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Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo


Thank you for taking your time in my interview for you today! As a reminder
before we begin, you are not obliged to answer any of the questions. If there are
questions you wish to skip, feel free to inform me so we can proceed. The data to
be collected will remain confidential and used solely for academic purposes.
Personal Life
1. How’s your week so far?
1.1. What tasks have you accomplished?
1.2. What are the emotions present in your mind?
2. Can you give a brief introduction of yourself? You can include your name, grade
and section.
3. Are there things you want to share with me? (e.g. hobbies, interests, trivia)
4. What are your goals in life?
4.1. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
4.2. What or who motivates you to go to school everyday?
5. Who do you talk to when you encounter personal problems?
6. If you don’t mind, can you tell me an experience you won’t forget? (good or bad,
school-related or not)
1. Where is your working and/or learning area in your house?
2. Who is with you inside the house?
3. Are there people interrupting your learning area while you are in your class?
3.1. If there are, who are they and how often do they interrupt?
4. How comfortable are you with your learning area?
4.1. What annoys you the most with your learning area?
5. What helps you focus on your studies in your environment?
5.1. When you have online schoolwork, how often do you have the technology
(laptop, tablet, computer, etc) you need?
5.2. How difficult or easy is it for you to connect to the internet to access your
5.3. How do you handle these types of challenges daily?
Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo


Social Engagement
1. How does your parents/guardian support your studies?
2. Can you tell me a little bit about your friends that you talk to every now and then?
2.1. How do they help you solve your problems?
2.2. What emotions can you share to your friends?
3. If you have a question about your homework, who would you ask for help and why?
4. What activities do you enjoy doing when you are not doing school work?
1. How do you manage your time between school work, house chores and self-care?
2. What would be your reason if you failed to attend a class?
3. How excited are you in attending your classes?
3.1. What subjects do you consider as your least favorite one?
3.2. How about your favorite subject?
4. Can you describe your performance inside the classroom?
4.1. How about in your Mathematics’ subject?
5. What activities engage you the most in your class?
5.1. Which aspects of class have you found least engaging?
5.2. If you were the teacher of the class, what is the one thing you would do to
make it more engaging for all students?
6. How much effort are you putting into your classes right now?
6.1. How difficult or easy is it for you to try hard on your schoolwork right now?
6.2. How difficult or easy is it for you to stay focused on your schoolwork right
6.3. What has been the hardest part about completing your schoolwork?
6.4. What can you improve in your performance last quarter?
7. Which learning modality has taught you the most? (Elaborate the meaning of
Learning Modality)
Republic of the Philippines

City of Olongapo


Prepared by:

Erika Hannah Arzadon Marjuline De Guzman Allen Jay Acosta

Pre-Service Teachers (RSHS), BSED – Mathematics 4A

Checked by:

Leby Fastidio Katherine Yap

FS Coordinator, Math Major FS Coordinator, Math Major

Noted by:

Ediric Gadia, PhD

Dean, CEAS

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