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Text 1.

Computer System
A computer system is a basic, complete and functional computer, including all the hardware and
software required to make it functional for a user.
It should have the ability to receive user input, process data, and with the processed data, create
information for storage and/or output.
A computer system allows users to input, manipulate and store data. Computer systems
typically include a computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and other optional components. All of
these components also can be integrated into all-in-one units, such as laptop computers.
During the data processing stage, instruction sets, known as programs, are provided to let the
system know what to do with the entered system data. Without these programs, the computer
would not know how to process data that enters the system, and the data might be discarded.
Known as a stored program computer, this type of computer is the most common in use today. It
is very flexible, as it can process any task by loading a program from storage. Computer systems
can work by themselves or access other devices that are external or connected with other
computer systems.
Computer hardware - Are physical parts/ intangible parts of a computer. eg Input devices,
output devices, central processing unit and storage devices
Computer software - also known as programs or applications. They are classified into two
classes namely - sytem software and application software
Liveware - is the computer user. Also kwon as orgwareor the humanware. The user commands
the computer system to execute on instructions.
Text 2. Elements of a Computer System
We are all aware of what computers are and their immense importance in our daily lives. It is an
electronic device that not only stores data but also processes and manipulates data to carry out
functions. Upon receiving valid instructions, a computer can perform a variety of operations.
What allows us to perform such tasks on the computer is a computer system. A computer system is
the sum total of all the components (hardware and software) that makes up a fully functional
Elements of a Computer System
There are six main elements that make up a computer system. They all interact with each other and
perform the task at hand. Let us take a look at all of them.
1] Hardware
These are all the physical aspects of a computer system. They are tangible, i.e. you can see and
touch them. Hardware components are the electronic r mechanical instruments, like keyboard,
monitor, printer etc. They help the users interface with the software, and also display the result of
the tasks being performed.
Hardware can actually be of four types, depending on which function they perform. The four types
of hardware are,
Input Hardware: For users to input data into the computer system. Examples: Keyboard,
mouse, Scanner
Output Hardware: To translate and display the result of the data processing =. Example:
Monitor Screen, Printer etc
Processing and Memory Hardware: Where data and information are processed and
manipulated to perform the task at hand. It is also the workspace of the computer, where it
temporarily stores data. Examples: Central Processing Unit (CPU), Read Only Memory (RAM)
Secondary Storage Hardware: Where the computer system stores data permanently.
Example: Harddisk, Pendrive etc

2] Software
Software is nothing but a set of programmes (computer instructions), which helps the user to do a
set of specific tasks. It helps the user interact with the computer system with the help of hardware.
Software, as you can imagine, is the intangible aspect of the computer system.
Basically, there are six main types of software, which are as follows,
Operating System: These specialized programmes allow the communication between
software and hardware. The operating systems run all the other computer programmes, and even
regulate the startup process of the computer. Examples: Windows XP, Macintosh etc
Application Software: These are designed to perform a specific task or a bunch of tasks.
They can be user-designed (specific to the user’s needs) or readymade application software.
Example: PowerPoint, Tally etc.
Utility Software: Like operating systems, it is a system software. It helps maintain and
protect the computer system. For example, Anti-virus software is a utility software.
Language Processors: Software that interprets computer language and translates it into
machine language. It also checks for errors in language syntax and fixes the problems.
System Software: This types of software control the hardware, the reading of the data and
other such internal functions.
Connectivity Software: The special software that facilitates the connection between the
computer system and the server. This allows the computer to share information and communicate
with each other.
3] People
The people interacting with the computer system are also an element of it. We call this element the
Liveware. They are the ultimate “users” of the computer systems. There are three types of people
that interact with the system, namely
Programmers: Professionals who write the computer programs that allow users to
interact with the computer. They must have technical knowledge of computers and computer
System Analyst: They mainly design data processing systems, and solve problems that
arise in data processing
End-Users: Also known as operators, they are the people who interact with the computer
4] Procedures
These are a set of instructions, written in code, to instruct a computer on how to perform a task, run
a software, do calculations etc. There are three types of procedures in a computer They are,
Hardware-Oriented Procedure: Instructs the hardware components of the system,
ensures they work smoothly
Software Oriented Procedure: Provides instructions to launch and run software
Internal Procedures: Directs the flow of information and sequences the data
5] Data
Data is essentially the raw facts and figures that we input in the computer. The data gets processed
via the computer system and becomes information, which is processed and organized data.
Information can then be used for decision-making purposes.
The measurement of data is done in terms of “bytes”. One kilobyte (KB) is approximately
1000 bytes, 1 megabyte (MB) is 1 million bytes and finally, 1 gigabyte (GB) is approximately 1
billion bytes.
6] Connectivity
This is when the computers are linked to a network. It facilitates sharing of information, files, and
other facilities. Computers can connect to a network via LAN cables, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, satellites
etc. The internet is the most obvious example of connectivity in a computer system.
Text 3.
Health and Safety When Working With Computers
Computers and Your Health. Many people spend a large part of their day in front of a
computer screen – whether it’s a desktop computer, a laptop, tablet or even a
smartphone. These days, in fact, it’s rare to find a working environment where computer
screens aren’t used.

Think about your average day: how many hours of it do you spend working at your
computer? How often is computer work broken up with other tasks? Do you take the
time for a lunch break away from your desk?

Most of the time, display screen equipment – like your computer – is completely
harmless. However, if you spend prolonged periods in front of it (such as several hours
each day), it can pose significant health risks, like those listed above. Have you ever
noticed yourself getting headaches, back pain, or sore wrists whilst working at your

Computer Related Health Problems

Aches and pains can be caused by:

 Repetitive work.
 Uncomfortable working postures.
 Incorrect screen settings.
 Carrying out tasks for long periods without suitable rest breaks.

Take a look at the following tips to help improve your posture when working at your
computer. Each section outlines the best way to sit and gives a few examples of ways
to stretch, relax and improve your overall wellbeing.

Upper and Lower Back Pain

When sat in your desk chair, your spine should be in an upright position. Avoid
slouching down into your chair or leaning forward onto the desk, as this can cause
strains, aches and pains. Your lower back (lumbar) should be supported by the chair or
a cushion so that sitting upright doesn’t feel uncomfortable or unnatural.

To help keep your back free of strain:

 Stand up and walk around every hour or so, so that you’re not sat in the same
position all day.
 Slowly lean your torso over to one side of the chair and then the other to stretch
your sides and spine.
 Stand up and put your hands together, elbows out, then slowly twist to the left
and then to the right.

Also, keep your neck straight as much as possible. Your eyes should be level with the
area of your computer screen that is 2-3″ below the top. Adjust the tilt and height of your
screen or your chair if you need to and, if you have a laptop, consider using a stand to
raise it up. If you ever have to angle your head upwards or downwards to see the
screen, then tension can build up in your neck and cause headaches and fatigue.

Reduce tension by regularly moving your neck and shoulders:

 Sit up straight and slowly tilt your head down to one shoulder and then to the
other to stretch your neck.
 Move your shoulders around in small circles, first in one direction and then the
 Slowly bring your chin down to your chest, hold for 3 seconds, and then release.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

There should be enough room in front of your keyboard to support both your forearms
and your wrists on the desk. Push your computer screen and your keyboard back a bit if
necessary. This desk support helps prevent your arms from becoming tired or achy.
When typing, keep your wrists straight. If you have to bend your wrists upwards to reach
the keyboard then use a wrist support, otherwise you are at risk from a repetitive strain

To keep your arms and wrists ache-free:

 Reach your arms out in front of you and draw big circles with your wrists, first in
one direction and then the other.
 Stretch your arms out to the side as far as you can and then above your head as
high as you can to stretch your arms, wrists and back.
 Interlock your fingers and then push them out in front of you, with palms facing

Strain in Legs and Feet

Your desk chair should be positioned so that you can sit comfortably with your feet flat
on the floor and your lower legs vertical. Use a footrest underneath your desk if you
need more support, or if the chair is putting pressure on your thighs. Make sure that
there’s enough space to change position and stretch your legs out every now and then,

To prevent stiff legs, ankles and feet:

 Rotate your ankles round in circles under the desk, first one way and then the
 Stand up and march on the spot for 30 seconds to improve the blood flow in your
 Stand on your tiptoes and stretch upwards, as tall as you can, to release some of
the tension in your ankles, legs, back, arms and neck.

Eye Strain and Headaches

Prolonged use of a screen can cause visual fatigue and eye strain, so it’s important to
look after your eye health. If your job involves working with a display screen for the
majority of your day, whether it’s a desktop computer or a tablet, then your employer is
required to provide you with eye tests so you can make sure you’re able to see the
screen clearly and work comfortably. If an eye test shows that you need glasses
specifically for computer work, then your employer is required to pay for the basic
frames and lenses under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment)
Regulations 1992.

To reduce the risks of visual problems:

 Reposition the screen to avoid glare from lights or windows.

 Keep the screen clean and use a desk lamp to make it easier to see.
 Ensure the screen colours are easy to look at, and that the characters are sharp
and legible.
 Look away from the screen into the distance for a few moments to relax your
eyes; focus on something 30 metres away for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
Text 4. What Does It Mean to Track Computer Usage?

There is no doubt that we live in fast times where things evolve quickly, sometimes even
imperceptibly. The changes that take place are visible, especially in the business industry. What
follows is the expanded spread of information. For this reason, many people want to make they
keep track of work.
Nowadays, people can’t imagine working without electronic devices such as computer,
smartphone or tablet. But above all, computer was, is, and most likely will be the main tool for
work. Hence, it’s the computer that most people store all the information on, either when it
comes to work or personal life. But when you think about all the data and information that you
access every single day from this amazing device, it’s easy for a headache.
And so, the best way to keep things neat and clean on your device but also in work is to track
computer usage. To put it simply, when you track your work on computer, you can easily
monitor all apps, tools, software, websites you use on a daily basis.
To track computer usage means to be organized, productive, and keep a hand on your work

Why Do It at All?

People don’t give much attention to tracking what they do on the computer during the work
day. If you do it for your own purposes on your equipment, you don’t have to care about rules.
You do it according to your needs. Unless you monitor your employees. Then, you have to do it
in a smart way and don’t breach security and privacy aspects. As long as you comply with the
rules, it is a perfect method for enhancing employees’ work and company performance!
Great Advantages

When you track computer usage, you get an enormous amount of advantages. Take a look at
how it can greatly improve your work!
 First of all, it is a fantastic way of increasing productivity. You can see which tasks are
productive and nonproductive and eliminate those that distract you.
 You can clearly see how much time you spend on particular tasks.
 When you track computer usage, you get the information on every single action you
performed in an even tiniest tool.
 Reports and graphical timesheets show your exact work hours.
 Projects and reports are no longer messed up. Everything is clear and easily accessible!
 Above all, you get extensive reports on the use of tools, apps and websites. Everything in
one place!
How Deep Can You Go with Tracking Computer Usage?

Now that you know the great advantages of tracking computer usage, you should learn how to
do it properly. This will help you take your work (or a private life) to a better, higher level. It’s a
little hack that can change your life. Let’s take a look at the short list prepared by lifehacker:

As I already mentioned, when you track employees’ work, you have to be careful. If you
breach their privacy and security, it may have legal consequences for you and your organization.
So the first step is to inform your employees or team that their work will be monitored. And the
purpose of it is not to spy on them but to enhance their work and boost productivity. Then,
discuss with all people what exactly you want to track. Which tasks, projects, tools, etc.
On the other hand, if you’re a parent caring for your child’s well-being, tracking web
computer usage is a great way to protect them from the harmful influence of the internet. For
example, you can block inappropriate sites and monitor child’s activity. It is a fantastic way to
ensure their safety by not invading their privacy at the same time.

Without the right software, you won’t be able to track computer usage. There are plenty of
options to choose from but the best one is time tracking software. Why? Because not only it
tracks time spent on work but also all activities. However, not every software has the feature
which allows you to track computer usage.
We recommend TimeCamp. Simply because it automatically tracks every action you perform
on a computer and enables you to monitor employee’s actions and performance.
Of course, you need to consider if the tools you choose are proper for the type of your business
and whether they correspond to your needs and requirements.

While spying on employees is against the law, whenever you see that something is wrong,
you can track the suspect’s computer usage (within the defined scope, of course). It will help
you determine any actions of your employees against the company and prevent people from
stealing confidential information and bringing any harm to the organization.

Methods, Tools, Apps – Alternatives

If you’re not a fan of time tracking software but still want to be able to track computer usage,
there are a few simple solutions. They are alternatives to more complicated programs that can
still be extremely helpful.
Your computer
Seems crazy? Not at all! By far it’s the easiest way of monitoring computer usage. This one,
however, is best if you want to check which websites people visited while working on your
This solution works best for several users of one computer or for parents who want to make
sure their children are safe in the Internet.

How Do You Track Computer Usage?

What is your method and tools for tracking computer usage? Or you maybe you don’t to do
that at all? Try to implement the above tips to your work and your productivity will skyrocket!
It’s always a great idea to mix tools, use integrations, different practices and methodologies.
That’ll help you create your own approach to work which you will creatively adjust to your

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