hint Box

Saber a pronúncia dos números corretamente é muito importante.

Pratique com a WIZPEN.
Name Date / / 35

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Written practice
1. Eu preciso ajudar minha neta de manhã. I need to help my granddaughter in the


2. Eu preciso ir ao centro, mas eu não sei ir lá. I need to go downtown, but I don’t know

how to get there.

3. Você gosta de ir à praia nos fins de semana? Do you like to go to the beach on


4. Quero comprar isto, mas não tenho dinheiro hoje. I want to buy this, but I don’t have

enough money today.

5. Gosto de falar inglês com meu chefe. I like to speak English with my boss.

6. Você quer ajudar meu irmão? Do you want to help my brother?

7. Você sabe falar francês? Do you know how to speak French?

8. Quando você vai ao parque com seus avós? When do you go to the park with your


1. Do you help your grandmother at home?

2. How many cars do you have?

3. I don’t know how to go downtown.

4. I have about 12 T-shirts.

5. Do you want a slice of chocolate cake?


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Change into affirmative
1. I don’t go to work at 7 o’clock every day. I go to work at 7 o’clock every day.

2. I don’t understand English. I understand English.

3. I don’t go to bed at midnight. I go to bed at midnight.

4. I don’t write many emails to my boss. I write many emails to my boss.

5. I don’t like to read the newspaper in the morning. I like to read the newspaper in the

6. The boys don’t have to get up by 7 a.m. The boys have to get up by 7 a.m.

7. I don’t want to play with the kids today. I want to play with the kids today.
Substitution practice

1. I like to read the newspaper every day. I like to read a magazine when I get up.

2. I need to write an email to my manager by 2:00 p.m. I need to write a letter to my boss
by 2:00 p.m..

3. I go to church with my family on weekends. I go to the movies with my boyfriend on


4. How many magazines do you have at home? How many magazines do you have to

5. I have a small cat and a big dog. I have some magazines and some newspapers.

6. What time do you have to get up? What time do you have to go to bed.

7. I sleep until seven fifteen every day. I sleep until noon on weekends.

8. I like to go to the office at eight o’clock. I like to go to the movies at midnight.

Hint Box

Para falar as horas cheias (exatas), você pode usar “o’clock”: “I study at eight o’clock.” Quando quiser
especificar o período do dia, use “a.m.” para horas antes de meio-dia e “p.m.” para depois: “I go to school
Name Date
at 7 a.m.” “I go to bed at 11 p.m.” Aqui, vale ressaltar que nao se pode usar o’clock e pm/am/ juntos./ 37

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Written practice
1. Eu escrevo um email para meus pais todas as semanas. I write an email to my parents

every week.

2. Eu não quero falar com meu chefe hoje. I don’t want to speak with my boss today.

3. Você compra muitos brinquedos para seus filhos? Do you buy many toys for your


4. A que horas você vai dormir? / Eu vou dormir às 21h30. What time do you go to bed? I go

to bed at nine thirty p.m.

5. Eu quero ir ao cinema com meu namorado amanhã. I want to go to the movies with my

boyfriend tomorrow.

6. Você gosta de ler ou escrever sobre crianças? Do you like to read or write about


7. Às vezes eu durmo até o meio-dia nos fins de semana. Sometimes I sleep until noon on


8. Que horas são? / São dez e meia. What time is it? It’s ten thirty.

1. What time is it now?

2. How many e-mails do you write every day?

3. I like to read magazines in the afternoon.

4. What do you like to read at home?

5. I have to get up at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow.


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Complete with
prefer / sell / work / know / study / help / read / buy / get up / want

1. I prefer / want to go there at 7:30 today.

2. I like to read / buy the newspaper every morning.

3. Do you want to buy a new apartment?

4. I know how to go to school.

5. What time do you have to get up / work / study tomorrow?

6. I want / prefer to buy a new blouse for my friend.

7. I want to study Chinese at Wizard.

8. I don’t want to sell my car.

9. I work in an office downtown.

10. Do you help your grandparents every day?

Substitution practice

1. I want to buy a shirt for my dad. I want to buy a magazine for my grandfather.

2. I don’t want to study now, I want to study at night. I don’t want to write in the morning,

I want to write at midnight.

3. What time do you go to your office every day? What time do you go to bed on


4. I get up at 6:30 every day and I go to bed at midnight. I get up by seven o’clock every

day and I go to bed before ten p.m.

5. I want to go to the mall with my wife. I want to go downtown with my girlfriend.

6. I have to get up at six every day. I have to read the newspaper every day.

7. Do you prefer to read books or magazines? Do you prefer to read letters or emails?

8. Where do you read newspapers, at home or in your office? Where do you read your

emails, at school or at your work?

Hint Box

Use “to” depois do verbo, para dizer que escreve ou lê para alguém: “I
write to my boss.” “I read to my daughter.”
Name Date / / 39

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 39 06/11/2015 10:37:54

Written practice
1. Eu prefiro ler o jornal. / Eu não quero ler esta revista. I prefer to read the newspaper. I

don’t want to read this magazine.

2. Você entende quando eu leio em inglês? Do you understand when I read in English?

3. O que você quer comprar no centro hoje? What do you want to buy downtown today?

4. Você conhece minha namorada? Do you know my girlfriend?

5. Que horas são? / Tenho que trabalhar agora. What time is it? I have to work now.

6. Eu tenho que ler este livro até amanhã. I have to read this book before tomorrow.

7. Preciso ir dormir até meia-noite. I need to go to bed before midnight.

8. Quantos filhos você tem? / Quantos filhos você quer ter? How many children do you

have? How many children do you want to have?


1. I have about 100 books.

2. I go to bed by midnight every day.

3. What time do you have to go?

4. Do you read the newspaper in the morning?

5. Do you like to read books in English?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 40 06/11/2015 10:37:55

Review 3
Choose the right answer

1. I want to buy new boots for my mother.

a. of
b. for
c. two
2. Do you want to buy some ice cream now?
a. one
b. two
c. some
3. Do you have a cat or a dog at home?
a. at
b. in
c. to
4. I have about 17 CDs at home.
a. seven
b. seventeen
c. seventy
5. I like to go to the beach on weekends.
a. to / on
b. to the / on
c. to the / in
6. How many cousins do you have?
a. How many
b. What
c. How
7. Do you need to go home now?
a. at home
b. home
c. to the home
8. I don’t know how to spell your name.
a. how to
b. to how
c. how
9. I have 16 dresses and 40 blouses.
a. sixty / forty
b. sixteen / fourteen
c. sixteen / forty
10. My email is Jane at (@) wizard dot (.)
a. at / in
b. at / dot
c. at / at
Hint Box

Sempre releia suas atividades e veja como você já melhorou. Se

surgirem dúvidas, fale com a equipe pedagógica da escola.
Name Date / / 41

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 41 06/11/2015 10:37:56

Choose the right answer 11. I have to work until six o’clock every day.
a. on
b. in
c. until

12. I need to write this email by noon.

a. by
b. for
c. to

13. I don’t have to get up at 5:00 a.m. every day.

a. for
b. at
c. in

14. What time do you go to bed on weekends?

a. How many
b. What
c. What time

15. Do you know how to go to school?

a. know / at
b. know / to
c. to know / to

16. How many relatives do you have ?

a. want
b. need
c. have

17. Do you also need to buy some pants?

a. a
b. an
c. some

18. How many skirts do you need to buy?

a. skirts
b. skirt
c. some skirts

19. I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. to go to work.

a. go to bed
b. read
c. get up

20. Do you read books to your children?

a. until
b. to
c. at

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
42 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 42 06/11/2015 10:37:57

Answer the questions
1. How are you? / What’s your email? I’m fine, thanks. My email is

2. Do you want to go to the movies today? Sorry, but I need to close the store this

3. What time do you get up? I get up at 7 o’clock every day.

4. Where do you need to go this afternoon? I need to go to the office at two fifteen this

5. Do you want to go to bed now? No, I don’t. I want to go to bed by midnight.

6. Do you like to drink cold or hot coffee? I prefer to drink hot coffee.

7. How many newspapers do you read every week? I read only one newspaper every week.
Substitution practice

1. She closes the window for you. She closes the door for you.

2. I like to buy flowers for my girlfriend. I like to buy apple pies for my grandparents.

3. What time do you have to close the store? What time do you have to open the office?

4. What time do you get up every day? What time do you go to bed on weekends?

5. She doesn’t have time this week. / She needs to study. She doesn’t have time today. She
needs to go home now.

6. He studies in the morning and works in the afternoon. He eats in the morning and
drinks in the afternoon.

7. I need to buy new shoes for my husband today. I need to buy flowers for my bedroom.

8. She opens the windows only in the morning. She opens the school only at eight a.m.
Hint Box

Faça as alterações nos verbos quando o sujeito da frase for a terceira

pessoa do singular (he/she/it).
Name Date / / 43

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 43 06/11/2015 10:37:58

Written practice
1. Às vezes ela vai ao cinema. Sometimes she goes to the movies.

2. Ela tem que trabalhar somente amanhã de manhã. She only has to work tomorrow


3. Eu gosto de comer pão no café da manhã. I like to eat bread for breakfast.

4. Quantos emails você escreve todos os dias? How many emails do you write every day?

5. Ele quer comer uma fatia de torta? Does he want to eat a slice of pie?

6. Que revista você gosta de ler? What magazine do you like to read?

7. Aonde você gosta de ir com sua família? Where do you like to go with your family?

8. Meu namorado fecha a loja às 17h todos os dias. My boyfriend closes the store at five

p.m. every day.


1. Do you like to eat hot pie with some ice cream?

2. I need more money to buy flowers for my mom.

3. How are you today?

4. Close the door, please.

5. She has to open the store on weekends.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 44 06/11/2015 10:37:59

1. she, window, to, open, the, needs She needs to open the window.

2. he, night, door, every, the, closes He closes the door every night.

3. I, to, drink, for, soda, prefer, lunch, cold I prefer to drink cold soda for lunch.

4. I, bed, want, a, to, buy, my, bedroom, for I want to buy a bed for my bedroom.

5. I, nine o’clock, until, sleep, every, day I sleep until nine o’clock every day.

6. do, you, to, the, want, this, to, go, morning, park Do you want to go to the park this

7. works, well, It, very It works very well.

Substitution practice

1. I close my door when I go to work. I close the window when I go to school.

2. She opens the window when she studies in the bedroom. She opens the door when she
studies here.

3. How many pieces of cake do you eat for breakfast? How many slices of chicken pie do
you eat for lunch?

4. I don’t like to go to the store alone. I don’t like to work in the office alone.

5. How many friends do you have? / I have three friends. How many cousins do you
have? I have eleven cousins.

6. I only open my email box in the morning. I only open my apartment at night.

7. He needs to close the store for me. He needs to close the bank for me.

8. How many emails do you write every day? How many letters do you write on
Hint Box

Quando você dá uma ordem ou solicita algo diretamente para alguém, o verbo
aparece sem o “to” e nenhum sujeito antes dele: “Please, open the door”, “Go home
now, Charlie” Date / / 45

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 45 06/11/2015 10:37:59

Written practice
1. Como vai você? / Eu estou bem, obrigado. How are you? I’m fine, thanks.

2. Você prefere bala, sorvete ou pipoca? Do you prefer candy, ice cream or popcorn?

3. Feche a porta e as janelas, por favor. Close the door and the windows, please.

4. Eu quero beber um copo de água com gelo. I want to drink a glass of water with ice.

5. A que horas você dorme? / Às vezes eu durmo às 11h. What time do you sleep?

Sometimes I sleep at eleven o’clock.

6. Ela precisa trabalhar até às 8h todos os dias. She needs to work until eight o’clock every


7. A que horas você abre seu escritório de manhã? What time do you open your office in

the morning?

8. Ele gosta de ler quando vai dormir. He likes to read when he goes to bed.

1. Do you prefer to eat chicken or steak?

2. I have to go to the bank this morning.

3. Do you like to read in your bedroom?

4. How are you? I’m fine, and you?

5. Do you want to sell your house?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 46 06/11/2015 10:38:01

Complete with
languages / why / church / lunch / to have / near / have dinner / far / because / apples

1. He wants to have lunch with you today.

2. Why do you sleep in the afternoon?

3. Because I study in the morning.

4. She lives near your house.

5. I want to have breakfast now.

6. What languages do you speak?

7. I live far from school.

8. I eat apples every day.

9. I like have dinner with you.

10. I go to church on weekends.

Substitution practice

1. I like living here. / I live with my parents.

I like to study here. I live with my friends.

2. Why do you want to buy a new house? Why do you want to start a new game?

3. He drinks a glass of cold milk and he eats a papaya every day. He drinks a cup of hot

coffee and he eats a slice of watermelon every day.

4. Why do you have to go there tomorrow morning? Why do you have to live alone now?

5. She doesn’t speak many languages. We don’t speak many languages.

6. She doesn’t live far from the freeway. She doesn’t work far from the English school.

7. When do you want to start? / I want to start now. When do you want to play soccer? I

want to play soccer at 8 p.m.

8. He doesn’t have a car. He doesn’t understand French.

Hint Box

“Doesn’t” (e não don’t) é usado para formar frases negativas na

terceira pessoa do singular (he/she/it). “He doesn’t like
Dateto play.”
Name / / 47

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 47 06/11/2015 10:38:02

Written practice
1. Ele não vai dormir às 22h. / Ele vai dormir à meia-noite. He doesn’t go to bed at ten p.m..

He goes to bed at midnight.

2. Você quer almoçar comigo hoje? Do you want to have lunch with me today?

3. Eu quero jantar às 18h, porque eu almoço às 11h. I want to have dinner at six p.m.

because I have lunch at eleven a.m.

4. Você mora longe da escola? / Sim, eu moro perto do shopping. Do you live far from the

school? Yes, I live near the mall.

5. Você mora perto ou longe daqui? Do you live near or far from here?

6. Quais línguas você fala? / Eu falo português e inglês. What languages do you speak? I

speak Portuguese and English.

7. Por que você quer estudar um novo idioma? Why do you want to study a new language?

8. Por que você estuda inglês? / Porque eu quero ir aos E.U.A. Why do you study English?

Because I want to go to the USA.


1. How many languages do you speak?

2. Do you go to the mall every weekend?

3. She doesn’t live far from here.

4. What do you like to eat for lunch?

5. Why do you want to have dinner with your manager?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 48 06/11/2015 10:38:02

Answer the questions
1. What time does it start? It starts at noon.

2. When do you want to have a snack with me? I want to have a snack with you at six

3. Do you know how to write in Spanish? I don’t know how to write in Spanish, but I
know how to write in English.

4. What fruit do you like to eat for breakfast? I like to eat melon and papaya.

5. How many languages do you speak? I only speak two languages, English and

6. Do you prefer to eat grapes, strawberries, or bananas? I prefer to eat bananas.

7. Do you work near or far from the freeway? I work near the freeway.
Substitution practice

1. Where do you live? Where do you study?

2. Why do you want to buy a car now? Why do you want to sell your apartment now?

3. When do you want to start? When do you prefer to go there?

4. My daughter likes to eat fruit for breakfast. My daughter likes to eat banana pie for

5. Why do you want to sell your car? Why do you want to buy a new house?

6. Do you live near or far from here? Do you live near or far from downtown?

7. My son doesn’t like to eat fruit. My grandfather doesn’t like to eat pears.

8. Why do you want to buy more books? Why do you want to drink more pineapple
Hint Box

Near = perto de | Far from = longe de
Name Date / / 49

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 49 06/11/2015 10:38:03

Written practice
1. Preciso ajudar meu filho hoje. / Você quer ir comigo? I need to help my son today. Do you

want to go with me?

2. Ele gosta de ir ao centro nos fins de semana. He likes to go downtown on weekends.

3. Ela não tem tempo de escrever emails hoje de manhã. She doesn’t have time to write

emails this morning.

4. Minha filha come bife e bebe suco no almoço. My daughter eats steak and drinks juice

for lunch.

5. Você prefere comer melão ou melancia? Do you prefer to eat melon or watermelon?

6. Você quer comprar peras para mim? Do you want to buy pears for me?

7. Onde você trabalha? / Eu não trabalho, só estudo. Where do you work? I don’t work, I

only study.

8. Com licença, preciso falar com o gerente. Excuse me, I need to speak with the manager.

1. What time do you like to have dinner?

2. I like to live near your house.

3. I don’t want to have lunch at noon.

4. I live far from the mall.

5. It starts at eight o’clock.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 50 06/11/2015 10:38:03

Change into int. / neg.
1. She comes from England. Doesn’t she come from England?

2. He wants to come to China for Christmas. Doesn’t he want to come to China for

3. You want to stay here on my vacation. Don’t you want to stay here on my vacation?

4. He speaks many languages. Doesn’t he speak many languages?

5. He has to open the supermarket tomorrow. Doesn’t he have to open the supermarket

6. She prefers to eat hot pie for lunch. Doesn’t she prefer to eat hot pie for lunch?

7. Your cousin opens the office every morning. Doesn’t your cousin open the office every
Substitution practice

1. They want to go to England next year. We want to go to Spain next year.

2. Please, come with me. / I don’t like to stay alone. Please, come home. I don’t like to
have dinner alone.

3. Where does she come from? / She comes from China. Where does your friend come
from? He comes from France.

4. Where does he want to go next vacation? Where does your wife want to go on

5. They don’t want to go to the party. They don’t want to stay at the office.

6. Why does he get up at 6 o’clock ? / Because he needs to work. Why does your son get up
at seven o’clock? Because my son needs to go to school.

7. Does she have dinner before or after 7 o’clock? Does she sleep before or after six

8. On vacation they like to read good books. On vacation we like to read French
Hint Box

Mude o “Do” para “Does” quando fizer perguntas na terceira pessoa

do singular (he/she/it): “Does he eat?” “Does it work?”
Name Date / / 51

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 51 06/11/2015 10:38:05

Written practice
1. Depois nós precisamos estudar. / Ela quer vir também? Later, we need to study. Does she

want to come too?

2. Quantos meses ela precisa ficar na Alemanha? How many months does she need to

stay in Germany?

3. Nós gostamos muito de ler depois do jantar. We like to read after dinner very much.

4. Nós gostamos de ficar em casa nos fins de semana. We like to stay home on weekends.

5. Eu tenho que falar inglês antes de minhas férias. I have to speak English before my


6. Ela prefere uma saia azul para ir à festa. She prefers to wear a blue skirt to the party.

7. Eles querem ir aos Estados Unidos depois do Natal. They want to go to the USA after


8. Agora ele fala inglês muito bem. Now he speaks English very well.

1. He has to come home before eleven o’clock.

2. Do they work with you?

3. We want to go to England.

4. She knows how to speak English very well.

5. Where does she come from?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 52 06/11/2015 10:38:05

1. He sleeps at home every morning.

2. She goes to school with my brother.

3. They live near your house.

4. Why do you want to go today?

5. She doesn’t open the window every morning.

6. I don’t want to sell my car to you.

7. They like to read the newspaper.

8. I need to write a letter to my grandmother.

9. I want to buy three books.

10. Does he know where I live?

Substitution practice

1. They stay home after dinner. They stay at school after lunch.

2. She has many things to do this afternoon. My brother has many things to do


3. We need to go to the store before noon. We need to go to China before Easter.

4. The girls want to buy pink dresses. The boys want to buy black pants.

5. She needs to speak with you about the party next week. She needs to speak with my

boss about the office downtown.

6. I want to buy a skirt and a red shirt. He needs to buy a car and a house.

7. We don’t know where she lives. They don’t know where I work.

8. Where do they come from? Where does he come from?

Hint Box

Revise todas as lições anteriores. Se tiver dúvidas, aproveite a aula de

revisão para conversar com o professor.
Name Date / / 53

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 53 06/11/2015 10:38:07

Written practice
1. Quando ela quer começar a aula de francês? When does she want to start the French


2. Você sabe onde ele mora? / Ele mora perto daqui. Do you know where he lives? He lives

near here.

3. Eu gosto de dormir às 9h todos os dias. I like to sleep at nine o’clock every day.

4. A que horas ela precisa ir à escola? What time does she need to go to school?

5. Eu gosto de ir para a praia nas férias. I like to go to the beach on vacation.

6. Ele não quer ir ao cinema com você neste fim de semana. He doesn’t want to go to the

movies with you this weekend.

7. Tenho que ir dormir agora. / São 11h30. I have to go to bed now. It’s eleven thirty.

8. De onde ele vem? Ele vem da Alemanha. Where does he come from? He comes from


1. She has many brown shoes at home.

2. When does it start?

3. What time does she come to work every day?

4. I have to come home at ten thirty tonight.

5. We understand English very well.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 54 06/11/2015 10:38:07

Review 4
Choose the right answer

1. Do you want to go to the movies with me tonight ?

a. this tonight
b. tonight
c. this tomorrow morning
2. She closes the store at noon.
a. close / in
b. closes / in
c. closes / at
3. He has about 18 cousins.
a. have
b. has
c. to has
4. I open the windows every morning.
a. open
b. opens
c. to open
5. Why do you want to live here?
a. Because
b. What
c. Why
6. Because I like Brazil very much.
a. Why
b. Because
c. No
7. I live far from the freeway.
a. far from
b. far
c. near from
8. He doesn’t want to start now.
a. don’t
b. doesn’t
c. do
9. My mother works near the bank.
a. doesn’t works
b. work
c. works
10. What do you prefer to have as a snack now?
a. to has
b. to have
c. have
Hint Box

A cor é uma qualidade (adjetivo) do objeto, por isso, deve vir antes do
nome (substantivo): “blue car”, “black skirt”, “yellowDate
Name / 55

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 55 06/11/2015 10:38:08

Choose the right answer 11. My father doesn’t like to read newspapers.
a. doesn’t like
b. don’t likes
c. doesn’t likes

12. It doesn’t start at 3:00 p.m. It starts at 3:30.

a. don’t / starts
b. doesn’t / starts
c. doesn’t / start

13. Where does your teacher come from?

a. do
b. does
c. doesn’t

14. Do they come from Spain or England?

a. Does
b. Doesn’t
c. Do

15. Does he speak English very well?

a. Does / speak
b. Does / speaks
c. Do / speaks

16. My relatives come from Germany.

a. comes
b. come
c. doesn’t come

17. She only stays at school in the morning.

a. stays
b. stay
c. don’t stays

18. What time does he come home after school?

a. does
b. do
c. doesn’t

19. We like to eat rice and beans for lunch.

a. likes
b. don’t likes
c. like

20. Why do we need to go downtown now?

a. do
b. does
c. doesn’t

A Excelência no Ensino.
Para sua opinião
sua sobre
o anosso
de nosso atendimento,
e preencha eoregistre
56 “Excelência
opinião no Portal
no Ensino”.
do aluno preenchendo o formulário “Excelência no Ensino.”

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 56 06/11/2015 10:38:09

Complete with
understand / help / write / know / live / drink / open / sell / buy / play

1. I write letters to my friends every month.

2. Do you drink hot or cold tea?

3. We know how to make cakes.

4. She understands English and French.

5. He helps me with my homework every day.

6. They live near here.

7. I want to sell / buy this.

8. She buys / sells books downtown.

9. Open the door, please.

10. He plays the piano at night.

Substitution practice

1. What time do you like to have breakfast? What time do you like to visit your friends?

2. Why do they need to go to the gas station now? Why do your parents need to go to

the post office now?

3. They don’t want to visit this country this time. He doesn’t want to visit France this


4. He knows my aunt from the office. He knows your uncle from the gas station.

5. My mother wants to buy a new dress this week. My mother wants to buy a lot of

strawberries this weekend.

6. The manager stays at the store until seven o’clock. The manager stays at the

drugstore until midnight.

7. I need to speak with my secretary tomorrow. I need to speak with my aunt now.

8. This girl buys candy and bubble gum every afternoon. This girl buys chocolate and ice

cream every afternoon.

Lembre-se que “a lot” serve para intensificar o verbo. “A lot of” serve para falar de
Hint Box

quantidade, para objetos contáveis e incontáveis. “I work a lot.” | “I have a lot of

money.” | “I have a lot of friends.” Date / / 57

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 57 06/11/2015 10:38:09

Written practice
1. Você prefere carne, peixe ou massa? Do you prefer meat, fish or pasta?

2. Eu preciso ir ao correio. / Você quer ir ao centro comigo? I need to go to the post office.

Do you want to go downtown with me?

3. Meu neto gosta de comer pipoca e chocolate no cinema. My grandson likes to eat

popcorn and chocolate at the movies.

4. Meu pai joga futebol com meu tio nos fins de semana. My father plays soccer with my

uncle on weekends.

5. Quero beber uma xícara de chá, por favor. I want to drink a cup of tea, please.

6. Quando seu tio e sua tia visitam sua família? When do your uncle and your aunt visit

your family?

7. Sua mãe cozinha todos os dias? Does your mother cook every day?

8. Meu irmão estuda francês à noite. My brother studies French in the evening.

1. That old man likes to cook a lot.

2. The secretary has a lot of books at home.

3. Does that boy study Spanish here?

4. I have to go to the post office now.

5. Does he know how to play the violin?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 58 06/11/2015 10:38:10

Make questions
why / what / what time / where / when / how many
1. When does your mother cook?

She cooks every day.

2. Why does your sister prefer salad for lunch?

Because my sister doesn’t like meat.

3. How many friends do you have?

We have a lot of friends.

4. When do they go to the drugstore?

They go to the drugstore in the afternoon.

5. What time does your secretary have a test at school?

My secretary has a test at school at 8 p.m.

6. When does your son like to play soccer?

He likes to play soccer after work.

7. Where do your parents have a house?

My parents have a house in the beach.

Substitution practice

1. When do you visit your relatives? When do your parents visit your grandparents?

2. Do they know how to cook very well? Do they know how to play tennis very well?

3. Jane works at the drugstore with my uncle. My friend works at the post office with
my sister.

4. Does your brother help you at home? Does your sister help you at work?

5. We visit my parents at Christmas. We visit my friends on vacation.

6. My secretary speaks German and English very well. My secretary speaks French and
Spanish very well.

7. They want to visit this country next month. We prefer to visit this beach next weekend.

8. Does your grandmother cook for you? Do your parents cook for you?
Hint Box

Quando quiser dizer que cozinha para alguém, use “for”: “I like to
cook for my wife.”
Name Date / / 59

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 59 06/11/2015 10:38:11

Written practice
1. Minha tia não mora aqui. / Ela mora em São Francisco. My aunt doesn’t live here. She

lives in San Francisco.

2. Nós queremos visitar meus parentes no próximo final de semana. We want to visit my

relatives next weekend.

3. Eu quero ir ao mercado comprar uvas, bananas e melancia. I want to go to the

supermarket to buy grapes, bananas and watermelon.

4. A que horas eles fecham a farmácia todos os dias? What time do they close the

drugstore every day?

5. Minha esposa quer ir para a praia com as crianças. My wife wants to go to the beach

with the children.

6. Meu vizinho vende carros perto do posto de gasolina. My neighbor sells cars near the gas


7. Você tem tempo para falar comigo às 13h30? Do you have time to speak with me at one


8. Ele quer ir ao centro comprar muitas coisas amanhã. He wants to go downtown to buy a

lot of things tomorrow.


1. Does she have a test at school today?

2. We like to cook for the children.

3. He likes to play soccer on weekends.

4. I live near here, and she lives near the bank.

5. Does your father like this country?


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1. know, I, many, at, books, how, I, don’t, home, have I don’t know how many books I
have at home.

2. night, read, children, I, books, my, every, to I read books to my children every night.

3. understand, well, German, I, don’t, very I don’t understand German very well.

4. wants, go, California, she, to, month, to, this She wants to go to California this month.

5. doesn’t, my, work, home, friend, at My friend doesn’t work at home.

6. makes, my, mom, for, the, children, my, bed My mom makes the bed for my children.

7. does, things, boss, many, factory, the, my, in My boss does many things in the factory.
Substitution practice

1. I always make the bed in the morning. I always do my things in the morning.

2. He lives near the freeway and I live near the mall. He lives near the gas station and I live
near the post office.

3. Doctors sometimes work on weekends. My manager sometimes works at night.

4. The teacher does lots of things during the class. The girl does lots of things during the

5. I want to make some tea. / Do you want a cup of tea? I want to make a pie. Do you
want a slice of apple pie?

6. We need to make a backup on the computer. They need to make bread for breakfast.

7. She knows how to make a very good cake. She knows how to cook meat very well.

8. She wants to go to the beach next Sunday. She wants to go to Germany next

A principal diferença entre “to do” e “to make” é que normalmente usamos o “do”
Hint Box

para falar de ações que praticamos e o “make” serve mais para o que criamos,
produzimos: “I do my homework after class.” | “I make pies.” Date / / 61

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 61 06/11/2015 10:38:12

Written practice
1. O dentista trabalha somente até às 11h da manhã. The dentist only works until

eleven a.m.

2. Ela faz bolos de chocolate todas as quartas-feiras. She makes chocolate cakes every


3. Você precisa lavar a louça depois do almoço. You need to do the dishes after lunch.

4. Você mora longe da fábrica? Do you live far from the factory?

5. Eu sempre faço minha lição de casa depois da aula. I always do my homework after


6. Faça me um favor, por favor. Do me a favor, please.

7. Quantos dólares você tem para comprar um computador novo? How many dollars do you

have to buy a new computer?

8. Preciso falar com o gerente sobre meu emprego. I need to speak with the manager

about my job.

1. Does she make the beds every day?

2. Do me a favor. Open the door, please.

3. We always make cakes at home.

4. What do your kids do during the week?

5. How much money do you have?


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Change into negative
1. She comes home with me every day. She doesn’t come home with me every day.

2. My little boy goes to school alone in the morning. My little boy doesn’t go to school
alone in the morning.

3. I know where my Japanese teacher lives. I don’t know where my Japanese teacher

4. My cousin needs to go to a drugstore. My cousin doesn’t need to go to a drugstore.

5. My dentist sometimes goes to the mall on Fridays. My dentist sometimes doesn’t go to

the mall on Fridays.

6. She does many things at home. She doesn’t do many things at home.

7. My father makes the bed every morning. My father doesn’t make the bed every
Substitution practice

1. I want some ice in my juice, please. I need some ice in my soda, please.

2. She prefers to have the meeting this afternoon. My family wants to have lunch this

3. Do they have a lot of things to do this week? Do you have a lot of things to do this

4. I want some more cookies and more coffee, please. I want a lot of salad and rice,

5. Do the kids need to make the beds every morning? Do the boys need to do their
homework every week?

6. My son always gets up before 9 o’clock on weekends. My brother always gets up before
seven o’clock on Mondays.

7. They don’t want to speak about the meeting now. They don’t want to write about the
meeting now.

8. I don’t understand what my son wants. I don’t know what my child wants.
Hint Box

Os dias da semana são sempre escritos com a inicial maiúscula.

“I need to study on Tuesday.”
Name Date / / 63

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Written practice
1. Ele quer falar com você sobre a fábrica na reunião. He wants to speak with you about

the factory in the meeting.

2. Minha secretária precisa trabalhar muito. My secretary needs to work a lot.

3. O professor tem aulas todas as noites. The teacher has classes every night.

4. Eles entendem o que queremos fazer? Do they understand what we want to do?

5. Quanto tempo vocês têm para almoçar? How much time do you have for lunch?

6. De quanto dinheiro eles precisam? How much money do they need?

7. Minha mãe sempre me ajuda com a tarefa de casa. My mother always helps me with my


8. Ela gosta de fazer biscoitos para as crianças. She likes to make cookies for the children.

1. They always go to the club on Saturdays.

2. What do you do during the week?

3. He has English classes on Wednesdays and Fridays.

4. How much money do you need to buy a toy?

5. What time is it, please?


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1. This time I want to cook for you.

2. Sometimes I fi nish my homework on weekends.

3. What time does she make the bed?

4. Sorry, they don’t know how to speak Chinese.

5. Why does your mother prefer to cook rice?

6. Do you have a lot of relatives?

7. Excuse me, but I don’t want to eat a sandwich.

8. When does she need to go to the restaurant?

9. Where do you like to go on your vacation?

10. How much time do you have to make the cake?

Substitution practice

1. This time I want to have dinner at the restaurant. This time I want to have lunch with

my family.

2. Every Tuesday my son goes to the snack bar. Every Tuesday my German teacher goes to

the restaurant.

3. My brother goes to the airport by car every morning. My French friend goes to school

by bus every Wednesday.

4. We have to finish the meeting by 3 o’clock. They have to finish the class by 3 o’clock.

5. Why does she need to go to the store? Why does she want to go to the snack bar?

6. My daughter wants to buy a nice watch for my husband. My sister wants to buy a nice

motorcycle for my cousin.

7. My neighbor doesn’t work at the airport. My uncle doesn’t work at the restaurant.

8. They like to go to the park on foot every day. They like to go to the airport by bus

every day.
Hint Box

Sempre revise sua tarefa antes de entregar ao professor.

Name Date / / 65

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Written practice
1. Toda segunda-feira o menino vai ao dentista de metrô. Every Monday the boy goes to

the dentist by subway.

2. Ele vai à escola a pé porque ele mora perto. He goes to school on foot because he lives

near it.

3. Eu trabalho em uma farmácia perto do posto de gasolina. I work in a drugstore near the

gas station.

4. Nós não sabemos a que horas a aula começa. We don’t know what time the class starts.

5. Meus filhos tentam ler um pouco todos os dias. My children try to read a little every


6. A garçonete trabalha a noite toda. The waitress works all night long.

7. Aquele garçom e aquela garçonete trabalham na lanchonete todas às noites. That waiter

and that waitress work at the snack bar every night.

8. Minha aula de alemão começa às nove e meia. My German class starts at nine thirty.

1. Does she have to finish this job now?

2. Why do you go downtown by bicycle?

3. My husband wants to buy a new watch for me.

4. I have to study all day long.

5. He plays the piano, and she tries to play the guitar.


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Make Questions
1. Does she go to the bank by subway on Fridays?
Yes, she goes to the bank by subway on Fridays.
2. When does she study English?
She studies English on Mondays and Wednesdays.
3. Why do you study English every day?
Because I need to go to the United States.
4. What time does she have to finish this job?
She has to finish this job before 5 o’clock.
5. When doesn’t your aunt visit your relatives?
My aunt doesn’t visit my relatives at Easter.
6. Does your son play the guitar?
No, my son doesn’t play the guitar. He plays the piano.
7. Do you want to make cookies for me?
I don’t know how to make cookies.
Substitution practice

1. My mom wants to buy a nice apartment near the airport. My uncle wants to buy a nice
house near the office.

2. I have to work all day long at the parking lot. I have to go to work at the parking lot.

3. I go to school by bus every day. I go home by car every day.

4. She has to finish this test before 4 o’clock. She has to finish her homework before noon.

5. He plays soccer every Wednesday. He plays the piano every Sunday.

6. She works at the snack bar until 4 o’clock. She works at the restaurant until eleven

7. He opens the drugstore at 8 o’clock every day. He opens the snack bar at six p.m.
every day.

8. What time do they have to finish the class? What time do they have to cook the turkey?

Use “every” (todo, toda, todos, todas, cada) sempre no singular e com palavras
Hint Box

também no singular, mesmo que em português esteja no plural: todos os dias =

every day / todas as quintas = every Thursday Date / / 67

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 67 06/11/2015 10:38:16

Written practice
1. Como ela vai para o trabalho? How does she go to work?

2. Ela vem ao trabalho de trem? Does she come to work by train?

3. Nós vimos trabalhar a pé todos os dias. We come to work on foot every day.

4. Eu não sei a que horas eles terminam a reunião. I don’t know what time they finish the


5. A que horas o jogo termina? What time does the game finish?

6. Sempre termina às 20 h. It always finishes at eight p.m.

7. Como ela vai ao shopping? How does she go to the mall?

8. Ela sempre vai ao shopping de carro. She always goes to the mall by car.

1. How do you go to the bank?

2. He has a nice house at the beach.

3. My mother makes strawberry pies.

4. She needs to go to the airport on Tuesday.

5. The class finishes at 7 p.m.


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Review 5
Choose the right answer

1. We have to work a lot at the office.

a. a lot
b. a lot of
c. much
2. My grandparents don’t cook very well.
a. cooks
b. don’t
c. doesn’t cook
3. When does she visit you?
a. does they
b. do she
c. does she
4. How much money does he need?
a. How many / do
b. How much / do
c. How much / does
5. How many dollars do you need to go to the USA?
a. How many
b. How much
c. What
6. I need some money to buy a toy for my son.
a. a / to
b. some / for
c. some / of
7. The kids make the beds every morning.
a. make
b. makes
c. do
8. My grandmother likes to make cakes and cookies.
a. likes / do
b. likes / make
c. likes / makes
9. We need to do our English homework after class.
a. to make
b. to do
c. do
10. Jane has to do the dishes after dinner every night.
a. have / make
b. has / make
c. has / do
Hint Box

Fale em inglês sempre que tiver oportunidade. Assim, sua aprendizagem

será mais rápida.
Name Date / / 69

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 69 06/11/2015 10:38:18

Choose the right answer 11. Does she have English classes on Saturdays?
a. at
b. in
c. on

12. My boyfriend always goes to the beach in the morning.

a. study
b. goes
c. go

13. My daughter tries to finish her German homework before six o’clock.
a. tries
b. try
c. to try

14. How does she go to work?

a. does / go
b. do / goes
c. does / goes

15. We have to go to the party by bus.

a. on
b. at
c. by

16. Do you come here every day?

a. go
b. come
c. open

17. The meeting starts at 2:30.

a. starts
b. start
c. doesn’t starts

18. When does your sister have classes?

a. do
b. does
c. don’t

19. What do your friends want to do today?

a. does
b. don’t
c. do

20. We always visit my relatives at Easter.

a. on
b. at
c. in

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
70 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 70 06/11/2015 10:38:18

Complete the sentences
1. He speaks Portuguese, now he needs to understand English.

2. Does she drink milk and coffee ?

3. She drinks water. She doesn’t like to drink soda .

4. He doesn’t like to speak German with my father.

5. I need to speak with my boss today.

6. She drinks soda and he eats an apple in the morning.

7. Does he eat bread and cheese at night?

8. My father doesn’t eat salad or turkey .

Substitution practice

1. He needs to talk to your brother today. She needs to go to your house today.

2. I drink milk and green tea in the morning. I drink water and soda in the morning.

3. She doesn’t eat toast and peanut butter. She doesn’t eat chicken and steak.

4. Does she speak English with the teacher? Does your mother speak Spanish with the

5. She doesn’t drink coffee at night. She doesn’t drink hot chocolate in the morning.

6. Doesn’t he need to speak with my parents now? Doesn’t he need to study with my son

7. I speak German and French with my parents. I speak English and Portuguese with my


8. I don’t drink chocolate milk. I only drink juice. I don’t drink iced tea. I only drink coffee.

9. I like donuts but I don’t like pancakes with syrup. She eats cereal, but she doesn’t eat

pancakes with syrup.

10. I need to speak Japanese with my teacher. I need to speak Italian with my boss.
Hint Box

“Lembre-se: “conversar com” em inglês é “talk to”. Eu preciso conversar com

minha mãe. - “I need to talk to my mother.”
Name Date / / 71

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Written practice
1. Ele precisa comer. / Ele gosta de comer peixe e beber suco. He needs to eat. He likes to
eat fi sh and to drink juice.

2. Ela fala japonês e agora ela precisa falar francês. She speaks Japanese and now she
needs to speak French.

3. Obrigada, eu não bebo chá verde, mas ela bebe chá verde. Thanks, I don’t drink green
tea, but she drinks green tea.

4. Ele não come panquecas com calda de manhã. / Ele só come cereal. He doesn’t eat
pancakes with syrup in the morning. He only eats cereal.

5. Ela precisa conversar com minha mãe agora? Does she need to talk to my mother now?

6. Ele come somente pão com creme de amendoim à noite? Does he only eat bread with
peanut butter in the evening?

7. Ela não precisa falar espanhol com a professora todos os dias. She doesn’t need to speak
Spanish with the teacher every day.

8. Ele come torrada com geléia ou com queijo de manhã? Does he eat toast with jam or
with cheese in the morning?

9. Ela gosta de inglês, mas ela fala somente alemão com meu tio. She likes English, but she
only speaks German with my uncle.

10. Ela não precisa falar inglês no trabalho? Doesn’t she need to speak English at work?

1. Doesn’t your teacher speak Italian?

Answer the questions

No, my teacher doesn’t speak Italian. He only speaks English.

2. Do you need to talk to your mother now?

Yes, I need to talk to her now.

3. Do you speak Japanese?

Yes, I do. I speak Japanese at home.

4. Don’t you eat pancakes in the morning?

No, I don’t. I prefer to eat bread in the morning.

5. Do you need to speak Portuguese with your father?

Yes. I need to speak Portuguese with my father because he doesn’t speak English.


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Change the sentences into negative
1. She wants to eat an apple and a donut. She doesn’t want to eat an apple or a donut.

2. Does he need to speak French with my teacher? Doesn’t he need to speak French with
my teacher?

3. My daughter only needs to study tomorrow. My daughter doesn’t only need to study

4. He plays with my siblings in the afternoon. He doesn’t play with my siblings in the

5. Does she drink a glass of milk and coffee in the morning? Doesn’t she drink a glass of
milk and coff ee in the morning?

6. He studies Spanish and Italian with my nephew. He doesn’t study Spanish and Italian
with my nephew.
Substitution practice

1. Does he want to play with my brother now? Does he want to work with my sister now?

2. Where does she study Italian? Where do they study Portuguese?

3. She wants to drink a glass of water. We want to drink a glass of soft drink.

4. He studies with my son and my daughter in the evening. He plays with my cousin and
my nephew in the evening.

5. Does she want to play soccer or baseball in the afternoon? Does she want to play the
keyboard or the guitar in the afternoon?

6. Does she speak German? No, she doesn’t speak German. Does he speak German? No, he
doesn’t speak German.

7. I like to eat bread with a slice of cheese. I like to eat ice cream with a slice of pie.

8. Doesn’t she need to study Spanish today? Doesn’t your sister need to study math

9. What does he want to eat now? / He wants a slice of ham. What does your sister want
to buy now? She wants a slice of cake.

10. When does she work? / She only works in the morning. When does she study? She only
studies in the afternoon.
Hint Box

Sempre que estiver fazendo atividade com um colega de classe, utilize o máximo
de palavras e estruturas que você aprendeu nas últimas lições.
Name Date / / 73

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Written practice
1. Ela quer comer uma tigela de cereal e ele quer comer uma maçã. She wants to eat a bowl
of cereal and he wants to eat an apple.

2. Ele quer brincar com meus sobrinhos hoje? Does he want to play with my nephews

3. Ela não come maçãs de manhã? Não, ela não gosta de maçãs. Doesn’t she eat apples in
the morning? No, she doens’t like apples.

4. Ele não gosta de estudar geografia, mas ele gosta de ciências. He doesn’t like to study
geography, but he likes science.

5. Ela não quer beber um copo de leite agora? Doesn’t she want to drink a glass of milk

6. Ele não gosta de jogar hóquei? Quando ele joga futebol? Doesn’t he like to play hockey?
When does he play soccer?

7. O que ela come de manhã? Ela come torrada com creme de amendoim e geléia. What does
she eat in the morning? She eats toast with peanut butter and jam.

8. Desculpe, mas preciso trabalhar agora. Trabalho todos os dias. Sorry, but I need to work
now. I work every day.

9. Ele precisa estudar matemática amanhã ou depois de amanhã? Does he need to study
math tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

10. Onde ela quer brincar hoje? Where does she want to play today?

1. Do you like to eat a bowl of cereal in the morning?

Answer the questions

Yes, I like to eat a bowl of cereal in the morning.

2. What do you need to study today?

I need to study geography today.

3. When do you play hockey with your children?

I play hockey with my children every Saturday.

4. Don’t you need to study French?

No, I don’t need to study French. I need to study Spanish.

5. Where does your mother work?

My mother works at the bank.


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Write questions with
What / Where / When

1. When does she need to go home?

She needs to go home now.

2. What does he play with your roommate on weekends?

He plays hockey with my roommate on weekends.

3. What do you drink in the afternoon?

I drink iced tea in the afternoon.

4. Where does he like to go on Fridays?

He likes to go to the movies on Fridays.

5. When does she want to go to the movies?

She wants to go to the movies on Saturday.

6. What does he want to do at night?

He wants to sleep at night.
Substitution practice

1. He needs to go to the convenience store. He needs to go to the playground.

2. She doesn’t work at a school, she works at a store. She doesn’t eat in the kitchen, she
eats in her bedroom.

3. What does she like to study? / She likes to study French and Italian. What does he like to
study? He likes to study math and science.

4. Doesn’t he like to go to church on Sunday morning? Doesn’t he like to go to the

convenience store on Monday morning?

5. Does she need to go to the ladies’ room? Does your father need to go to the men’s

6. What does she want to buy at the convenience store? What does she like to buy at the

7. He needs to go to school with my sister today. He prefers to go to school with my son


8. When do you like to play on the playground? When do you like to play baseball?

9. I like to eat pancakes and drink tea in the morning. I like to eat donuts and drink coffee
in the morning.

10. Doesn’t she play baseball on Mondays? Where do you play soccer on weekends?
Hint Box

Nas músicas e textos em inglês, tente identificar palavras e estruturas que você
já aprendeu.
Name Date / / 75

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Written practice
1. Ela precisa ajudar minha filha a estudar alemão na escola. She needs to help my daughter
study German at school.

2. Ele quer beber leite quente ou frio? / Ele quer leite frio. Does he want to drink hot or cold
milk? He wants cold milk.

3. Gosto de ir à igreja com meus amigos nos fins de semana. I like to go to church with my
friends on weekends.

4. Eu trabalho em uma loja com meu companheiro de quarto. I work at a store with my

5. Quando você quer ir ao cinema comigo? When do you want to go to the movies with

6. Ela não ajuda você com sua tarefa de casa? Doesn’t she help you with your homework?

7. Minha tia trabalha em uma loja de brinquedos no centro. My aunt works at a toy store

8. Não vou à igreja às terças-feiras. / Vou às quintas-feiras. I don’t go to church on Tuesdays.

I go on Thursdays.

9. Ele não brinca no parquinho de manhã? Doesn’t he play in the playgound in the

10. Você não gosta de dormir à tarde? Don’t you like to sleep in the afternoon?

1. When do you like to go to the movies?

Answer the questions

I like to go to the movies on Fridays.

2. Don’t you work at a store?

No, I don’t work at a store. I work at the post office.

3. Do you help your mother at home?

Yes, I help my mother at home every day.

4. Where do you like to go on Saturdays?

I like to go to the park on Saturdays.

5. Do you go to church every Sunday?

No, I don’t go to church every Sunday.


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Answer the questions
1. Where does she go on weekends? She goes to the convenience store on weekends.

2. When does he play the guitar at school? He plays the guitar after math class at school.

3. What does she eat and drink in the morning? She eats cereal and she drinks hot coffee
in the morning.

4. What instruments does your teacher play? My teacher plays the keyboard and the

5. When does your friend go to church? My friend goes to church every Sunday.

6. When do you study French at Wizard? I study French on Mondays and Wednesdays at
Substitution practice

1. He needs to speak only Japanese with the manager. He wants to speak only Japanese
with the teacher.

2. Does she like to go to school at night? Does she like to go to church in the morning?

3. What does he want to study today? What does he want to buy today?

4. She wants to go home now, but she needs to work. She wants to go downtown now,
but she needs to study.

5. Does he eat cereal and drink juice at night? Does he eat pancakes and drink soft drink
at night?

6. She works at school with my sister on Mondays and Wednesdays. She works at the
convenience store with my niece on Saturdays and Sundays.

7. He likes to play soccer very much. / He plays on weekends. He likes to play golf very
much. He plays on Saturday mornings.

8. When does he need to go downtown? When do they need to go to the dentist?

9. Where does she study English? / Doesn’t she study Spanish? Where does she study
history? Doesn’t she study geography?

10. Julie and Dave like to play the piano at home at night. Julie and Dave like to play the
guitar at home on weekends.
Hint Box

Para melhorar sua compreensão oral e pronúncia, use sempre sua WIZPEN,
inclusive quando estiver fazendo a tarefa.
Name Date / / 77

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 77 06/11/2015 10:38:26

Written Practice
1. Ele come torrada e geléia e bebe um copo de leite. He eats toast and jam and drinks a
glass of milk.

2. Ela precisa falar inglês na escola, mas só fala português. She needs to speak English at
school, but she only speaks Portuguese.

3. Você não estuda inglês todos os dias? Don’t you study English every day?

4. Ela gosta de comer uma fatia de pão com queijo à tarde. She likes to eat a slice of bread
with cheese in the afternoon.

5. Quando ela quer ir ao cinema? / Ela quer ir na sexta-feira. When does she want to go to
the movies? She wants to go on Friday.

6. Ele não precisa trabalhar na loja todos os dias? Doesn’t he need to work at the store
every day?

7. Ela não vai à igreja às quartas-feiras, somente aos domingos. She doesn’t go to church on
Wednesdays, only on Sundays.

8. Ele não come pão com presunto de manhã. / Ele come cereal. He doesn’t eat bread with
ham in the morning. He eats cereal.

9. Sua mãe ajuda seus filhos na escola ou em casa? Does your mother help your children at
school or at home?

10. Ela não quer comer um sanduíche de creme de amendoim com geleia? Doesn’t she want to
eat a peanut butter with jam sandwich?

1. She likes to go to the movies on Fridays.

She doesn’t like to go to the movies on Fridays.
Change into negative

2. Does he need to work on the weekend?

Doesn’t he need to work on the weekend?

3. She plays in the playground.

She doesn’t play in the playground.

4. My friend likes to eat pancakes with syrup.

My friend doesn’t like to eat pancakes with syrup.

5. She knows how to speak German.

She doesn’t know how to speak German.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 78 06/11/2015 10:38:26

Change into affirmative
1. She doesn’t sell books on weekends. She sells books on weekends.

2. He doesn’t have a password. He has a password.

3. Doesn’t she want to have supper now? Does she want to have supper now?

4. Doesn’t she have money for me? Does she have money for me?

5. She doesn’t sell cars, she sells houses. She sells cars and she sells houses.

6. He doesn’t understand math. He understands math.

Substitution practice

1. How many children does she have? / She has three children. How many computers does
she have? She has two computers.

2. What does he need to buy today? / He needs to buy some CDs. What does he need to
cook today? He needs to cook some rice.

3. She has to study history now. She has to study geography now.

4. Does he want these books or those books? Does he want these pants or those shirts?

5. How many books do you need to buy for your son? How many toys do you want to buy
for your children?

6. He doesn’t want to sell this big house. He doesn’t want to buy this small apartment.

7. What does he have to buy? / He has to buy a new computer. What does he have to
finish? He has to fi nish an old job.

8. How much money does he need? / He needs five bucks. How much money does your
son have? He has ten bucks.

9. Does she have a big or a small car? Does she have a big or a small house?

10. He speaks with my son when he wants. My aunt speaks with my uncle when she
Hint Box

A diferença entre “cash” e “money” é simples: cash é o dinheiro em espécie

(moedas e cédulas); “money” é a definição geral de dinheiro e forma de pagamento
(cheques, cédulas, cartões, etc) Date / / 79

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 79 06/11/2015 10:38:27

Written practice
1. Ele come uma maçã no café da manhã todos os dias. He eats an apple for breakfast
every day.

2. Ele não tem que ir à escola todos os dias esta semana. He doesn’t have to go to school
every day this week.

3. De quanto troco você precisa? How much change do you need?

4. Ela entende seu professor de francês? Does she understand your French teacher?

5. Quantos dólares eu preciso para comprar um computador? How much money Do I need to
buy a computer?

6. Meu marido quer comprar aquele CD. My husband wants to buy that CD.

7. Eu quero ir aos Estados Unidos com minha família. I want to go to the USA with my

8. Quanto tempo ele tem para falar comigo? / Ele tem tempo agora? How much time does he
have to speak with me? Does he have time now?

9. De quanto dinheiro ela precisa? / De aproximadamente 50 dólares. How much money does
she need? About fi fty dollars.

10. Ele precisa de uma ordem de pagamento? / Quantos dólares ele quer? Does he need a money
order? How many dollars does he want?

1. What do you have for breakfast?

Answer the questions

I have bread with cheese and a cup of coffee for breakfast.

2. How many siblings does your father have?

My father only has one sister.

3. How many CDs do you have?

I have about 40 CDs.

4. How much money do you need to go to the States?

I need a lot of money to go to the States.

5. Do you want to buy a new car?

No, I don’t want to buy a new car. I want to buy a house.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 80 06/11/2015 10:38:28

1. cash, she, enough, have, doesn’t, that, buy, to She doesn’t have enough cash to buy

2. cousin, one, bucks, my, has, thousand My cousin has one thousand bucks.

3. money, books, to, enough, does, have, buy, he, those Does he have enough money to
buy those books?

4. have, they, new, a, don’t, password They don’t have a new password.

5. needs, to, time, geography, roommate, study, my, more My roommate needs more time to
study geography.

6. about, three, has, cups, she, of, tea She has about three cups of tea.
Substitution practice

1. When does she have to speak with my brother? When does your manager have to
work with my boss?

2. He wants to eat donuts and drink hot coffee for breakfast. He wants to eat pancakes
and drink juice for lunch.

3. Where does Larry study Spanish in the morning? Where does Larry study German in the

4. Doesn’t she speak English with you? Does your mother speak Portuguese with you?

5. My cousin has to help my parents at the store this weekend. My cousin has to help my
uncle at the gas station this weekend.

6. When does your brother go to the movies? When does your wife go to work?

7. She needs to buy meat and soda for lunch. She needs to buy chicken and pasta for

8. My Italian friend wants to study French . / Don’t you like Japanese? My old friend wants
to study Chinese. Don’t you like English?

9. How many books does she have to sell? / About 10 books. How many skirts does she
have to buy? About three skirts.

10. He doesn’t like to eat bread and jam for breakfast. He doesn’t like to eat toast and
donuts for breakfast.
Hint Box

Use “how many” para perguntar a quantidade de coisas contáveis e “how much”
de incontáveis: “How many cousins do you have?” | “How much water do you
drink?” Date / / 81

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Written practice
1. Ela não entende japonês e alemão. / Ela entende francês. She doesn’t understand
Japanese and German. She understands French.

2. Meu pai compra leite para nós toda semana. My father buys milk for us every week.

3. Desculpe, mas meu sobrinho não vende carros. / Você precisa de um carro? Sorry, but my
nephew doesn’t sell cars. Do you need a car?

4. Minha irmã quer comprar um livro para meu pai. My sister wants to buy a book for my

5. Quanto dinheiro seu primo tem? How much money does you cousin have?

6. Ela não quer falar comigo agora? Doesn’t she want to speak with me now?

7. O que a Jennifer quer comprar na loja? What does Jennifer want to buy at the store?

8. Quando sua sobrinha joga tênis? / Ela joga toda quinta-feira. When does your niece play
tennis? She plays every Thursday.

9. Preciso ir ao mercado comprar rosquinhas, queijo e café. I need to go to the store to buy
donuts, cheese and coff ee.

10. Quantos cupons você precisa? / Eu preciso de 2 cupons. How many coupons do you need?
I need two coupons.

1. I need to go to the bank this week.

Change into negative

I don’t need to go to the bank this week.

2. They have to study Italian every week.

They don’t have to study Italian every week.

3. I want those books.

I don’t want those books.

4. She has some money to buy a car.

She doesn’t have any money to buy a car.

5. He needs the password.

He doesn’t need the password.


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Review 6
Choose the right answer

1. She doesn’t speak English. She only speaks Italian.

a. don’t / speaks
b. doesn’t / speaks
c. doesn’t / speak
2. Do you drink hot milk or cold tea ?
a. hot milk / cold tea
b. milk hot / cold tea
c. milk hot / tea cold
3. Does she need to talk to me?
a. Do / to
b. Does / for
c. Does / to
4. Don’t you need to speak with me now?
a. Don’t
b. Does
c. Doesn’t
5. When does she play baseball?
a. What does
b. When does
c. When do
6. Doesn’t she play an instrument?
a. Doesn’t / an
b. Doesn’t / a
c. Don’t / an
7. He only studies math in the morning.
a. to studies
b. studies
c. study
8. Doesn’t she work downtown ?
a. at downtown
b. downtown
c. in downtown
9. I need to go home now.
a. home
b. at home
c. in home
10. My niece works at the toy store.
a. works / in
b. works / at the
c. work / at the
Hint Box

Se tiver alguma dificuldade ou problema, converse com a equipe pedagógica da

Name Date / / 83

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 83 06/11/2015 10:38:30

Choose the right answer 11. Do you want to go to the movies with me today?
a. in the
b. to the
c. to

12. I only want to eat an apple now.

a. an
b. a
c. two

13. She only goes to the park on Sundays.

a. to goes / on
b. goes / in
c. goes / on

14. My nephew doesn’t play the keyboard .

a. doesn’t / keyboard
b. doesn’t / the keyboard
c. don’t / the keyboard

15. How many bucks do you have to buy the computer?

a. How much
b. How many
c. What

16. I have only 18 dollars to buy the CD.

a. eighteen
b. eighty
c. eight

17. How much money does he have?

a. How many
b. How much
c. How

18. I don’t have enough money to buy a new computer for my wife.
a. for
b. on
c. with

19. How many glasses of water do you drink every day?

a. glasses
b. glass
c. cup

20. I want to sell my old car to you.

a. on
b. with
c. to

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
84 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 84 06/11/2015 10:38:31

Follow the pattern
I like to go to the movies. (my mother)
My mother likes to go to the movies.

1. I want to read this book to my children. (Mary) Mary wants to read this book to her
2. I write postcards to my friends. (My father) My father writes postcards to his friends.

3. I work at the post office as a postman. (John) John works at the post offi ce as a
4. I prefer to drink hot milk or green tea for breakfast. (Ashley) Ashley prefers to drink hot
milk or green tea for breakfast.

5. Doesn’t Joey like to study Chinese? (your boss) Doesn’t your boss like to study Chinese?

6. Don’t you like to read magazines in the morning? (your sister) Doesn’t your sister like to
read magazines in the morning?
Substitution practice

1. She knows how to read and write in English. Your niece knows how to read and write
in Spanish.
2. He doesn’t like his motorcycle. She doesn’t like her car.

3. I like this restaurant. / I like the waiters here. She prefers this snack bar. She eats the
sandwich here.

4. Doesn’t she know how to go there alone? Does your son know how to go to school

5. The waitress doesn’t like her job because she has to work at night. The mailman doesn’t
like to work because he has to get up at fi ve a.m.

6. Why do you have to help your father this morning? Why do you have to talk to your
father this evening?

7. Derick doesn’t have to read his emails every day. Derick doesn’t have to make his bed
every day.

8. Does Helen prefer to read magazines or books? Does Helen prefer to buy shoes or

9. Does Steve study Japanese with his boss? Does Mark study Chinese with his wife?

10. I know how to play the piano. / Do you know how to play the keyboard? I know how to
go to the dentist. Do you know how to go to the post offi ce?
Hint Box

Nem sempre a tradução de “seu” e “sua” é “your”. Preste atenção ao contexto e

veja a quem se refere o pronome:
Ela gosta do seu marido. “She likes her husband.” Date / / 85

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 85 06/11/2015 10:38:32

Written practice
1. O carteiro trabalha no correio de manhã. The mailman works at the post offi ce in the

2. Quando ela vai para casa? / Ela vai para casa no fim de semana. When does she go home?
She goes home on weekends.

3. Darren gosta de comer frango no jantar. Darren likes to eat chicken for dinner.

4. Por que Dave estuda inglês? / Porque ele quer morar nos EUA. Why does Dave study
English? Because he wants to live in the USA.

5. Ele não prefere ter uma motocicleta à um carro? Wouldn’t he prefer to have a motorcycle
to a car?

6. Ela não tem a senha. She doesn’t have the password.

7. Eles comem peru no dia de Ação de Graças. They eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

8. Ele lê seus emails na escola. He reads his emails at school.

9. Rod quer vender sua bicicleta para ela? Does Rod want to sell his bicycle to her?

10. Você não quer comer agora? Don’t you want to eat now?

1. Why do you need to study English?

Because I need to speak English with my manager.
Answer the questions

2. Does your boss speak French?

My boss doesn’t speak French.

3. Do you know how to read in Spanish?

Yes, I know how to read in Spanish.

4. Where do your siblings work?

My sister works at a bank and my brother works at a drugstore.

5. Why don’t you study Japanese at Wizard?

Because I don’t have enough money.


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Answer the questions
1. Why doesn’t she want to go to the mall? Because she needs to study math now.

2. Does his brother know how to read in Italian? No, he doesn’t. He only knows how to
read in English.
3. Don’t they want to buy this apartment? No, they don’t. They want to buy a new house.

4. How many emails do you usually write every week? I usually write about fi fty emails
every week.

5. What do you want to do on Thanksgiving? I want to have dinner with my family on


6. Where do you prefer to go on your vacation? I prefer to go to the beach on my

Substitution practice

1. How many emails does she write to her boss every week? How many letters does she
read to her husband every week?

2. Why does he need to speak with his boss tonight? Why does she need to speak with her
friend tonight?

3. Jim wants to sell his car because he needs money. Jim wants to sell his house because he
needs money.

4. She likes animals very much. / Don’t you like animals? My son likes baseball very much.
Don’t you like baseball?

5. How much money does Ashley have? / She has about twenty dollars. How many friends
does Ashley have? She has about ten friends.

6. My husband helps me with the children. My mother helps my brother with his

7. What kind of cars does your brother sell at that store? What kind of blouses does your
father sell at that store?

8. When does Brian study with his friends? When does Brian study with his siblings?

9. What does she want to eat tonight? What does she want to eat this weekend?

10. What does he prefer to eat for breakfast? What does he prefer to eat for brunch?
Hint Box

Sempre escreva a primeira letra das datas comemorativas em maiúscula como

“Easter”, “Christmas”, “Thanksgiving.
Name Date / / 87

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Written practice
1. Maria não entende por que você quer comprar estes livros. Maria doesn’t understand why
you want to buy these books.

2. Rose quer escrever um email ou cartão postal para sua mãe? Does Rose want to write an
email or a postcard to your mother?

3. Tenho que ajudar meus pais agora? Do I have to help my parents now?

4. Qual é o seu email? / Eu não tenho uma conta de email. What’s your email? I don’t have
an email account.

5. Você sabe tocar piano ou teclado? Do you know how to play the piano or the

6. Preciso ir ao centro amanhã. I need to go downtown tomorrow.

7. Ele lê para os filhos dele todas as noites. He reads to his children every night.

8. Que instrumento Sally sabe tocar? What instrument does Sally know how to play?

9. Eu quero jogar beisebol. / O Charles quer ir conosco? I want to play baseball. Does
Charles want to go with us?

10. O gerente precisa falar com você. The manager needs to speak with you.

1. She prefers a car to a motorcycle.

She doesn’t prefer a car to a motorcycle.
Change into negative

2. He knows where you work.

He doesn’t know where you work.

3. I have to write emails to my manager now.

I don’t have to write emails to my manager now.

4. She knows how to write in English.

She doesn’t know how to write in English.

5. My brother goes to school in the morning.

My brother doesn’t go to school in the morning.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 88 06/11/2015 10:38:34

Write sentences with
1. what time / to go to bed What time do you usually go to bed?

2. my friend / to have lunch My friend usually likes to have lunch at noon.

3. farm / city I have a house on the farm, but I work in the city.

4. she / airport She needs to go to the airport tonight.

5. until / late My son goes to bed late and he sleeps until noon.

6. friend / instrument My friend doesn’t play an instrument.

Substitution practice

1. She usually opens the store at 8 o’clock. They usually open the drugstore at 8 o’clock.

2. They close the door when they need to study. They close the window when they need
to work.

3. We live near the freeway. / Where do they live? We work near the drugstore. Where do
they work?

4. When we have time, we like to visit our relatives in Rio. When I have time, I like to visit
my relatives in Rio.
5. How many cities do they want to visit in the USA? How many states do you want to
visit in the USA?

6. My brother works at that drugstore on the corner. My mother works at that company
on the corner.
7. Their mom has dinner at 7 o’clock. Their son has supper at 7 o’clock.

8. They have to get up by 6 o’clock. They have to get up by seven a.m.

9. Peter and Rachel usually study until noon, then they go home. My parents usually study
until noon, then they go home.

10. They visit many different states because of their job. They visit many different cities
because of their vacation.
Hint Box

Ao falar as horas, é comum o uso destas palavras: quarter (1/4 de hora, 15 minutos);
half (1/2 hora, 30 minutos) e past (após). Assim, “a quarter past three” é 03:15 e
“half past three” significa 03:30. Date / / 89

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 89 06/11/2015 10:38:35

Written practice
1. Eles se levantam às sete e meia para ir à escola todos os dias. They get up at seven thirty
to go to school every day.

2. Precisamos estudar mais. / Vocês querem estudar comigo hoje? We need to study more. Do
you want to study with me today?

3. Elas comem pão com geléia e creme de amendoim? Do they eat bread with jam and
peanut butter?

4. Vocês moram longe ou perto da praia? / Nós moramos perto da praia. Do you live far from
or near to the beach? We live near the beach.

5. Eles querem ir ao museu no sábado de manhã. They want to go to the museum on

Saturday morning.

6. Os amigos deles geralmente trabalham até às seis horas às terças-feiras. Their friends
usually work until six o’clock on Tuesdays.

7. Danny e Robert preferem visitar seus pais nos fins de semana. Danny and Robert prefer to
visit their parents on weekends.

8. Ele joga futebol naquele parque na esquina. He plays soccer in that park on the corner.

9. Quanto dinheiro ela precisa para comprar o carro dele? How much money does she need
to buy his car?

10. O pai dela trabalha com a mãe dela no escritório. Her father works with her mother at
the office.

1. Do you get up early or late?

I usually get up early.
Answer the questions

2. What time do you usually go to bed?

We usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

3. When do you open your email box?

I open my email box every morning.

4. What time do you have breakfast?

We have breakfast at seven a.m.

5. What time is it now?

It’s half past nine.


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Change into negative
1. We want to help Jane. We don’t want to help Jane.

2. They prefer to go to the mall on weekends. They don’t prefer to go to the mall on

3. She opens the office in the morning. She doesn’t open the offi ce in the morning.

4. You want to go to the beach tomorrow. You don’t want to go to the beach tomorrow.

5. They speak many languages. They don’t speak many languages.

6. We live near here. We don’t live near here.

Substitution practice

1. We want to play the drums this weekend. We want to play baseball this weekend.

2. What time do you have breakfast every day? What time do you have a snack every day?

3. Our teacher likes to speak only English with us. Our teacher likes to speak only Chinese
with us.

4. What time do your kids need to go to bed every day? What time do your siblings need to
go to school every day?

5. They prefer to go to the country on weekends. They prefer to go to the museum on


6. Do you know where they work? Do you know where they live?

7. What time does she have to open the store? What time do your parents have to open
the drugstore?

8. I want to study more because I need to speak French by Christmas. I want to study more
because I have to speak English by Christmas.

9. What do you usually have for dinner? What does your neighbor usually have for lunch?

10. I know that you want to buy a bike for your son. I know that she wants to buy a skirt
for her daughter.
Hint Box

O zero em números de casa, telefone, hora, entre outros, pode ser falado em inglês
como “o”: 507 = five-o-seven / 9904 = nine-nine-o-four.
Name Date / / 91

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 91 06/11/2015 10:38:36

Written practice
1. Nós precisamos dormir cedo porque temos um jogo amanhã. We need to sleep early
because we have a game tomorrow.

2. A que horas você toma café da manhã? What time do you have breakfast?

3. Você não quer vender seu carro? Don’t you want to sell your car?

4. Quantas cidades você conhece nos E.U.A.? How many cities do you know in the USA?

5. O que vocês geralmente compram no mercado? What do you usually buy at the

6. Por que eles vão para casa tarde todos os dias? Why do they go home late every day?

7. Meu pai trabalha no correio como carteiro. My father works in the post office as a

8. Kevin e Bruce não gostam de morar perto do aeroporto. Kevin and Bruce don’t like living
near the airport.

9. Meu filho quer ler aquele livro. My son wants to read that book.

10. Precisamos falar com eles. / Quando eles têm tempo? We need to speak with them. When
do they have time?

1. They usually have lunch at noon.

They don’t usually have lunch at noon.
Change into negative

2. She lives far from here.

She doesn’t live far from here.

3. He reads all his emails before 9 a.m.

He doesn’t read all his emails before 9 a.m.

4. My sister gets up at 6:00 o’clock every day.

My sister doesn’t get up at 6 o’clock every day.

5. They go to bed by 10 p.m.

They don’t go to bed by 10 p.m.


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Follow the pattern
I go to school in the afternoon. (she)
She goes to school in the morning.

1. I start my computer science classes this semester. (they - their) They start their computer
science classes this semester.

2. She says good things to her mom. (we - our) We say good things to our mom.

3. They finish their English course this year. (I - my) I finish my English course this year.

4. He stays at school after class. (We) We stay at school after class.

5. We stay at school to study for the Italian test. (He) He stays at school to study for the
Italian test.
6. They start a new German course today. (She) She starts a new German course today.
Substitution practice

1. They always start their meetings after lunch. She always starts her meetings after two

2. My mother opens all the windows in the house. My mother makes all the beds in the

3. Why does she always stay at school after class? Why does your daughter always stay at
home after noon?

4. My art classes start at 4 o’clock on Tuesdays. My math classes start at eight o’clock on

5. I need to go to work by subway today. He needs to go downtown by bus today.

6. When do you need to start your swimming classes? When do you prefer to start your
piano classes?

7. We still don’t know how to speak Spanish very well. They still don’t know how to speak
English very well.

8. When do you need to finish your computer science classes? When do you need to go to
your art classes?

9. What time do we need to finish our meeting? What time do I need to fi nish my test?

10. Do they need to sell their house at the beach? Do we need to sell our apartment
Hint Box

O verbo que aparece depois de “start” ou “finish” em uma frase, não tem “to”
no início e recebe “ing” no final: “I start working here tomorrow.” (Eu começo a
trabalhar aqui amanhã.) Date / / 93

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 93 06/11/2015 10:38:37

Written practice
1. Eu preciso falar com meu novo chefe. / Ele começou a trabalhar hoje. I need to speak with my
new boss. He started working today.

2. Ela tem muitas coisas para estudar? Does she have many things to study?

3. Minha gerente não quer ficar aqui comigo. My manager doesn’t want to stay here with

4. Aonde vocês geralmente vão nas férias? / Nós vamos para a praia. Where do you usually go
on vacation? We go to the beach.

5. Você quer começar um novo curso este ano ou no ano que vem? Do you want to start a
new course this year or next year?

6. A que horas ela termina a tarefa de casa dela? What time does she fi nish her homework?

7. Seus avós não moram em uma casa perto do shopping? Don’t your grandparents live in a
house near the mall?

8. Meu pai sempre diz que eu preciso comprar um carro novo. My father always says that I
need to buy a new car.

9. Nós não queremos ficar aqui. / Nós preferimos ir para casa. We don’t want to stay here. We
prefer to go home.

10. Eu ainda não sei jogar beisebol muito bem. I still don’t know how to play baseball very

1. The meeting starts at 2 p.m.

Change into negative

The meeting doesn’t start at 2 p.m.

2. I want to say this to my father.

I don’t want to say this to my father.

3. We want to start it next semester.

We don’t want to start it next semester.

4. They play with their kids.

They don’t play with their kids.

5. He has art classes here.

He doesn’t have art classes here.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 94 06/11/2015 10:38:37

Complete with
her / its / my / his / our / their / your

1. I liked her family very much.

2. Did you work with your parents last week?

3. My brothers go to school with his friends on foot.

4. My mother needs to speak with my sister right away.

5. The dog eats its food.

6. We want to play soccer on our vacation.

7. When do they study German with their children?

8. My brother wants to start a new course at his school.

Substitution practice

1. My test starts at 10 o’clock. / What time does your meeting start? My music class starts at
one o’clock. What time does your art class start?

2. They need to finish their homework before their English class. They prefer to fi nish their
meeting before their swimming class.

3. He always says wise things. / He never says bad things. He always says good things. He
sometimes says bad things.

4. My sister wants to stay at the beach with me on her vacation. My German friend wants to
stay on the farm with me on his vacation.

5. Do you want to start a new Japanese course next year? Do you want to start a new
music course this month?

6. My daughter has swimming classes at school on Tuesdays My daughter has art classes
at school on Mondays.

7. We go to work by subway every morning. / We never go on foot. We go to school by car

every morning. We never go by bus.

8. Our boss wants to start the meeting after 2 o’clock. Our boss wants to fi nish the meeting
before 2 o’clock.

9. He goes to bed early every night because he goes to work at 6 a.m. He has dinner early
every night because he goes to the gas station at midnight.

10. I still go to school by bus every morning. I still go to the offi ce by subway every
Hint Box

Lembre-se: Dizer para = say to | Comprar para = buy for | Vender para = sell to |
Conversar com = talk to
Name Date / / 95

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 95 06/11/2015 10:38:38

Written practice
1. Eu ainda não sei se eles preferem ir no sábado ou no domingo. I still don’t know if they
prefer to go on Saturday or on Sunday.

2. Quanto dinheiro vocês ainda têm? / Nós ainda temos mil dólares. How much money do
you still have? We still have one thousand dollars.

3. Que horas você almoça durante a semana? / Somente depois do meio-dia. What time do
you have lunch during the week? Only after noon.

4. Nós temos que estudar para nossa prova de computação. We have to study for our
computer science test.

5. Eles jantam antes ou depois das sete horas? Do they have dinner before or after seven

6. Minha aula de música começa às oito horas e termina às nove horas. My music class starts
at eight o’clock and fi nishes at nine o’clock.

7. Eu não sei a que horas nossa reunião começa. I don’t know what time our meeting

8. Nós queremos ir para a Alemanha nas nossas férias. We want to go to Germany on our

9. Meu pai sempre diz sábias palavras. / Ele me ajuda muito. My father always says wise
words (things). He helps me a lot.

10. Elas preferem ficar aqui com suas amigas. / Elas não querem ir ao parque à pé. They prefer to
stay here with their friends. They don’t want to go to the park on foot.

1. Our classes start this week.

Change into negative

Our classes don’t start this week.

2. She goes home on foot.

She doesn’t go home on foot.

3. He gets up at 6:00 a.m. on Saturdays.

He doesn’t get up at 6:00 a.m. on Saturdays.

4. They live in this city.

They don’t live in this city.

5. The store only opens on weekends.

The store doesn’t open only on weekends.


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Review 7
Choose the right answer

1. My email is john @ (at)

a. dot
c. dot com
c. at
2. She needs to write those emails to her students.
a. that / her
b. this / her
c. those / her
3. Why does she want to buy that car?
a. Why / that
b. Because / that
c. Why / those
4. Doesn’t it work?
a. Do
b. Doesn’t
c. Don’t
5. Does she know how to read in English?
a. knows how
b. know
c. know how
6. He likes to read to his daughter every night.
a. to
b. too
c. of
7. We need to go to the airport by two o’clock.
a. by
b. in
c. on
8. My daughter has to get up every morning at 6:30.
a. has / at
b. has / for
c. haves / at
9. What time do they have breakfast every day?
a. does
b. do
c. doesn’t
10. What time do we need to go to the office?
a. does
b. do
c. doesn’t
Hint Box

Aproveite a aula de revisão para reforçar todas as estruturas que já aprendeu. Se

surgirem dúvidas, fale com o professor.
Name Date / / 97

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 97 06/11/2015 10:38:39

Choose the right answer 11. We live far from the beach.
a. far from
b. near from
c. far

12. We have to finish the meeting by noon.

a. to
b. for
c. by

13. She doesn’t know how to speak Japanese yet .

a. still
b. yet
c. good

14. They want to go to the USA for their next vacation .

a. next vacation
b. last vacation
c. in vacation

15. My kids always go to school by bus.

a. go / by
b. goes / on
c. goes / by

16. My dog likes to eat its food very much.

a. like / his
b. likes / it’s
c. likes / its

17. I still have to finish my Spanish homework.

a. yet
b. still
c. doesn’t

18. Our friends speak French very well .

a. very nice
b. very good
c. very well

19. Mike always says good things about you.

a. to say
b. says
c. say

20. I have to study right now and after school go home on foot.
a. in
b. by
c. on

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
98 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 98 06/11/2015 10:38:40

Answer the questions
1. When did you talk to your parents? I talked to my parents last night.

2. How do you prefer your eggs? I prefer my eggs scrambled.

3. What dessert do you always eat after lunch? I always eat chocolate cake after lunch.

4. Didn’t you finish your homework? No, I didn’t. I didn’t have time to fi nish my
homework yet.

5. What time did your test start? My test started at eight o’clock.

6. When did he start his new job at the company? He started his new job at the company
last month.
Substitution practice

1. Didn’t you go downtown yesterday? Did they go to the park yesterday?

2. Didn’t she eat rice, beans and grilled fish for lunch? Didn’t she eat baked chicken, pasta
and salad for dinner?

3. Didn’t they eat pizza for dinner yesterday? Didn’t you eat French fries for lunch

4. Didn’t she speak German with the teacher in class? Did you speak English with the
secretary in class?

5. Didn’t Ann go to the theater with you last weekend? Didn’t Ann go to the beach with
you last weekend?

6. I ate a lot of bacon and sausage for breakfast. I ate a bowl of cereal and oatmeal for

7. Didn’t he prefer to eat a piece of cake with chocolate chips? Didn’t your uncle prefer to
eat sausage with boiled eggs?

8. The boys ate all the oatmeal and the brownies. The boys ate all the rolls and the
banana pie.

9. She had to go home right away. The hospital assistant had to go to the hospital right

10. Didn’t you understand your English teacher? Didn’t you understand your music

As perguntas e frases negativas no passado, independentemente da pessoa, são

Hint Box

formadas com os auxiliares “DID” e “DIDN’T”, sem variação. “I didn’t go to the park”
Name Date
| “He didn’t go to the park” | “Did they study English?” | “Did she / /
study English?” 99

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 99 06/11/2015 10:38:41

Written practice
1. Seu pai não comeu muito peixe grelhado no almoço? Didn’t your father eat a lot of

grilled fi sh for lunch?

2. Nós gostamos muito de comer massa naquele restaurante. We like to eat pasta at that
restaurant very much.

3. Seus filhos não jantaram ontem? Didn’t your children have dinner yesterday?

4. Eu levei meus filhos à escola hoje de manhã. I took my children to school this morning.

5. Nós comemos ovos mexidos no café da manhã. We eat/ate scrambled eggs for


6. Nossa mãe sabia que nós fomos ao shopping ontem. Our mother knew we went to the

mall yesterday.

7. Você ainda não conversou com sua professora sobre aquele serviço? Didn’t you talk to
your teacher about that job yet?

8. Ann e Mathew conversaram somente em inglês na reunião ontem. Ann and Mathew
talked only in English in the meeting yesterday.

9. Eles não gostaram do adoçante? / Eles preferiram açúcar mascavo? Didn’t they like the
sweetener? Did they prefer brown sugar?

10. Por que você disse que ele comeu verduras e legumes cozidos? Why did you say he ate
cooked greens and vegetables?

1. What did you eat for breakfast today?

I ate a slice of cake for breakfast today.
Answer the questions

2. When did you start your English course?

I started my English course last semester.

3. Did you read your emails yesterday?

No, I didn’t read my emails yesterday.

4. What time did you get up this morning?

I got up at 6 o’clock this morning.

5. Where did you go last weekend?

I went to the beach last weekend.


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Change into int. / neg.
1. She wanted to go to the beach with her family. Didn’t she want to go to the beach with
her family?

2. Why did you want to go there yesterday? Why didn’t you want to go there yesterday?

3. They talked a lot about it. Didn’t they talk a lot about it?

4. My sister wanted to go to Law school. Didn’t my sister want to go to Law school?

5. My brother drank a lot of juice this morning. Didn’t my brother drink a lot of juice this

6. They want to go on a trip to Japan. Don’t they want to go on a trip to Japan?

Substitution practice

Didn’t you go to school with your siblings?

1. Didn’t you go to class with your neighbor?

2. Didn’t the meeting start at 3 o’clock? / Yes, we had to go early. Didn’t the class start at
four thirty? Yes, we had to go early.
3. Didn’t your mom drink a glass of orange juice? Didn’t your boss drink a cup of hot tea?

4. I needed to go to the airport by bus on Tuesday. I needed to go to the dentist by car

on Saturday.

5. Didn’t you work at the store last week? Didn’t you work at the gas station last week?

6. We went to the restaurant on the weekend. We went to France last vacation.

7. We went to a baseball game yesterday. They went to a soccer game last night.

8. My sister and her cousin like rolls very much. My niece and her daughter like oatmeal
very much.

9. I needed to speak with the waiter about the food. I needed to speak with the office
manager about the job.

10. I want orange juice. / I don’t want sweetener. I want hot coff ee. I don’t want sugar.
Hint Box

Em perguntas e frases negativas, os verbos principais não sofrem alteração.

to like, liked “I didn’t like the pie.” “Did she like the cake?” Date
Name / / 101

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 101 06/11/2015 10:38:42

Written practice
1. Você não quer estudar comigo? / Não posso estudar hoje. Don’t you want to study with
me? I can’t study today (Can = verbo poder - Lesson 51)

2. Onde você comeu salsicha e bacon ontem de manhã? Where did you eat sausage and
bacon yesterday morning?

3. Você não quis dois pedaços de bolo com gotas de chocolate? Didn’t you want two pieces
of cake with chocolate chips?

4. Ela tem muitas provas este semestre. / Ela precisa estudar muito. She has a lot of tests this
semester. She needs to study a lot.

5. Eu não sabia que você gostava de comer ovos no café da manhã. I didn’t know that you liked
to eat eggs for breakfast.

6. Por que você comeu ovos mexidos? / Você não gosta de ovos cozidos? Why did you eat
scrambled eggs? Don’t you like boiled eggs?

7. Eles precisam dormir antes de meia-noite. They need to sleep before midnight.

8. Quando você conversou com o gerente do banco? When did you talk to the bank

9. Nós precisamos conversar agora mesmo. We need to talk right away.

10. Precisei visitar nosso professor. / Seu irmão não quis ir com você? I needed to visit our
teacher. Didn’t your brother want to go with you?

1. She didn’t take me to school.

Change into affirmative

She took me to school.

2. The teacher didn’t talk to me about the test.

The teacher talked to me about the test.

3. I didn’t know that.

I knew that.

4. We didn’t like that movie.

We liked that movie.

5. He doesn’t like baked potatoes.

He liked baked potatoes.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 102 06/11/2015 10:38:42

Complete with
me / you / him / her / it / us / them
1. I study with my brother at school and I play with him at home.

2. My sister and I want to work out now. Do you want to go with us ?

3. They didn’t have lunch today. I needed to cook some vegetables for them .

4. Who spoke with the kids this morning? I spoke with them .

5. We want to play basketball. Who wants to play with us ?

6. Don’t you want to study Spanish with us/then/his/her me this afternoon?

7. I’m in a hurry! I don’t have time to speak with her them/him/her/you now.

8. My son wants this shirt. I have to buy it .

Substitution practice

1. Didn’t you travel with them on your last vacation? Did she travel with him on her last


2. When do they want to talk to us? When do you want to talk to them?

3. The secretary said we had to go to the doctor’s office. The offi ce assistant said we had

to go to the bank.

4. The kids played in the swimming pool all day long yesterday. The boys studied at home
all day long yesterday.

5. Did your cousin study with you at school? Did your secretary speak with your boss at


6. Did you work with Paul and Archie at the restaurant? Did you speak with Paul and

Archie at the offi ce?

7. When did you take your car to the mechanic? When did you take your son to the

dentist’s office?

8. Didn’t you play soccer with your teacher? / No, I didn’t play soccer with her. Didn’t you

play tennis with your son? No, I didn’t play tennis with him.

9. He played volleyball with them last weekend. He played checkers with his daughter

last week.

10. I worked at the hospital as a hospital assistant. I worked at the bank as a bank

Hint Box

Para fazer perguntas utilizando “who” no início da frase, não coloque auxiliar
como “do”, “did” or “does”: “Who played with you?” | “Who wants
Date to go/ now?”
Name / 103

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 103 06/11/2015 10:38:43

Written practice
1. Quero ir ao campo de futebol para jogar com vocês amanhã. I want to go to the soccer
field to play with you tomorrow.

2. Meu irmão toca violino muito bem. / Você quer tocar com ele hoje à noite? My brother
plays the violin very well. Do you want to play with him tonight?

3. Eu me exercito toda manhã. / Quando você se exercita? I work out every morning. When
do you work out?

4. Nós não estudamos artes juntas no semestre passado. We didn’t study arts together last

5. Quem a levou ao aeroporto ontem? / Por que você foi com ele? Who took her to the
airport last night? Why did you go with him?

6. Ann quer ir ao cinema. / Você não quer ir com ela? Ann wants to go to the movies. Don’t
you want to go with her?

7. Você não queria ir com ele? / Ele foi ao teatro. Didn’t you want to go with him? He went
to the theater.

8. As crianças não dormiram muito bem na noite passada. The kids didn’t sleep very well
last night.

9. Você não tem tempo para nos ajudar? Don’t you have time to help us?

10. Quem tocou música para eles no teatro ontem? Who played music to them in the
theater yesterday?

1. We went to the restaurant downtown.

Change into affirmative

2. Mike worked out this morning.

3. Yes, we wanted to talk to the businesswoman.

4. Yes, I traveled to Japan last vacation.

5. She worked at the doctor’s office.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 104 06/11/2015 10:38:44

1. travel, did, vacation, she, on , her, the, to, beach Did she travel to the beach on her

2. had, mom, take, I, to, hospital, week, my, the, this, to I had to take my mom to the
hospital this week.

3. talked, she, me, about, weekend, it, to, last She talked to me about it last weekend.

4. slept, the, all, long, girls, day The girls slept all day long.

5. wanted, travel, they, to, us, Ohio, with, to They wanted to travel to Ohio with us.

6. still, don’t, meaning, know, of, it, they, the They still don’t know the meaning of it.
Substitution practice

1. I worked at the restaurant with her last Saturday. I worked at the dentist’s offi ce with
her last year.

2. She wanted to go to that restaurant with him. They wanted to go to the soccer fi eld
with us.
3. I played basketball on the basketball court last Sunday. I played volleyball on the
voleyball court last Saturday.

4. I went to the hospital to visit him. I didn’t go to the post offi ce to visit her.

5. Didn’t she like to eat toast and jam for breakfast? Didn’t he like to drink grape juice
for breakfast?

6. They didn’t go to the tennis game last weekend. They didn’t go to the mechanic last

7. We like to stay here with our parents. We like to stay here with them.

8. She wants to study here with us this year. She wants to stay here with him this year.

9. I live on the corner near the park. I live on the corner near the Law school.

10. They prefer to open the store in the morning. They prefer to open the convenience
store in the evening.
Hint Box

Ao passar um verbo regular para o passado, preste atenção à sua terminação para
defi nir se você colocará “- d”, “- ed” ou “- ied” no final dele. Date
Name / / 105

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 105 06/11/2015 10:38:45

Written practice
1. Ela gostou muito de comer arroz, feijão e bife quando ela foi ao Brasil em janeiro. She liked
to eat rice, beans and steak very much when she went to Brazil in January.

2. Você não estudou administração naquela escola? Didn’t you study administration at
that school?

3. Ele trabalhou no restaurante como garçom ano passado. He worked at the restaurant as a
waiter last year.

4. Meu irmão jogou futebol ontem no campo novo. My brother played soccer yesterday on
the new fi eld.

5. Eu prefiro meu bife ao ponto. / Você prefere mal passado? I prefer my steak medium. Do
you prefer it rare?

6. Sempre almoço com elas naquele restaurante da esquina. I always have lunch with them
in that restaurant on the corner.

7. Tenho que trabalhar neste feriado porque eu preciso de dinheiro. I have to work this
holiday because I need money.

8. Quero terminar minha lição de casa antes do almoço. I want to fi nish my homework
before lunch.

9. Queremos visitar nossos parentes que moram naquela cidade. We want to visit our relatives
that live in that city.

10. Quem sabe falar inglês na sua família? Who knows how to speak English in your family?

1. Didn’t you study Spanish last semester?

Answer the questions

No, I didn’t. I only studied English last semester.

2. Do your parents know how to speak English?

My parents don’t know how to speak English.

3. Where did you work last year?

I worked at a bank in Japan last year.

4. Did you go to bed late yesterday?

Yes, I did. I had to finish my homework.

5. Do you usually work out?

Yes, I usually work out on the weekend.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 106 06/11/2015 10:38:45

Complete with
some / any
1. I have some books to study for the test.
2. Do you have any money to buy a car?
3. I want to eat some French fries.
4. I didn’t have any time to help you last week.
5. Don’t you have any free time to go to the movies with me?
6. He wants some milk in his coffee.
7. Does she want to buy any of these cars?
8. He doesn’t know any of the waiters.
Substitution practice

1. I didn’t stay at the birthday party that late yesterday. He didn’t eat at the restaurant
that late last Friday.

2. He learned how to play soccer with his friends at school. She learned how to play the
drums with her friends at home.

3. He helped his friends at the grocery store last weekend. He helped his friends at the
bakery last weekend.

4. Didn’t she sleep all day long yesterday? Didn’t she read all day long yesterday?

5. My brother said that he has to work overtime this month. My customer said that she
has to work overtime this week.

6. Where did you stay when you went to the USA in July? Where did they stay when they
studied in Brazil in June?

7. My son went to the library because he needs some books. My son went to school
because he needs some books.

8. My son always takes a nap on Saturday afternoons. My son always takes a nap on
Sunday mornings.

9. I read three books during my vacation. / I liked them very much. I read one magazine
during my vacation. I liked it very much.

10. I didn’t write any emails to you yesterday. / What do you need? I didn’t write any emails
to you last weekend. What do you want?

Há duas formas de traduzir “aprender com” em inglês: “learn with” - quando duas ou mais
Hint Box

pessoas aprendem algo juntas: “I learned English with my brother.” “learn from” - quando alguém
Name Date (a mãe
aprende algo ensinado por outra pessoa: “I learned how to cook from my mother.” / ensinou)
/ 107

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 107 06/11/2015 10:38:46

Written practice
1. Você não foi à festa com seus amigos na quinta passada? Didn’t you go to the party with
your friends last Thursday?

2. Eu fui ao shopping com minha vizinha e depois nós fomos ao cinema. I went to the mall
with my neighbor and after that we went to the movies.

3. Ele não estudou semana passada? Didn’t he study last week?

4. Eu não tive tempo de ir ao consultório médico esta semana. I didn’t have time to go to the
doctor’s offi ce this week.

5. Você teve algum tempo para estudar com elas? Did you have any time to study with

6. Ele não jogou nenhum jogo com os filhos dele no fim de semana. He didn’t play any games
with his children on the weekend.

7. Ele não falou com seus fregueses sobre o preço. / O gerente conversou com eles. He didn’t
speak with his customers about the price. The manager talked to them.

8. Eu tenho que ir a uma curta viagem de negócios. / Tenho que ir amanhã de carro. I have to
go on a short business trip. I have to go tomorrow by car.

9. Eu não tive tempo para terminar a tarefa. I didn’t have time to fi nish my homework.

10. A mulher de negócios estava na sala do gerente com alguns livros. The businesswoman was
in the manager’s room with some books.

1. She learned English in the US.

She didn’t learn English in the US.
Change into negative

2. I read that book quickly.

I didn’t read that book quickly.

3. I took a nap this afternoon.

I didn’t take a nap this afternoon.

4. We worked overtime this week.

We didn’t work overtime this week.

5. The children slept a lot after lunch.

The children didn’t sleep a lot after lunch.


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Write questions for
Do you want to go to the movies with me?

1. Sorry, I don’t have any time to go to the movies with you.

Do you want some bread and jelly?

2. Yes, I want some bread and jelly.

Do you want milk in your coffee?

3. No, I don’t want any milk in my coffee.

Do you have any questions about it?

4. No, thank you. I don’t have any questions.

Do you have any books at home?

5. Yes, I have a lot of books at home.

Do you have any friends?

6. I have many friends. I went to the mall with them yesterday.

Substitution practice

1. Did you learn how to play the electric guitar quickly or slowly? Did she learn how to play
the drums quickly or slowly?

2. They work from eight a.m. until five p.m. during the week. They work from seven a.m. until
four thirty p.m. during the week.

3. Did they read any books last weekend? Did you read any magazines last Sunday?

4. I traveled to California, but my kids stayed home with their aunt. I traveled to New
York, but my husband stayed home with his uncle.

5. Did you go to the grocery store to buy vegetables? Did you go to the bakery to buy
bread and oatmeal?
6. He played tennis with his friends and then he went to the library. He played the electric
guitar with his siblings and then he went to the library.

7. They went on a leisure trip last week. / They went by train. He went on a business trip
last Monday. He went by car.

8. I worked as a secretary at that office. I worked as an offi ce assistant at that office.

9. The library didn’t open today. / I need to go there to study math. The grocery store didn’t
open today. I need to go there to buy sausage.

10. Did you like the prices at that mall? / I liked them very much. Did you like the pants at
that store? I liked them very much.
Hint Box

No plural, as características (adjetivos) permanecem no singular e somente o objeto

(substantivo) é modificado: Fast cars = carros rápidos | Blue books
Date= livros/ azuis/
Name 109

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Written practice
1. Você quer comer algumas bolachas? Do you want to eat some cookies?

2. Ele teve algum tempo para conversar com o gerente? Did he have any time to talk to the

3. Ela não disse que foi ao mercado comprar algumas coisas? Didn’t she say she went to the
supermarket to buy some things?

4. Ele não tem nenhum primo em Nova Iorque. He doesn’t have any cousins in New York.

5. Nós fomos à praia em janeiro com nossos parentes. We went to the beach in January
with our relatives.

6. Eu aprendi a falar inglês rapidamente na Wizard. I learned how to speak English quickly
at Wizard.

7. O seu filho dormiu bem ontem? Did your son sleep well yesterday?

8. Eles não dormiram durante a viagem. / Eles dormiram até tarde ontem. They didn’t sleep
during the trip. They slept until late yesterday.

9. Eles não foram à escola hoje? Didn’t they go to school today?

10. Eu não tenho livro nenhum para estudar hoje. I don’t have any books to study today.

1. She didn’t learn how to cook yet.

Change into a question

Didn’t she learn how to cook yet?

2. They stayed at home last vacation.

Did they stay at home last vacation?

3. He wrote many emails this morning.

Did he write many emails this morning?

4. She doesn’t need any money.

Doesn’t she need any money?

5. He stayed in line for two hours.

Did he stay in line for two hours?


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Review 8
Choose the right answer

1. she take an art course last semester?

a. Do
b. Did
c. Does
2. We didn’t like our vacation to the USA very much.
a. don’t / their
b. didn’t / my
c. didn’t / our
3. We talked to Mary before class.
a. talked
b. talks
c. talk
4. They went to the baseball field to play this morning.
a. go
b. went
c. don’t went
5. Why didn’t she go there with you?
a. didn’t / went
b. didn’t / goes
c. didn’t / go
6. She knew how to play that game very well.
a. know
b. knew
c. knowed
7. My husband took my daughter to school last week.
a. took
b. taked
c. take
8. Where does your brother work? I need to talk to him .
a. them
b. him
c. her
9. Jane and I want to play tennis now. Do you want to play with us ?
a. me
b. him
c. us
10. Emily went to Japan on her last vacation. Did you go with her ?
a. goes / its
b. went / her
c. went / him
Hint Box

Sempre utilize sua WIZPEN para estudar e fazer a tarefa. Ela tem papel fundamental
em seu aprendizado.
Name Date / / 111

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Choose the right answer 11. My secretary studied English at Wizard last year.
a. studied
b. studies
c. don’t study

12. When did you travel to San Francisco?

a. did / traveled
b. do / traveled
c. did / travel

13. Who spoke with the doctor at the hospital?

a. speaked
b. spoke
c. speak

14. Who wants to go to France with me in July?

a. wants / on
b. want / in
c. wants / in

15. We learned how to speak French at Wizard.

a. learns
b. learned
c. didn’t learned

16. I have some English books at home.

a. any
b. an
c. some

17. He also stayed at the party with us.

a. to
b. also
c. too

18. Do you have some money to buy a new computer this month?
a. a
b. a lot
c. some

19. Did she read that book quickly?

a. Does / those
b. Did / these
c. Did / that

20. Did you have time to work out yesterday?

a. works out
b. work out
c. worked out

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
112 “Excelência no Ensino”.

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Write sentences with
1. I am the new English teacher.

2. You are my old friend.

3. He is my dentist.

4. Is she the new hospital assistant?

5. We are in a hurry.

6. Are they married?

Substitution practice

1. I am hungry. / I want some ice cream. / Are you hungry? I am in a hurry. I want some
money. Are you in a hurry?

2. Are you at the mall? / I wanted to buy some clothes there. Is she at the bakery? I
wanted to buy some bread there.

3. Michael is offline now. / I need to talk to him right away. My boss is online now. I need
to talk to her right away.

4. He is my dad. / He wants a watch for his birthday. He is my son. He wants a bicycle for
his birthday.

5. Is she our new teacher? / She is very happy today. Is she our new doctor? She is very
quiet today.

6. Is it a dress or a skirt? / It is a dress. Is it a t-shirt or a shirt? It is a shirt.

7. Are the blinds open? / Everything is closed. Are the windows open? Only one window
is closed.

8. We are bored because we don’t have any money to travel. They are sad because they
don’t have any money to travel.

9. What’s his name? / His name is Mitch. Is he nice? What’s her name? Her name is Claire.
Is she nice?

10. Are you in a hurry now? / Where do you need to go? Are they hungry now? Where do
they want to go?
Hint Box

Quando usar o verbo “to be”, nunca utilize o auxiliar “do” e suas variações.
“I am a doctor.” “Is she hungry?”
Name Date / / 113

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Written practice
1. Seu nome é Lucy? / O nome da minha mãe também é Lucy. Is your name Lucy? My
mother’s name is also Lucy.

2. Eu tentei fazer minha lição de inglês hoje de manhã. I tried to do my English homework
this morning.

3. Este relógio é bonito, mas ele não funciona. This watch is nice, but it doesn’t work.

4. Michael é muito simpático. / Ele tem uma loja de sapatos. Michael is very nice. He has a
shoe store.

5. Estou com muita sede. / Eu prefiro beber água a refrigerante. I am very thirsty. I prefer to
drink water to soda.

6. Estas roupas são legais, mas eu não tenho dinheiro para comprá-las. These clothes are
nice, but I don’t have money to buy them.

7. Nós somos boas amigas. / Nós estudamos na Wizard. We are good friends. We study at

8. Eu esperei por você o dia todo ontem. I waited for you all day long yesterday.

9. Eu estou feliz porque eu entendi quase tudo. I am happy because I understood almost

10. Eu quero comprar este DVD. / Ele é muito bom. I want to buy this DVD. It is very good.

1. Are you happy or sad today?

Answer the questions

I am very happy today.

2. Did you do your homework last class?

I always do my homework.

3. Did you want to buy anything at the mall?

I wanted to buy a lot of things at the mall.

4. When did you start your Japanese classes?

I started my Japanese classes last year.

5. What did you do yesterday?

I went to the movies with my sister yesterday.


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Answer the questions
1. Are you happy today? / Why? I’m not very happy today. I didn’t have enough time to
study for the test.
2. Is your friend hungry? / What does he / she want to eat? Yes, he is. He wants to eat
grilled chicken.
3. What did you do yesterday morning? I went to school yesterday morning.

4. Is the teacher happy with his / her students? Yes, the teacher is very happy with her
5. Is this school open on Saturdays? Yes, it’s open on Saturdays until six p.m..

6. What time do you have to be home by? I have to be home by nine p.m., because I need
to go to bed early.
7. Is your mom at home after school? No, my mom goes to work after school.

8. Did you eat a sandwich today? / Is this sandwich good? Yes I ate a big sandwich at the
snack bar near the office. It’s very good.
Substitution practice

1. He said his name is Mitchell and his last name is Simpson. She said her name is Mary
and her last name is Smith.
2. The furniture is new. / Do you want to buy it? The couch is big. Do you want to buy it?

3. We started our English course after Christmas. They started their music course after
4. They wanted a watch for a present. He wanted a pair of black shoes for a present.

5. I waited for my sister at the mall. She waited for me at the restaurant.

6. I have to buy some clothes: pants, shirts and skirts. I have to buy some food: rice,
cereal and sugar.
7. These pants are black. / I don’t like black pants. These coats are yellow. I don’t like
yellow coats.
8. This skirt is nice, but Ann didn’t like it. This car is nice, but Ann didn’t buy it.

9. This turkey is for Christmas. / I don’t want to eat pork. This fi sh is for Easter. I don’t
want to eat steak.
10. These shoes are for you. / They are very nice. These presents are for your daughter.
They are very big.
Hint Box

Em inglês, “esperar por” é “to wait for”: Por favor, espere por mim = “Please, wait
for me”
Name Date / / 115

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Written practice
1. O nome dele é Paul. / Ele trabalha na loja de roupas. His name is Paul. He works at the
clothes store.

2. Onde está minha mãe? / Eu queria falar com ela hoje. Where is my mother? I wanted to
speak with her today.

3. Eles não estão no trabalho ainda. / Eles viajaram para a Espanha. They aren’t at work yet.
they traveled to Spain.

4. Ela está feliz hoje. / É aniversário dela. She is happy today. It’s her birthday.

5. Nós estamos entediados. / Quase tudo está fechado. We are bored. Almost everything is

6. Eu estou com pressa. / Você não está com pressa? I’m in a hurry. Aren’t you in a hurry?

7. Ela comeu quase o bolo todo. / Agora ela quer se exercitar. She ate almost all the cake.
Now she wants to work out.

8. Meu tio está com sede. / Nós temos um pouco de água. My uncle is thirsty. We have a
little water.

9. Ela está com fome. / Você tem alguns brownies? She is hungry. Do you have some

10. Esta televisão não é muito boa e não funciona muito bem. This television isn’t very good
and it doesn’t work very well.

1. He is our new teacher.

He is not our new teacher.
Change into negative

2. She waited for them at the grocery store.

She didn’t wait for them at the grocery store.

3. He is a very nice uncle.

He is not a very nice uncle.

4. We are on vacation this month.

We are not in vacation this month.

5. Our house is already sold.

Our house isn’t sold yet.


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1. can, great, be, journalist, she, a She can be a great journalist.

2. by themselves, they, there, are They are there by themselves.

3. came, man, to, she, talk, that, to She came to talk to that man.

4. problem, can’t, they, about, talk, this They can’t talk about this problem.

5. only, eat, healthy, we, food We only eat healthy food.

6. married, work, they, and, are, together They are married and work together. / They
work together and are married.
Substitution practice

1. I finished reading that detective book yesterday. She finished reading that novel

2. Can you come with your friends here after 6:00? Can they come with you here after

3. I can’t play any instrument, but I want to learn. My son can’t play the drums, but he
wants to learn.

4. Did she go to the market with you last week? Did he go to the movies with you last
5. My boyfriend ate all the cake by himself. / Now he is very sick. My sister ate all the pie
by herself. Now she is very sick.

6. Isn’t he married? / No, he is single. Aren’t they married? No, they are single.

7. They can’t work part-time today. / They still have many things to do. We can’t study
part-time today. We still have many things to do.

8. Do they go to school together every day? / Yes, they go by themselves. Do your children go
to the library together every Monday? Yes, they go by themselves.
9. Is she busy today? / Yes, she is in the conference room. Is she hungry today? Yes, she is
in the kitchen.

10. They are tired because they worked a lot before Christmas. They are happy because they
studied a lot before the test.
Hint Box

O verbo “can” não precisa de auxiliares, mesmo em frases negativas e interrogativas:

“I can’t work” | “Can you help me?”
Name Date / / 117

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Written practice
1. Minha namorada quer ler as notícias agora. My girlfriend wants to read the news now.

2. Aquele garoto é muito pobre. / Você quer ajudá-lo? That boy is very poor. Do you want to
help him?

3. Ela consegue falar francês muito bem. / Ela estudou na França. She can speak French very
well. She studied in France.

4. Eu estou muito contente porque você gostou do romance. I am very pleased because you
liked the novel.

5. Desculpe, mas eu não posso ir ao shopping com você. Sorry, but I can’t go to the mall
with you.

6. Meu irmão é médico. / Ele trabalha no hospital todos os dias. My brother is a doctor. He
works at the hospital every day.

7. Quantas línguas você sabe falar? How many languages can you speak?

8. Qual é o problema? / Estou atrasado e tenho uma reunião. What’s the problem? I’m late and
I have a meeting.

9. Ele está ocupado agora. / Ele está em uma conferência telefônica. He is busy now. He is on
a conference call.

10. A que horas você pode vir jantar na minha casa? What time can you come to have
dinner in my house?

1. Are you busy now?

Answer the questions

Yes, I am busy. I’m doing a lot of things.

2. Can you play any instrument?

Yes, I can play the keyboard.

3. Aren’t you a journalist?

No, I’m not a journalist. I am a doctor.

4. How many languages can you speak?

I can speak English, Italian and Portuguese.

5. Did you go to Wizard by yourself last class?

No, I went with my friend Gabriella.


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Follow the pattern
I am a doctor. I work by myself. (she)
She is a doctor. She works by herself.

1. I am an engineer. I work by myself. (he) He is an engineer. He works by himself.

2. I am a dentist. I work by myself. (my uncle) My uncle is a dentist. He works by himself.

3. I am a secretary. I work by myself. (my niece) My niece is a secretary. She works by


4. I am a lawyer. I work by myself. (we) We are lawyers. We work by ourselves.

5. I am an office assistant. I work by myself. (you) You are an office assistant. You work by
yourself. / You are office assistants. You work by yourselves.
Substitution practice

1. She wanted to go to the beach with her boyfriend on her vacation. She wanted to go to
the museum with her friend on her leisure trip.

2. Isn’t your boyfriend an executive? / No, he is a journalist. Isn’t your wife a secretary?
No, she is a lawyer.

3. She finished reading the whole book yesterday. My boss finished reading the whole
newspaper yesterday.

4. He wrote the news for the newspaper because the reporter is sick. He wrote the story for
the book because he is a writer.

5. Didn’t they come to the party together on Saturday? Didn’t you come to the game
together on Sunday?

6. Can you send me this email by 3 o’clock? Can she send me this letter by four o’clock?

7. That executive is very busy today. / He is in the conference room now. That businessman
is very busy today. He is at the bank now.

8. They slept on the farm last holiday. / Now they want to go to the beach. They went to
Miami last holiday. Now they want to go to Paris.

9. We played by ourselves on the volleyball court. We played by ourselves on the tennis


10. We went to the bakery. / It is near here. We went to the grocery store. It is near here.
Hint Box

Tenha um bom dicionário. Ele ajuda a ampliar seu vocabulário e melhorar seu
Name Date / / 119

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Written practice
1. Comi toda a torta de morango sozinha. I ate the whole stawberry pie by myself.

2. Minha namorada está muito cansada. My girlfriend is very tired.

3. Ele não pode visitar a Europa este mês. / Ele está muito chateado. He can’t visit Europe this
month. He is very upset.

4. Eles não estão prontos para ir ainda? Aren’t they ready to go yet?

5. Margareth é muito legal. / Ela comprou roupas para as crianças. Margareth is very nice. She
bought clothes for the kids.

6. Você é engenheiro? / Você quer vender sua casa na praia? Are you an engineer? Do you
want to sell your house on the beach?

7. O que você bebeu no café da manhã? / Eu bebi somente chá verde. What did you drink for
breakfast? I only drank green tea.

8. A sua namorada é uma mulher de negócios? / Não, ela é jornalista. Is your girlfriend a
businesswoman? No, she is a journalist.

9. Quando você quer ir ao parque conosco? When do you want to go to the park with us?

10. O seu vizinho não é detetive? / Sim, ele é um bom detetive. Isn’t your neighbor a detective?
Yes, he is a good detective.

1. Our teacher is married.

Our teacher isn’t married.
Change into negative

2. I can talk to you now.

I can’t talk to you now.

3. They did it by themselves.

They didn’t do it by themselves.

4. She is upset with her boyfriend.

She isn’t upset with her boyfriend.

5. He always works overtime.

He never works overtime.


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Change into negative
1. She is working at the office now. She isn’t working at the offi ce now.

2. They are driving to work. They aren’t driving to work.

3. My roommate is finishing her course. My roommate is not fi nishing her course.

4. Her cousin is talking to her foreign friend. Her cousin isn’t talking to her foreign friend.

5. They are helping their grandchildren. They aren’t helping their grandchildren.

6. He is traveling to Asia next year. He is not traveling to Asia next year.

Substitution practice

1. He is opening the bottle of soda for me. He is opening the box of cookies for me.

2. She is closing the store every day at seven fifteen. She is closing the offi ce every day at
eight thirty.
3. He is visiting Europe. / His parents live there. He is visiting Africa. His relatives live

4. If he doesn’t like this food, why is he eating it? If he doesn’t like this game, why is he
playing it?
5. Are they living in Canada? / It’s snowing a lot there. Is she living in Russia? It’s snowing
a lot there.

6. If Caroline doesn’t want to go to the mall, she doesn’t need to go. If Tony doesn’t want to
go to the park, he doesn’t need to go.

7. What if she doesn’t come to talk to us? What if they don’t come to speak with me?

8. My grandson and my granddaughter are lawyers. My niece and my aunt are bank

9. What did you have for breakfast? / I had some pancakes with syrup. What did your son
have for lunch? He had some pasta and chicken.

10. I know nothing about that foreigner. / He is working a lot. I know nothing about that
executive. He is studying a lot.
Hint Box

A palavra “people” significa pessoas e já está no plural. Não adicione a letra “s” no
final dela.
Name Date / / 121

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Written practice
1. O carro não está funcionando muito bem. / Eu preciso levá-lo ao mecânico. The car isn’t
working very well. I need to take it to the mechanic.

2. Eu não sei se eles ainda estão morando na Austrália. I don’t know if they are still living in

3. Ela tinha algo para nos dizer. / Agora ela tem sua casa própria. She had something to say
to us. Now she has her own house.

4. Você quer comer alguma coisa? / Não, obrigada, eu estou estudando agora. Do you want to eat
anything? No thanks, I am studying now.

5. Eu não tenho nada para dizer. I don’t have anything to say.

6. Eu não tenho dinheiro nenhum porque comprei uma casa nova. I don’t have any money
because I bought a new house.

7. Eles estão visitando seus pais este mês? / Onde eles moram? Are they visiting their
parents this month? Where do they live?

8. Eu dirigi até Chicago sozinha semana passada. I drove to Chicago by myself last week.

9. Você leu alguma notícia sobre saúde antes de ir para a reunião? Did you read any news
about health before going to the meeting?

10. Você está ajudando sua avó a terminar o bolo? Are you helping your grandmother finish
the cake.

1. She drove her kids to school this morning.

Change into interrogative

Did she drive her kids to school this morning?

2. The writer is writing a new novel.

Is the writer writing a new novel?

3. She has something to say.

Does she have anything to say?

4. They are working full time.

Are they working full time?

5. He is visiting Europe this month.

Is he visiting Europe this month?


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Complete with
some / any / something / anything / nothing

1. Did you have anything to say in the meeting?

2. I have nothing to write this weekend. I wrote everything last week.

3. I have something for your mom. It is her birthday.

4. Do you want any milk in your coffee?

5. I have to go to the store now. Do you want anything ?

6. She is very bored. She has nothing to do.

7. They didn’t eat anything for dinner.

8. Some of my friends said that they don’t want to study anymore.

Substitution practice

1. Those foreigners can’t speak Portuguese. Those people can’t speak English.

2. If she finished her homework, why is she still here? If she fi nished her test, why is she
still studying?

3. Are you studying any languages now? / Yes, I’m studying Spanish. Are they studying any
languages now? Yes, they’re studying German.

4. I’m reading a nice novel today. / What are you reading? She’s reading a nice book today.
What is he reading?

5. Isn’t your father a businessman? / Why is he selling books? Isn’t your nephew a soccer
player? Why is he studying administration?

6. Doesn’t she have anything to do this weekend? Don’t we have anything to fi nish this

7. They have to finish this book by tomorrow morning. They have to fi nish this job by

8. We already finished our job. / Now, we are eating some cookies. We already fi nished our
meeting. Now, we are eating some pizza.

9. I’m very upset because I had to work last Sunday. He is very late because he had to
travel last Tuesday.

10. The people are playing soccer in the middle of the street. The boys are playing soccer in
the middle of the street.
Hint Box

“Close to” e “near” têm o mesmo significado.

Name Date / / 123

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Written practice
1. Nós visitamos nossos avós na Europa no mês passado. We visited our grandparents in
Europe last month.

2. Você leu alguma coisa que meu chefe escreveu? / Ele escreve muitos livros. Did you read
anything that my boss wrote? He writes many books.

3. Você não está indo ao mercado para comprar um pacote de bolachas? Aren’t you going to
the supermarket to buy a packet of cookies?

4. Por que você não ajudou aquele estrangeiro no centro? Why didn’t you help that foreigner

5. Se elas não gostam de suco elas podem beber refrigerante. If they don’t like juice, they
can drink soda.

6. Ele não levou seus filhos à escola hoje de manhã? Didn’t he take his kids to school this

7. Eles não estão mais estudando na África. They aren’t studying in Africa anymore.

8. Ele não comeu nada até agora, então ele está com fome. He didn’t eat anything so far, so
he is hungry.

9. Elas estão morando perto da ponte velha. They are living near the old bridge.

10. Nós não estamos mais estudando naquela escola. We are not studying at that school

1. Yes, she is already sleeping.

Write a question

Isn’t she sleeping yet?

2. She is working for a foreign company.

What is she doing there?

3. They visited Europe this year.

When did they visit Europe?

4. He had to help his father at the factory.

What did your boyfriend do last weekend?

5. Yes, we are living in Australia.

Are you living far from here?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 124 06/11/2015 10:38:59

Are you
Review 9
Choose the right answer

1. busy this morning?

a. Is you
b. You are
c. Are you
2. I have to go now. I’m in a hurry.
a. I not
b. Am I
c. I’m
3. We waited for you all day long.
a. didn’t waited
b. waited
c. wait
4. She is very happy with her new toy.
a. Is she
b. She is
c. She are
5. Are the kids hungry enough to have lunch now?
a. Is
b. Isn’t
c. Are
6. I can speak English very well.
a. can to speak
b. can speak
c. can’t to speak
7. Now, we know how to go to the mall by ourselves .
a. ourselves
b. themselves
c. ourself
8. Can I come with my wife to the meeting?
a. Can’t
b. Can I
c. I can
9. When can she finish the story?
a. can
b. can’t
c. cans
10. She can speak four languages.
a. cans
b. can don’t
c. can
Hint Box

Quando o verbo “to be” e um adverbio (always, never, still, already, etc.) estiverem
na mesma frase, coloque o verbo “to be” antes: “I am still working.” / “He’s already
sleeping.” / “They’re never late.” Date / / 125

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 125 06/11/2015 10:39:00

Choose the right answer 11. Did you learn how to make it by yourself ?
a. himself
b. yourself
c. myself

12. Are they married or single?

a. Is they
b. Is you
c. Are they

13. I’m living in Brazil now.

a. live
b. lives
c. living

14. We have something to say to our grandparents.

a. anything
b. something
c. some

15. That foreigner knows nothing in Portuguese.

a. any
b. some
c. nothing

16. They are not doing anything right now.

a. doing anything
b. doing something
c. doing nothing

17. I don’t know if she is coming to class tonight.

a. coming
b. comes
c. came

18. What are you eating ? I want some, please.

a. you are eating
b. are you eating
c. are you eat

19. She is going to Europe on her vacation.

a. are going
b. is she going
c. is going

20. Who visited her at the hospital on Tuesday?

a. visits
b. visited
c. visiting

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
126 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 126 06/11/2015 10:39:00

Follow the pattern
She works at the drugstore. (to start)
She started working at the drugstore.
1. He studies in the afternoon. (to start) He started studying in the afternoon.

2. They help their parents. (to start) They started helping their parents.

3. We read some good books. (to finish) We fi nished reading some good books.

4. He works very early. (to start) He started working very early.

5. She does her homework. (to finish) She finished doing her homework.

6. Your nephew learns French. (to start) Your nephew started learning French.

7. My mom does the dishes. (to finish) My mom fi nished doing the dishes.

Substitution practice

1. My students understood all the lessons. / My students understood the whole lesson.
managers understood all the problems. My manager understood the whole problem.
2. Is your grandmother in the dining room? Is your grandpa in the living room?

3. Did you drive to work yesterday? / Yes, I drove to work yesterday. Did you drive to the
beach last weekend? Yes, I drove to the beach last weekend.
4. Did you start working at the mall? / Yes, I started working there. Did you start working at
the theater? Yes, I started working there.
5. Aren’t you going to Spain on your next vacation? Isn’t he going to Japan on his next
6. Are they studying in the living room or in the dining room? Are they studying in the
bedroom or in the dining room?
7 Didn’t they start working in France? Didn’t they start studying in the USA?

8. She would like to finish her art course next semester. My aunt would like to fi nish her
music course next year.
9. Would you like to live in Germany? Would she like to study in France?

10. How much did you pay for that shirt? How much did he pay for that house?
Hint Box

A principal diferença entre “Too” e “Very” (muito) é que o “too” dá o sentido de em

excesso, demasia.
Name Date / / 127

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 127 06/11/2015 10:39:01

Written practice
1. Ele terminou de fazer a tarefa dele? / Ele é muito esperto. Did he fi nish doing his
homework? He’s very smart.

2. Por que você abre a loja somente ao meio dia? Why do you only open the store at noon?

3. Você gostaria de ir ao show conosco semana que vem? Would you like to go to the show
with us next week?

4. Você começou a estudar para a prova de francês? / Parabéns! Did you start studying for
the French test? Congratulations.

5. Nós não gostaríamos de morar na França. We wouldn’t like to live in France.

6. Nós começamos a trabalhar cedo. We started working early.

7. Por que vocês não estão trabalhando mais juntas? Why aren’t you working together

8. Nós não entendemos nossa professora na aula passada. We didn’t understand our
teacher last class.

9. Ela dirigiu sozinha para Nova Iorque? / Ela está dirigindo muito bem. Did she drive by herself
to New York? She is driving very well.

10. Estou ajudando meu amigo porque ele não está lendo muito bem. I’m helping my friend
because he can’t read very well.

1. I would like to live in Australia.

I wouldn’t like to live in Australia.
Change into negative

2. Are you studying full time this semester?

Aren’t you studying full time this semester?

3. The students understood the exercises.

The students didn’t understand the exercises.

4. Did she close the store at 6 p.m.?

Didn’t she close the store at 6 p.m.?

5. We would like to start it now.

We wouldn’t like to start it now.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 128 06/11/2015 10:39:02

Change into interrogative
1. She is very busy today. Is she very busy today?

2. My brother is in a hurry. Is my brother in a hurry?

3. They started working out. Did they start working out?

4. Our foreign friends are in good health. Are our foreign friends in good health?

5. Your girlfriend is at the library. Is your girlfriend at the library?

6. Her dog likes them very much. Does her dog like them very much?
Substitution practice

1. Aren’t you studying for your test? Isn’t your friend studying for the test?

2. Would you like to go to the theater again? Would you like to go to the living room

3. My son is eating chocolate cake. My secretary is eating soup.

4. Isn’t your brother working at that drugstore? Aren’t your parents working at the book

5. Aren’t you buying a present for your boyfriend? Isn’t your niece buying a present for
her mother?

6. When did you start playing the piano and the keyboard? When did you start playing the
electric guitar and the drums?

7. Where did she live ten years ago? / She lived in California. Where did they work ten
years ago? They worked in Chile.

8. How is she? How are they?

9. Is he waiting for her in the living room? Are you waiting for me in the kitchen?

10. We would like to play this game. My cousins would like to play tennis.
Hint Box

Para felicitar alguém em seu aniversário, utilize “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”.

“Congratulations” não é usado nessa situação.
Name Date / / 129

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 129 06/11/2015 10:39:03

Written practice
1. Quando você gostaria de ir lá comigo? / Eu posso ir somente amanhã. When would you
like to go there with me? I can go only tomorrow.

2. Eu queria visitar meus parentes em março. I wanted to visit my relatives in March.

3. Eu entendi tudo o que a professora disse. I understood everything the teacher said.

4. Desculpe, mas ele não pode falar com você agora. Sorry, but he can’t speak with you

5. Ela está muito cansada. She is very tired.

6. Quando vocês terminaram de ler este livro? / Vocês gostaram? When did you fi nish
reading this book? Did you like it?

7. Ela trabalhou muito ontem. / Ela fechou o restaurante à meia-noite. She worked a lot
yesterday. She closed the restaurant at midnight.

8. Eu gostaria de morar nos Estados Unidos. I would like to live in the USA.

9. Quando o John começou a trabalhar com você? When did John start working with you?

10. Eles não estão mais vendendo a casa deles no centro? Aren’t they selling their house
downtown anymore?

1. He is not working as a truck driver.

Change into interrogative

Isn’t he working as a truck driver?

2. She is going to the theater by herself.

Is she going to the theater by herself?

3. They wanted to start the game before lunch.

Did they want to start the game before lunch?

4. He is helping his grandfather in the garage.

Is he helping his grandfather in the garage?

5. They would like to go by train.

Would they like to go by train?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 130 06/11/2015 10:39:05

Complete with the verbs
1. I am not studying a lot for my French test. (to study)

2. My brother started working last week. (to work)

3. Are the children playing in their bedroom? (to be)

4. She is not cooking for her family now. (to cook)

5. Didn’t my boss finish writing his speech? (to write)

6. He is coming from New York this afternoon. (to come)

7. I am buying new clothes. (to buy)

Substitution practice

1. Our dad cooked our favorite dish on Christmas Day. Her grandma cooked her favorite

dish on Easter Sunday.

2. Why didn’t you make your bed this morning? Why didn’t your sister do the dishes this


3. My mother did all the housework before she traveled. My mother did the cleaning

before she worked.

4. Would you pay twenty thousand dollars for this car? Would you pay three hundred
dollars for these pants?

5. I wouldn’t like to do any shopping this weekend. I wouldn’t like to do all the

housework this weekend.

6. What did you make for breakfast? / Did you make any pancakes? What did the cook

make for lunch? Did he make any pasta?

7. My friend lived far from the city. / He lived near the old farm. My friend lived close to the

city. He lived near the new bridge.

8. My sons wanted to come home after the party. My grandparents wanted to come

home after Christmas.

9. They preferred to travel to Florida this time. She preferred to travel to Las Vegas this


10. I made many friends when I lived in France. I made many friends when I studied in

Hint Box

Diferentes frases com “to be”, “can”, “would” e os verbos na forma contínua
(terminando com “ing”), têm diferentes pronúncias. Pratique bastante em sala e
com sua WIZPEN. Date / / 131

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 131 06/11/2015 10:39:05

Written practice
1. Sarah fez um bolo delicioso para nós quando fomos à casa dela. Sarah made a delicious
cake for us when we went to her house.

2. Eu gostaria de ganhar mais dinheiro. / Quero comprar uma casa e um carro este ano. I would
like to make more money. I want to buy a house and a car this year.

3. Minhas crianças estão fazendo muito barulho. My kids are making a lot of noise.

4. Ele sempre faz receitas deliciosas, mas preciso comer menos calorias. He always makes
delicious recipes, but I need to eat less calories.

5. Você pode fazer hora extra hoje? / Precisamos terminar isto logo. Can you do overtime
today? We need to fi nish this soon.

6. Minha filha ajudou com a faxina. / Nós lavamos as roupas de manhã. My daughter helped with
the housework. We did the laundry in the morning.

7. Você não faz a cama todos os dias? Don’t you make the bed every day?

8. Parabéns! / Sua filha fez um bom trabalho aqui. Congratulations! Your daughter did a
good job here.

9. Terminei de fazer a limpeza ontem. I finished doing the cleaning yesterday.

10. Meu marido sempre me ajuda na cozinha. / Ele lava as louças para mim. My husband
always helps me in the kitchen. He does the dishes for me.

1. We made a delicious dish for dinner.

Write a question

What did you make last night?

2. Yes, mom, we did the cleaning.

Did you do the cleaning?

3. No, I still need to do the dishes.

Can we go to bed now?

4. He is making his bed now.

What is he doing?

5. Yes, he had to make a speech at the party.

Did he have to make a speech?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 132 06/11/2015 10:39:06

1. buying, for, she, a, books, lot, is, college, of She is buying a lot of books for college.

2. still, sister, my, understand, doesn’t, English My sister still doesn’t understand English.

3. bars, a, cereal, he, lot, bought, of He bought a lot of cereal bars.

4. plan, sense, your, makes Your plan makes sense.

5. dish, she, cooking, favorite, is, my She is cooking my favorite dish.

6. translation, are, doing, we, a We are doing a translation.

Substitution practice

1. My grandmother made a delicious cake for my birthday. My grandma made a delicious

pie for my birthday.

2. I had to finish doing my homework before dinner. He had to finish doing his homework
before lunch.
3. He didn’t do his translation for school. He didn’t do his translation for the trip.

4. My furniture is old. / I would like to buy new furniture for my house. My television is old. I
would like to buy a new television for my house.

5. Did you drink a cup of tea or a glass of milk for breakfast? Did you drink a bottle of
water or a mug of coff ee for breakfast?
6. We preferred to buy an apartment in the city. They preferred to buy a new house in the

7 Which game did she prefer to play, cards or chess? / She preferred chess. Which
instrument did she prefer to play, the piano or the drums? She preferred the drums.

8. We didn’t make any plans for our trip to Japan. My family didn’t make any plans for our
trip to Germany.

9. They are working overtime this week. They are working overtime this month.

10. The customer didn’t like the prices. / He didn’t buy anything for his son. The teacher didn’t
like the prices. He didn’t buy anything for his students.
Hint Box

Lembre-se de usar todo o seu vocabulário nas atividades de conversação e tarefas,

e praticar as estruturas mais recentes para reforçar o aprendizado.
Name Date / / 133

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 133 06/11/2015 10:39:06

Written practice
1. Eles começaram a fazer a tradução, mas não acabaram. They started doing the
translation, but they still didn’t finish it.

2. Faça-me um favor, por favor. / Preciso fechar a loja até às seis horas. Do me a favor, please.
I need to close the store before six o’clock.

3. Eu fiz um delicioso café da manhã para meus pais. I made a delicious breakfast for my

4. Ela fez um bom trabalho. / Ela começa a trabalhar amanhã. She did a good job. She starts
working tomorrow.

5. Por que você não terminou a faxina? / Ninguém a ajudou? Why didn’t you finish the
housework? Didn’t anybody help her?

6. Nós viemos da igreja a pé. / Eu não tenho dinheiro para comprar um carro ainda. We came
from church on foot. I don’t have enough money to buy a car yet.

7. Meu irmão prefere comer legumes cozidos a batata assada. My brother prefers to
eatcooked vegetables to baked potato.

8. Minha tia fez planos para ir à Europa. / Ela vai no próximo mês. My aunt made plans to go
to Europe. She goes next month.

9. Gostei de fazer novos amigos na escola. / Agora preciso fazer uma ligação. I liked making
new friends at school. Now I need to make a phone call.

10. Toco piano à noite. / Minha mãe prefere tocar flauta antes do jantar. I play the piano in the
evening. My mother prefers to play the fl ute before dinner.

1. When did you have a barbecue at home?

We had a barbecue at home last Saturday.
Answer the questions

2. Did you do the laundry yesterday?

Yes, I did the laundry yesterday morning.

3. What would you like to eat for dinner today?

I would like to eat pasta.

4. Who makes your bed for you?

My mom always makes the bed for me.

5. Do you have to do overtime at your company?

No, I never do overtime at my company.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 134 06/11/2015 10:39:07

Complete with
anybody / nobody / somebody

1. They still don’t know anybody in this country.

2. He needs somebody to take his dog to the veterinarian.

3. Is anybody waiting for her at home?

4. Nobody drove his car.

5. She needs somebody to drive her daughter to her English class.

Substitution practice

1. I have to go there twice a week. I have to go there once a day.

2. They sold their furniture before they went to the US. They sold their car before they

went to Colombia.

3. My wife bought new pajamas for our children. My dentist bought new uniforms for

his secretaries.

4. Nobody is helping her with her math homework. Nobody is helping us with our English


5. I had language classes twice a week last semester. We had language classes eight

times a month last year.

6. My son had to take some medicine this morning. My dog had to take some medicine

this afternoon.

7 Do you know anybody who would like to buy a car? Does she know anybody who would
like to buy coats?

8. My cousin would like to talk to you about it. My maid would like to talk to my mom

about it.

9. Somebody did the laundry for me yesterday. Nobody did the laundry for us last week.

10. Aren’t they buying that house near the beach? Are you buying that apartment near the

Hint Box

Há duas maneiras de formar frases negativas usando a palavra “ninguém” em inglês:

1 - frase negativa + anybody: “I don’t know anybody here.”
2 - frase afirmativa + nobody: “”He is talking to nobody.” Date / / 135

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 135 06/11/2015 10:39:08

Written practice
1. O que você falou para ela? What did you say to her?

2. Você não conhece ninguém que mora na Espanha? Don’t you know anybody who lives in

3. Karen não pode conversar com ninguém agora. Karen can’t talk to anybody now.

4. Ela acabou de estudar duas horas atrás. She finished studying two hours ago.

5. Por que você está estudando alemão? Why are you studying German?

6. Nós precisamos levá-las antes de irmos ao parque. We need to take them before we go
to the park.

7. A empregada não está trabalhando hoje. The maid is not working today.

8. Ele comprou um vale-presente para ela. He bought a gift certifi cate for her.

9. Minha irmã sempre o ajuda com a lição de casa. My sister always helps him with the

10. Eles preferiram ficar em casa sozinhos. They preferred to stay home by themselves.

1. Somebody did the dishes for me.

Nobody did the dishes for me.
Change into negative

2. I bought a new car.

I didn’t buy a new car.

3. I washed all the clothes before noon.

I didn’t wash all the clothes before noon.

4. We had to sell our beautiful house.

We didn’t have to sell our beautiful house.

5. Somebody is helping her.

Nobody is helping her.


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 136 06/11/2015 10:39:08

Answer the questions
1. Did you talk to him about the documents? No, I didn’t. I didn’t have time to talk to him.

2. Did she make a phone call to her husband? Yes, she did. She called him one hour ago.

3. How many times a day does your son take a shower? My son takes a shower twice a
day: once in the morning and once in the evening.
4. Does your maid do the dishes for you? Yes, she does the dishes and also all the
5. Do they want to wait for us? Yes, they do. They want to go to the beach with us.

6. How does your manager come to the office every day? My manager comes to the office
by car every day.

7. When are you traveling to Spain? I’m traveling to Spain in June, during my vacation.
Substitution practice

1. Did your father work at that company? Did your uncle work at that factory?

2. Can she already drive to school by herself? Can you already drive to work by yourself?

3. Did Jane go to the drugstore this afternoon? Did Susan go to the library this afternoon?

4. Why would you like to buy a cat for your daughter? Why would your wife like to buy
pajamas for you?
5. Where did you buy new clothes for your kids? Where did you buy these fruits for your
6. Did he play soccer last Friday? Did he play the drums last Friday?

7 He wanted to take his kids to the swimming pool on the holiday. He wanted to take his
relatives to the theater on the holiday.
8. She washed all the T-shirts. My maid washed all the clothes.

9. Is it easy? Is it special?

10. The housekeeper is doing the cleaning now. The veterinarian is making a phone call
Hint Box

Releia todas as lições de revisão para relembrar as estruturas importantes vistas

até agora.
Name Date / / 137

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 137 06/11/2015 10:39:09

Written practice
1. Por que ninguém veio à festa ontem? Why didn’t anybody come to the party

2. Ele gostaria de me levar para Nova Iorque. He would like to take me to New York.

3. Quem lavou a louça para vocês? Who did the dishes for you?

4. O que ela fez na semana passada? What did she do last week?

5. Quando eles estão começando o curso? When are they starting the course?

6. Aquele estrangeiro está morando no Brasil. That foreigner is living in Brazil.

7. Minha mãe e meu tio quiseram levá-lo à praia com eles. My mother and my uncle wanted
to take him to the beach with them.

8. Ela sempre leva seus filhos ao cinema no final de semana. She always take her kids to the
movies on weekends.

9. Como você vem para o trabalho? How do you come to work?

10. Você foi de carro ou de avião? Did you go by car or by plane?


1. You always take a shower before dinner.

Change into interrogative

Do you always take a shower before dinner?

2. We are making ten thousand a year.

Are we making ten thousand a year?

3. He is washing his car in the garage.

Is he washing his car in the garage?

4. They learned how to cook very well.

Did they learn how to cook very well?

5. She took her dog to the veterinarian.

Did she take her dog to the veterinarian?


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 138 06/11/2015 10:39:10

aren’t going
Review 10
Choose the right answer

1. Why you to the concert with us?

a. isn’t / going
b. aren’t / went
c. aren’t / going
2. Would you like to go to the play with me?
a. You would
b. Would you
c. You to
3. Are you still working full-time?
a. Isn’t / still working
b. Aren’t / still work
c. Are / still working
4. Didn’t you finish studying your lessons yet?
a. to study
b. studying
c. studies
5. My son started playing soccer at school.
a. to plays
b. play
c. playing
6. Julia never makes her bed in the morning.
a. makes
b. make
c. does
7. Can you do that translation for me?
a. make
b. do
c. does
8. They made many friends during their trip to Australia.
a. made
b. make
c. did
9. Would you like to go to the mall to do some shopping?
a. make
b. do
c. buy
10. What time did you finish doing the laundry?
a. doing
b. to do
c. to make
Hint Box

Congratulations! You made it!

Now, it’s time for you to get ready for W4. See you soon!
Name Date / / 139

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 139 06/11/2015 10:39:11

Choose the right answer 11. Did they make any plans for the party?
a. do
b. make
c. to make

12. She knows somebody who lives in China.

a. anybody
b. somebody
c. how

13. Why isn’t anybody helping Karen with her lessons?

a. some
b. nobody
c. anybody

14. I’m sorry, but I don’t know anybody that company.

a. somebody
b. nobody
c. anybody

15. I bought a brown coat at the store downtown.

a. buy
b. buyed
c. bought

16. Our maid cooked a delicious meal for us today.

a. cooks
b. cooked
c. cook

17. My aunt lived in North America for three months.

a. lives
b. living
c. lived

18. She understood that email in English. She is very smart.

a. understand
b. understood
c. understanded

19. Alex can’t have a car. He doesn’t know how to drive yet.
a. can’t
b. can
c. would

20. Did you know that they sold their new car?
a. sold
b. selled
c. sell

A Excelência no Ensino.
Deixe sua opinião sobre o nosso atendimento. Acesse e preencha o formulário
140 “Excelência no Ensino”.

WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 140 06/11/2015 10:39:11


WIZARD_W2_STUDENT'S_BOOK+WORKBOOK_MIOLO.indb 71 05/11/2015 09:05:06


W2 CONVERSATION WB_AK_NOTES.indd 72 11/02/2015 18:04:43

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