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1. OBJECTIVE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. SCOPE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
3. EMERGENCY CONTACTS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. EVACUATION ROUTES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
5. OFFICE LOCATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
6. COMMUNICATION OF THIS PLAN------------------------------------------------------------------------6
7. EMERGENCY ORGANISATION & RESPONSIBILITIES--------------------------------------------------6
7.1. Site Manager------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
7.2. Site Supervisor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6
7.3. Employees, Contractors and Visitors------------------------------------------------------------------7
7.4. Emergency Response Team-----------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7.5. Warden Coordinator--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7.6. Deputy Warden Coordinator----------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7.7. Area Wardens-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
7.8. First Aid Personnel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
8. EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT-------------------------------------------------------------------7
8.1. Fire Fighting Equipment----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
8.2. First Aid Box-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
8.3. Spill Response Kits-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
9. TESTING AND RECORDING FOR EMERGENCIES-------------------------------------------------------8
10. EMERGENCY REPORTING AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES--------------------------------------9
10.1. Medical Emergency-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
10.2. Fire Emergency-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
10.3. Chemical Spill---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
10.4. Drill----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
11. TRAINING-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

APPENDIX 1 - DRILL PLAN------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

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IGA SHAR ENGINEERING emergency plan specifies procedures for handling sudden or
unplanned situations. The objective is to be prepared to:

 Prevent fatalities and injuries

 Reduce damage to buildings, stock, and equipment
 Protect the environment and the community
 Accelerate the resumption of normal operations


This ERP outlines the IGA SHAR ENGINEERING specific management structure, resources,
procedures and practices that will be implemented in the event of an emergency situation.

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Evacuation route maps have been posted in the facility. The following information is marked on
evacuation maps:

 Emergency exits
 Primary and secondary evacuation routes
 Locations of fire extinguishers
 Fire alarm pull stations’ location
 Assembly/Muster point


 Personnel should know at least two evacuation routes

 Personnel should know the location of the assembly/muster point
 Fire extinguishers and fire blanket are located in the corridor of the main building and
the workshop respectively


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This ERP shall be communicated to personnel through induction, toolbox, general HSE meetings
and pre-start meetings and will be displayed on site and maintained within the main
building/office. The ERP will also be displayed on noticeboards and in prominent positions
throughout the site/buildings.


7.1. Site Manager

 Be fully conversant with the requirements of this Plan

 Ensure the ERP is fully implemented, monitored and meet the requirements of the
operations system and the client’s requirements
 Ensure the requirements of the Management System are fully complied with when
applying the ERP
 Ensure all employees are conversant with their responsibilities and duties under the ERP
 Ensure any bulletin or information relating to emergency plan and management is
placed on the noticeboards
 Notify senior management of any emergency
 Educate supervisory personnel in accordance with plan requirements, statutory
obligations, and relevant procedures contained in the Integrated Management System

7.2. Site Supervisor

The Supervisor will be responsible for the day to day operations of the site, ensuring site
operations comply with all relevant obligations by:

 Being familiar with the requirements of this ERP

 Ensuring incidents are managed and strictly supervised in accordance with the ERP,
company policies and procedures
 Being familiar with legislation and best practices relevant to this role, and ensuring the
requirements of the same are brought to the attention of interested parties and
implemented as is practicable across the company
 Ensuring the requirements of the ERP are communicated to all personnel,
subcontractors and where appropriate, visitors to site through on site daily toolbox
Meetings, daily Pre Start meetings, Site Inductions, JHA review and Safe Work Method
Statement (SWMS) review on commencement of new works with the potential to
impact personnel and the environment
 Any external contact will be communicated to the client via the Site Manager or any
representative of the company

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7.3. Employees, Contractors and Visitors

On identification of a situation requiring emergency response each employee has the

responsibility to immediately notify the site supervisor. In the event of a serious situation, or a
situation requiring immediate medical response, the employee shall utilise this “Plan” to make
direct contact with the closest medical facility.

When directed by the Warden Coordinator or his/her delegate, it is the responsibility of each
person to evacuate the workplace via the nearest safe exit/route, after turning off any
machinery in use and proceed to the designated external muster point and stay there until
given further instruction.

7.4. Emergency Response Team

The emergency team is tasked with the co-ordination and control of the response to an
emergency. Where an evacuation is required, the team will be responsible for accounting for all
personnel and for any actions deemed necessary to limit the impact of the emergency on the
company and its personnel.

Members of the emergency team assume authority over all personnel within the scope of their

7.5. Warden Coordinator

A person designated with the authority to assume overall coordination of any emergency
response within the premises.

7.6. Deputy Warden Coordinator

A person designated to assist the Warden Coordinator in the performance of their duties and in
the absence of the Warden Coordinator will perform those responsibilities.

7.7. Area Wardens

Persons designated with the authority to assist the Warden Coordinator and to direct
Emergency Procedures within a defined area of the premises.

7.8. First Aid Personnel

The Designated persons who hold current accreditedFirst Aid Certificate.


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8.1. Fire Fighting Equipment

The following requirements for fire equipment shall be taken into consideration:

 Location - extinguishers and hoses are to be placed in readily accessible locations and in
areas where risk of fire is likely
 Access - clear access is to be maintained around fire extinguishers and hoses at all times
 Signage - signage is to be provided at each location, indicating the type of fire
extinguisher and fire types that they are suited for
 Mounting - Fire extinguishers are to be mounted on purpose made hooks or brackets
and suspended above the floor
 Inspection - Fire extinguishers are to be inspected and serviced every 12 months

8.2. First Aid Box

First Aid provisions will be maintained and accessible to personnel in the main office, workshop
andfor the duration of the project (where applicable). All necessary awareness on the use of
the First Aid Box will be carried out through Pre-Start / Toolbox Meetings, Inductions and
Information placed on Noticeboards.

8.3. Spill Response Kits

Spill response equipment will be provided commensurate with nature, quantity and risk of
substances in each area, such spill kits include but not limited to the following:

 Cloth rags
 Brush
 Barricade warning tape
 Absorbent-pad/sock
 Scoop
 Shovel
 Waste Container
 Personal Protective Equipment (cover all, gloves, eye and face protection)
 Mechanical Tools (small disposable dustpan and broom)


For main office, the implementation of this plan shall be physically tested on a minimum annual

All implementation tests shall include, but not be limited to, the following features:

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 Activation of the Emergency alarm/s
 Evacuation of all areas on site, including timing of the evacuation times
 Roll-call of all persons on site, including contractors and visitors
 Other types of emergency aspects (Environmental) as applicable to our operations such
as spills, bomb threat, and community threat etc.


Evacuation Plan

 Activate the alarm system – continuous

 Commence Evacuation
 Shutdown equipment if safe to do so
 Assist as required and follow instructions given by area wardens
 Evacuate to the designated assembly/muster point if directed by the area warden
 Escort any contractors or visitors
 DO NOT go to locker rooms or office to take personal belongings
 Follow the designated route from your work area to the emergency assembly/muster
point remain there until a clear is given


All attempts to respond to an emergency situation should at all times ensure personal safety
and only be attempted if within the capabilities of the individual.

Emergency Procedure (in case of emergency situation arising)

 Alarm is raised by either the First Responder or Emergency Response Personnel (e.g.
activate emergency alarm, radio or contact the emergency channel/line)
 Personnel are to prepare for Evacuation (shutdown plant and equipment if safe to do
so) and await further instruction
 Warden Coordinator determines appropriate action in line with nature of emergency
and initiates evacuation procedure
 Deputy Chief Warden or Area Warden responds to emergency
 Area Warden commences immediate evacuation and directs personnel to nearest exit
 Area Warden checks all areas are clear of personnel
 Area Warden directs and follows all personnel to assembly muster point
 Area Warden advises Warden Coordinator that all areas are clear
 Warden Coordinator and Area Warden hold personnel in muster area until directed by
the Site/facility Manageror Emergency Services personnel

Types of emergencies to be reported by personnel are:

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 OTHER (Terrorist attack, hostage taking, Community disturbance, bomb threat)


 Call medical emergency phone number of the following:

o Retainer-ship Clinic
o Fire Department
o Emergency Coordinator (Warden Coordinator)
 Provide the following information:
o Nature of medical emergency
o Location of the emergency (address, building, room number)
o Your name and phone number from which you are calling

 Do not move victim unless absolutely necessary

 Call the personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to provide the required assistance prior to
the arrival of the professional medical help
 If personnel trained in First Aid are not available, as a minimum, attempt to provide the
following assistance:
o Stop the bleeding with firm pressure on the wounds (note: avoid contact with
blood or other bodily fluids).
o Clear the air passages using the Heimlich Maneuver in case of choking,not
coughing, unable to speak or breathe and signalling for help, typically by holding
their hands around their throat

 In case of rendering assistance to personnel exposed to hazardous materials, consult the

Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and don the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
 Attempt first aid ONLY if trained and qualified


When fire is discovered:

 Activate the nearest fire alarm

 Notify the local Fire Department by calling if applicable

If the fire alarm is not functional, notify the Warden Coordinator about the fire emergency by
any or combination of the following means:

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 Voice Communication by shouting FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!!
 Phone call
 Radio

Fight the fire ONLY if:

 The fire is small (incipient stage) and is not spreading to other areas
 Escaping the area is possible by backing up to the nearest exit
 The fire extinguisher is in working condition and personnel are trained to use it

Upon being notified about the fire emergency, personnel and visitors must:

 Leave the building using the designated escape routes

 Assemble in the Muster point
 Remain outside until the (Emergency/Warden Coordinator) announces that it is safe to
 Coordinate an orderly evacuation of personnel (if need be)
 Carry out an accurate head count of personnel reported to the muster point
 Determine a rescue method to locate missing personnel
 Provide the Fire Department personnel with the necessary information about the facility
(where applicable)
 Ensure that all employees have evacuated the area/floor
 Report any problems to the Emergency/Warden Coordinator at the assembly area
 Assist all physically challenged employees in emergency evacuation


The following are the locations of:

Spill Containment and Security Equipment: ___________________________

Personal Protective Equipment PPE: _________________________________

SDS: _____________________________________________________

Based on the company operations only a small chemical spill canoccurred which can be
managed by our personnel:

 Notify the Emergency/Warden Coordinator and/or supervisor

 If toxic fumes are present, secure the area (with caution tapes or cones) to prevent
other personnel from entering
 Deal with the spill in accordance with the instructions described in the SDS
 Small spills must be handled in a safe manner, while donning the proper PPE

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 Review the general spill clean-up procedures

10.4. DRILL

In IGA SHAR ENGINEERING, drill is well-coordinated and supervised and is carried out quarterly
(appendix 1). In our company drills are commonly used to provide training and develop or
validate new policies or procedures, or practice and maintain current emergency evacuation

Types of drills:

 Fire drill
 Medical Evacuation drill
 Security drill
 Muster drill


All Personnel shall be provided with general Emergency Response Plan training as part of the
awareness training process, and such training shall cover as a minimum but not limited to the

 Individual roles and responsibilities

 Threats, hazards, and protective actions
 The locations of all emergency equipment and the correct method for its use.
 Fire risk awareness training to encourage awareness of the dangers presented by fire
and the means for preventing it.
 The use of fire extinguisher, using simple PASS method

The 4 steps in using a fire extinguisher

 The acronym PASS is used to describe these four basic steps
 Pull (Pin) - Pull pin at the top of the extinguisher, breaking the seal. ...
 Aim - Approach the fire standing at a safe distance. ...
 Squeeze-Squeeze the handles together to discharge the extinguishing agent inside. ...
 Sweep.


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Personnel who have been assigned responsibilities in an emergency situation (i.e. ERT, Fire
Wardens and First Aiders) shall be provided with accredited training (e.g. certificate in First Aid).


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