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The Emergency Imperial Council

Individual Directive
Authored by – Commander of Task Force 317
Aim: To coordinate and plan attacks with the terror group Montoneros alog
with the EPM

Resources required: Nil (any resources that will be required in future will
be provided by the Chilean military or by Left-winged sympathizers)

Plan of Action-
 With the influence and recruitment of the EPM increasing, focus of the 3
Commando Battalion No.44 Commandos under Captain Herbert Gunter
shifts towards establishing contacts with the second Left-winged terror
organisation in the Argentinian countryside: the Montoneros;
 The People’s Revolutionary Army (EPM Argentina) and the Montoneros
were traditionally the only two Left-winged terror organisations in
Argentina during the ‘Dirty Wars’;
 Even though the EPM is inspired by the ideology of Gueverism and the
Montoneros by the Maoist ideology;
 However, two weeks prior to Commandos’ arrival, the EPM leader Mario
Firmenich and Montoneros leader Benito Urteaga had met in a secret
location in Santa Victoria Este, near the Bolivian border and agreed to
set aside their differences and combine forces for the common cause of
overthrowing the Argentinian junta;
 The seven commandos staying back in Santiago have informed the
commandos that the total strength of the Montoneros is around 3,000;
 Most of these troops had been demobilized after 1980, but they can
easily be called back to join the ranks of the Montoneros at order;
 The cooperation of the Montoneros will be necessary because even
though the EPM have a strong presence in the countryside, the former
has a very strong presence and influence in small towns and cities that
will be extremely crucial to capturing some of the smaller towns in the
neighbouring provinces;
 The ex-Montoneros rebels will not need any military training because all
of them are veterans of the ‘Dirty Wars’ and have enough military
 The British Commandos, along with the EPM rebels and Montoneros
rebels will attach and capture the smaller military barracks in the towns
in Laboulaye, Villa Maria and Jesus Maria;
 Five hundred rebels will be laying siege to the military barracks in Villa
Maria under Captain Herbert Gunter;
 Simultaneously, the attack in Jesus Maria and Rio Cuarto will be led by
Sgt. Harry Gilbert and Sgt. Tristian Zachary respectively;
 The capture of Villa Maria will be the most important mission because
it’s capture will sever the only road going towards the city of Cordoba;
 Once the three places are captured (which will be easy because of the
limited number of troops in each of the barracks), the rebels will loot the
armoury and advance towards the city of Cordoba;
 A part of the force led by Capt Herbert Gunter will remain and block the
roadway to prevent military reinforcements from the city of Riscon
being sent to Cordoba through the Sole Quenta road (which is the only
road that connects Cordoba);
 Then, the three groups will move towards Cordoba and lay siege to the
 Reinforcements for the commandos are expected from the Cordobain
 With all the supplies to Cordoba being cut, the military garrison
consisting of 200 Argentinian soldiers will surrender to the two thousand
member strong rebel army led by Capt Herbert Gunter;
 Anti-tank weapons, RPGs and other heavy arms seized from the barracks
will be sent to the group that is blocking the main road to fight against
the oncoming Argentinian reinforcements which might consist of tanks;
 With the surrender of Cordoba, the Mayor of the city Martin Miguel
Llaryora will be taken hostage.

Expected outcome: With the capture of Cordoba, the second largest city in
Argentina, Leftist-sympathizers will rise up against the Argentinian junta and a
full-on riot will ensue all across Argentina.

Signed by-


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