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Name: Borden, Hannah Rose N. Grade 11-Celsius Date of submission: 12.06.



A conic is a curve obtained as the intersection of a plane, called the cutting plane, with the
surface of a double cone (a cone with two nappes). It is usually assumed that the cone is a
right circular cone for the purpose of easy description, but this is not required; any double
cone with some circular cross-section will suffice.
Planes that pass through the vertex of the cone will intersect the cone in a point, a line, or a
pair of intersecting lines. These are called degenerate conics and some authors do not
consider them to be conics at all. Unless otherwise stated, “conic” in this article will refer to a
non-degenerate conic.


-A hyperbola is a conic section that is formed when a plane at an angle intersects a double-
napped cone.
-Hyperbolas are conic sections formed when a plane intersects a pair of cones. For the
hyperbola to be formed, the plane has to intersect both bases of the cones. Hyperbolas are
made up of two branches that are shaped like a parabola. We have a vertex and a focus in
each branch, which serve to define the hyperbola. We also have two asymptotes, which
define the shape of the branches.
The point of intersection of the asymptotes is the center of the hyperbola. Hyperbolas
appear on various objects in real life. We can find hyperbolic figures in architecture, in
various buildings and structures. We also find hyperbolas in the sonic boom of airplanes
and even in the shape of the cooling towers of nuclear plants.

Foci of hyperbola: The hyperbola has two foci and their coordinates are F(c, o), and F'(-c,
Center of Hyperbola: The midpoint of the line joining the two foci is called the center of the
Major Axis: The length of the major axis of the hyperbola is 2a units.
Minor Axis: The length of the minor axis of the hyperbola is 2b units.
Vertices: The points where the hyperbola intersects the axis are called the vertices. The
vertices of the hyperbola are (a, 0), (-a, 0).
Latus Rectum of Hyperbola: The latus rectum is a line drawn perpendicular to the
transverse axis of the hyperbola and is passing through the foci of the hyperbola. The length
of the latus rectum of the hyperbola is 2b2/a.
Transverse Axis: The line passing through the two foci and the center of the hyperbola is
called the transverse axis of the hyperbola.
Conjugate Axis: The line passing through the center of the hyperbola and perpendicular to
the transverse axis is called the conjugate axis of the hyperbola.

Standard Equation of Hyperbola:

There are two standard equations of the Hyperbola. These equations are based on the
transverse axis and the conjugate axis of each of the hyperbola. The standard equation of
the hyperbola is x2a2−y2b2=1x2a2−y2b2=1 has the transverse axis as the x-axis and the
conjugate axis is the y-axis. Further, another standard equation of the hyperbola
is y2a2−x2b2=1y2a2−x2b2=1 and it has the transverse axis as the y-axis and its conjugate
axis is the x-axis. The below image shows the two standard forms of equations of the



We all love to play the guitar, but have any of you ever thought about the shape of your
guitar? Well, most guitarists say that guitars are hyperbola. This sounds legit, but is guitar a
hyperbola? Well, this is the question that confuses most of us, and there are people who still
do not know its answers.

Briefly speaking, a guitar is the perfect example of a hyperbola. If you look at the cures on
the sides of a guitar, they will portray a perfect hyperbola. The curve of the guitar going
outwards is what we see in a hyperbola. So, it is true that the guitar is a hyperbola.

A good reason is that the guitars in the old times were made by men, for men, the shape
allows them to cradle the guitar similar to a woman’s body.

What Is The Importance Of Hyperbola In A Guitar?

-First of all, being a hyperbola, a guitar allows you to reach and play all the notes with no
issues faced. This is thought to be the best benefit of a guitar being a hyperbola. Along with
it, the hyperbolic shape of a guitar allows you to learn guitar quickly.

The curves allow a guitar to fit perfectly in your lap, and you play all the frets and strings
with ease. Now, imagine you have a square-shaped guitar, and you want to learn how to play
it. It will be hard
A square-shaped guitar will not fit in your hands perfectly, and learning about it will be
harder than any other thing on earth.
This is why the hyperbolic shape of a guitar is so important. Without it, you’ll not be able to
learn guitar quickly and easily.


-Well, the simple answer to this question is to maintain balance while playing. A guitar
comes with a curved body and flattop to allow you to play and practice it with ease. Whether
you want to play it standing while using a strap or you want to place it on your knee, the
shape allows you to maintain balance.
-Along with it, due to this shape, the guitar allows short-handed people to reach all the frets
with ease. All in all, the shape of the guitar is to maintain balance and allows you to play the
instrument with ease.

2.   Kobe Port Tower in Japan

-The Kobe Port Tower is a hyperbolic telecommunications tower in Kobe, Japan. It has a
cross section that is a hyperbola. The height of the tower is 108 meters and the narrowest
point is 65.5 meters above the ground. At that narrowest point the tower is only 8.2 meters
wide. The diameter of the base of the tower is 25 meters. Use this information to place a
hyperbola in a coordinate system and reason out its equation. Show all work on this page.


-The Kobe Port Tower is one of the landmarks in the port city of Kobe, Japan. It has an
hourglass shape, which means that it has two hyperbolas one on each side. Because this tower
is in the hyperbolic form, it took less material to make than if it was in another conic shape.

3. Cooling Towers

The hyperboloid shape of cooling towers helps to cool the working fluid down to a low
temperature by releasing vapors into the atmosphere through the opening at the top of the
tower. The shape also helps to facilitate aerodynamic lift and faster and more efficient
diffusion into the atmosphere.
While driving through the countryside, you have likely laid your eyes on a number of
factories and industrial plants. Without a doubt, the enormity of those structures is
overwhelming, but does present viewers with a picturesque vista. Out of these installments,
the one feature that always seems to stand out is the cooling tower – a tall chimney that issues
a white (or sometimes blackish) smoke. Many cooling towers are made in a specific
cylindrical shape; their base is wide, they narrow at the middle, and become broad again at
the top. This shape is called “hyperboloid”.

Why Do Cooling Towers Have that Hyperboloid Shape?

first and foremost, the hyperboloid shape impacts the strength of the entire structure. Since
cooling towers are supposed to cool the working fluid down to a low temperature, they
release vapors into the atmosphere through the opening at the top of the tower. Therefore,
these towers have to be sufficiently tall (they can be as tall as 200 meters!), or else the
released vapor may cause fogging or recirculation. To support such a high structure, it is
extremely important that the base is considerably consolidated and spread over a large area so
that it can support the tall, heavy structure above it. This is why cooling towers have a large,
circular base.
-The hyperboloid is the standard design for all nuclear power plant cooling towers and
some coal-fired power plants. These towers are structurally efficient and can be built with
straight steel girders.

The design of cooling towers mainly focuses on two problems:

 The structure must be strong enough to withstand strong winds.

 The towers should be built with the least amount of material possible.
The hyperbolic shape of the cooling towers solves both problems. These towers are very
resistant. For a given diameter and height of the tower and for a given force it must
withstand, this shape requires less material than any other shape.

3. Dulles Airport
-Dulles Airport, designed by Eero Saarinen, is in the shape of a hyperbolic paraboloid. The
hyperbolic paraboloid is a three- dimensional curve that is a hyperbola in one cross-section,
and a parabola in another cross section.
-As an airplane moves faster than the speed of sound, a cone-shaped wave is formed. The
part of the cone that intersects the ground is a hyperbola. The sonic boom hits every point
on that curve at the same time. No sound is heard outside the curve. The hyperbola is
known as the “sonic boom curve .”


-A sonic boom shock wave has the shape of a cone, and it intersects the ground in part of a
hyperbola. It hits every point on this curve at the same time, so that people in different places
along the curve on the ground hear it at the same time. Because the airplane is moving
forward and eventually, the hyperbolic curve moves forward and eventually the boom can be
heard by everyone in its path.

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