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My Autobiography

I like singing,dancing playing sports
like badminton and volleyball. Usually I
only know more about playing
badminton than playing volleyball,
because whenever I play volley I get
scared of the balls. I like playing online
games too. That’s all.

Hi!! I am Cassimira M. Rosel from Grade 7 STE Kepler,

I’m actually 12 Years old. I’m the youngest sibling and
I have 2 other siblings and they are Cassandra Rosel
which is the older sister and James Joseph Rosel as
the middle children my parents are Jorie Rosel and
Moneth Rosel they are the one who work hard to
support us and who guide’s and support us.
As a/an STE student it is really hard to manage time
mostly when you are busy doing other things that are
not so important, but I know that I’m still in my
adjustment stage. I have friends and most of them
are achievers actually they are the one who
motivates me to keep holding and not giving up to
reach my goal (my goal is to be an achiever too like
When I was a little, I’m a very happy kid but it
changes when I grow older, yes, I am still a happy kid
but not every day I laugh.
I only laugh when I am with my try to motivate yourself because
friends or someone, I think I look motivation, moral support from friends
are important to keep you more
comfortable with. And I am energetic and feel more loved by your
outgoing, dedicated, and open- surrounding. Thinking negatively
minded. I get across to people and about your self doesn’t help you feel
adjust to changes with ease. I okay, thinking negatively makes
believe that a person should you feel anxious or maybe
work on developing their that might cause anxiety
professional skills and or panick attack. What
learning new things all is panic attack or
the time. “Never stop learning anxiety attack?
Self-awareness is because life never
A panic attack is a
critical because it stop teaching.” sudden episode of
helps you be aware intense fear that
of your thoughts and triggers severe physical
feelings. It helps you to reactions when there is no
make better decisions and real danger or apparent
avoid making mistakes. Furthermore, cause. Panic attacks can be very
it aids you develop a sense of control frightening. When panic attacks occur,
you might think you're losing control,
over your life and protecting yourself
having a heart attack or even dying.
from harmful people who might take
advantage of you if you aren't
cautious. Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and
uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat,
So just for a little advice, always take feel restless and tense, and have a rapid
care of your self and always respect heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to
yourself and don’t forget to love stress. For example, you might feel
someone even it’s one of your anxious when faced with a difficult
enemies because God tells us that problem at work, before taking a test, or
“don’t take revenge, just love your before making an important decision.
enemies” Always remember that you That’s all for today, Thanks fellow
are special and lovely like me, always

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